Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Do Animals Have Unconscious? . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 231–234. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66359
The question whether animals have the unconscious does not seem to admit a negative answer. But understanding of this problem necessitates, on the one hand, consideration of the processes of domestication of animals, their taming, and on the other hand, analysis of the processes that go on now in the life of living beings in general. The article reinterprets the traditional demarcations between animals and people. While in the beginning of the past century psychiatrists and philosophers believed that psychoses, serious neurotic disorders are not characteristic for animals but are a human “privilege”, in the beginning of this century we obtained extensive material indicative of deep and versatile neurotization of animals.The article uses methods of psychological and psychiatric analysis of the processes going on nowadays in the realm of domestic animals. As has been shown, the canons of zoopsychology are now replaced by zoopsychiatry. Therefore, the methods and techniques of interpreting traditional problems of the mind and the unconscious change, too.The novelty of the article is in the fact that there is a possibility of combining experimental data of zoopsychology and the findings of psychological studies of human society. Traditionally, the life of animals and humans has been viewed separately. For instance, nobody could think of transferring the laws of human existence into animal communities. Neither was practiced the projection of knowledge about animal communities onto human behaviour. Meanwhile, J. Baudrillard has shown that such superposition of the two systems is not only specific but also extremely significant. Observing neurotization of domestic animals, we can see that similar processes take place also in human communities. Thus opens up a new field of research into mental phenomena.
zoopsychology, unconscious, instinct, morals, mercy, biology, psychology, mind, territory, man
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Pogontseva D.V. (2015). Attitudes towards young women with different design external appearance: the role of hijab. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 235–244. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66360
In this paper the author considers the peculiarities of the treatment of women in connection with the ethno-religious characteristics of the processing of their appearance (for example hijab). The object of the study were 56 people (30 women and 26 men) aged 18 to 30 years (mean age 27 years), residents of the city of Rostov-on-Don. This age group was chosen due to the fact that young people are most susceptible to influence and manipulation group. The study used Cook-Medley hostility scale (method translated and adapted Yu.A.Mendzheritskoy), as well as the author's questionnaire, which consisted of stimulus material (2 sets of photographs - the 5 girls in first case was a portrait shot from the front with natural make-up, a second set - the same girl, but in black hijab), respondents were asked to assess the attitude of the girls represented in the photographs on a scale from friendly to hostile. Based on the results we can say that the level of aggression can lead to a negative, hostile attitude towards the Muslim girl (based solely on the design of external appearance), moreover men were more likely rated their attitude to the girls in hijab as a more hostile.
aggressiveness, hostility, Islam, psychology of attitude, design of external appearance, appearance, social psychology, hijab, friendliness, discrimination
Philosophy and psychology
Gerasimova I.A., Mil'kov V.V. (2015). Healing in Ancient Russia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 245–258. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66361
The problem of national healing of Ancient Russia is discussed in the context of interdisciplinary research, including data of Ethnography, Folklore, History of traditional culture of Ancient Russia. The bases of approach was made of a complex of historical, psychoanalytic and cognitive methods of analysis. The phenomenon of Ancient Russia healing is considered in total methodological cuts. A symbolic picture of the world determined a holistic installation of healing. The transformation of the archetypal symbols in the Christian era is tracked. Of particular interest is the cognitive analysis of methods of detection, diagnosis and impact in healing magic. On the question of the future of healing is given a positive answer. The potential improvement of the mind and mentality is seen in the art of visualization and the art of possession of rhythmic word and gestures, without healing is impossible. Awareness of the effectiveness of word and thought in archaic times gives food for discussion of a question of not technogenic opportunities of civilizational development.
holism, man, nature, picture of the world, magic, healing, Ancient Russia, image, visualization, rhythm
Vertex states of the spirit
Spektor D.M. (2015). Representation, understanding and judgment. On that party of tradition. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 259–270. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66362
In article the diverse features of judgment distinguishing the last from understanding and representation are considered. Description outlines sense as a detection phenomenon for shown authenticity, contextual conditionality, germenevtichesky disclosure and inclusion in a field of personal and strong-willed interest. Nevertheless the phenomenological description doesn't disclose a source of division of the events into the phenomenon and its sense, carrying the last both to natural conditions of a yavlennost, and to those editions which are introduced in reality by "the symbolical power". The question of the sense nature in the offered edition of a phylogeny is transformed to a question of the nature of "primary sense" (pathos, a spiritualizing, dedication) addressed to a sovereignty (subject), the eternal object having other sovereignty and, as bodies of realization of external activity, own community. Existence of similar (universal) object believes a question of the nature of "secondary sense" in a foreshortening of the "simulation" transforming animal intensions (instincts) to the plane of their kindling, deepening and "fullnesses sense". The logic of the genesis studied causes need of logical first of all code conversion: the fundamental thesis of understanding – as process of correlation this as yet not recognized – and the identification recognized on the way, correlation with this (other: a subject, or process, anyway known), has to contain historically more primary task reflection of the unknown, the unprecedented, spontaneous improvised.
