Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Unity by Quantum not Blood. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 445–448. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66549
The research subject of the present article is the influence of quantum reasoning on the phenomenon of ethnic identity. Throughout centuries ethnic self-identity has been maintained by uniform traditions and kin relationships. However, the 'blood factor' has been gradually replaced with other forms of social solidarity. It even seemed that ethnic awareness would be dissolved in the interior of social dynamics. Yet, it has turned out to be a more complex problem than it seemed to followers of Eurocentrism and ideologists of globalization. Ethnic mentality often revealed inexplicit roots, thereby reflecting the opposition between nature and society. Globalism has faced active forms of ethnic and national opposition to the general flow of history. In his article Gurevich has used achievements of ontological researches, acquirements of philosopho-historical reasoning, experience in comparing socio-cultural results and, finally, the most recent findings in physics and their effect on the development of the scientific picture of the world. For the first time in the academic literature Gurevich analyzes the drastic shift from ethnic identity to quantum reasoning that created new forms of social communities. There is growing belief in psychology that the picture of the world presented by quantum physics insists on the redevelopment of the entire social life of humankind. There is similar belief that history has prepared the breakthrough that would allow people to 'jump' into a new, and to a great extent, artificial world. Figuratively speaking, the call of the blood that has started ethnic awareness will be gradually replaced with the 'unity by quantum' or, more exactly, new means of human self-identity. The author stresses out that this is a complex and controversial process.
psychology, ethnos, identity, tradition, quantum reasoning, sociality, lifestyle, nazification of humankind, multiculturalism, globalism
Philosophy and psychology
Andreev I.L., Nazarova L.N. (2015). The Sound Effects on the Human Mind: the Phenomenon of 'Audio Drugs'. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 449–458. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66550
The subject of the present research is the technologically and psychologically elaborate and powerful targeted influence of specially designed and focused sound on the brain and the mind of young listeners whose skulls and ears have not completed their formation and who have not developed an adequate idea about the world and about their place in it. The authors of the article demonstrate that being a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon of the digital age as well as a specific form of targeted psychological influence on the brain, mind and mental health of human, audio drugs require interdisciplinary research, in particular, from the point of view of the history of philosophical anthropology and adolescent psychiatry. Although the problem has been of current interest for less than 10 years, it is a very important issue not only due to its ultra-modern novelty and unusual attractiveness but also because of the hidden threat of a real surge of mental and suicidal effects in case of invisible virtual and non-chemical drugs overdose as well as the opportunity to use audio drugs illegally for political and advertising purposes. The authors of the article demonstrate that being a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon of the digital age as well as a specific form of targeted psychological influence on the brain, mind and mental health of human, audio drugs require interdisciplinary research, in particular, from the point of view of the history of philosophical anthropology and adolescent psychiatry.
mirror neurons, audioneurons, quasi culture, binaural effect, adolescents, audio stimulants, mind, audio drugs, brain, psyche
Horizons of psychology
Posypanova O.S. (2015). Psychological and Marketing Features of the Consumer Self-Concept. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 459–469. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66551
Advertising, promotion, marketing effect a potential buyer more and more subtly, not just motivating him but invading the deep layers of his self-concept. The present research is dedicated to the analysis of what features of the self-concept respond to the marketing impact. According to the authors, the consumer self-concept is a structural layer of the general self-concept which becomes activated when you use the product and is always bonded with the product. In her article Posypanova has researched psychological features of the consumer self-concept, in other words, those that provide a subjective control over shopping and buying products: consumer self-analysis and reflection, awareness, predicting ability, goal-setting ability, crisis manifestation, personality externalization, self-realization, terminality, internality and complexity of the personal structure of values and motives. The author has also described marketing features of the consumer self-concept, in other words, those that provide active response to external sales stimulus and thus influence the consumer objectivity: dualism with the goods, reactivity, sensitivity, dependence on advertisements and the seller, mental passivity, symbolism and plasticity. It was determined that the consumer self-concept has the following functions: regulatory, restrictive, antimanipulational functions, the function of self-determination in the world of things and the function of the acceleration of consumption.
