Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Simulacrum of Everyday Life. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 9–12. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67647
The article is devoted to a particular example of the phenomenology of simulacrum. The author of the article refers to the description of the story that was analyzed in his book of 1978. However, analysis of the American TV show about the Louds is not a mere interest in documentalism. The previous interpetation of the event which was mostly perceived as everyone's interest towards archives is viewed by the author of the article as a more profound phenomenon. The author bases his research on the famous concept of simulacrum. In his research article Gurevich uses journalistic documents and conducts a psychological analysis of the 'industry of consciousness'. He analyzes why diaries, memoirs, drafts, notes and sketches in popular culture. The author has appealed to the works of modern post-modernists. The purpose of his research is to analyze the American TV show about the everyday life of the Loud family. The author views this TV show as the simulacrum of everyday life. The author proves that the TV show is not a product of the document about common life. The real is hidden there and decoded as a document, however, does not fully conform to the rules of the genre. Such interpretation of the simulacrum demonstrates modern trends of social thinking. According to the author, the TV show is a bright example of the process of simulacrumization.
culture, fantasms, document, simulacrum, reality, illusion, everyday life, artistic image, family values, hallucination
Societal passions
Kalabekova S.V. (2016). Social Illusions of the Consumer Society. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 13–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67637
The object under research of the present article is the consumer society, the subject of the research is the nature of illusion as a social phenomenon. The author considers the issues of formation and implementation of illusions into collective conscience as a specific mechanism of social regulation and adaptation to conditions of modern society. The author describes consequences caused by social illusions for individual and collective consciousness. The special role of mass society, network structures and mass media in creation of space of illusions is underlined, risks of the distorted perception of the world for reality life are traced. The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical principles of objectivity, specificity and the need to interpret social illusion as an integral phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proposes a thesis about contradictory and controversial nature of social illusions as well as their dependence on requirements of consumerist ideologies. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the author proves that social illusions are in demand in the consumer society; 2) risks of social illusions especially need to be studied further.
communication, manipulation, everyday life, consumer society, consumerism, irreality, confabulation, illusion, creativity, collective conscience
Philosophy and psychology
Andreev I.L. (2016). Nonlinear Logistics of the Kinship: Pararoxes of African Intergenerational Relationships. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 20–30. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67638
Intra- and intergenerational relations are the geneological ties inside African society. An African person walks through the stages of traditional existence not alone by as the part of his/her age-specific brotherhood or sisterhood and according to their specific role in the society. Noteworthy that the vertical links betwen 'horizontal' age groups do not necessarily mean ingoration of the gender differentiation and African society structure. The latter is not jut a trivial age-related ladder even though it should be admitted that in many ways age determines social functions and social status of an individual. In the African society connections between age groups are complicated with the intergenerational links and are difficult-to-understand by the European mentality. These connections create a specific pyramid and continue to play a systemically important role. Testified by the empirical experience of their ancestors, this model of social life allows to be more flexible when taking into account gender and age-specific psychophysiological features of members of ethnic tribes. This model is based on physiological activization of particular parts of the brain at a certain age and divides the local society into two equal parts depending on different age-related statuses of the members. One part is represented by mature individuals capable of working. The other part consists of children and elderly people who need support and care. Based on such anthropological disposition, many problems and paradoxes of African society look different if not viewed from the point of view of psychological differences between sexes and age groups. However, the one does not exclude the other. The spatiotemporal fields of these relationships and connections vary and therefore do not always coincide. The correlation between such factors as age and gender and its role in the primitive society and modern archaic forms of the primitive society are the subject matter for scientific discussion. This is one of the reasons why the author of the present article presents the point of view which may differ from the opinions of his respected colleagues.
son, inter-age relations, age classes, gender, tradition, age, African society, daughter, father, grand-parents
Horizons of psychology
Sennitskaya E.V. (2016). One of the Ways to Resolve the Problem of Description and Measurement of Verbal Information. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 31–36. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67639
The object of study in this article is the ability to create a method for describing and measuring the information in natural language (including texts containing mathematical and the other formulas) that would allow: 1) to determine the amount of information in a speech or text; 2) to make more accurate pedagogical recommendations concerning the complexity of the studied materials; 3) to dose information for readability; 4) to explore the features of people's thinking, based on the information analysis of their speech or text. Creation of such a method was carried out by determination of the information units in a text as well as finding the ways of describing the relations between these units. The analysis of works written by predecessors had concluded that the solution of this issue was going in two ways: by production of the unit of description (especially visually presentable) and by presentation of information in a form of hierarchical structure. Failures in resolving this problem were caused by the fact that these two approaches have not been combined. With this in mind, the author offers an object-hierarchical method for description of amounts of verbal and textual information, which allows to dose the information and is a convenient tool for studies of the features of different people's thinking due to the structural analysis of their speech or text.
