Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S., Stakhovskiy E. (2016). Carl Jung as an Esoteric (Conversation between Pavel Gurevich, the Editor-in-Chief, and Evgeny Stakhovsky, the Writer and the Frontman of the Popular Science Show 'Object 22' Broadcasted by Radio Mayak). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 883–889. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68631
The conversation is devoted to Carl Jung as an Esoteric. The Swiss psychiatrist was deeply into the mystical spiritual tradition. Freud and Jung had different concepts of the unconscious, its structure and role in culture. Jung tried to research the mystical spiritual tradition and that is why he was interested not only in European but also Oriental culture. Jung assumed that one has to overcome a lot of difficulties to become spiritual. This is a special path not everyone can pass. As a rule, everyday consciousness is deeply rooted in our minds while the hidden sense of existence cannot be understood by the commonsense logic. The interlocutors emphasize Jung's deep interest in Oriental teachings and esoterics. Jung believed that the true mystery of the world could never be solved but could be only described symbolically as an abyss or transcendency. The main method used in the conversation is the comparison. The method allowed to compare Freud's and Jung's teachings and to demonstrate differences and similarities of these two schools of psychology. In this article the author also tries to give a full idea of Jung's esoterism. The author emphasizes the deep knowledge of Jung in Oriental teachings, in particular, Buddhism and Zen Buddhism. It is demonstrated that Buddhism applies pure symbols as a code to denote a long and difficult way towards the truth. Jung wrote a preface to the edition of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The psychiatrist characterised it as a philosophical and religious guiding treatise for the alive. Based to Jung, that book is as important as The Bible, New Testament, Talmud and Quran. This is a sacred book not only in Tibet but also in other Eastern countries.
symbol, individuation, archetype, collective unconscious, psychoanalysis, transcendency, spirituality, esoterics, mysticism, Jung
Horizons of psychology
Rusakova M.S. (2016). Typological and Role-Playing Approaches to Team Building: the Problem of Role Allocation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 890–897. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68632
The article is devoted to the empirical experimental comparison of characteristics of the process of allocating roles in the teams created by means of alternative technologies of teambuilding. The subject under research is the two most developed approaches to teambuilding, typological and role-playing. The results of the study demonstrate the specificity of each approach in relation to the number of issues of team roles. In particular, the author considers such issues as consistency and stability of the process of role allocation, ease of role behavior categorization, and participants’ attitudes to the team processes. The author also discusses the changes of these indicators depending on the three most relevant and naturally successive conditions of joint activities. The first condition is the interaction of team members in the context of low awareness about the features of role behavior of each other, in other words, at the very first stage. The second condition of the joint activity involves the accumulation of experience of team interaction, while the third condition models the operation in terms of that long-functioning a team inevitably has to face. The study shows that the application of the typological approach leads to more intense processes of role allocation initially generating mutual illusions of the participants regarding one another. The time factor and the conditions of change promote active and constructive restructuring of the system roles. At the same time, the introduction of a role-playing approach involves slow and rather accurate formation of the system which, however, appears to be less resistant to stressful conditions of environment.
