Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Ontological Reductionism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 119–121. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66253
The article presents a critical review of the so called «ontological reductionism». The author believes that this methodological position had undoubtful merits in a certain period of the history of science. A scientific language cannot be developed without support of the dialogue between various spheres of scientific research work, without employment of obvious and simple models. Reductionism could not provide a foundation for the unity of scientific knowledge. But this does not mean that it was futile. It has become the source for cybernetics, computer logic, cognitive science. Nowadays, however, reductionism as a methodology makes new advances and often removes intermediate links, simplifying real processes of life and knowledge. The author uses the methodology of logical positivism to show the genesis of reductionism. He also employs the philosophy of spirit that permits to interpret man as a special kind of being, not at the «naked ape» for there is not reason to «dissolve» physics in biology. The novelty of the article is in giving credit to reductionism, in opening the meanings of reduction of the complex to the simple. Restoring the legality of reductionism, the author also shows that nowadays, when science multiplies scientific discoveries, there is a danger of eliminating the mediated links in analysis of mental and spiritual processes, in particular, of reducing psychological phenomena to the reflex of physiological processes. According to the author, mental processes are not produced by the brain directly but are of autonomous nature.
spiritual processes, conceptual thinking, ontological reductionism, scientific knowledge, picture of the world, psychology, physiology, living organisms, man, spiritual malaise
Societal passions
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. (2015). Social Meanings of Freedom. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 122–134. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66254
This research is devoted to internal freedom and its links with social determinants. The author compared the views of Nikolay Berdyaev and Erich Fromm and made a conclusion that the Russian philosopher was deeper in the problem by virtue of religious basis of his humanism. Berdyaev believes that freedom comes from Ungrund. It has no foundation but it is a foundation of everything. Freedom for him is the clue for any anthropological philosophizing. He denies any social determination of freedom as it appears to be personal challenge, but this challenge might be rejected nevertheless. The paradox is that freedom is much concerned with restrictions. Especially self-restrictions distinguish freedom from self-will; allow person to get free of everything useless, alien and destruction. The author considers the phenomenon of freedom and self-will in terms of good and evil, investigates relationship between freedom and responsibility. Research methods of historical and philosophical analysis, historic comparison and philosophical anthropology are used in the article. The phenomenon of freedom has taken place in the works of many philosophers and each time it presented new meanings and aspects. In this research however it appears as internal freedom which has an internal sense of personality but not social relationships as a source.
the moral law, responsibility, personality, existentialism, social determination, human existance, perceived need, freedom, self-restriction, self-will
Crowd psychology
Kozlov V.V., Gordeev M.N., Vlasov N.A. (2015). Transactional Interaction As a Mechanism of Suggestibility in Major Groups. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 135–140. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66255
The authors of this article carry out the analysis of transactional interactions between people as a mechanism of suggestibility in major groups. They give a short review of suggestibility as a complex phenomenon as well as a brief overview of major theories of suggestibility. The authors provide a list of the main concepts developed in the transactional analysis of Eric Berne and examine the following: theories of personality, social interaction and conception of psychological “hungers”. The emphasis is made on some proximity between theories of classical psychoanalysis and transactional analysis when it comes to the nature of suggestibility. The authors also provide historical examples that illustrate the described approach to understanding the nature of human relationships. The main research method used in the article is a systems analysis of Russian and foreign literature on suggestibility. For the first time in the academic literature suggestibility is analyzed from both medical and socio-psychological points of view which allows to clearly distinguish it from the concept of hypnoability. This is also the first research to analyze suggestibility in major groups in terms of the transactional analysis. Conclusions: suggestibility is a complex system phenomenon that cannot be interpreted one-dimensionally; and suggestibility in major groups is a consequence of the mass entering of people in the Child's ego-state.
Parent, manipulation with consciousness, suggestibility, transactional analysis, theory of personality, transaction, ego-state, Adult, Child, psychological “hunger”
Inner world
Berezina T.N. (2015). Internal Space of the Dream. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 141–149. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66256
The model of formation of the dream space as a form of existence of mental images and images of the highest order is offered. The internal space of a dream is considered as a special case of mental space. The theoretical basis for the model is the idea that the psyche is a special form of reality having the nature other than the biological nature of the brain and the physical nature of the outside world as well as the concept of the psyche as the spacelike formation outside the brain. In the article the following features of a dream space are marked out: 1) the dream space is figurative, 2) a dreamer sees it as external but not internal, 3) this is the altered state of consciousness, 4) a dreamer sees the dream space as physical reality and images as real objects, etc. It is noted that the central problem of formation of the dream space is the emergence of feeling of gravitation. The author claims that the feeling of weight in a dream is a subjectively endured feeling of an attraction to one's own organism. The following three components of a mental image are defined: exteroceptive, interoceptive and proprioceptive. The author makes a supposition that the interoceptive component is the basis of formation of the internal space, the proprioceptive component creates the feeling of weight in this space and the exteroceptive component creates visual images.
