Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Disordered Mind as the Progeny of Gene. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 547–550. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66632
The present article is devoted to schizophrenia. Nowadays when all mental processes are viewed as being based on physiology, particular attention is paid to the problems of genetic disposition to this mental disorder. However, scientists who tried to find genetic factors inevitably leading to schizophrenia faced certain difficulties. It turned out that schizophrenia genes are spread throughout genom. Recent researches outlined a number of locuses that presumably cause schizophrenia. At the same time, these researches have been disproved in the 21st century because no gene that would be in charge of the development of this mental disorder was found. In the present research Gurevich has analyzed the results of psychiatric researches on schizophrenia. In addition, Gurevich has carried out the critical analysis of the phenomenon of reductionism when complex phenomena are 'reduced' to simpler or more basic phenomena. The researcher also examines biological and cultural determinism, their achievements and disadvantages. The novelty of the author's approach is caused by the fact that the author tries to analyze not only the gene mutation as the cause of schizophrenia but also discuss situations when genetic predisposition to schizophrenia does not develop due to social or cultural factors. Special attention is paid to risk factors as well as conditions that allow to overcome the 'sentence' to madness. The researcher also performs the critical analysis of the sociobiological thesis that all past and present forms of social organization are caused by specific activity of genes. Gurevich describes the sequences that follow the concept of genetic determinancy of social organization through natural selection.
psychiatry, sociobiology, reductionism, mind, madness, genome, insanity, schizophrenia, sociality, genetic heredity
Societal passions
Shazhinbatyn A. (2015). Man in Three Contexts. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 551–559. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66633
The article offers a reconstruction of the ideas of an outstanding American cultural scientist Leslie A. White. Attention is focused on the analysis of his ideas of cultural communication. Reflecting on the origins of language, the author, following White, turns to the philosophical comprehension of man. The main idea of the article is that man should be regarded in three contexts: as a physical object, as a representative of the natural world, and as a human being. White insists on the difference between human beings and animals. He relates this demarcation to the symbolic nature of culture. In his opinion, man has a unique aptitude for symbolic behaviour and hence in each his action and state man experiences the influence of cultural traditions. The author gives a critical assessment of methods of cultural anthropology and introduces important points of the philosophical comprehension of man into analysis of L. White’s conception. The reconstruction of the ideas of L. White creates a need to develop polemic attitude to some of his statements. The conception of L. White and his contribution to cultural science have been discussed by many Russian researchers. However, the scientific legacy of the American scientist is multi-faceted. White’s desire to surpass the framework of evolutional anthropology and to integrate philosophical and anthropological approaches to the analysis of man as a symbolic subject is of special value. L. White saw the significance of his conception in showing the difference between man and animal. In this sense, his ideas are significant for debates with post-modernist approaches that proceed from the principal unity of man and animal.
man, culture, symbol, behaviour, speech, genesis, training, meaning, word, reflex
Crowd psychology
Zankovskiy A.N., Nartsissova S.Yu. (2015). Discourse in Virtual Dialogue: Motivational and Role Determinants. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 560–569. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66634
The article touches upon motivational and role determinants of a virtual discourse, general features and types of such a discourse. The authors describe the following features of a virtual discourse: cultural conditionality, communicative nature, frequent returning to the point at issue, original slang, interactivity and tolerance of a discourse. It is noticed that development of vertical and horizontal social communications among members of virtual communities partly promotes formation of noncommercial sector in structure of the modern state and, on occasion, can influence socially significant events in the life of society. The research methodology consists of the information-semiotic approach considering public interaction as the world of the social information being accumulated and kept by means of signs created by people; Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, theories of social action of Jurgen Habermas and the concept social practices offered by Bourdieu. As a result of the carried out research, the authors conclude that the motivational potential of a virtual discourse is presented by motives and needs including psychological release, self-actualization and professional growth, satisfaction of the need for safety and anonymity, recognition and respect, and others. The discourse in the virtual subculture bears the impress of the socio-cultural space and provides for the performance of some functions, in particular, information function and development of the social image. The role determinants of a virtual discourse include rating assessment, hierarchy of users and structural constructs forming a pyramid of ranks on the basis of assessed levels of activity of users. Considering the number of comments or the volume of the created content, users are assigned ranks that raise their status and encourage their activity.
status of the user, cyberspace, Internet communities, virtual environment, discourse, motivation, needs, role determinants, rating of the user, network dialogue
Philosophy and psychology
Popova V.S. (2015). Psychologism as the Logical and Methodological Issue: Historical Origin in Russian Philosophy of the Beginning of the XXth Century and Contemporary Meaning. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 570–578. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66635
The article is devoted to the problem of psychologism in terms of logic. Psychologism is viewed with reference to logical and methodological researches of some Russian philosophers of the XIX-XX centuries as well as foreign researches of this issue (Vladislavlev-Mill, Vedensky-Lossky, Shpet-Sigwart-Wundt). The importance of the psychologism paradigm is expressed in several logical and methodological tendencies (importance of the empiric subject of cognition in modern humanitarian epistemology; contemporary convergence of logic, argumentorics, cognitive science and researches of artificial intelligence; and a growing role of informal logic and its approaches to the analysis of argumentation). Examination of psychologism problem in various philosophical systems is very significant from the viewpoint of the humanitarian epistemology development and humanitarian discipline evolution. The author also describes debates on the demarcation of logical and psychological phenomena. Today's epistemological approaches (for example, cultural and historical methodology) emphasize the importance of the dialogue between different aspects of research and the eternal nature of questions about the subject of science (logic, psychology and philosophy). The author treats cultural and historical approach as the most effective for contemporary psychologism problem research.
