Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Deep Inside, Where There is No Bottom of Your Soul... (Psychological Issues of Social Management). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 757–760. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66989
Nowadays politicians and psychologists talk a lot about how important it is to improve the management of processes ongoing in the society. Admittedly, reforms that had taken place recently in Russia did not have the desired effect and even turned out to have a negative influence in some cases. Political and social problems cannot be solved due to the low level of management culture. In this article Gurevich provides a critical analysis of modern technocratic projects. Today's academic and popular literature emphasizes the need for creating the kind of management system that would be autonomous from the government and be able to solve strategic issues. The author of the article demonstrates that these suggestions are not new though because they reflect the ambitions of the technocratic kind of thinking. In his turn, the author bases his work on modern psychological and philosophical concepts to describe a new scientific paradigm. To his opinion, one-sided technocratism does not respond to the challenges of the modern age any more. For the first time in Russian academic literature the author makes a supposition that gaps and failures of management technocratism are caused by the neglect of the sacral dimension of human existence. Modern rationality supersedes transcendent findings from the social life. According to the quantum theory, these compoments are returned to the social existence in a new form. This is what causes the failures of the reforms. Technocrats only intensify the pressure on sacrality.
psychology, management, sacrality, technocratism, quantum thinking, social existence, organizational culture, unprofessional performance, religion, tradition
Crowd psychology
Kozlov V.V., Gordeev M.N., Vlasov N.A. (2015). Games and Scenario Interaction as Elements of the Role Mechanism of Suggestibility in a Large Group. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 761–770. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66990
The article presents the analysis of the play and scenario interaction between people as elements of the role mechanism of suggestibility in a large group. The authors provide a brief overview of the problem of differentiation between suggestibility and hypnoability, methodological difficulties in their study, different theories to explain this phenomenon and describe its interdisciplinary and systemic nature. They view the concept of humn depreciation of himself and those around him, and the symbiotic relationship with mothers within the framework of the transactional analysis offered by Eric Berne. This is followed by the theory of psychological games where the central place is occupied by "games of power", as well as the system of role interaction proposed by Stephen Karpan. Then there is the concept of life scripts, the description of which begins with the analysis of the four basic existential positions of a man. The authors examine the mechanism of formation of a life script through the assimilation of the parent's guidelines as well as the two types of life scripts, heroic and not heroic. At the end of the article, there are historical examples that illustrate the described approach to understanding the nature of human relationships. The primary method of research in this article is a system analysis of Russian and foreign literature on the problem of suggestibility. For the first time in the academic literature suggestibility is being analyzed from the point of view of games and scenario interaction which allows to expand the understanding of the role mechanism. Conclusions: suggestibility is a complex system phenomenon which can't be studied from only one point of view; in large groups suggestibility is a result of human depreciation of himself and his tendency to build relationships with the powerful ones in the form of particular psychological games and life scripts which is very well demonstrated by the example of role relations.
life script, symbiosis, suggestibility, transactional analysis, manipulation of consciousness, existential life position, depreciation, psychological games, passive behavior, hypnoability
Philosophy and psychology
Beskova I.A. (2015). Dynamics of Meanings in Human Cognitive Development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 771–786. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66991
The present article is devoted to the dynamics of meanings from the earliest stages of ontogenetic development. The proposed research is based on the idea of the principal difference between dual and nondual approaches to interpreting what happens during cognitive evolution. The author shows that implementation of the dual approach to intepreting processes of cognitive development of a child deprives us of the opportunity to adequately describe the dynamics of cognitive abilities and associated process of the transformation of meanings. Refusal of the adult-culture-centrist approach allows to prove that meanings are presented even at the stage of infancy but they are naturally different from what an adult knows from his own cognitive experience. Before carrying out the research, the author analyzes a number of methodological issues which allows to make the analysis less dependent on implicit limitations and stereotypes that have the status of methodological stereotypes. In particular, the author discusses the consequences of the adult-culture-centrist position in the defined significant aspects of child's development and demonstrates what destortions of the picture of cognitive evolution such approach may lead to. It is proved that the concept of meaning which is typical for contemporary science presents only a superficial layer of the depth meaning. The latter can be presented only as an extensive pattern of cohesiveness that is created at the moment of establishing the nondual integrity and possesses the features of completeness, polymodality, syncretism and nondual integrity.