proprioceptive feelings, internal space, mental space, dream space, mental images, images of the highest order, exteroceptive feelings, interoceptive feelings, dream, gravitation in a dream
To understand the human being
Rybakova N.A. (2015). Developing of Emotional Intelligence by Means of Music. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 150–158. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66257
The article reveals the essence of the method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense) from the perspective of its application to improve emotional intelligence through intensive developing of empathy. Effect of the method is justified by ideas of psychology, music psychology and pedagogy of art. Particular attention is paid to the nature of this method, the characteristics of specific methods and techniques tested by the author in private practice, working with adults: creating of artistic and visual, literary and plastic interpretation of the image. The main conclusions of the research are the following:- The most important quality of a person who has developed emotional intelligence is the ability for empathy, which allows him to build effective interaction with other people;- Perception of music with the use of appropriate techniques can improve emotional intelligence of a person of any age through the development of the capacity for empathy;- Method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music can bring more effective into the process of development of empathy in the process of music perception. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation and development of the effective for developing emotional intelligence method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense), allocation and description of three groups of methods (in the narrow sense): fine art, literature and plastic interpretations. The author’s special contribution to the study theme is in the author's attempt to summarize the experience of psychology, music studies and music pedagogy, supplement it with the author's ideas and the results of the author's work on the developing of empathy and emotional intelligence of adults who do not have any education in music.
emotions, emotional intelligence, empath, effective interaction, development, music, perception, method, association, dialogue
Vertex states of the spirit
Chernov S.V. (2015). New Look at the Nature of Genius. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 159–174. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66258
The research subject is the nature and meaning of genius. The genius is the highest degree of display of mind, consciousness and creative powers of man which generates qualitatively new creations that have a lasting influence on the development of the human race and human spiritual transformation concerning their ideas of love, truth and beauty. Human genius is a system of personal and spiritual attributes that helps a person to find, recognize and accept his destiny and brings personal will and spiritual depth into culture. The research of the nature of genius was conducted at the following three levels of the dialectical and phenomenological analysis: ideological and semantic level, figurative and personal level, and activity and meaning level. The novelty of the research is to develop a categorical conceptual apparatus presented in the form of structural models developed on the basis of a ternary classification; to distinguish and describe such features as a creative gift and destiny which determine the transcendental individuality of genius; to prove the special nature of the genius mind. The research shows that the genius personality present the ideal of man, the essence of man and the meaning of human existence.
formation of the genius, creative gift, destiny, vocation for creation, talent, genius, nature of the genius, essense of genius, sanctity and genius, sense of genius
Person and personality
Plotnikova E.S. (2015). From Self-Determination to Self-Realization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 175–182. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66259
The author examines such themes as the impact of self-determination on self-realization and the nature of this influence. The process of self-determination is a complex personality formation that provides a person with the freedom to choose the path of development (Dacey, Ryan) and the ability to act independently from external circumstances and unpredictable for outside observers but following his own logic and beliefs. The modern person each day faces increased requirements at work or school and at the same time has the freedom and a large variety of life paths and strategies. He can maximize his potential and live a creative life and express his inner world. One's self-determination influences the ability to choose one's own path of development, to resist external distractions from his main goals in life and, therefore, to strive for self-realization. The following methods were used to study parameters of self-determination: «Test of life orientations» by Dmitry Leontiev (the scale «general indicator of life meaningfulness»), the test «The ability to self-regulation» by Peysakhov (the scale «general indicator of the ability to self-regulation»), «The test of self-determination» (the scales «autonomy» and «self-expression»). The author also used the overall rate for the study of self-realization («Questionnaire of self-realization» by Kudinov). The study revealed that such parameters of self-determination as the ability to self-regulation, autonomy and self-expression have a positive effect on self-realization if they have mean values, i.e. the driving force of self-realization is the harmonious development of self-determination and external determination and meaningfulness of life is the foundation for these processes.
autonomy, determination, self-determination, the meaningfulness of life, self-expression, self-determination options, development, self-development, self-realization, the ability to self-regulation
Personal growth
Zhirtueva N.S. (2015). Mysticism as a Psychopractice of Overcoming Ego and Raising a Self-Actualized Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 183–193. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66260
The research subject is a mystic experience as a psychopractice of coping with egocentric consciousness and raising a mentally sane self-actualized person. The author compares psychological peculiarities of egocentric consciousness and enlightened consciousness. The author also examines the main psychopractical methods that help to perform the systemic work with all the levels of consciousness. The author performs a comparative analysis of peculiarities of different methods such as disciplinary asceticism, psychosomatic exercises, love-trust prayer and meditative contemplation in different mystic traditions formed within the two main types of mysticism – immanent mysticism and transcendental immanent mysticism. The research methodology is based on the comparative philosophical religious analysis. The main research method is the comparative analytical method. General scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization and individualization. The following conclusions were made as a result of the research: 1.The aim of the mystic practice is a transformation from the egocentric consciousness to the enlightened consciousness. 2. While ascetic traditions deny the material origin, holistic and integrative traditions teach the necessity of the material and spiritual convergence. 3. Disciplinary asceticism deals with the will and volition of a human being, psychosomatic exercises discipline body, love-trust prayer release from egoistic feelings and wishes, and meditative contemplation makes life more deliberate. 4. Mystic psychopracticeû form a complex transformation system of psychic life where all the levels of individual consciousness interact.
