Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Imagination and Fantasy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 107–110. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67758
The article is devoted to imagination as a special gift that only human may have. The author of the article reflects on the amazing ability of human to create fantastic worlds, to escape from the reality in their daydreams, to evoke dreams and to put himself and others to sleep. In this regard, the author of the article underlines the role of dreams, poetic fantasy, human creativity, his passion for play, hallucinative illusions and visions. The author appeals to the two initial sources of ancient culture described by Nietzsche, the Appolonian and the Dionysian. In his article Gurevich views human passion for dreaming as an attempt to extend the borders of human existence, to grasp the other worlds beyond man's power and to complete the missing fragments of human existence. The article is based on serious achievements of philosophy regarding such phenomena as myth, play and fanstasy. The author also uses the methods of philosophical anthropology. The article presents an attempt to view all sides of human existence that rae related to play. The author distinguishes between the definitions of imagination and fantasy and analyzes different forms of escape from the reality. The author tries to find the reasons of escape from the reality in dreams, art, carnivals and parades. He shows that human ability and passion for fantasizing prove the imcompleteness of human and his longing for being complete.
reality, illusion, game, daydreams, human existence, art, reason, absurdity, fantasy, imagination
Philosophy and psychology
Suetin T.A. (2016). Many Faces of Reality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 111–123. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67759
The subject of the research is the views on reality from the point of view of human and society. The researcher views the reality not as a constant of the objective surrroundings of human but a reasonable union of the psychic and material layers of the reality. This evokes discussions about the quantum paradigm in humanities as well as possibility to use the quantum paradigm in life of every individual based on the example of the virtual world. Suetin also considers construction of the reality by society and social patterns of the reality and their influence on human world perception. The research of the world views and numerous faces of reality is based on the theoretical philosophical concepts of natural science, philosophy of postmodernism, psychoanalysis and transpersonal psychology. The key moment of the research is the uncertainty of reality as it is and isolated connection between the psychic and material worlds. Noteworthy that the author pays attention to the problems of modern society and explain msot of them as a result of the substitution of the real content with illusions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author interprets the initial reality as the basic of true existence numerous forms of social and anthropological reality are based on.
quantum paradigm, simulacrum, society, mind, consciousness, vitruality, psychology, reality, integrality, transcendence
Horizons of psychology
Pshenichnaya V.V. (2016). The Use of Meditation to Reduce Anxiety Levels of College Students in the Exam Situation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 124–129. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67760
The author of the article analyzes the problems of application of meditative methods for correction of psycho-emotional state in a stressful situation. The author reveals the specifics of using meditative techniques in psychological practice, provides an overview of the mechanisms of positive influence of such techniques on the psychological state. The object of the research is the use of meditative techniques in the educational environment, the subject of the research is the effect of meditation on psycho-emotional state of college students who are taking exams. The aim of the author is to draw the interest of Russian psychologists and psychotherapists to the use of meditative practices. Research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem under consideration; testing of students of at the techer training college; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, Spearman's criterion). Statistical data processing was performed using the software package "SPSS 20". The main result of the research is the reduction of the level of situational anxiety experienced by college graduates when preparing for final state exams through using meditative techniques by the psychologist. The important conclusion is that the meditation seems to be a universal method of relieving emotional stress, in particular anxiety in a stressful situation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses meditation as the means of anxiety reduction in conditions of the educational process.
student, exam, anxiety, situational anxiety, meditation techniques, educational process, personal anxiety, meditation, persona, perception
To understand the human being
Yakovleva E.L. (2016). Representations of the Absurd in the Existence of Homo Glamorous. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 130–137. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67761
The research is focused on absurdity as the key characteristics of the existence of Homo Glamorous. Being absurd by nature, modern ideology of glamor creates glamorous spaces of the social which, in their turn, comprise the simulation environment of personality. Having conquered the social spheres, glamor overmastered human life-sustaning activity. Ontological representations of the absurd have influenced gnoseological and axiological constants of human existence that slided back into Nothing as a result of the lost meaning and purpose of life. It is defined that absurdity arises in the gaps between Something and Nothing and this is predetermined dialectically. The cause of absurdity as Nothing as personality deliberately destroying Something. Glamorous format of absurdity encourages meanings and actions wrapping them in the glamorous shade which causes failures of consciousness and eternal patterns. According to the author, it is possible to withdraw from absurdity through being involved in the existence and relating to reflexivity, intentionality, creative approach and moral displays. The aforesaid topics are discussed by the author as a narrative description implying dialectical and phenomenological methods and principles of intentional analysis allowing to reveal specific features of absurdity in the existence of Homo Glamorous. Subjective and objective, personal and social components of absurdity are dialectically interrelated and interdependent. This is a paradoxical situation because being a form of absurdity, Nothing earns the status of the real and starts to take on a life of its own drawing a veil over reality. Provisions and conclusions of the present research can be used in further researches of absurdity and representations of the absurd in personal and social existence.