intellectual role, psychological type, role repertoire, role allocation, role-playing approach, typological approach, recruitment, team building, team, team role
Continent of the unconscious
Mordas E.S. (2016). Envy of Pregnancy and Fantasies of Pregnancy Experienced by Men. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 898–905. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68633
The paper presents an overview of some psychoanalytic ideas about envy of male to female (reproductive capabilities of women), and men's fantasies about pregnancy. Freud noted a specific manifestation of envy (felt by women), so-called penis envy in the context of its fallocentrical theory. Analysis of the penis envy and the feminine castration complex is essential for psychoanalytic therapy of women. Unfortunately, there are not so many works devoted to the theme of envy of men towards females and their reproductive functions, as well as the role this feeling plays in the development of men’s character and of psychopathology. This is despite the fact that the disappointment of a boy in this respect is as deep as the penis envy of a girl. Envy to pregnancy and childbirth, fantasies about pregnancy is a significant contribution to the understanding of identification of a man with a female figure and formation of male gender identity. Psychoanalytic experience has shown that there is a pre-Oedipus period of envy. The boy wants to be the Almighty as a mother and to have the ability to have children. This is an expression of the hermaphrodite desire and bisexuality of man. The stage of anal eroticism allows the boy to fantasize about pregnancy without manifestating feminine tendencies. Identification with the mother contributes to the fact that the boy bypasses castration feelings and maintains a relationship with the mother (i.e. to prevent separation). Through fantasies about pregnancy the boy expresses a desire to become a child; fantasy appears in a situation when it is necessary to show manhood. Identification with the mother allows the boy (man) become a favorite for his father. Men’s fantasies about pregnancy support the identification with a female figure and possible source of them (fantasies) is the envy of the mother. Provoking external circumstances (wife's pregnancy or pregnancy of a female psychologist) lead to the loss of mental balance and men’s regression. Emerging new mental balance depends on the structure of his Ego, initial conflict and personality structure. Pregnancy is one of the key periods of development for both men and women. It should be also noted that there is a shortage of the clinical psychoanalytic material (psychotherapy practice, in particular) devoted to the psychoanalysis of pregnancy available for Russian readers.
regression, masculinity, childbirth, femininity, fantasy, fear of castration, pregnancy, envy, identification
Professional psychology
Gander D.V., Vorona A.A., Ponomarenko V.A., Alekseenko M.S. (2016). Methodological and Theoretical Preconditions for Psychological Research of Flight Work at the Present Stage of Aviation Development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 906–912. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68634
The subject of this research is the methods and results of psychological studies of the flight work. The object of the research is the psychological assistance of aircraft. The authors of the article focuses on such aspects of the topic as the psychological aspects of decision-making during flight operations, methodological and theoretical basis of psychological research in aviation, psychological characteristics of flight activity of modern aircraft, technical means of formation of professionally important qualities of the pilot. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the importance of psychological studies of the flight security in state aviation. The research methodology is based on the systems approach and integrates the methods of work psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics and aviation medicine. The main conclusion of the research is the statement that the records of the results of psychological research in the design of aircraft and flight crew training is an essential component of ensuring safety and health protection of the aircrew system. Special contribution of the authors is that they have summarized the results of psychological studies of the flight of labor with emphasis on their application at the present stage of aviation development.
psychophysiological reliability pilot, human factor, aviation ergonomics, aviation engineering psychology, psychological features of activity, aviation psychology, labor psychology flight, psychological research, professional qualities, psychological training pilot
Psychology and pedagogics
Rybakova N.A. (2016). Objective Sources and External Activating Conditions for the Self-Actualization of a Teacher. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 913–920. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68635
The article concerns the problem of identifying the conditions for ensuring the adequacy and efficiency of teacher's self-actualization in professional activity. Recognizing the fact of priority of personal factors therein, the emphasis is made on objective sources and external-activating conditions. According to the author, their complex is able to provide the necessary assistance to the teacher in his professional and personal development and growth through the self-actualization of his individual professionally significant potential. The article is devoted to objective characteristics of the main sources of teacher's self-actualization in professional activity. Understanding and Using these resources are an important factor that influence the aforesaid process. A significant place is given to the principles of self-actualization of a teacher revealing the significance of the whole complex of external factors in unity with the internal ones. Rybakova pays special atention to justifying and describing external activating conditions. The research is based on the ideas of existentialism about the need to complete absolute freedom with total personal responsibility, activity approach, the theory and concept of personal growth and self-actualization, acmeological approach to teacher's self-actualization, axiological approach to teaching activity, etc. The main conclusion of the research are the following provisions: development and efficiency of teacher's self-actualization process to a high degree is determined by external factors. Important objective sources of teacher's self-actualization include being in deman socially, objective theoretical knowledge, society's culture, and professional activity itself. External activating conditions relate to stimulating professional environment and special teacher's training preparing a teacher for self-actualization under the conditions of continuous education.
