Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). One Language or Multilingualism? . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 337–342. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66449
The research subjet is the psychological and cultural grounds for creation of a unified planetary language. Is there a need in a unified planetary language? In what way can it be created? What if it is better to listen to all 'voices' and languages of the modern world rather than to create a new esperanto or a language that would be more flexible and popular with masses? Who defines the status of a universal language? What plays the more important role in the process of creating such a language, theoretical findings of language experts or the political will of modern leaders? What will happen to the heritage of small ethnic groups and social communities on the periphery of the global process? What if the humankind loses cultural treasures when different cultural orientations will become one? As we see, this topic raises a lot of questions that need to be solved as soon as possible. In his research Gurevich has used the methods of psycholinguistics as well as findings of philosophy of culture and philosophy of language. He has also used the methods of comparative research. It is demonstrated that the fate of languages in the epoch of globalization brings out all kinds of philosophical, socio-cultural and linguistic isues. This topic is not only nettlesome but also very important in the conceptual meaning. The spiritual debates of civilizations oblidge humanities to state a whole number of problems as a result of globalization. In his article Gurevich also discusses what language could undertake the role of the universal language. He also discusses whether it would be useful to create a universal communication code.
psychology, philosophy, language, culture, communication, interaction, globalization, symbol, Völkerpsychologie (psychology of peoples), information
Crowd psychology
Popova O.V. (2015). Social and Psychological Factors of Distribution of Violence (Analysis of Hazing in the Army). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 343–351. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66450
Being a widely occuring form of extremism in the modern army, the phenomenon of dedovshchina or hazing is characterized by the non-statutory (violent) relations humiliating human dignity among the military personnel of conscription service. In her article Popova examines qualitative levels and hazing modalities (such as sociocultural, philosophical and psychological, ethical modalities ) demonstrating a variety of the factors influencing aggression and distribution of violence in the army environment. The psychological mechanisms ensuring psychological safety and moral complacency are also considered. These include moral justification, substitution of notions, favorable comparison, responsibility rearrangement, distribution of responsibility, ignoring or distortion of consequences, dehumanization, and attributing of fault. The author is guided by the conceptual provisions of A. Bandura's psyhology who defined the most typical justificatory mechanisms allowing to deviate from strict moral claims without feelings self-disrespect. Analysing the philosophical and psychological factors of "dedovshchina" as some kind of justificatory mechanisms of this phenomenon, the author comes to the conclusion that they act as patterns of avoidance of self-punishment and loss of self-esteem owing to commission of reprehensible actions. They can not be articulated at the time of commission of an act of violence, but, as a rule, are present at the subsequent reflection over the behavior when there is a conflict of the values created by the army environment and social values where the idea of violence is either disadvantaged or hidden.
psychological factors of hazing, hazing, dedovshchina, human design, ethics of war, violence in the army, sociocultural factors of violence, violence and non-violence, non-violence philosophy, psychology of army service, ethics of non-violence
Национальный менталитет
Pishchik V.I., Zhukov N.V. (2015). Components of the Economic Mentality of the Student Youth in the Southern Region. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 352–363. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66451
The research subject of the present article is the components of the economic mentality of the student youth in the southern region. The authors have applied the axiological approach to the study. Economic mentality is understood as a system that combines notions, meanings and values governed and implemented in the economic sphere of life. The periphery of the mentality presents the socio-psychological characteristics (attitudes, values, forms of discourse and other). Components of economic mentality include the meanings, values, particular economic behaviour (consumption, distribution, increment of resources). It is possible to identify the type of traditional mentality, innovation, transition and postinnovation that will set the trends of human economic behavior. The research methodology is based on classic explanations. The authors have also applied a set of diagnostic methods (measuring components of the economic mentality) and statistical processing of data (correlation and factor analysis) that allows you highlight certain factors affecting the research subject. The respondents have been divided into the two groups that differ in certain parameters (family income for instance) and allow to differentiate the results of the study. The main conclusions is the idea that measuring the indicators of the economic mentality allow to select certain types of economic behavior of respondents with different income. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the research involved students of the southern region and the results have been compared with the data of foreign researchers.
