Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Mind and Soul in Aristotle's and Plotin's Interpretation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 977–980. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68642
Human had never been the corner stone of Aristotle's philosophy. However, as the previous researches of the author demonstrate, Aristotle was the ancient philosopher who was the father of classical philosophical anthropology. Very often thoughts and ideas of Aristotle that are so important for anthropology appeared in his other researches, for example, thoughts on syllogisms and etc. As we can say, thoughts on Mind were needed by the philosopher to classify categories, but inside that topic he proposed a very important idea about polysynthetism of Mind and that Mind has both human and divine nature. The author of the present article bases his research on the principle of historicism that allows to compare Aristotle's anthropological teaching with Plotin's thouhts about human. The author has also used the method of hermeneutical analysis of ancient philosophers' texts. Various thoughts of Aristotle about Mind, the human and the divine have never been viewed as part of philosophical anthropology. Referring to Aristotle's teaching about induction and deduction, those thoughts touched upon Human, too. Detailed analysis of Mind reveals particularities of human nature and at the same time bring the phenomenon of transcendence to the fore. By comparing Aristotle's and Plotin's teachings, it is possible to outline the teaching about soul and internal human world.
existence, deed, eternity, God, superconscious, human, transcendense, mind, soul, psychology
Vertex states of the spirit
Verba Yu.V. (2016). Philosophical and Psychological Problem of Existential Life in Nikolai Berdyev's, Gabriel Marcel's and Viktor Frankl's Researches. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 981–990. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68643
Existential psychology has very rich philosophical traditions. Alive human existence as an active, free, responsible and spiritual action is the main topic of researches by such religious and existential philosophers as Gabriel Marcel, Nikolai Berdyaev and Viktor Frankl. In this article Verba analyzes the definitions of the terms to be and to have in relation to human existentials such as body, love, talen, and faith in Marcel's works as well as his explanation of meaning, super meaning and existential vaduum. The author of the article has used methods and approaches of philosophical anthropology, existential and phenomenological analysis and hermeneutics. The main conclusion of the research is that the heritage of existential philosophers has a certain value for practical work of an existential psychologist, especially in our time when there is a so-called noogenic neurosis (loss of the meaning). To better understand the nature of human problems, it is necessary to carry out existential analysis based on the provisions of existential psychology and philosophy.
faith, creativity, freedom, mystery, spirituality, to be and to have, philosophy of practice, existential vacuum, existential psychology, meaning
Personal motivation and spirituality
Tat'yanchenko N.P. (2016). Psychological Means of Projecting Positive Motivation of Contract Servicemen. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 991–997. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68644
The subject of the research is the role of a subjective image of a serviceman in the process of developing professional motivation as well as dependence of motivation on values and attitude of a serviceman towards his professional and psychological means used to develop positive motivation of contract servicemen's professional activity. Analyzing differences in subjective images of servicemen and values demonstrated by respondents in two groups, the author defines that in most cases one's unwillingness to serve relates to the society's disapproval of contract service in general. In addition, military officers who do not want to be contract servicemen usually do not see their military career as a way to self-realise their ambitions. The group of respondents who want to serve, on the contrary, demonstrate a dominating value of moral satisfaction from their career but not good pay. In the course of the research the author has used the following psychological tests: Personality Motivation Structure Inventory (Milman), Terminal Values Questionnaire (Senin), and Semantic Differential Test. To process the data, the author has used the SPSS package (version 13.0). Data received in two empirical groups were processed using the U Mann Witney Criterion. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a concept of military service particularities and defines the reasons of them being unwilling to serve as contract servicemen (in particular, distorted image of a contract serviceman, undeveloped value of military activity and extreme professional activity). These data can be used in military by the management team and military psychologists as well as the matter of other researches.