principles, objective sources, self-actualization, factors, professional-pedagogical activity, student, teacher, external-activating conditions, personality, training
Clinical psychology
Lutsenko T.V., Svistunova E.V. (2016). Inclusive Education as a Factor of Developing Adaptive Behavior of Children with Disabilities (the Case Study of Children with Visual Impairments). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 921–927. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68636
The subject of the research is the process of developing adaptive behaviour of children with disabilities under the conditions of inclusive education. The object of the research is the inclusive education as a factor of developing adaptive behavior of children with disabilities. The purpose of the research is to study factors that influence the dynamics of changes in the levels of agression and anxiety of pre-school children with disabilities when they are involved in the system of inclusive education. Inclusion of pre-school with visual impairments into the general education process is a stress factor for them. The research methods included: 1) observing anxiety of children method offered by P. Baker and M. Alvord; 2) Child's Aggression Level Inventory offered by G. Lavrentieva and T. Titarenko. When the preschool children in inclusive education, both children with visual impairments and other children have problems related to the difference in perception, change of usual environment, and etc. The conclusion of the research is that inclusive education has significant potential for increasing the levels of anxiety and aggression of children with disabilities. However, in order to realize this potential, it is necessary to carry out a timely assistance aimed at developing social competence of pre-schoolers with visual impairements and pre-schoolers without those before transferring to inclusive education. The objectives of such assistance should include development of skills and knowledge that reduce aggression and anxiety of children and who will attend inclusive education groups and their parents.
features of adaptation, visual impairment, anxiety, aggression, inclusive group, inclusive education, inclusion, children with disabilities, difference of perception, social competence
Scenario for your success
Prokhorova M.V., Ovsyannikova O.M. (2016). The Comparative Analysis of Socail-psychological Methodics of Work Motivation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 928–934. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68637
The article is devoted to comparative analysis of some social-psychological methods used to assess labor activity motivation with the view of defining their diagnostic potential. Four tests, diagnostic procedure and five questionnaires are considered in the comparative analysis. Reference data on each method (their full and short naming, developers, the date of issue, diagnostic method) is collected by the authors, analysis of the structure, situations and peculiarities of application of diagnostic tools is carried out, their assets and flaws are revealed. For purposes of describing and revealing diagnostic potential of social-psychological methods of assessing labor motivation, a set of characteristics is described by the authors. Based on the latter, the comparison of diagnostic tools was consistently carried out. The authors describe the subject of research, theoretical and conceptual model, structure of the method, automation, execution and data processing time, and the scope ( tasks that can be solved). At the stage of data interpretation and formulating recommendations the classification method was introduced. The scientific novelty and practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define three groups of methods assessing motivation of labor activity. Methods of the first group allow to define types of motivation, methods of the second group disclose the structure (content) of labor motivation, methods of the third group help to discover the motivational area (the process of solving the work motivation task). Recommendations on selecting particular methods for assessing labor motivation are offered for scientific and practical objectives.
work motivation, negative motivation, positive motivation, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, work motivation structure, diagnostics of work motivation, motivation type, multifactor inventory, motives ranking
Keys to creativity
Pudikov I.V. (2016). Was Korney Chukovsky a Freudian?. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 935–948. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68638
Korney Chukovsky is the most widely read author in the history of mankind. Already this fact alone makes it urgent to identify the prerequisites for his creative success. In his article Pudikov analyzes the influence of the facts from the writer's biography, his fascination with the concepts of Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Isaacs, the writer's contacts with Russian and foreign psychologists, on creative writing of Korney Chukovsky, in particular, his book on child psychology "From two to five" which became a bestseller in the USSR. With the help of the historical-biographical method, correspondence of the writer with representatives of the creative intelligentsia, analysis of the writer's notes in the primary sources from his library, the sources of his psychological and pedagogical concept are revealed, comparisons are made with the works of foreign specialists. For the first time in the Russian psychology of creativity the psychoanalytic methodology of the classical author of Russian children's literature is considered, the connections of the position of Chukovsky as a psychologist with the works of his contemporary psychoanalysts are traced. A conclusion is drawn about the psychoanalytic foundation and at the same time the originality of the author's concept of "From two to five", as well as his orientation at the work of representatives of the British school of psychoanalysis.
