Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Crazy Madness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 221–224. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67863
The article is devoted to the typical tendency of our days which the author calls 'psychiatrization of humanities knowledges'. Based on clinical expertise, many authors describe individuals according to this approach. In particular, one of the authors publishing his articles in the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal F. Faritov makes an assumption that there are the two poles of philosophical activity. These poles are represented by 'schizoid' and 'hysteriod' researchers. Socrates and Nietzsche are considered to be schizo-hysteriods. There is a great variety of features attributable to schizoid personality in psychoanalytical and psychiatric researches. Still, many researchers deliberately reduce these features to so called 'formal behavior' based on Kretschmer's and Lichko's Inventories. The author of the present article bases his research on classical philosophical and psychiatric researches. He pays attention to Karl Jaspers' warning that there are certain methods that cannot always be used in philosophical research. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article critisizes psychiatrization of humanities knowledge. The author traces back the origin and development of that tendency in Michel Foucault's works. Without going against recent findings of philosophical anthropology, the author, however, does not agree with the opinion that the previous 'conditional' psychological norm shoudl be replaced with the 'conditional' psychiatric norm. According to the author, we should seriously rethink this tendency to make an individual look like a madman. Being opposed to classical Homo Sapiens, Homo Insanus is very unlikely to be associated with a psychiatric patient. Great part of the article is devoted to the author's arguments against 'blashemous' psychiatric analysis of such great philosophers as Socrates, Kant and Hegel.
norm, madness, deviation, psychiatrization, hysteroid, schizoid, neurosis, personality disorder, human, psychology
Philosophy and psychology
Boyko D.V. (2016). Homo Tremulus. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 225–232. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67864
The subject of the present research is the different kinds of the feeling of 'trembling'. The object of the research is different kinds of manifestations of trembling. It is viewed not only from the traditional point of view as the religious awing but also as a feeling that is free of fear and gives opportunitities of spiritual transformation and experiencing sublime feelings. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the genesis of trembling, its functions and role in human life, the influence of the feeling of trembling on personal and spiritual growth. The research methodology used by the author includes hermeneutical analysis of different texts including those in religious, existential and social philosophy as well as fiction. The main conclusions of the research are the following: awing or trembling is not necessarily a religious feeling, very often this feeling has a very different modality and sense that is free of fear; by studying this feeling, we can better understand personality and human; trembling is the feeling that allows to better reveal and understand human nature. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author tries to demonstrate that trembling often expresses quite different deep spiritual states.
sublime, transcendental, religion, fear, tragedy, catharsis, existential, sacred, human, trembling
Inner world
Tkhostov A.Sh., Rasskazova E.I. (2016). Identification and Identity Fusion: Variants of the Relationship between Self and Group in the Process of Social Identity Formation (Based on the Examples of the Family and Country). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 233–242. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67865
The paper is devoted to the differentiation of the two variants of social identity – identification (in self-categorization theory) and identity fusion (in self-verification theory). In accordance with the self-regulation of body processes approach to identity, both variants are consequences of different mechanisms of identity formation, equally providing a person with the experience of self-identity and control as the general basis of the identity. The following hypotheses have been made: 1) Idenfitication and identity fusion are interrelated yet different types of social identity formation both in interpersonal domains (families) and ideological domains (countries). 2) Identity fusion (but not identification) with one's family or country is graphically depicted as the 'overlap' of the family circle or the country circle with the Self circle. 3) Both identity fusion and identification with the group have similar features such as the subjective feeling of belonging to the group (subjective proximity of group to Self) and emotions experienced when identification is changed (changes in the group are experienced as a negative but important event related to changes in the Self. In this study of identification and identity fusion with the country and family on samples of students (n1 = 161) and adults (n2 = 123) the authors have confirmed the structural and partly (for the family only) functional differences between these constructs. Both identity fusion and identification with the group are equally associated with indicators of self-identity - subjective proximity of group to "Self" and severity of negative reaction to the change of social identity, including change for better. The results are discussed from the perspective of the possible mechanisms behind the two different variants of identity formation.
identity fusion, body processes approach, self-identity, subjective control, self-categorization, self-verification, identification with the country, identification with the family, identity formation, social identification
Limits of intellect
Borzykh S.V. (2016). The Elektronik's Syndrome. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 243–250. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67866
The object of the research is some rigidity of human thinking as a result of particular circumstances, cultural environment and epoch. Special attention is paid to the way we see this world, what we observe there and how we explain observed phenomena to ourselves and other people. The author of the article successively analyze all the factors that influence our world view and can't be ignored by anyone including a researcher. As the main research methods, the author apply medical principles of diagnostics of interrelated symtpoms and syndromic analysis. The main conclusion of the research is that there is a certain dependence between our way of thinking and particular circumstances we live in. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has used the methods and techniques that are not typical for making such conclusions. The author also assumes that we tend to solve our tasks by using methods that are convenient yet nto always beneficial.