objectivity, subjectivity, marketing features of self-concept, psychology in marketing, self-concept, self-image, consumer behavior psychology, consumer psychology, economic psychology, psychological features of self-concept
Inner world
Rudnev V.P. (2015). Psyhology of Microscene. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 470–477. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66552
In his article Rudnev introduces the concept of microscene. He defines it as a usually traumatic but sometimes positive episode in one's life that has the essential effect on all his life afterwards. The concept of microscene is an extended concept of the primal scene when a little child witnesses his parents having sex and takes it as his father abusing his mother which creates grounds for the Oedipus complex. Microscene does not necessarily mean witnessing sexual relations. It can be just a negative or positive episode a person will remember for the rest of his life. Rudnev analyzes the concept of microscene based on the example of psychological abuse experienced by little Beethoven when his drunk father Johann with his friend woke up Ludwig in the middle of the night and forced him to practice scales. That microscene was remembered by Beethoven and, as it often happens, caused the dissociation of Beethoven's personality and creative work and created three 'different' personalities of Beethoven - melancholic cycloid, sociopath and schizoid. The researcher also relates microscene to the phenomenon of Russian TV commercial as a pure narrative with a hardly any product behind. Rudnev comes to the conclusion that all our life consists of conscious or unconscious microscenes leaving indelible traces. In his research Rudnev has used his own method called psychosemiotics or philosophy of psychiatry. The core of this method is the disjunctive synthesis of semiotics and theoretical psychoanalysis. The author's important contribution to the researches of the matter is the definition of microscene as an extended Freudian concept of the primal scene. This concept is mentioned in the Russian academic literature for the first time and used by the author of the article to analyze a situation of psychological trauma or abuse or episode from everyday life, or a TV commercial, quotation or reminiscence. The main scientific novelty of the present article is the introduction of the term 'microscene' as a negative or positive episode in one's life that is remembered for a long time and in many ways determines one's life and future. In conclusion the author states that we are surrounded by microscences, or psychological elementary particles, that constitute our life.
life, music, psyche, Beethoven, psychoanalysis, Freud, dissociation, microscene, advertising, violence
To understand the human being
Yakovleva E.L. (2015). Secret as the Existential Nothingness or Existence of Nothing. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 478–485. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66553
The subject of the research is the component of the subjective life of the person presented in the form of the hidden. The complexity of the analysis is due to the fact that a secret as something that exists in everyone's life is deliberately hidden: a secret can be a powerful source for personality development but at the same time be hidden and carefully controlled. Only an individual himself can perform 'pro-of-knowledge' and partially or fully withdraw his secrets from the subjective sphere into the objective sphere where they stop being secrets. He can also keep a secret to/in himself. According to the author, even partial disclosure of the hidden still leaves the room for exploration and interpretation from the point of view of another subjectivity. Based on the results of the analysis, the author creates a classification of the hidden as the existential nothingness (secret-in-itself), existence of nothing (secret-out-of-itself) and the transition between them (secret-from-itself). The problem is viewed by the author in the form of a narrative description using dialectical and phenomenological methods and the principle of intentional analysis that helps to reveal partiular features of this psychic phenomenon. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes a complex psychic phenomenon and offers a classification of different types of this phenomenon in terms of individual existence. Terms and findings of the research can be used when working with people as well as interpreting various kinds of texts and writing psychological profiles.