adventure, Absolutes, glamor ideology, glamorous person, Nothing, Something, evil, absurd, staging, duplicity
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kirsanov A.Yu. (2016). Mikhail Bakhtin's Rabelaisian Chrotnotope. Existential analysis of Space-and-Time of Human World. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 138–145. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67762
The article is devoted to the philosophical and psychological rethinking of the space-and-time problem from the point of view of its artistic accentuation in Rabelaisian chronotope studied by Mikhail Bakhtin, the relationship between chronotope integrity and event temporality of true life involved into the emotional-value sphere, artistic reflection of continuous and incomplete existence as well as the search for aspects of the aforesaid problem that can be found in the artistic description and categories of existential analysis (Dasein). Special attention is paid to the role of continuous development of human existence in the process of development of the feeling of integral Self and overcoming of mechanistic rationality. The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of the artistic representation of chronotope based on the example of Rabelais' novel and three-level structure of temporality in existential analysis, draws an analogy between representation of chonotope in the artistic perception of an author and the Mitwelt, Unwelt, Eigenwelt worlds of existential analysis, and makes a conclusion about common ways to break the circularity of the confined world of frozen reality. In his research Kirsanov emphasizes the emotional-value grounds of true life and gives a new presentation of the chronotope category and life essence as the continuously renewing and developing existence as well as anxiety as a result of the prevailing casual perception of life Events without taking into account ambivalency and complete experience. The author also makes a conclusion about a peculiar role and value of the moment, event and responsibility and emotional relations and values for living a full life and having a future.
space-and-time, chronotope, Mitwelt, Umwelt, Eigenwelt, anxiety, event, Dasein, psychology, emotional-value relations, future, philosophy
Person and personality
Shcheglova I.G., Zubova L.V. (2016). About New Age Borders of Oniomania of the Individual as an Asocial Phenomenon. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 146–153. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67763
The article is devoted to oniomania demonstrated by adolescents. Teenagers who have a disposition for oniomania are likely to avoid important life issues because of their individual peculiarities and projection of the control image. The authors analyze predisposition to shopping addiction demonstrated by high school students and how it is predetermined by social factors such as mass media and socio-cultural environment. The authors emphasize that adolescence is a risk factor for the development of addictive and deviant behavior, as it has a number of individual and social factors contributing to this. In their research the authors have used retrospective, dialectical approaches and methods of statistical analysis including comparative and correlation analysis based on Spearman r-criterion and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors make a hypothesis about dependence of the disposition to oniomania on ideological values of the modern consumer society that have a certain impact on the development of personal traits of high school students provoking adoption and reproduction of addictive and deviant behaviors of the youth. The authors have identified direct and inverse correlations between particular scales of personality tests and predisposition to oniomania demonstrated by adolescents.
deviant behavior, asocial phenomenon, addiction, teenagers, older students, oniomany, shopping addiction, predisposition to oniomania, personal features, compulsive buying
The range of emotional experience
Lyashenko V.V. (2016). General Model of Avoidance Behavior Typical for Psychogenic Disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 154–161. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67764
This article discusses the causes of avoidance behavior typical for psychogenic disorders. The author offers his own model of avoidance behavior that leads to increased emotional stress, formation of distress and development of psychogenic disorders. By assuming that the most common symptoms in the development of psychogenic disorders are anxiety and depression, most notably manifested in neurotic spectrumof psychogenias, the author builds his explanatory model based on the example of the development of anxiety and depressive disorders. Assuming that one of the key personal factors causing the neurotic state is the factor of the loss of the meaning, contextually related to the exclusion phenomenon, the author relates these phenomena to anxiety and depression concluding that depressive disorders are the meaning loss syndrome, and anxiety disorders are the alienation syndrome. The methodological basis of the model is the presentation of the author's view on experience in terms of its qualitative definiteness as well as the method of quality structures. Avoidance behavior is described as the combination of four aspects of alienation: avoidance of intimacy, avoidance of stress and pain, avoidance of action, and avoidance of choice. The article is recommended for psychologists and psychotherapists.