edition, history of psychology, psychoanalysis in the USSR, British school of psychoanalysis, pedagogical literature, psychoanalysis, creative writing of Korney Chukovsky, psychology of creative writing
Dnov K.V., Baurova N.N. (2016). Development and Validation of a New Questionnaire ISADA for Diagnosing Deviant (Delinquent, Addictive, Suicidal, Aggressive, Avoidance) Behavior in the Military. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 949–959. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68639
The authors of the article view the problem of deviant behavior of military officers and describe particular steps for creating and testing new method of detection of deviant behavior in Armed Forces. At the first stage of the research 113 military officers of superior positions were questionned about the most important kinds of deviant behavior that have a strongly negative influence on the force performance and activity of military subdivisions in peacetime. As a result, the officers hvae named the following five kinds of deviant behavior: delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, suicidal behavior, aggressive behavior and avoidance behavior. At the following stages of the research the method for detecting deviant behavior was created and tested. 1352 army draftees were tested at the very beginning of their service using a set of psychological tests including The Life Style Index, Deviant Behavior Questionnaire, Buss-Durkey Inventory, Five Factor Personality, Coping Behavior Inventory, Deviant Behavior Inventory (1999). When analyzing the answers to these tests, the authors defined certain questions that may serve as markers of possible deviant behavior of army men. Based on these questions, an original screening method for detecting deviant behavior of military officers has been created. The method consists of 60 items and aims to identify individuals who are prone to deviant behavior: delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, suicidal behavior, aggressive behavior, avoidance behaviour. The main emphasis in the development of techniques has been placed on ease of use. Therefore, it was designed so that the counting results for the researchers was simplified to quickly form a rough idea about the presence or absence of the subject's tendency to deviant behavior. To achieve this objective, questions techniques are arranged so that the researcher could simply count the number of positive responses in each of the columns that correspond to the five basic scales and deception scale. The results indicate good indices of obvious, content, construct validity, self-consistency and retest reliability. The authors also defined the scope of the method and perspectives of further improvements.
psychognosis, servicemen, avoidance, aggressive behavior, suicidal behavior, addictive behavior, delinquent behavior, deviant behavior, expertise, design
Prokhorova M.V., Ponomareva L.N. (2016). Projective Technique “Picture of Ideal Work” as Instrument of Assessing Professional Plans of an Optant. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 960–964. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68640
The article is devoted to design of the projective technique “Picture of ideal work” intended for a fast detection of an optant’s professional plans. The idea of the method is that an optant is placed in a situation of professional choice, and the ideal work becomes for him or her an uncertain and multivalued stimulus which has to be drawn on paper. The authors offer the methodological basement of this method, point out its structure, describe in detail an optant’s survey procedure which includes preparing the instruction and the means of overcoming the optant’s objections in respect to performing the task, recording the drawing process, and postsurvey interview. The way of carrying out the analysis of the drawing process and the structure of the picture is explained, a sketch of interpreting the obtained data and elaboration of references is suggested in the article. The article includes a picture, that is an example, on which the analysis of a high school student’s professional plans is realized. When carrying out professional counselling, it is reasonable to apply this method along with occupational orientation tests and interviews that will raise accuracy and predictive validity of conclusions. The method includes an instruction and paper sheet for recording overall information about a respondent and his or her answers to psychologist's questions, keys to analyze the drawing process (Annex 1, Part 2) and the image structure (Annex 1, Part 4). The keys were developed based on the provisions of researches devoted to interpretation of drawing elements. The method was tested during organisational psychodiagnostics classes and at high schools of Nizhni Novgorod. The developed method 'Picture of Ideal Work' as an expressive projective technique allows to define presence or absence as well as contents of an optant's professional plans. The method can be useful during professional counselling if it is combined with professionally oriented tests and interviews which will raise its accuracy. Further reseraches of the method may include validation of psychometric indicators and testing the method for different gender, age and professional attribution.
expressional projective equipment, situation of the professional choice, assessment of professional plans, occupational role, vocational guidance, analysis of drawing process, analysis of picture structure, picture of ideal work, projective technique, organizational psychodiagnostics