incomprehensible, nothingness, non-existence, secret, the hidden, existential nothingness / secret-in-itself, secret-from-itself, existence of nothing / secret-out-of-itself, il y a, posture, pro-of-knowledge, original
Professional psychology
Khalilullina D.Z. (2015). Professional Values of the Actor of Labor and Corporate Culture of an Organization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 486–492. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66554
The dynamics of professional values of personnel in organizations is analyzed. The object of the research was the professional values of different organizations with different forms of ownership and purposes of activity (commercial and non-commercial purposes). The purpose of the research was to determine peculiarities of the dynamics of professional values of employees at an organization. The results of the research prove the author's hypothesis that specialists of different majors have different values. The authenticity of the research results was supported by the good planning of the experiment, adequate choice of reliable and valid methods, sufficient volume and representation of the group of respondents and application of different statistical methods according to the objectives of the research. In her research Khalilullina has used the psychological test called «Values of the Actor of Professional Activity» (offered by Lvov and Shlykova) that describes seven professional areas, each consisting of 64 factors allowing to identify professional values of employees. On the basis of empirical data the average indices have been calculated and analyzed. The results of the research of this group of respondents show that professional values are totally different for the studied areas. While there are differences between professional values, the following general tendency for all respondents can be observed: material values are the most important and communicative values are the least important. There are also the following tendencies for all types of professions: professional values are the most demonstrated and social values are the least demonstrated. These tendencies can be specific to a professional group of specialists. For the common tendencies there are differences in the significance and the fullness of the manifestation of professional values among specialists of different types of professions. The same differences exist in professional fields that have no common tendencies mentioned above. Professional values of specialists of various professions differ depending not only on their professional fields in general but also on individual factors composing each of the areas. This reflects the missing homogeneity of amounts and fullness of the manifestation of professional values within a single professional field. In addition, the low level of satisfaction of the majority of factors in professional activity can have a negative influence on the level of psychological safety of the respondents because their working conditions can conflict with their needs that are the basis of the professional values and motivation. This can lead to destructive psychological changes such as the increased level of anxiety, professional deformation, unclear life orientations and, finally, reduction of the effectiveness of corporate activities. The results of this research can be used: 1) to make recommendations on how to develop or improve the corporate culture of the company; 2) to create a motivational program for the specialists; 3) to develop the personnel policy of the organization; 4) to form working groups consisting of representatives of different cultures; 5) to organize the working process by managers at different levels; 6) to prepare guidelines for the top management; 7) to provide psychological assistance to employees including their adaptation to a new working place.
dynamics of professional values, psychological safety of an employee, corporate culture, values management, personal traits of employees, professional values, personal characteristics of employees, communicative competence, motivational sphere of employees, labor satisfaction
Clinical psychology
Erzin A.I., Antokhin E.Yu. (2015). Development of the Proactive Behavior Inventory in Clinical Samples. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 493–500. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66555
This study reports the development of the Proactive Behavior Inventory that was designed to define the level of proactivity and to analyze personal components of proactive behavior (self-reflection and self-regulation, forecasting and anticipation, spontaneity, internal locus of control and metamotivation). The authors of the article define proactivity as the feature of a mature personality with a high level of self-determination, personal responsibility, ability to make a conscious choice of a behavioral model and to predict life events. The need to create a new inventory was determined by the fact that there are no Russian psychological tests that would precisely study proactivity as a personal trait. The primary development of the Proactive Behavior Inventory involved 187 people including healthy individuals and patients suffering from schizophrenia, depression, coronary artery disease, drug abuse and addiction at different stages of medical treatment. The empirical validity of the test was assessed through the comparison of the results with the results obtained by the means of the Proactive Coping Inventory offered by Esther Greenglass, Ralf Schwarzer and Steffen Taubert. The Inventory offered by the authors of the article allowed to discover significant differences of a number of proactivity parameters in different groups of respondents. Primary findings prove the statement that mentally healthy and adaptive people have high indicators of proactivity while patients suffering from schizophrenia and drug abuse demonstrate a lower level of proactivity. Mathematical and statistical analysis demonstrates a high level of homogeneity of the Inventory and validity of the questionnaire items related to the integral proactivity indicators. Thus, the basic psychometric indicators of the Inventory show a high reliability and validity as well as the internal homogeneity of the Inventory. Further researches should be carried out in order to involve a greater number of respondents, to analyze the gender and cross-cultural factors and to study patients with other mental and psychosomatic diseases. The results of the study will be of interest to clinical psychologists and allow recommending the Proactive Behavior Inventory for investigating personality traits of self-determination, spontaneity, goal-setting and ancitipation of both healthy individuals and patients suffering from mental diseases.