comprehension, empathy, mirror image, cognitive capacities, adult-culture-centrism, sense, meaning, ontogenesis, methodology, nonduality, integral embodiment
Inner world
Pushkareva T.V., Pushkareva E.V., Sarkisyan M.V. (2015). Materialization of the Archetype: Theory and Practice of the Psychological Master Class' Me and My Doll'. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 787–794. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66992
The subject of the research article is the author's psychological master class 'Me and My Doll' as the therapeutic response tot he socio-cultural challenges of the modern age. In their research the authors describe theoretical and methodological grounds and analyze practical results of the master class. The master class is viewed as an original kind of art therapy aimed at compensation of psychological difficulties of modern human resulting from the problems of identification, increased anxiety, low self-esteem as well as satisfaction of personality needs for self-knowledge and self-realization. The authors describe the details of carrying out the master class and accompany their description with the analysis of particular examples from practice. The theoretical and methodological basis of the master class is the Gestalt approach and analytical psychology that are put to practice during creation and interpretation of the image of a folk Slavic rag doll that in our case represents the materialized form of an archetype. The experience of the twelve psychological master classes 'Me and My Doll' at the public library No. 221 of Moscow has proved the method to be efficient and therefore the method can be recommended for work with both professional and wide audience. The main point of the psychological mechanism lying in the basis of the master class is the following. The image of the Other represented in the doll becomes some kind of an identification version of one self that allows to investigate, accept and integrate the just discovered subpersonality into the personality structure, thus clarifying the most difficult processes of identification to a person and considerably increasing the psychological tension that inevitably accompanies his searches for socio-cultural identity. Moreover, materialization of the archetype that happens during the psychological master class stimulates the transfer of unconscious elements to consciousness and as a result aims at acquisition of human's integrity and harmony with himself and the world.
art therapy, doll, modern man, archetype, problem identification, liquid society, Gestalt approach, psychoanalytic psychology
Mind games
Popov E.A. (2015). Sociology and Psychology in the Situation of Interdisciplinary Interaction of Sciences and Branches of Knowledge. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 795–801. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66993
The object of the present research article is the situation of interdisciplinary interaction of sciences and branches of knowledge, the subject of the research is the interaction between contemporary psychology and sociology. The focus is made on the development of the unified strategy of such integration. Within the framework of this development strategy, special place is given to the science consumptive status of a particular sphere of knowledge, obervation of the principles of scientific rigour and implementation of sociocultural resources. The fact that both psychology and sociology follow this strategy considerably increases their potential for interdisciplinary interaction not only with each other but also with the other branches of knowledge. As a rule, interdisciplinary interaction of sciences and branches of knowledge involves the system analysis of the problem. This is the system approach that defines the nature of the integration of sciences, all the more so that both psychology and sociology belong to sociohumanitarian knowledge. The following provisions have been recognized as the main conclusions of the research: 1) sociology and psychology are close spheres of knowledge both in terms of their scientific status and science-consumptive specifics; 2) particular method or research methodology is what brings sociology and psychology close to each other; 3) both psychology and sociology use an integrated analysis of the phenomena and processes of social reality.
social knowledge, cognition, integration of sciences, system analysis, sociology, psychology, society, methodology, science, sociohumanitarian knowledge
To understand the human being
Nilogov A.S., Kutyrev V.A. (2015). Uprising of Technoids: Psychology and Philosophy of the Post-Mankind. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 802–813. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66994
The article contains the conversation of A. S. Nilogov with V. A. Kutyryov regarding a new book of the Nizhni Novgorod philosopher 'The Last Kiss. Human as a Tradition' (published in 2015 by Aleteya Publshing in St. Petersburg). In the course of their conversation the philosophers touched upon the topical issues of contemporary civilization which, according to Kutyryov, has brought itself to the verge of extinction through erasing all the traces of 'human or too human'. Despite the author's alarmism, Kutyryov proves his position based on numerous examples from the culture and technology of the XXIst century. In their conversation the researchers have used the interview method as well as the methods of hermeneutical, historico-philosophical, critical, problem, psychological, and philosopho-anthropological analysis. The novelty of Kutyryov's researches is caused by the fact that in these researches he reveals the true (unconscious) nature of the technological progress which ends up the epoch of homo sapiens and gives a way to the uprising of technonoids. Psychological grounds for the philosophy of opposition defended by the author is based on the provision that in the future psychological knowledge will be replaced with cognitivism and humans will be replaced with cyborgs.