generation, students, economic behavior, economic mentality, axiological components, types of economic behavior, traditional/innovative, values, meanings, axiological approach
Этнос и этничность
Shazhinbatyn A. (2015). Ethnic Groups and the Evolutional Conception of Culture. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 364–372. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66452
The article deals with the problem of an ethnic group as interpreted by the evolutional concept of culture. Almost for two centuries cultural anthropology has been studying man. In its interpretation, the world of human being appears to be an expression of ethnographic factors. In the middle of the past century the concept of cultural evolutionism took shape. Its outstanding representative was Leslie A. White (1900-1975). He was an active participant of theoretical discussions of the middle of the 20th century. In 1949 a book of his essays was published in which he discussed not only general problems of culture but also the role of ethnic groups in interpretation of cultural dynamics. The book contained selected essays that defended evolutionary theory of cultural development (he united them in Part I), several works where Leslie A. White introduced his concept of culture (part II) and articles dealing with particular problems of anthropology (parts III-VI). With some exceptions, the composition of the book belongs to L. White. All works except for the two – «Satellites and Gods; or the Press, the Clergy, and an Anthropologist» and «Anthropological Approaches to Religion» (1957) – had been published before in journals and books, many of which are currently hard to get. Together they give a complete idea of the creative method and concept in general.For the past century there were the following three fundamental methods of explaining cultural changes – historical, structural-functional and evolutional ones – that were engaged in dispute on the scientific arena. Each of them, as it is shown in the article, reflected one of the aspects of cultural dynamics or one of the levels of the cultural process or subprocess.The novelty of the article is related to the analysis of the problem of an ethnic group in the evolutionary concept of culture. The author critically reviews the main ideas of this ethnological essay and shows that it is possible to reveal the specificity of an ethnic group as a phenomenon only within the framework of the philosophical-anthropological discourse. Understanding of human nature permits to deeper and more fundamentally understand an ethnic group as a constructive idea.
ethnology, evolution, method, anthropology, man, ethnic group, culture, philosophy, structure, psychology
Continent of the unconscious
Nilogov A.S. (2015). I sleep Therefore I am. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 373–382. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66453
The research object of the present article is the problem of the ontological status of sleep and dreaming. The research subject is the dreaming experience from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology based on the example of several classes of anti-words. In his article Nilogov focuses on such aspects as the sleepwalking speech, word formation during sleep, hypnotic word creation, speech of the unconscious, sleep language, dream interpretation, authentic and inauthentic existence. Special attention is paid to the ontological status of language and antilanguage units that represent not only the speech intentions but also unconcious channels of information acquisition. In his research Nilogov has used the following research methods: problem method, analogy, hermeneutic, language analysis (word formation), antilanguage analysis (determination of classes of anti-words), synthesis and analysis. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the problem of the ontological status of human existence raised by Rene Descartes has gained new impetus. The author has offered the following comprehensive solution: he offers the argument 'I fantasize therefore I am not' that disproves the cogital philosophy and the argument 'I sleep therefore I am' that deepens the cartesian philosophy from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology.
interpretation of dreams, Descartes, ontological status, antilanguage, antiword, dream, unconscious, Beskova, Orwell, evil demon
The range of emotional experience
Chugunova I.O. (2015). Faces of Hate: Philosophical and Anthropological Reflections. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 383–391. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66454
The object of the research is hate as a philosophical and anthropological phenomenon. Hate is considered as an obligatory and irremovable treat of human nature, mutli-aspect and specific phenomenon that is unequal to aggression, anger, hostility or disgust. The author researches historical and anthropological sources of hate, analyses its affective and axiological aspects, discovers unconscious mechanism of this phenomenon, and examines the paradoxical connection between hate and love, hate and pleasure. The author shows the difference between two side of hate – destructive and constructive, describes cases when there is an excuse for hate (when it helps to struggle or survive) and emphasizes that hate is devastating for human spirit.
emotional ambivalence, anger, hostility, ressentiment, misanthropology, hate, philosophical anthropology, existentia, unconsciousness, psychoanalysis
Тело и телесность
Kazakov Yu.N., Kolobaev S.A. (2015). Experimental Research of the Phenomenon of Physicality in a Group of Sambo and Judo Athletes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 392–401. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66455
The object of research in this article is the structure, contents and factors of the psychological and acmeological phenomenon of physicality of an athlete. The author considers physicality as a system of psychological processes, properties and states that arise in the course of personal experience and perception of physicality. The hypothesis of research is that there are psychological interrelations between psychological phenomena and physicality that cause resistance to stress in the structure of mental health of athletes. Pilot research of the physicality phenomenon in a group of professional sambo and judo athletes is conducted. Athletes aged 16-23 years old with 5-8 years of experience in sambo and judo have been selected to participate in the research. The standardized psychological techniques, acmeological techniques and the author's own techniques for studying the physicality phenomenon are used including the following: the semi-standardized interview, self-assessment of the physical parameters of mental health (Kazakov Yu.N., Kolobaev S.A.,) technique of ranging of physical parameters, testing according to Mini-Mult and FPI methods, O. N. Manolova's temperament and character questionnaire, acmeography of the level of self-actualization, self-realization and professional skills in sport (V. G. Zazykin,I. N. Noss) and self-actualization test (E. Shostr). The methods of the formative assessment and interpretation of the received results are also applied. The results of research ha brve beenought in a database (EXCEL) and exposed to the statistical correlation and factorial analysis by means of the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program. The results demonstrate that the most relevant diagnostic methods of studying physicality are the semi-standardized interview, self-assessment and ranging of physical parameters. Options of correlations of the received variables and factor loadings of the physicaity phenomenon are shown. Problems of association of correlations in cognitive, emotional, behavioural, social and perceptual factors of studying physicality are discussed. Recommendations on personality development and optimization of the physicality phenomenon are made. The main conclusions of the conducted research include psychological interrelations of the structure, contents and factor loadings of the physicality phenomenon with the level of resistance to stress and safety of mental health.