neurotic disorder, alienation, emotional stress, stress, anxiety, loss of the meaning, loss of prospects, feeling impossible, personal position, depression
Depression and the body
Oleynikov Yu.V. (2016). Specific Experience of Overcoming Depression. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 162–173. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67765
According to the world health organization statistics at the present time depression comes in second (after cardiovascular disease) by the number of cases. This disease responds poorly to treatment and is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the quality of life, severe social consequences and frequently results in suicide attempts to end suffering. The aim of this research is to apply data of psychology, psychiatry and other achievements of medical science to analyze classical history, mechanism and manifestations of depressive disorders, to give their explanation and to show ways of overcoming them through the use of various psychotechnics and influence on somatic changes accompanying depression. The research is based on the demonstration of the author's own successful experience of overcoming the symptoms of depression and similar experiences described in the works of reputable researchers. Critical analysis and comparison of approaches to treatment of depression that has developed in medical science, folk healing methods and Eastern practices of yoga allowed the author to identify and offer an effective complex of self-improvement, which includes: psycho relaxation and overcoming phobias, the method of introspection and positive examples of aerobic activity. Specific successful experience of overcoming depression can be successfully used not only by those who suffer from this disease to facilitate and overcome depression, it can be also useful to practical psychologists and healers. The author used new developments in the field of neuroscience which can help better understand the mechanism of development and manifestations of this psychosomatic disease.
relaxation, phobia, psychosomatics, soma, psychotechnics, psyche, neurosis, introspection, depression, aerobic exercise
Psychology and pedagogics
Kulagina N.V. (2016). Deviant Behavior of Minors: Status Update and Problems. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 174–178. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67766
The article is devoted to the topical issue of modern society, the growth of variouis forms of deviant behavior demonstrated by minors. In her research Kulagina provides a review of objective and subjective factors that determine deviation of teenagers. The article presents results of the empirical study conducted in May 2015. The purpose of the study was to define propensity of teenagers demonstrating normal behavior towards a particular form of deviant behavior as well as the intensity of their need in new and exciting experience. The analysis of the results was made based on gender differences of respondents. 180 teenagers and 70 school workers participated in the research. To collect empirical data, the author has used the inventory 'Propensity to Deviant Behavior' offered by A. Oryol as well as the school workers questionnaire prepared by the author of the article. According to the results of the research, teenagers with normal behavior also demonstrate propensity (aptitude) to practically all forms of deviant behavior. The results of the research can be useful for planning the contents of psychocorrective techniques and activities that involve teenagers. The article also presents the results of questionnaires filled in by school workers who deal with prevention of teenager deviant behavior. The author also describes the reasons of unsuccessful deviant behavior preventive measures.
psychoprophylaxis, the need for sensations, adolescence, minors, delinquent behavior, deviant behavior, vital self-regulation, addictive behavior, self-destructive behavior, self-injurious behavior
Keys to creativity
Gerasimova I.A., Mil'kov V.V. (2016). Medical Terms in the Books of Ancient Rus. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 179–191. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67767
The subject of the research is the Old Russian book sources on human nature, his health and illness. The object of the research is anthropological, historical, cultural, ethical and psychological aspects of the concepts of body and soul, life and death, illness and healing. Along with Orthodox religious literature, the authors also analyze Apocrypha and historical primary sources that allow to reconstruct cultural and historical peculiarities of attitude to illness and healing in different monastic communities. Special attention is paid to ethical and psychological aspects of healing. The authors of the article base their research on the interdisciplinary methodology that combines detailed textual analysis and anthropological, ethical and psychological approaches. The main conclusions of the research are the following: attitude to life and death, illness and means of healing was rather contradictory and determined by the idea about body and soul. Rigid ascetic position with the emphasis on physical depravity and denial of natural means of healing and medical practice was completed with the harmonic attitude to body and soul presented in Christianized Platonism. Differentiation between healing and medicine (rational means of treatment) allows to make a conclusion about cultivation of the theurgic therapy with its psychological attributes in Ancient Rus. Nature-aligned (professional) medicine is presented in a number of Apocrypha with astroprognostic components.