transhumanity, gender, post-psychology, technoid, post-mankind, Nilogov, Kutyryov, Gurevich, misanthropology, Saveliev
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kalabekova S.V. (2015). Range of Values in the Age of Consumerism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 814–822. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66995
The object of the research is consumerism and the subject of the research is the values of a consumer society. The authorof the article considers the reasons leading to revaluation of cultural standards and ethical attitudes. She also traces back the dependence of the system of values on factors of various degree of influence – political, social-stratification and ideological ones. Special attention is paid to the role of economic and market mechanisms giving other contents and development directions to the existing values. The author shows the impact of postmodernist views on the development of individual and collective values. In view of the special importance of the problem the author emphasizes the need for further researches in this area. The methodological instruments used by the author include historical, dialectic and systems approaches as well as the problem analysis from the point of view of the unity of all elements. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes a statement about the dependence of the system of values on conditions of social practice and dominating world views. The analysis of these problems allow to come to following conclusions: 1) ethical attitudes of the age of postmodernism demands an all-round study involving all branches of contemporary knowledge; 2) the analysis of the conditions that lead to the creation of pseudo-value is especially important.
brand, value, simulacrum, demonstrative consumption, pragmatism, consumerism, consumer society, postmodernism, simulation, trend
Personal growth
Rybakova N.A. (2015). Self-actualization of a Person: Methodological Excursus. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 823–831. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66996
The object of the present research article is the phenomenology of self-actualization. The subject of the paper is the identification of various methodological approaches to understanding the essence of self-actualization. This article concentrates on the formation and development of the idea of self-actualization in the various scientific approaches throughout the history of science. Much attention is paid to the concept of "self-actualization" and related phenomena studied by humanistic psychology, and the development of the theory of self-actualization in domestic science. Special place is given to the description of self-actualization as a deliberate, focused and self-managed activities unfolding in the various kinds of human activity. According to the author, the consideration of self-actualization as self-organized activity allows to look at the problem of personal freedom in the process of self-realization in a new light. The methodology of the study involves the concept of self-actualization and personal growth in humanistic psychology, the concept of self-realization in domestic science, the theory of activity and personal activity approach; the concept of self-management and self-organization. According to the author, the novelty of the article lies in the synthesis of many years of scientific experience on the issue of self-actualization, and in disclosing its essence from the viewpoint of the major foreign and domestic concepts. The special contribution of the author is the inclusion of the results of her own research of self-actualization from the point of view of the personal activity approach and the theory of activity. The main conclusion is the following: if we consider self-actualization as a self-organized activity, it becomes possible to develop technologies that can help a person to realize and accept their individual personality traits, and purposefully and efficiently manage their self-development and personal growth involving their unique traits and qualities.
need, freedom, individuality, personality, personal growth, self-development, self-actualization, activities, awareness, controllability
Clinical psychology
Khudyakova Yu.Yu. (2015). Peculiarities of Motivational Propensities and Regulation of Aggressiveness of Patients Suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 832–838. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66997
The purpose of the research is to study peculiarities of motivational propensities of patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and peculiarities of regulation of their aggression. In her research Khudyakova used the Szondi test. The research involved 203 patients aged from 18 to 64. The experimental groups included 102 patients that had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The experimental groups were created depending on their gender and duration of their disease (more or less than 5 years). The control groups included 101 patients without any mental diseases. The participants of the control groups were divided depending on their gender. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research involved the provisions of the biopsychosocial theory. When interpreting the results of the projective Szondi test, the author also applied the provisions of the psychodynamic approach. As a result of the research of motivational propensities, patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia demonstrated decreased needs for love and belonging. Women with paranoid schizophrenia had a high level of aggression as a personal motivational factor. Men with paranoid schizophrenia demonstrated a higher tendency towards the factor of sexual undifferentiality compared to healthy men. The researcher has also studied peculiarities of regulation of aggressiveness in the aforesaid groups. Women who had been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for less than 5 years had difficulty regulating their aggression due to the dissociation of their motivational structure. Women who had been suffering from their disease for more than 5 years regulated their aggression only by the ethic motivational factor which usually came out as pseudo religious beliefs and reasoning about the Good and the Evil and etc. Aggressiveness of men who had been having the disease for less than 5 years was regulated by the motivational factor of adhesion and consistency as well as the motivational factor of devotion, aggressiveness of men who had been ill for more than 5 years was regulated by the motivational factor of adhesion and consistency.