mental health, resistance to stress, psychological interrelations, physicality phenomenon, psychological-acmeological methods, sport psychology, factor loading, aggression of athletes, physical parameters, safety
Diversity of religious experiences
Zhirtueva N.S. (2015). Psychological and Social Vectors of Mystic Studies (Practice of Transformation of Human Being and Society). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 402–412. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66456
The object of the research in this article is a psychological and social experience of mystic studies. An interest in the phenomenon is increasing in terms of the modern spiritual crisis in the face of the threat of national, religious, political and other conflicts when the whole world safety is very vulnerable. Mystics may allow to find the universal source of all religions which is very important in the situation of the global rivalry of a great number of seekers for the truth. The research of the psychological (introvertive) and social (extravertive) experience of mystic studies makes it possible to find practical methods of transformation of human being and society. Methodology of the research is based on the comparative philosophical and religious analysis. The main research method is the comparative analysis. General scientific methods used by the researcher also include analysis, synthesis, generalization, and individualization. The author comes to the conclusion that mystic studies combined the world religious experience and devepoled a complex transformation system of the mental life of a person where all the levels of individual consciousness interact. Education of mentally healthy and self-actualized personality is the consequence of it. Mystic studies developed practical ways for the improvement of the social life on the basis of love, compassion and mutual respect. Mystic experience involves tolerant attitude to the representatives of another culture, religious confession or nationality. It sets the borders of the tolerance which is provoked by the need of an egocentric consciousness limitation.
transcendental immanent mystics, mystics, transformation, Absolute, egocentric consciousness, enlightened consciousness, self-actualization, immanent mystics, tolerance, methods of psychopractice
Professional psychology
Noss I.N. (2015). Twin Studies in Personal and Professional Diagnostics of Personnel. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 413–419. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66457
The article draws the attention of psychologists and professiologists to the possibility of using the twin study method as a tool and model for confirming provisions of the concept of personal and professional specifications. It is assumed that the analysis of personal and behavioral characteristics of members of monozygotic twin pairs confirms the existence of a genetically stable personality structure corresponding to a particular system of professional conditions and requirements of professional activity. As an illustration the author presents the experimental results of the study of personal and behavioral characteristics of monozygotic parted and unparted twins. The author indicates methodological limitations in the dissemination of these findings and the need for comprehensive diagnostics of personnel through comparison, verification, and completion of the obtained experimental data and procedures. Based on the results of theoretical analysis and empirical tests, the author makes the conclusion about the presence of both natural and hereditary bases of professional orientation. The results of the study prove the author's concept of personal and professional specifications of personnel and the need for modeling it in order to improve the quality of psychological selection of the staff and supervision and assistance of employees at an organization.
parted twins, dizygotic twin pair, monozygotic twin pair, personality predisposition, personal and professional specification, psychogenetic study, twin studies, unparted twins, twin environment, inside twin similarity
The culture of Eastern psychology
Sherkova T.A. (2015). The Motif of the Rod in Ancient Egyptian Culture: Culture-Historical and Psychological Sspects. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 420–433. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66458
In the present research the motif of the road in ancient egyptian mythology and ritual practice is compared with the ideas and images of the unconscious developed within the framework of the integral personality in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. Studying mythological conceptions of the eternal gyre of the Sun God – the supreme Creator – the author finds out that these mythological beliefs were reflected in the architecture of the motif of the road. This mythologeme also occurs in the initiation of the deceased walking along divine ways through the netherworld. Thoth – the God of knowledge and scholarship – was considered to be the guide of the dead. He could manage demons of the other world with the help of magic spells. Following these ways the soul of the deceased was brought to the divine celestial world of the eternal life. The discussed mythological beliefs are also compared with such fundamental concepts of the analytical psychology as libido, the inward man, the archetypes of what Jung has called in German – Selbst (Self), the wise man, etc. The research work is based on the comparative method in terms of scientific synthesis aplied in the area of mythological consciousness and analytical psychology.
The main conclusions are the following:
The mythological consciousness was based on the similarity between the material-sensual and the spiritual-psychical in the beliefs about the picture of the world and the role of man in it. The motif of the road in the ancient egyptian mythological conceptions was studied in terms of unity between the myth of the Sun God – Creator and initiation in the burial custom. In the course of research the author of the article 'built the bridge' to the philosophical-psychological idea of Carl Gustav Jung concerning the conflict of opposites and elimination of conflicts by means of what he has called Selbst in German – the symbol of uniform integrity. The main contribution to the theme is the detailed comparative historical and psychological analysis of the archetype of the road. It is for the first time in the academic literature of the comparative mythology that the deep-laid origins of the individual's motif of the road are studied on the basis of the analytical psychology founded by Carl Gustav Jung. This work can be applied in the course of lectures and in the practical work in psychotechnics.
sun god - creator, initianion, the unconscious, Selbst, the temple-road, libido, soul, spirit, guide, inward man