modelling of text structure, unit of information, structure of a speech, structure of a text, information structure, verbal information, information modelling, description of information, measurement of information, description of text structure
Limits of intellect
Noss I.N. (2016). Correlation Between the Emotional-Notional and Logical Components of Students' Cognitive Activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 37–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67640
In this article Noss analyzes the three components of the cognitive process: logics, semantics and affect. According to the author, the correlation of these elements of reasoning is the key to successful and adequate acquisition and digestion of knowledge. The logical and emotional components are interrelated and there is a complex oppositely directed nonlinear dependence between them which reflects individual features, peculiarities and contents of the stimulus and circumstances of the thinking process. The researcher provides empirical data obtained in different experimental groups and describing patterns of the five stages of human cogitation, peculiarities of the cognitive process and the mutual influence of the operational-logical and emotional-notional components. The methodology of the research is based on the comparison of different aspects of cognitive activity. The researcher uses psychosemantic analysis of cognitive activity and semantic differential as the main means of psychological research. The main conclusion made by the researcher is that the emotional-notional component of cognitive activity appears and develops as part of personal relations between cogitation actors. Having defined the features and genus species features of an object, relations and connections between notions, the conceptual status of an object is described. The emotional aspect of an object of cognition influences the cognitive process, too, as it creates a relevant motivational background which decreases the influence of the operational-logical component when the object has been prescribed a particular place in the system of relations with other objects, thus decreasing the emotional component of cognition as well.
discovery of an object, notions-stimuli, semantic differential, semantic analysis of activity, emotional component of reasoning, notional component of reasoning, operational logical reasoning, genus-species features of an object
Personal motivation and spirituality
Petrukhina S.R. (2016). Motivation of Professional Activity of University Teachers and its Impact on Emotional Burnout. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 44–51. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67641
The object of this research is the motivation of University teachers, which has a huge impact on his professional development and self-actualization of personality. The significance of motivational component in the structure of professional pedagogical activity, its impact on the efficiency of labor is proved through theoretical analysis of the concepts, considering the specific motives of activity. So, K. Zamfir allocates internal and external types of motivation, A. K. Baimetov explores the motives of obligation, commitment and dedication of their subjects, passion for communication, and L. N. Zakharova from numerous professional motives allocates financial incentives, motives related to self-fulfillment, professional motives and the motives of personal self-realization. In accordance with the objectives of the study the author also examines the phenomenon of "emotional burnout", which is a destructive personality changes that not only affect productivity, but also to generate the teacher undesirable quality of changing its professional conduct. The methodological basis involves the theory of A. I. Pines and Aronson, D. V. Demendonca and V. Shaufeli, Maslach K. and S. Jackson. Experimental sample consisted of teachers of natural–science and humanitarian disciplines of the Mari State University and Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar–Ola). For the most complete consideration of the motivational sphere, emotional burnout syndrome, the whole sample was divided into four groups depending on seniority at the University. To test this assumption we conducted a study with application of methods of diagnostics of motivation of professional activity (K. Zamfir in modification by A. Reina), a modified version of diagnostics of the motivational structure of a personality (V. D. Milman), diagnostics of level of emotional burnout (V. V. Boyko). Subsequently, these methods were subjected to correlation analysis (Spearmen). The novelty of the study lies in the detailed study of the question how the peculiarities of motivation for professional activity can influence the degree of emotional burnout of personality of the teacher, namely tested the hypothesis that intrinsic motivation towards the activity contributes to the development of burnout. On the basis of experimental research it is concluded that the link between external positive motivation and use of motivational trend of professional activity of teachers and burnout exists if the professional work experience of over 10 years.
professional deformation, teacher, motivation, personality, depersonalization, intrinsic motives, extrinsic motives, teaching activity, burnout, fatigue
Continent of the unconscious
Starovoytov V.V. (2016). Kilborne B. Trauma and the Unconscious: Double Conscience, the Uncanny and Ñruelty. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 52–63. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67642
Relatively little has been written on the role of trauma in conceptions of the unconscious. This paper explores Freud's conceptions of the unconscious, comparing his ideas with the original French notion of "double conscience" and exploring their implications for technique. Whereas Freud's concept of the unconscious mainly depends upon the theory of internal drives, Ferenczi attributed the central role to trauma, shifting the focus to the individual in the context of personal relationships. The comparison is illustrated with the case study. The main method used by the author of the article is the thorough study of the notions of the unconscious, trauma and double conscience in the works of philosophers, writers and psychologists. The author contrasts the views of Freud with the views of Ferenczi on the conception of the unconscious. As a result of his investigation the author of the article comes to the conclusion, that the very power of Freud’s evocations of unconscious forces and conflicts minimized relationships, cultural values, history, transgenerational trauma, and whatever can be viewed as “external reality”. Ferenczi, on the contrary, attempted to save psychoanalysis from being a delusional system, because he emphasized the external reality of trauma that splits identity and creates suffering.