logic, psychology, psychologism, metapsychologism, epistemological style, logical and methodological tendencies, cultural and historical approach, Mikhail Vladislavlev, Alexander Vvedenskiy, Nikolay Losskiy
Continent of the unconscious
Artem'eva O.A., Kurbatova M.V. (2015). Monotheism from the Standpoint of Psychoanalysis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 579–587. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66636
This article gives insight into the fundamentals of the psychoanalytical approach to the image of God in monotheism. These fundamental concepts provide anthropological and humanistic intepretation of the image of God. According to S. Freud and C. G. Jung, in Judaism and Christianity the image of God, on the one hand, has the features of human personality and responsibility of a parent, and on the other hand, presents the ideal of human development that involves integration of all personality substances into one system. In other words, the idea and the image of God is either deduced from personal experience/experience of a group of people or viewed as a mean of personal development. Despite the fact that elimination of the sacral meaning of the image of God simplifies the phenomenon under research, the psychological feature and potential of the image of God are very important for the theory and practice of psychoanalytic assistance to a neurotic personality of our time. In their research the authors analyze fundamental works such as Freud's Totem and Taboo, The Future of an Illusion, Moses and Monotheism, Jung's Answer to Job, Psychology and Religion and others. The researchers describe the views of these psychologists on the psychological roots and the meaning of religion either as a mental construct that defends man from the traumatic influence of the reality or representation of collective unconscious that encourages individuation. Consequently, the condition that allows to overcome neurosis is viewed as the denial of religion in one case and appealing to the religious experience as the source of life, meaning and beauty, on the other hand.
psychological practice, psychology of religion, history of psychology, psychoanalisys, monotheism, S. Freud, animism, C.G. Jung, polytheism, image of God
Modeling the unconscious
Nilogov A.S. (2015). Psychology and Philosophy of Anti-Language (the Analysis of Irina Beskova's Monograph 'The Nature of Dreams'. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 588–601. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66637
The object of the research is the three-level structure of human offered by the Russian philosopher Irina Beskova in her book 'The Nature of Dreams'. The subject of the research is the representation of the conscious, subconsious and unconscious experience ranged from the point of view of the hypothesis of the 'anthropological border' and their conceptualization in associated information units. In his article Nilogov examines such aspects as individual objective reality, individual language, status of human-existence, suggestion and language of dreams. Special attention is paid to the ontological status language and antilanguage units that represent sensory channels of obtaining information. In his research Nilogov has the following research methods: problem method, analogy, hermeneutical method, antilanguage method (discovery of classes of antiwords), comparison, sythesis, analysis, conceptualization, reconstruction and interviewing. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher uses the antilanguage methodology to verbalize information coming from many systems and subsystems of human (sensory organs) in the form of special classes that code signals by the means of antiwords. The researcher reconstructs antilanguage aspects and provisions described by a number of researchers which provides enough grounds to substantiate a new philosophical and linguistic method.
dreamlike experience, class of antiword, suggestion, individual objective reality, unconscious, philosophy of antilanguage, Beskova, antilanguage methodology, anthropological border, language of dreams
Personal growth
Tolmacheva O.A. (2015). The Problem of Personal Maturity and Self-Actualization. Humanistic Approach. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 602–610. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66638
In this article the research subject is the views of humanistic philosophers and psychologists on personal maturity and personal self-fulfillment. Self-fulfilment is defined as a full release and realization of personal potential. Each person has potentials to grow and self-improve. This is an inborn need of personality and can be satisfied only when a person is mature and has a tendency to personal growth. At birth all people have huge potentials that, however, fade away as a result of the influence of culture. This is what the founder of the self-actualization theory Abraham Maslow stated. Humanistic psychologists and a number of Russian researchers view the motive for self-actualization as the main driver of personal development. The fact that a person has the motive for self-actualization proves this is a mature personality. Theoretical and methodological grounds of the research included: humanistic theory of personal self-actualization (Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and others), theory of personal self-development (Boris Ananiev, Ksenia Abulkhanova-Slavskaya and Alexander Asmolov) and scientific provisions about the stimulating and directing role of motives (E. Ilyin). In the present research personal maturity and tendency to self-actualization are being viewed from the point of view of the psychological health. This is what makes the novelty of the research. Moreover, the author of the article describes the basic and leading concepts of personal self-development offered by both Russian and foreign researhers that overcome contradictory views on self-actualization and demonstrate that mature personality is a psychologically healthy personality with developed intellect that knows how to achieve his or her goals. All this is possible only when there is personal health. Personal health is defined as the state of personality that ensures sustainable development, successful personal growth and movement towards self-actualization. Motivational status of a health person consists of the pursuance of self-actualization which is understood as the completion of one's mission or achievement of one's vocation or destiny. Self-actualization means the outcome of the deep nature of human to the surface, reconciliation with the inner self and personality core, maximum self-expression, i.e. realization of the hidden abilities and potentials, 'ideal performance'.