love-trust prayer, psychosomatic exercises, chakra, disciplinary asceticism, enlightened consciousness, egocentric consciousness, self-actualization, meditative contemplation, transcendental immanent mysticism, immanent mysticism
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Ivanova S.A., Nagibina N.L. (2015). Modeling the Subjective Space . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 194–204. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66261
The research object is the subjective space (SP) "Self - Body - Soul". The research subjet is the color changes in the course of modeling of the subjective space in a standard situation and stressful situation. The research objectives are: to identify, describe and analyze the changes in the course of modeling of the subjective space "Self - Body - Soul" in a standard situation and stressful situation and to test the technique of the "color and graphic modeling of the subjective space." The computer technique "of the color and graphic modeling of the subjective space" developed by the authors allows us to compare different subjective perceptions about themselves, body and soul in standard and stressful conditions. The technique can be found at http://oprosi.su/krugi/ and is performed remotely and anonymously. The full color palette is offered to respondents for coloring each image of the body, soul and Self. A respondent can choose any color she or he likes.The respondent is asked to create a three-dimensional model of the "body-soul-self" using circles of different colors and diameters. The technique is done on the Adobe Flash platform (testing) and PHP + MySQL (processing of results). On top of everything else, the novelty of the research lies in the choice of respondents. "Sex trade" defines particular ideas about the interaction of body, soul and self under stress. The technique presented in the study opens up new possibilities for describing and modeling the subjective space with the help of color choices. The subjective spaces "self-body-soul" vary in a standard situation and stressful situation. The novelty of the research is a clear proof that any of the components of this space can be characterized by the black, gray or brown colors in a stressful situation.The following general tendencies have been discovered: Self is usually shown in green, body in red and soul in yellow.
stress, diagnostics, subjective perceptions, semantics of color, color selection, soul, modeling of the subjective space, meaning of color, projective technique, image
Professional psychology
Khokhlova N.I., Soltys T.V. (2015). Intellectual and Personality Characteristics of High School Graduates Applying for Medical Specialty. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 205–211. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66262
The article is devoted to the study of personality and intellectual characteristics of enrollees seeking medical specialty in 2014. The authors of the article provide the general description of students and identify the components of intellectual and personal development requiring special attention in accordance with the professional career choice. The authors also indicate possible difficulties that may be faced by the students during the process of education and prospects for overcoming these difficulties within the framework of the educational activity. Thus, the research subject is the diagnostic results and answers of the students to the questions presented in the 'Professional Orientation' test. It is proved that modern students have: a high potential in research activities; focus on analytical, technical work rather than on interaction with people; tendency towards conformity and risk minimization in their activity. Therefore, the orientation of the teaching staff at developing one's personal position is important for future doctors and personal growth in general.
analysis of variance, professional career choice, factor analysis, personal development, intellectual development, medical specialty, diagnostics, enrollee, student, applicant, career-oriented techniques, statistics
Spiritual reincarnation
Tolsteneva U.L. (2015). Existence: Activity and Meaning. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 212–219. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66263
The article deals with a correlation between the concepts «activity» and «meaning» in existentialism. The category of «activity» is infrequent in the works of existentialists. Reviewing the basic postulates of pre-existential philosophy, prominent representatives of this philosophical school could not but criticize the enthusiasm of transformative activity, characteristic of traditional philosophizing. Interpreting the main vector of human being as aspiration to internal fittedness, spiritual comprehension of human depths, existential philosophers criticized the civilizational passion to transform the world. But in this context, they encountered a contradiction: ardent castigation of activity as creation could lead to social apathy, indifference, to defeatism and escapism. The existentialists turned to the theme of human activity, to the problem of a responsible action.The research method is related first of all to historical-philosophical analysis. Nowadays existentialism has been ousted by other forms of philosophical comprehension of reality. Therefore, a researcher of this problem has to preserve the thread of a comparativist development of philosophical reflection.The novelty of the approach is that the theme of «activity» as a phenomenon with regard to existentialism is examined for the first time in Russian literature. It can be found in such concepts as «activity», «act», «action», «creativity». The article shows that affirmation of meaning, project, goal is an inseparable quality of any activity in existentialism. Therefore, heterogeneous concepts display internal coherence, entireness.
existence, meaning, creativity, act, action, freedom, activity, existentialism, anxiety, asociality