depression, standardization, psychodiagnostics, internality, self-determination, anticipation, schizophrenia, proactivity, proactive behavior, positive psychology, drug abuse
Keys to creativity
Rubtsova N.E. (2015). The Main Directions of Classifications of Professional Activity . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 501–510. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66556
In her article Rubtsova analyzes the problem of creating a psychological classification of professional activities taking into account psychological bases of different types of labor, classification categories and application of this classification to psychological determination of requirements set for a labour actor . The researcher examines available information and the current state of the problem. This is a difficult problem to study because there are many widely known psychological classifications of professional activities. When analyzing such problems, methods of systematization and generalization of objects are usually applied. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research involves philosophical and scientific principles of classification and systems approach, constructive method of the classification of mental phenomena, the concept of professional activity and existing classifications of professional activities, job specification, professional competence, professional development and professional identity. According to the author, it is necessary to systematize all the variety of classifications of professional activity based on the main directions of their development. Rubtsova offers the following types of classifications of professional activity: socio-economic classifications that include international, national and industrial classifications; and psychological classifications that include domestic and foreign classifications of a person in labour, Russian and foreign classifications and classification of labour based on the main features of professional activity.
psychological requirements, self-realization in the profession, psychology of work, professional activity, psychological content of the work, the principle of creating classifications, psychological classification, labour actor, professional way
Developmental psychology
Vanteeva E.V., Sergienko E.A. (2015). Dynamics of Behavior Control in the Process of Adaptation of Children to a Day Care Center. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 511–522. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66557
In this article the subject of the research is the dynamics of behavior control of preschoolers during their adaptation to a day care center. The object of the research is the psychological regulation of behavior during the preschool years. The authors consider the problem of self-regulation. Particular attention is paid to behavior control as a construct being analyzed in terms of the system-subject approach. Behavior control is regarded as a single system that includes three subsystems of regulation (cognitive control, emotional regulation and action control: self-produced actions / will). Thus, behavior control is a type of the overall regulation of behavior including specific resources of a particular person that provides an individual way of adaptation and allows him to overcome life difficulties.
The following techniques have been used in the research: the model of level-organization of the emotional regulation system (in particular the scale of assessment of external regulation methods), the sample "Training Test" by Luria, "Classification of geometric shapes," Wechsler test WPPSI, schemes for observing and analyzing child's behavior, questionnaire for parents and observation map for teachers. The main conclusion of the research is that children have different kinds of adaptation depending on the ratio of individual cognitive, emotional and arbitrary components. Particular dynamics of behavior control components has been observed for children who easily adjust or have difficulty adjusting to a day care center. It is also admitted that particular styles of adaptation reflect individual patterns of behavior control.
hypothesis of the research, behavior control, cognitive control, emotional control, action control, adaptation, adjustment, preschool age, problem of self-control, life path, system of emotional regulation
Eros and Thanatos
Suetin T.A. (2015). Under the Influence of Thanatos. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 523–534. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66558
The article is devoted to the problem of death drive as a natural constituent element of existence and its defining role for human and society as well as such the exaggerated neurotic death drive as the appetence to early death. In his research Suetin describes possible causes of such behavior based on the analysis of a particular case of autodestruction. The researcher also analyzes the tendencies of mass death drive in the modern society and prerequisites for the scientific and technical development and its influence on human and his future. Death drive is studied by the author in terms of classical psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud's theory of instinctual drive and death and death instinct are analyzed from the point of view of philosophical anthropology, postmodernism and cultural studies. The author states that death drive is fundamental to life instinct which energy is presented as having active and passive forms. Life instinct is a natural movement of motivated energy and death instinct is an inert but inavoidable energy. The author also demonstrates how these drives reverse as a result of traumatic events experiened by human and deformation of development trends in the society.
the fear of death, society, unconscious, instinct, autodestruction, aggression, instinctual drive, Death, Life, clinical history