Thus, the feeling of individuality, successful career and commitment to one's personal value system are as important for the psychological health of an individual as security, love, self-respect, etc. The fact that an individual aspires to fulfil his needs of the highest level is an indicator of his mental health. According to Maslow, satisfaction of the needs of the highest order allows a person to feel happier. Metamotivation itself denotes one's personal maturity. The majority of researchers view personal growth as an essential element of the path towards self-actualization.
personal potential, meta-needs, personal growth, personal maturity, personality development, self-fulfillment, self-actualization, motivation, metamotivation, value systems
The range of emotional experience
Berezina T.N., Sokolov G.A. (2015). Figurative Modeling as a Mean of Improving the Mental State of Students During Exams. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 611–620. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66639
In the present article Berezina and Sokolov analyze the problem of emotional security of the educational environment, in particular, improvement of the mental state of students during exams. The authors examine the most famous consequences of examination stress such as worsening of academic performance or even psychosomatic disorders. The authors describe the existing methods of increasing examination anxiety including psychorelaxation and behavioral techniques. The subject of the present article is the figurative modeling as a mean of impoving the mental state. The object of the research is the implementation of techniques transforming mental images of the highest order (de-emphasis of the negative image and creation of the positive image) during university exams. The main research method is the quasi-experiment that was carried out in the two groups of respondents, experimental and control groups, each group consisting of 25 people. Based on the analysis of empirical data, the authors demonstrate that the implementation of the figurative modeling techniques during exams decreases the state anxiety, make a student less worried about grades and partially improve his mood. The figurative modeling is viewed as a cognitive method that is aimed at direct work with cognitions (beliefs, expectations, thoughts) and allows to improve the mental state of students by applying the method of image thinking.
images of the highest order, figurative thinking, figurative modeling, psychological training, cognitive psychology, emotional safety, mental images, examination stress, state anxiety, mental state
Professional psychology
Mustafaeva E.M., Ryumshina L.I. (2015). Manipulative Style of Management and Satisfaction with the Psychological Climate in a Group of Subordinates. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 621–630. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66640
The subject under research is the manipulative tendencies of managers, their management style, means of influence on subordinates and the level of satisfaction of the latter with the psychological cilmate in a group. Special attention is paid to the relation between manipulative tendencies of managers and their management style as well as partricular displays of the manipulative management style and means of influence on subordinates that are usually used by the managers with the manipulative tendencies. The empirical object of the research was the groups of industrial workers. In total, 155 respondents were involved in the research, 20 managers and 135 subordinates. The researchers used the questionnare suvey, comparative analysis and statistical data processing. To define the manipulative tendencies of managers, the researchers used the MAC-4 Inventory (adapted by V. Znakova). To analyze the psychological cilmate, the researchers applied the Social and Psychological Cilmate Inventory offered by A. Lutoshkina. The management style was defined with the help of the inventories developed by L. Ryumshina, the Management Style Inventory and Means of Manipulation Inventory.
The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researchers analyze the manipulative management style and means of manipulation used by managers in the process of managing their subordinates. The researchers show the dependence of the management style on whether a manager has manipulative tendencies or not. The researchers also describe general means of manipulation and influence on subordinates that are typical for managers disregarding their management style as well as specific means of manipulation used by managers with the manipulative management style. The researchers also examine the level of satisfaction with the psychological climate in groups of industrial workers managed by managers with different management styles.
dialogic style of management, the authoritarian style of management, management style, the manipulation of subordinates, manipulative tendencies, interpersonal manipulation, manipulation, manipulative style of management, means of manipulation, psychological climate
Developmental psychology
Mishurova E.Yu. (2015). Position of a Substitute Parent. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 631–638. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66641
The author's attention is paid to the phenomenon of substitute parenting that requires serious scientific research. The researcher proposes to consider the position of substitute parents as a systematically important element in the structure of the substitute parenting. The author determines this position as a system of attitudes of an adoptive parent to various aspects of substitute parenting. The author demonstrates the diversity of interpretations of the term "position" in the domestic and foreign science. The subject of the research is the position of substitute parents, in particular its motivational component and problems in foster care that may cause the risk of returning a child to the orphanage. The research is based on the subjective and existential approaches to studying human as an active and capable of self-development actor of life activity. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher studies the position of adoptive parents as the basis for interaction with the child adopted by the foster family. The article presents the results of the empirical research of the motivational component of the position of substitute parents. These results allow to look at the meaning-making processes of substitute parenting. The research aimed at improving the efficiency of substitute parenting, providing practical support to foster families, prevention of failures of adoptive parents to fulfill contractual obligations to foster care.
motive, the level of personal organization, family values, attitude, position, orphans, substitute parenthood, substitute parenting, abandonment of a child, construct, the efficiency of interaction