professional orientation, psychological service, psychological means, motivation, values, military activity, subjective image of a serviceman, personal traits of a serviceman, extremality, extreme psychology
Modeling the unconscious
Denisov V.A. (2016). Psychoanalytical Approach to the Lexical Meaning of a Word. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 998–1010. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68645
The subject of the research is the lexical analysis of human speech as well as literary texts from the point of view of the psychoanalytical approach. The author of the article bases his research on the concept of unconcious offered by Freud. The author makes a hypothesis that if the major part of our activity is defined by unconscious elements, then words said or written should be the brightest manifestation of our motives and desires. The author offers to use psycholinguistic categories and concepts (indexation of key words, set of key words and etc.) to carry out a psychoanalytical analysis of speech and texts. Our unconscious speaks itself through speech and creative writing despite critics of our conscious. The author gives examples of such unconscious words that may be used to create a psychological portrait of a person. With time, psychoanalysis has defined wide and deep connections with other research methods such as natural science observation, physical check-up, psychological experiement, anthropological field researches and historical researches. Psychoanalysis cn be also completed with the method of the lexical analysis of speech and texts that are found in all the elements of the psychoanalytical session triad: therapeutical contant, conceptual project and systemic self-analysis. The main conclusion of the research is that the lexical analysis of speech and texts can define words that come from the depth of our unconscious and these are not just slips of the tongue described by freud but also unconsciously said words that characterise one's true motives, desires, thoughts and actions. Such unconscious key words may describe not only one individual but also define psychological states of a certain nation or ethos.
keyword, psycholinguistics, Non-verbal, Verbal, unconscious, psychoanalysis, dominant, lexical analysis, slip, universal-subject code
Person and personality
Zaytseva E.S., Erzin A.I. (2016). When a Lion is Masked as a Sheep. The Dark Triad of Personal Traits in a Group of Conditionally Healthy Teenagers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1011–1016. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68646
Growing hostility, aggression and cruelty of modern teenagers are often viewed by psychologists from the point of view of personal traits interacting with social stimula. However, external determination of aggressive behavior is not always the leading one. The subject of the present research is the phenomenon of the dark traid of personal traits in a group of conditionally healthy teenagers viewed by the authors as one of the main intrapsychic factors of antisocial behavior. The concept of the Dark Triad was introduced by Paulhus and Williams in 2002. The components of the Dark Triad (subclinical forms of narcissism, machivellianism and sociopathy) interact with one another yet remain independent. The purpose of the present article is to study the relationship between components of the Dark Triad in a group of conditionally healthy teenagers, to define the leading personal traits closely connected with the Dark Triad, and development of a structure model of the phenomenon based on the authors' emperical data. The research involved 30 school students aged from 13 to 15 who did not have difficulty with their adaptation. The psychological tests included NPI-40, Lichko's pathological invesntory, machivellianism scale offered by R. Crhistie and F. L. Geis. Statistical analysis of the results was based on the exploratory factor analysis and structure modelling. The results of the research demonstrated that components of the Dark Triad were relatively independent from one another. Using the factor analysis, the authors defined 5 facors that described the Dark Traid in the best way: Aggression/sadism, suspicion/rancor, vanity, affectability and irritancy. The structure modelling showed a relative independence of components of the Dark Triad. The authors believe that these results can be used for further recognition of personal traits and character accentuations related to the Dark Triad showed by mentally healthy teenagers in order to define groups of children that tend to develop antisocial behavior, and to conduct preventive measures with them.
structure modeling, factor analysis, behavioral disorders, teenagers, pathological personal traits, psychopathy, sociopathy, Machivellianism, Narcissism, dark traid
Personal growth
Yakovleva A.A. (2016). Influence of Virtual Identity on Teenagers Self-Actualization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1017–1022. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68647
This article discusses the issues of virtual identity as the factor of self-actualization of a teenager. Virtual identity and self-actualisation as difficult systems are investigated. The maintenance of a concept virtual identity is concretized. Peculiarities of self-esteem, self-actualization and locus of control are studied. Conditions for teenager’s self-actualisation of the identity based on age features are defined. Structural components and functions of virtual identity are revealed. Personal, social and psychological features of teenagers are studied. The importance of virtual identity for self-actualisation is defined. Conditions for formation of virtual identity are revealed. The analysis of influence of virtual identity on self-actualisation of teenages age is made. As the main psychodiagnostic techniques of a research have been chosen: the test of twenty answers of Kuhn M. And Mc Partland Ò. «Who I am?», questionnaire of SAMOAL of E. Shostrom, test comprehend and vital orientations of D. A. Leontyev. The results of an empirical research showing the level of need for self-actualisation of teenages based on degree of formation of virtual identity are presented.