explanation, understanding, culture, circumstance, epoch, solution, thinking, syndrom, mind, world view
Personal motivation and spirituality
Khudyakov A.I., Mashoshina A.A. (2016). Features of the Subjective Picture of Life Path Demonstrated by Technical and Medical Specialists. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 251–255. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67867
The present research is aimed at studying features of the Subjective Picture of Life Path demonstrated by technical and medical specialists for the purpose of further development of this Picture. According to the author, the Subjective Picture of Life Path plays an important role in the way an individual manages his or her life. The Picture helps us to understand our life better and thus lead it according to our targets, opportunities and values. It is very important to take into account one's profession when we speak of the development of the Subject Picture of Life Path. The author views the SPLP from the point of view of the target-means concept. Technical and medical researchers participated in the study. To study featurs of the SPLP, the authors have used the Causometrics Inventory offered by A. Kronik and the biographical inquiry method. As a result, the authors have found out that the psychological age of technicians is closer to their biological age and they are more motivated to live in the present than medics. Meanwhile, medics are more likely to express opinionated and judgmental attitudes towards probable connections between events and less likely to change their profession throughout life.
biographical method, speciality, life project, target-means connections, confidence, proneness to conflict, life plans, life circumstances, causometrics, Subjective Picture of Life Path (SPLP)
Modeling the unconscious
Trunov D.G. (2016). The Concepts of Dreams: Religious, Natural-Science and Psychological Models. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 256–264. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67868
In this article Trunov describes the main historical models of the dreams concepts including metaphysical, natural-science and psychological models. According to the metaphysical model, the source of dreams is the other world and dreams are messages to a dreamer from that other world. Based on the natural-science model, dreams are a specific product of spontaneous activity produced by a sleeping mind and thus do not have any important meaning for a dreamer. Depending on the psychological model, the source of dreams is the mental sphere, namely, 'the unconscious', and dreams perform important psychological functions. The author of the article compares the aforesaid models based on the following criteria: the source of dreams, functions of dreams, reason of dreams, mechanism of dreaming and oneiropractices (dream interpretation practices). Description of the three main models and their criteria allows to analyze how these models are integrated in the individual consciousness. Our individual idea of what a dream is is based on the fragments of different models depending on the contents of a dream, our world view and other factors which allows us to create our own personal integrated model of dreams.
oneirotherapy, psychological model, natural-science model, metaphysical model, oneirocriticism, oneuropractice, oneirology, dream interpretation, theory of dreams, concepts of dreams, dreams
Person and personality
Berezina T.N. (2016). Psychogenetic Analysis of Individual Life Expectancy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 265–271. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67869
Individual life expectancy is viewed by the author as a psychogenetic attribute. In her research Berezina analyzes the influence of heredity and environment on life expetency. Berezina emphasizes that both factors have the influence on life expectancy and provides the results of the analysis of academic literature proving the influence of heredity and environment. The main proof of the great role of heredity on life expetancy involves: pre-programmed amount of cell divisions, so called 'death genes', 'biological clock' and etc. The main proof of the great role of the environment on life expectancy includes: life expectancy of laboratory animals influenced by the environmental factors, non-genetic aging causes, phenomenon of 'reverse aging' demonstrated by some living creatures, etc. The author also provides the results of her own empirical research using the classical twin method. 100 monozygotic twins and 70 dizygotic twins living in the Russian Federation in the XXth - XXIst centuries were studied. Based on the results of the research, the mean difference in life expectancy was 9,4 years for monozygotic twins and 12,3 for dizygotic twins. The results of the correlation analysis provide the correlation of individual life expectancy being 0,91 for monozygotic twins and 0,73 for dizygotic twins. Based on the results of the research, the author concludes that the overall and proximate environment has had the dominating effect on individual life expectancy in our country during the period of time under review.
personal organization of time., theories of aging, environment, heredity, dizygotic twins, monozygotic twins, twin method, individual life expectancy, psychogenetics, psychology
Psychology and pedagogics
Flerov O.V. (2016). Existential and Psychological Factors of Adult's Personal Growth In Terms of Institutional Continuing Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 272–280. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67870
The object of the present research article is the continuing education of adults as the environment and essential condition for their personal growth. The subject of the research is the internal factors of personality development in this particular environment. The author of the article appeals to philosophical and psychological ideas of philosophers and researchers trying to find the sources of motivation of human for receiving education throughout the life disregarding technological progress and socio-economic issues. Special attention is paid to the links between all these ideas and their relation to pedagogy in which the topic of educational paths is the most popular today. The research method used by the author of the article is the integrated philosophical-psychological-pedagogical analysis as well as differentiation of factors and search for their interconnections based on the analysis of scientific researches and pedagogical practice. The author concludes that the ideas of philosophers, psychologists-humanists, acmeologists and ontopsychologists regarding human life path, his free will and self-realization comprise the integrated approach or methodology for better understanding the concept of continuing education of adults and further vocational training as part of continuing education. These factors cannot be fully opposed to external factors because profession is a socio-economic phenomenon and thus professional success depends on objective social conditions. However, this approach to continuing education allows to take a fresh look at the motives of receiving life-long education in the epoch of uncertainty, to get a better understanding of these motives which, in its turn, may provide material for further interdisciplinary researches of educational systems.