the turned forms, symbolical power, personal context, sense and value, judgment, understanding, representation, symbol, death, illusory meanings
Diversity of religious experiences
Balagushkin Yu.E. (2015). Philosophical and Anthropological Aspects of Esoteric Culture (According to Edward Tiryakian). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 271–282. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66363
Edward Tiryakian, American sociologist and philosopher of culture, examines various aspects of esoteric culture and analyzes its contents and influence on Western society and the relation between esoteric culture and modernization. As an actual example of esoteric culture Tiryakian examines the modern "occult revival" which became the subject of cultural and philosophical studies revealing its diverse manifestations in the spiritual life of modern society, especially among the educated youth. The problem field of esoteric culture is considered on the basis of its structural and functional features in conjunction with the dynamics of socio-cultural relations and processes taking into account the concepts of modernization and revealing the specifics of the socio-cultural innovation potential of esoteric culture. The paper analyzes the profound changes in social orientations and personal positions of the followers of esoteric culture as well as its general impact on the art, politics and science. In terms of philosophical anthropology, the image of man in esoteric culture is considered to be a special type of personality, that of the creator and the representative of a specific culture. Even though Balagushkin emphasizes that Edward Tiryakian provided a detailed and in-depth study of esoteric culture, he finds it difficult to agree with Tiryakian's general conclusion about the possibility of an epochal change of culture in modern society under the influence of the "occult revival".
culture dynamics, modernization, secret societies, secularization of the demonic, neo-sacralization, occult revival, esoteric culture, counterculture, Edward Tiryakian, human identity
Professional psychology
Korneeva Ya.A., Simonova N.N., Khabarova O.V. (2015). Assessment of economists professional competence by graduates of financial and economic profile. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 283–288. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66364
The relevance of this study due to the lack of data in the scientific literature describing the presentation of graduates of economic profile about professional competencies needed to perform their future careers. Article is devoted to subjective importance of professional competencies for future economic activity of the graduates of financial and economic profile. The object of study is a professional activity and professional competence of economists. Scope of the work: the subjective assessment of professional competence of economists. The article provides a comparative psychological analysis of four economic profile professions: economist, auditor, accountant, banker. There are analyzed 160 graduates of the financial and credit department at the age of 23 to 43 years inclusive (mean age - 23,03 ± 0,6), with experience from 0 to 12 years (2,4 ± 0,2), 10 men, 150 women. According to the subjective assessment of communicative competence and Gnostic considered by respondents as the most important; the least represented a creative block. It is determined that graduates with experience in economic activity, have a more realistic view on the future of the economist, because the presence of entrepreneurial and organizational skills are the hallmark of the profession and the accounting profession.
auditor, financier, professional competence, economists, subjective evaluation, the graduates of financial and economic profile, booker, banker, communicative competence, gnostic competence
Psychology and pedagogics
Levkova T.V. (2015). The connection of sovereignty of psychological space of university students’ personalities with the peculiarities of their coping strategies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 289–294. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66365
In the article theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the sovereignty of the individual psychological space had submitted . The main side sovereignty of psychological space of personality: the physical body of sovereignty, territory, things, habits, social relations and values. Also theoretically analyzed the main coping strategies students.To study the sovereignty of psychological space and coping strategies of students experiment was carried out using a multi-factor questionnaire "The sovereignty of psychological space" developed S.K.Nartovoy-Bochaver; inquirer "Coping behavior in stressful situations" (N.S.Endlera, D.A.Perkera).In practical terms, the researches’ results of psychological space of sovereignty and coping strategies of university students had submitted, as well as one had studied the correlation the connection between the sovereignty of psychological space of university students and their coping strategies in the practical part of the article.Study on the sovereignty of psychological space of personality and coping strategies that she chooses, revealed the existence of different levels of connection between these indicators reflected that deprived the earlier specifications sovereignty of psychological space provoke consolidation of passive coping strategies of behavior. The experimental research was made in the framework of the psychological service of the university.