regulation of aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, aggression, aggressiveness, paranoid schizophrenia, motivational propensities, needs, Szondi test, projective tests, gender
Psychology and pedagogics
Borzova T.V. (2015). Psychology of Understanding: the Program for Studying Personality in Terms of Its Attitude to the Environment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 839–847. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66998
The subject of the study are psychological conditions that determine the development of understanding of both the process and resuls of operatoins of the university students. The object of the study is the learning process of students. In her article Borzova has attempted to develop a diagnostic tool for studying the processes of student understanding himself, events and phenomena of the surrounding world, and other people. The author considers that the scientific text of Alexander Lazursky and Semyon Frank "The program for studying personality in terms of its attitude to the environment" does not only have a cultural value as a text written by the scientists of the 20th century. This text also has a powerful diagnostic potential of knowledge and understanding of the human being and his disharmony with himself and the othe world. Borzova attempts to adapt "The program for studying personality in terms of its attitude to the environment" to the process of teaching students. The main contribution of the author in the study of the problems of understanding the nature of the text and social sciences is the creation of the diagnostic tool that allows a modern student to interact with all kinds of signifiers that possess the meaning and are capable of creating new meanings. The first step towards this goal has been the publication of a modified version of Koseling's inventory "Overcoming Difficulties in Writing Texts" (published in the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal, Issue 1, 2014).
attitude to religion, mental models, attitude to others, attitude to yourself, higher education, psychology of understanding, attitude to life, text production, human studies, understanding
Developmental psychology
Aron I.S. (2015). Development of Motivational Readiness for Professional Self-Determination of Adolescents with Deviant Behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 848–853. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66999
The subject of the research is the motivational readiness for professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior. The work is aimed at studying peculiarities of motivational readiness for professional self-determination of deviant adolescents and justifying that it is possible to develop it in the process of psychological and pedagogical assistance. The author of the article describes the social environment (objective and subjective elements) in which a deviant adolescent grows up and concludes that such environment has certain deficiencies and therefore has a negative influence on professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior. The author emphasizes the importance of motivatinal readiness for a successful professional choice as the component of psychological readiness for developing a professional self-identity. The author analyzes psychoogical researches on the motivational sphere of deviant adolescents as well as peculiarities of their motivational readiness for professional self-determination. The author outlines the main disturbances of the motivational development of deviant adolescents including the lack of self-reflection and conflicting motives, the prevailing role of the motive to avoid failure and the motive of constraint, suppressed safety needs, the needs for freedom and group membership. This leads to the lack of understanding and dispersion of professional interests, lack of independence in choosing a majo and limited motives to make a professional choice. The present article presents the results of the author's research of motivational readiness of deviant adolescents for professional self-deterination. The research was carried out at the educational center for children and adolescents with deviant behavior 'Becoming' in the Mari El Republic. The following groups of methods were used by the author to achieve the targets and complete the tasks of the research: theoretical analysis of the academic literature on the matter; methods of psychological diagnostics such as tests and questionnaries; methods of psychological and pedagogical assistance such as trainings, group discussions, role and business games and psychological counseling; statistical treatment, analysis and generalization of the results. The results of the research have demonstrated the lack of established values of deviant adolescents in the processes of personal interaction and building personal plas compared to their peers from general academic schools, prevailing external motivation towards professional activity such as economic reward for labour, attempts to avoid punishment or critics and the motive to avoid failure in their activity. The author also describes the details of psychological and pedagogical assistance in developing motivational readiness for professional self-determination of deviant adolescents. The article presents the results of the final diagnostics that prove the author's program of psychological and pedagogical assistance to be efficient.
efficiency, development, method, diagnosis, psychological readiness, motivational readiness, professional self-determination, deviant behavior, adolescent, psychology