trauma, attraction, reality, double consciousness, double conscience, unconscious, psychoanalysis, affection, Freud, Ferenczi
The range of emotional experience
Lyashenko V.V. (2016). Experience and its Qualitative Certainty. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 64–72. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67643
The article deals with the essence of the experience in terms of its qualitative certainty. The 'Method of qualitative structures' (MQS) is applied to describe this phenomenon. The novelty of the research is that for the first time experience is considered not as a narrowly specific psychological phenomenon but as an integral phenomenon with its specific qualitative definiteness. The result of the research is the description of the four aspects immanently characteristic of experience: selfdefining, relationship, state of mind and activity. It is shown that experience is created as the combination of aspects which does not exist beyond any aspect. Experience is considered as a whole unity. On the basis of this description experience is defined by the author as a natural internal activity being performed with the accordance of the social relationship on the basis of filings and is expressed in activity itself. The article is written for psychologists and psychotherapists. The proposed approach gives an opportunity to make a precise definition of 'experience'.
emotional state, relations, self-determination, whole, qualitative certainty, emotional experience, activity, presence, choice, meaning
Developmental psychology
Golovanova T.N. (2016). Peculiarities of Developing Preschool Children's Sensual Understanding of the World. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 73–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67644
This article analyses the problem of interaction of generations and socialization of children in the process of formation of sensual and language worldview for preschool children. The objective of this research is to study particularities of sensory development of children in preschool institutions. The hypothesis of this research is as follows: the process of increasing the level of visual, acoustical and tactile perception of preschool children irrespective of gender is performed more effectively using visual, tactile and what is more important sound elements in games and communication with adults. For data collection techniques on identification of color perception, a level of development of visual tactile perception, and acoustical perception were used. For studying the influence of didactic games on sensory development, the formative experiment has been made. Interpretation of results was carried out both qualitatively and quantitatively, with application of methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of data obtained in control and experimental groups allowed to specify diferencess in the levels of tactile, acoustical and visual perception using specially developed games. Significant (p≤0,01) changes in such parameters as: differentiation of color, figure’s identification from the background, level of tactile perception and figures’ identification, acoustical perception and distinction of sounds, level of visual perception were found. Thus, the conducted research showed that in the experimental group of subjects of the educational process application of didactic games really raises the level of perception development that can promote further harmonious training and education and formation of the complete creatively developed identity of a child.
harmonious development, developing environment, sensory training, linguistic worldview, sensual knowledge, level of perception, early years, sensory development, intergenerational communication, play activity
Psychopathology of the mundane
Faritov V.T. (2016). Schizoid and Hysteroid Pole of Philosophy. Characterology of Professional Activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 82–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67645
The subject of research is the professional psycho-philosophical activity. The author focuses on the schizoid and hysteroid types which are regarded as extreme poles of philosophical activity. As part of the comparative analysis of the two types of characters the researcher discusses the content of philosophy, dominant type of activity, specific style of writing and speech, teaching, manner and terms of reading. The material of the study is the biographical facts from the life of famous philosophers (Socrates, Hegel, Nietzsche), and their philosophies. The author of the article uses the comparative method of analysis, biographical method, analysis of creative products. The author applies the principles of characterological and patografical research. The main conclusion of the research is the thesis about the existence of the two extreme psychological poles of professional philosophical activity: the schizoid and hysteroid. The author also takes into account the bipolar types: schizo-hysteroid and hystero-schizoid. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of Socrates and Nietzsche as schizo-hysteroid types.
professional activity, Nietzsche, Hegel, Socrates, accentuation, philosophy, character, hysteroid, schizoid, characterology (character analysis)
Mart'yanova G.Yu. (2016). Individual Ñounseling: Subject-Regulatory Methodology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 88–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67646
The article discusses the theoretical construct of individual counseling from the perspective of the subject-regulatory methodology . The researcher views different aspects of counseling as a form of professional activity. Written in terms of the theory of self-regulation of any conscious activity the researcher differentiates the consultative process depending on the objectives, activities, results of the professional activity of the consultant and the client subject activity. Individual counseling is defined as an activity aimed at subjective activity of the client to optimize its potential. The researcher justifies the possibility of the subject-regulatory approach to explain the basic procedural and productive phenomena counseling. According to the researcher, the client is the subject of his own activity, the subject of self-realization, the subject of the changes occurring under the influence of the problem, and the subject of regulatory experience. The psychological problem is presented as a result of violations of individual style conscious self-regulation, for example, achievement of entity objectives in the difficult conditions of life. Its genesis is due to the prolonged complex process of establishing causal relationships in the subjective evaluation of the events and facts. The main mechanisms to provide advice is called re-structuring.
regulatory experience, self-regulation, psychological problem, client, subject-regulatory approach, individual counceling, counceling process, dialogue, re-structuring