adults education, educational route, freedom of choice, socialization, professional identity, humanistic psychology, existentialism, recurrent education, educational space, personal growth
Clinical psychology
Sviridchenkova T.A. (2016). Emotions and Color Images in Children's Dreams. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 281–289. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67871
The subject of the research is the relationship between emotional states (fear, anxiety, pleasure, satisfaction) experienced while dreaming, the main functions of dreams (protection, compensation and adaptation) and secondary images presented as a certain color in baby dreams. The object of the research is children from five to seven years old. The author of the article examines such topics as the impact of color on mental, psychological and physiological states of human; dreaming and its functions; dreamed images as the secondary images indicating neurotic condition. Special attention is paid to a particular color image appearing in children's dreams, relation of this color image to the dreamer's emotional state and color image as a sign of a psychological problem. In her research Sviridchenkova has used such research methods as survey, analysis and comparison. To define and validate statistically significant differences between appearances of a particular color in scary and pleasant dreams the researcher has used the Student's t-criterion. The results of the research demonstrate that there is a relationship between emotional states (fear, anxiety, pleasure, satisfaction) experienced by a dreamer and secondary images presented by a particular color in dreams. The researcher describes the dominating color images typical for scary children's dreams and color images typical for pleasant dreams seen by a child. The results of the research can be used for early diagnostics and prevention of neurotic states that haven't formed clinical symptoms yet but can be already found in dreams as color images of a particular color.
gratification, anxiety, fear, emotions, neurotic state, secondary image, dreaming function, pleasure, color image
Developmental psychology
Palatkina G.V., Zaychenko E.A. (2016). Innovative Technologies For Developing Leadership Skills of University Students in Terms of Their Socio-Cultural Activities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 290–297. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67872
The subject of the present research is the pedagogical analysis of the socio-cultural space of developing students' leadership skills. The significant aspect of the study is the pedagogical analysis of the socio-cultural space of developing students' leadership skills as the category and phenomenon. The article is aimed at understanding the problem of developing leadership skills of university students in the context of the broader global and socio-cultural issues. The socio-cultural activities of the student are considered as the two-way process of developing personal and professional competences of students. The authors of the article use empirical data obtained by the researchers of Astrakhan State University on the supporting innovative platform of the scientific-methodical council on the development of educational activities 'Educational and methodical association in areas of teacher education Innovative socialization of college students management tools'. Research methodology is defined by the combination of the systems approach, the concept of structured teaching conditions and processes, situational approach and environmental approach. The authors analyze substantial and structural processes of socio-cultural dynamics of the environment where students' leadership are developed by the means of combining pedagogical research methodology with categories, concepts, tools, forms, methods and technologies of sociocultural activities. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors identify some of the key characteristics of the socio-cultural space for developing students' leadership: characteristic of the student's leadership skills as an educational outcome, typological characteristics of leadership as a personal quality of a student, leader's functions in the educational process of high school and socio-cultural activities of the university in the developing of leadership skills of university students.
socio-cultural activities, project, innovative technologies, leader, leadership typology, leader function, education, competence, student, society
Suetin T.A. (2016). Reality in Retrospective. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 298–306. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67873
In his article Suetin describes the relationship between views on reality and development of science till the moment when classical science was created. The author analyzes idea of ancient and medieval philosophers as well as philosophers and scientists of the Modern Age comparing these ideas to the vector of scientific development. The author of the article also touches upon the question about the influence of religion and church and associated lifestyle on the development of classical science. In general, science is viewed as an essential instrument for understanding the reality, however, the classical variant of scientific tendencies is gradually shifting towards pragmatism and adoption of reality to human and society. The research is based, first of all, on ancient philosophy and religious philosophy as well a shistory and philosophy of science. Taking into account constructive factors of classical science, the author of the article analyzes the reasons and consequences of the negative tendencies of science. According to the author, the main problem of classical science is the excess rationalization and ignoration of the sensual-emotional factor and reflexion. Views on the reality do not encourage science any more but rather create obstacles for scientific development. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views science from the point of vie wof emotional and sensual reflexion. According to the author, without taking into account emotional and sensual perception of the world, science cannot perceive the reality as it is but can only provide means of pragmatic use of the reality.
pragmatism, rationality, society, ontology, world view, progress, history, science, reality, demarcation of science