humoral theory, medicine, spiritual healing, illness, body, psyche, monasteries, books, Ancient Rus, ethics of healing
Developmental psychology
Koblikova L.V. (2016). Development of Physical Identity of Preschoolers Living in Different Social Conditions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 192–198. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67768
In her research Koblikova describes peculiarities of personality development of preschool orphans, the role of physical identity in a child's self-awareness, and negative consequences of chronic muscle tension and emphasizes the importance of free movement, relaxation skills, ability to say and point out body parts and to understand facial expression of others. The subject of the research is the formation of physical identity of preschool children. The purpose of the research is to describe specifics of physical identity of children living in orphanages compared to children who grow up in the family environment. The researcher has ued psychodiagnostic methods ("My face and body"; "Make a Person out of Body Parts", "Dress Up a Doll") and standardized observation (free play, organized outdoor game and tactile contact during the massage). The results show that the majority of orphans have a distorted sense of location, difficulties of physical development; and poor development of self-help skills. Less than half of them can specify the parts of their face and body. Approximately half of the orphans have demonstrated average and low levels of development of physical reactions that may indicate serious problems of physical identity. Directions of practical psychological assistance to these children are discussed.
mental retardation, preschool age, personal development, facial expression, movement, physical identity, muscle tension, orphans, body, identity
Pavlov I.S. (2016). Universal Human Problem of “Having a Tsar in One's Head”. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 199–209. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67769
The article deals with such issues as development and implementation of technology in the program preparing young people for life in our dynamic, changing, unstable world, keeping yourself as a person, the individual, avoiding many dangers waiting for him, so widely represented in the realm of possibility. According to the author, it is very important not to repeat mistakes that are usually made at the transient stage when society adopts another socioeconomic formation. It was well summarized by the Nobel laureate Alferov who said that 'We were thrown into the water but nobody had taught us to swim'. In his research Pavlov emphasizes the fact that school is not only the place where education is provided, it is also the place where young people are being prepared for life in a dynamic and rapidly developing society. The research is based on the clinical psychotherapeutic method, in particular, comparison of data about deviant behavior of young people with the criterion behavior of others. The author analyzes what intrapsychic mechanisms and qualities block deviant behavior in similar life situations experienced by young people demonstrating normal patterns of behavior. According to the author, these mechanisms and qualities should be highly regarded by teachers and parents. For the first time in the academic literature the researcher pays attention to the factors and qualities that young people with deviant behavior lack rather than analysis of particular patterns of deviant behavior. Instead the author focuses on intrapsychic mechanisms that should be regarded in the process of raising and teaching young people in order to prepare them for life in a dynamic, changing, unstable world. The author also underlines that the main factor of positive tendencies is the self-preservation instinct that has a systematically important nature. Conclusions: 1) School is not only the place where education is provided, most importantly it is the place where young people are prepared for life in our changing, developing and dynamic world. 2) It is important to support the systematically important factor typical for all living creatures including young people - the self-preservation instinct and particular displays of this instinct including the positive Self developed in the process of interaction with the surrounding world. 3) It is important not only to live 'here and now' in order to live a full life as Greeks did, but also to think about the future. 4) While exercising our 'free will', it is important to consider moral, ethical, legal, biological, social, physical, educational and other factors and rules in order to be successful in life. 5) Nobody is absolutely happy in this world. Difficulties and failures are experienced by everyone from time to time and it is important to remember that overcoming difficulties help to develop personal traits such as mental stability and persitence. Ability to overcome difficulties helps us to succeed in the future. 6) Life is a kaleidoscope of very different situations, therefore we should not think of difficult situations as life 'dead ends' or lose the value and menaing of life (whether it is a bad exam grade, love failure, etc.). It is important to remember that in a little while a young man or woman will smile when remembering his or her bad grade, and their failure in a love affair will only teach them that the first love is not always the only one, on the contrary, it may teach young men to be more optimistic, to become more attractive and to ignore difficulties as something ephemeral. Very often young people are even happy that they did not bind their life with their first love. Famous composer Shalyapin was not accepted to the conservatory at his first trial, either. 7) Life is the most important value that we have (Schweizer talked about 'reverence for life') and no matter how difficult it may be, it is an interesting, creative and venturesome process.
deviant behavior, psychotrauma, freedom, personality, psychotechnics, human existence, evolutionary approach, self-preservation, instinct, construction of the future