cognitive needs, teenage years, personal structure, virtual space, self-actualization, virtual identity, identity, values, self-concept, locus of control
Psychology and pedagogics
Aptikieva L.R., Aptikiev A.Kh., Bursakova M.S. (2016). On the Problem of Studying the Criminogenic Orientation of Teenager Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1023–1032. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68641
The subject of the research is the criminal character of a teenager as an attribute and dynamic personality trait that is fundamentally based on a set of negative (criminogenic) personality traits and illegal (antisocial) motives that determine a teenager's inclination to choose unlawful ways and means to satisfy his or her desires and needs. As follows from its contents, criminogenic orientation is represented by the following parameters: social relationships with adults and peers, personal traits, idea of his or her future and his or her subjective attitude towards it. The authors of the article conducted an empirical research aimed at a detailed analysis of the research subject. The authors based their research on the supposition that a set of negative (criminogenic) personality traits of a teenager is a certain consistent combination of several, not just one, interrelated features including: distorted system of life values, chronic conflicts in relations with adults and peers, hostility and aggression, inadequate vision of his or her future, accentuation of personality traits, emotional instability, undeveloped or low level of self-concept, psychological inclination towards delinquent behavior, and external locus of control. According to the authors, the prevailing motives of violations committed by teenagers include the following groups of antisocial motives: desire to have a revenge, to become a leader among peers, to get material benefits, to look like others, to act as others insist on, to hide a crime that has been committed, etc. In order to conduct an empirical research of criminogenic orientation of teenager personalities, the following mehods have been chosen by the authors: The Conscience Scale by V. Melnikov and L. Yampolsky, Pathocharacterlogical Diagnostic Questionnaire by A. Lichko and N. Ivanov, Teenager Locus of Control Inventory by O. Eliseev, Aggression Inventory by Buss-Durkey, The Level of Admission of Guilt by the Convict by N. Kreydun and E. Polivanova, Sack's Sentence Completion Test, Rokich's Values Test, E. Saenko's Behavior and Symbol. To assess the psychological inclination towards delinquent behavior, the authors have used the method developed by the consulting and humanities center 'Razvitie' (Development) (Vologda) called Antisocial Behavior Inventory. To define the leading motives of violation commitment the authors have used stories offered by L. Bozhovish and describing conflict situations when a teenager has to make a moral choice as well as essays offered by P. Belsky. Criteria for selecting methodological tools included theoretical provisions about criminogenic orientation of teenagers (including elements of such orientation). The research results have demonstrated that teenager criminogenic orientation is evident as negative (criminogenic) personality traits and antisocial motives. The scientific novelty of the research is ucased by the fact that the authors offer their definition of criminogenic orientation and describe elements of such orientation. Practical significance is due to the fact that the study is aimed at improving the activities of the psychological education service, units for juvenile affairs in the aspect of early prevention and correction of the criminal character of the person. By using mathematical statistical methods (correlation and factor analysis), the authors have defined six factors that should be the main factors in the process of correction and early prevention of criminogenic activity. These factors include: a) inclination towards aggression and hospitality; b) selection of illegal ways of satisfaction one's needs and desires; c) manifestation of negative emotions and accumulation of negative feelings; d) blaming others and circumstances for what happens in one's life; e) distorted life values; f) defected social relations.