self-image, autonomy of the individual, the integrity of the, coping strategies, coping behavior, psychological sovereignty, psychological space, deprived psychological space, control of psychological frontier, personology
Developmental psychology
Len'kov S.L. (2015). The classification of qualitatively heterogeneous conditions of professional development of educators for innovative education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 295–303. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66366
The classification of qualitatively heterogeneous conditions for professional development of educators in the system of innovative education. Classification of the search conditions is as follows. I. External conditions: (a) substantive (material and information); b) social (socio-psychological, socio-economic, legal, organizational and scientific-methodical). II. Internal conditions: a) individual psychological (personal and professional individual psychological); b) nasaesa. The main attention is paid to the analysis highlighted within this classification of psychological conditions, including conditions of socio-psychological, personal and professional individual psychological. The study is based on the following theoretical and methodological basis: subject-activity approach (S. L. Rubinstein and others) and its specification in the psychology of labor (C. D. Shadrikov and others) and educational psychology (in. A. Davydov and others), the provisions of psychological anthropology (C. I. Slobodchikov), metasystemic approach to the study of layered structures of the psyche (Century A. Karpov), integrative-typological approach to the psychological classification of professional activities (N. E. Rubtsov), the concept of professional development (Y. P. Poweredcom) and professionalism (E. A. Klimov). This study draws heavily on a number of original projects: cross-cultural analysis of psychological and pedagogical models of professional development, the model of psycho-pedagogical support of professional self-determination (together with N. E. Scar), a methodological analysis of the concepts of "professionalism" and "professional marginalism" for innovative teachers. Presents a scientific approach to the study of some relatively little-studied aspects of professional development of teachers in the new historical, socio-cultural, scientific-technical conditions developed mainly from the positions of psychology of labour and educational psychology. For the first time and systematized conditions for professional development of educators in the system of innovative education.Identified conditions are necessary, because their absence greatly hinders the professional development of teachers for innovative education. However, the question of their universal sufficiency requires further research and experimental work in teams of innovative educational institutions.Classification of conditions for professional development of innovative teachers, in full accordance with the ideology of the anthropological model of innovative education, adopted in the framework of the study is not definitive, but, on the contrary, necessarily implies further clarification, addition and development of the accumulation of new scientific findings and results of innovative educational practices.
professional marginalism, personality, psychological conditions, conditions, professional development, innovative education, educator, professionalism, education, professional activity
The unpredictable
Savvina O.V. (2015). Ethical problems of cloning humans and animals. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 304–312. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66367
The article analyses two types of cloning: therapeutic and reproductive cloning. The author describes range of ethical problems using the latest scientific research in the field of cloning. The author considers the only one existed technology of cloning today, it is a somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Defining cloning from biological point of view is very important. It discards the myths about goals of the technology, its using and ethical problems posed by cloning. The author divides ethical problems of reproductive and therapeutic cloning, cloning of humans and animals. It is concluded in the article that therapeutic cloning of humans and therapeutic and reproductive cloning of animals do not cause new ethical problems but they exacerbate the existing ones. These problems are ethics of scientific publications, moral status of embryos, economic affordability of medical services, social differentiation, latent negative effects on ecology and people’s health and “slippery slop” effects. The reproductive cloning of human beings may generate new ethical problems. We can not say now if Mankind will be able to solve these problems, but it is not a reason to prohibit the reproductive cloning of human beings.
ethics of scientific pulications, moral status of embryos, SCNT technology, therapeutic cloning, reproductive cloning, bioethics, ethics, ethics of scientific research, responsibility, ethical problems
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Relativism as a Cognitive Malady. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 313–324. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66368
The subject of study is reflection over the book «Relativism kak bolezn’ sovremennoy filosofii [Relativism as a malady of modern philosophy]» (Ed.-in-chief V.A. Lektorskiy. M., 2015). Why is relativism as one of methodological principles of knowledge assessed in the book as a malady of modern philosophy? Do we not see a constant escape of the single truth replaced by the luxuriant meadow of diverse opinions? Are we, contrary to Kant, convinced in the limitlessness and liturgical harmony of human knowledge? The conception of the book is not directed against cognitive doubts, does not dispute possible assumptions of the plurality of truth. It shows its indisputability to the extent that relativism becomes hardly ever the dominating methodological rule. It is in this sense that K. Popper called relativism «the main malady of our time». Is knowledge (and/or truth) relative, does it depend on time, place, society, culture, historical epoch, conceptual frame? Or is it absolute, universal and independent? These and similar questions are as old as philosophy and characterize the opposing doctrines – relativism and absolutism.Standard methods of scientific research are used, including the method of comparative analysis, referring to traditional problems of epistemology – the nature of rationality, understanding the possibilities of knowledge and changing of the world.The novelty of the work is related to analysis of critical approaches to modern relativism. The book attempts at finding the foundations of relativism and its practical shortcomings. Relativistic tendencies in modern epistemology and philosophy of science and also in sciences of man, psychology, cultural and historical science are examined. The authors distinguish between relativism and scepticism: they show that pluralism can fruitfully be practiced exactly if it is interpreted in the antirelativistic clue. Relativism, as reductionism, claims to be the only methodological principle capable of giving birth to modern philosophy in its search of new foundations of knowledge.
illusions, experiment, disinformation, information, truth, relativism, science, philosophy, cognitivism, sciences of man