attitude to the future, delinquency, offenses, deviant behavior, antisocial motives, criminogenic qualities, adolescent personality, criminogenic orientation, character traits, social relations
Clinical psychology
Man'kova L.L. (2016). Geniuses Not of This World. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1033–1040. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68648
There is a growing number of children who suffer from autism. Experts even write about a mental epidemic. However, the phenomenon of autism still remains a mystery. There is a huge amount of empirical data collected and lots of counsulting and rehabilitation methods developed and yet, the general picture of the disease is still unclear. Previous ideas aobut 'defectiveness' of autists make us feel that they are 'different'. These children see the world in a different way. They see us different from what we see ourselves to boe like. Signals coming to their minds from their senses are like disconnected and unstructured elements. Their special type of reality perception excites our imagination due to a so-called quantum paradigm that suggests there are a lot of worlds we exist in. Mankova bases her research on psychological and philosophical researches and provide examples from her own clinical practice. Experts believe that in order to become normal, autists need to experience a so-called numinous feeling that allows them to get rid of their feeling of loneliness. The author also concludes that autists leave some anthropological gaps uncovered. In particular, they have not overcome the stages of developing speech competence and operating with symbols.
symbol, personality, genius, abilities, autistic thinking, speech, emotional disorders, schizophrenia, autism, human
Keys to creativity
Blinova Yu.S., Kapranova M.V. (2016). On Methodic and Methodological Problems of Studying Professional Reliability of Drivers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1041–1047. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68649
This article is devoted to the development of a conceptual and empirically grounded technology to evaluate and forecast professional reliability of drivers. The rationale of this topic is conditioned by the growing number of vehicles and increasing need of the society in professional drivers as well as the need to create accurate and validate evaluation tools for drivers and factors influencing efficiency of their activity. The authors bring about such goals as systematization of current researches devoted to drivers and driving; and development of a psychodiagnostic model for evaluating driver's professional reliability. The experimental research aimed at achieving the aforesaid objectives consisted of two stages. At the first stage the authors selected research parameters, prepared experimental tools and outlined the general plan of the experiment. At the second stage which is going on now the authors create experimential conditions for defining parameters of driver's reliability, collect statistical data to determine different parameters recorded in the course of the experiment and test the technology being developed. Expected results of the research can be used to increase road safety, train drivers at driving schools, increase economic efficiency of auto transport companies, and can be also used by drivers themselves to assess their own level of competence. Implementation of the hardware and software system based on this technology would increase reliability of the human factor and reduce risks of errors.
performance evaluation, professional reliability, driver, professionally important qualities, operator reliability, operator, man-machine system, traffic psychology, set of techniques, hardware and software system
Developmental psychology
Barkovskaya A.P. (2016). Sex-Role Repertoires of the Cruelty of Teenagers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1048–1053. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68650
The research is devoted to a problem of teenage cruelty taking into account sexual character. An object of a research are boys and girls of teenage age. The aspect of cruelty acts as an object of research polorolevy. In article the problem of ambiguity of manifestation of cruelty at teenage age is analyzed. The question of the prevailing type of cruelty in behavior of teenagers is considered. We have offered the retrospective analysis of theoretical views of culturologists, psychiatrists, teachers, psychologists of a rigidity problem taking into account a sex of examinees (K. Byorkvist, Y. Ranshburg, E. H. Popper, V. J. Steffen, K. Lagerspets, T. Tiger, etc.). The empirical research devoted to identification of the prevailing type of cruelty among boys and girls of teenage age is conducted. For comparison of selections and comparison of the turned-out results the correlation analysis is carried out. The author revealed that manifestation of physical rigidity is more characteristic of boys. Average values of manifestation of indirect cruelty prevail in group of girls. The correlation analysis has revealed existence of moderate positive interrelations between scales of the used techniques, both in group of girls, and in group of boys. The received results can be used and find application in activity of psychologists in an education system for improvement of interpersonal communication, when developing training and correctional developing programs for the purpose of formation of tolerant social relations. The conducted research has shown that cruelty of boys and girls at teenage age has different character, different forms and intensity of manifestation.
hostility, violence, indirect cruelty, direct cruelty, verbal cruelty, physical cruelty, teenagers, aggression, polorolevy cruelty, cruelty