Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Psychoanalysis of Art. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1099–1104. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67208
In this case the editor-in-chief's column is devoted to the thoughts on the status of the psychoanalysis of art. Pavel Gurevich states that there are no grounds to claim that this sphere of applied psychoanalysis is not popular or hasn't acquired its followers. Meanwhile, the book published by one of the most talented Russian psychoanalysts Dmitry Olshansky 'Scenes of Sexual Life. Psychoanalysis and Semiotics of the Theatre and Cinema' is a significant event in the modern scientific and cultural life of Russia. The purpose of the present research is to carry out the critical analysis of numerous and rich ideas of Dmitry Olshansky, systematise the effors associated with the development of Russian psychoanalysis and analysis of the acute problems of modern art. The editor-in-chief has used the methodology of philosophical anthropology and psychoanalysis. He bases his research on classical achievements of philosophical in understanding the nature of human and outlines the basic provisions of classical and postclassical psychoanalysis. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author has evaluated success of Russian psychoanalysis of art and described the acute topics and issues of this branch of aesthetics. According to the author, versatile scientific and critical activity of Dmitry Olshansky is worthy of admiration and recognition. In his book Dmitry Olshansky does not only extend our idea of the methodological basis of psychoanalysis being aimed at serious analysis of modern cultural practice. He also provides examples of quite succesful application of psychoanalytical methodology to particular events of social life, whether it is a play, movie, master class or creative position of a film director. Not only the theory of psychoanalysis but the practical and applied aspects of psychoanalysis is also a topical issue of our days. Repressions and oblivion of psychoanalysis did not manage to eliminate that sphere of world psychology in our country.
psychology, psychoanalysis, art, creativity, aesthetics, mythology, body, physicality, symbol, insanity
Societal passions
Efremenkova M.N., Gritsenko V.V. (2015). Analyzing the Mass Media Discourse on Fellow Citizens Migrating into Russia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1105–1115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67209
The subject of the research is the psychological content of the discourse on migration of fellow citizens into Russia performed through mass media. The authors of the article also anlayze the responses of readers to related articles and researches. They analyze the Internet discussions provoked by articles about fellow citizens going back to Russia. The authors also examine how the main themes of such articles change as the migration policy and Russian environment develop. In their research the authors attempt to trace back the problems and strategies of adaptation of Russian migrans as these are described in mass media. The authors perform the content analysis of mass media publications to study forms of transmitting information about migrants as well as peculiarities of the image of a migrating fellow citizen created by mass media. Practical imortance and novelty of the research are caused by the fact that the authors study the influence of the mass media discourse on building the image of a migrating fellow citizen in public conscience. According to the authors, the majority of the articles being reviewed build a positive image of a refugee and contain a lot of practical information for displaced residents. The discourse presented by mass media encourages readers to help and sympathize fellow citizens who happen to be refugees. The content analysis of publications has also allowed to evaluate the discourse about migrants from Ukraine as stabilising and constructive. The authors make an assumption that the loyal attitude of Russian mass media towards mass migration of refugees is caused by the radical nationalist situation in Ukraine.
image of Russia, content analysis, fellow citizens, Intert forum, social representations, mass media, discourse on migration, image of migrant, image of fellow citizen, adaptation of migrants
Lukin D.V. (2015). Social Meaning of Charisma. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1116–1126. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67210
The subject of the article is the analysis of the phenomenon of charisma. In his research Lukin describes the evolution of the concept of charisma and notes that the concept of charisma offered by Max Weber provided the basis for the modern definition of the phenomenon. The author shows that charismatic personality may come from any social sphere. Charismatic people can be teachers, priests, sportsmen, philosophers or politicians, etc. Trying the analyze the sources of charisma, the researcher appeals to Friedrich Nietzsche's and Karl Jaspers' works. Development of the advertising industry and political technologies create a new image of charisma which probably differs from the classical concept thereof. The new phenomenon imitating charisma and called 'pseudocharisma' appears. In the course of his research the author has used the methods of philosophical anthropology and social philosophy allowing to analyze charisma as the social phenomenon and anthropological feature. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author presents his own point of view on the matter, according to which it is incorrect to consider all leaders to be charismatic. Based on the author, not all leaders or people with authoritative powers are charismatic. Charisma is the human mystery, a gift which can be neither found nor developed.
power, philosophy, social crisis, personality, Max Weber, leadership, charisma, gift, society, image
Philosophy and psychology
Ignatenko A.S. (2015). Evolution of the Idea of Mental Development: From Freud to Deleuze. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1127–1136. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67211
In his article Ignatenko traces back the evolution of the mental development concept from the moment when it was first mentioned in Zigmund Freud's psychoanalysis till the time when Gilles Deleuze offered his version of mental development being under the influence of Сarl Jung's analytical psychology, Jacques Lacan's structural psychoanalysis, Michel Foucault's anti-psychiatry and others. The researcher focuses on the interdisciplinary sphere formed by psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychology, philosophy of language, linguistics, philosophy and literary critics which views the concept of mental development from the point of view of their complementary aspects. The author defines drawbacks in Freud's theory of mental development and how Deleuze overcame them. The research involves the method of comparative analysis of previously reconstructed conceptual systems offered by Freud and Deleuze. When reconstructing the method of Deleuze's philosophy, the author has used the transdisciplinary approach. Ingatenko concludes that Deleuze kept to the instrumentalist explanation of the mission of 'Self' development, the purpose of mental development being, in the last analysis, relativization of Self, or approaching the impersonal and pre-individual state when space and time do not act as impassible limits for self-identification. The author of the article also offers a number of original ideas including the idea about the evolutionist nature of Michel Foucault's philosophy and the absence of the apologetics of psychopathology in Deleuze's philosophy, which he used only as the analogy to the impersonal and pre-individual state, etc.
mental development, evolutionism, interdisciplinarity, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, transcendental empiricism, reverse time arrow, schizophrenia, libido, sublimation
Inner world
Al'perovich V.D. (2015). Metaphors of Enemy and Friend in Connection with Personal Metaphors about the Subject of Personal Life Path. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1137–1145. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67212
The pilot empirical research in this article is about the relationship between the metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood. Cognitive predictors of the 'discrimination' and 'hate speech' phenomena presented in personal representations of Enemy, its metaphorical and narrative bases are our research problem. Pilot research goal was to determine features of the metaphors of Enemy and Friend demonstrated by persons with different metaphors about the subject of the life path. Metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of the life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood were the pilot research subject. The author has applied the qualitative method (category analysis of metaphors used by A. Bochaver in 2010). The results of the study prove that: within the framework of this research, adults have had different metaphors about the subject of life path. The researcher has discovered that different metaphors represent different attitude of a person to his subjective role in life and ability to make his own life. For the first time in the academic literature the researcher discovers that metaphors demonstrated by people who firmly believe that they make their own life relate to polar attitudes to Enemy and Friend, intensified positive features of the image of Friend and reinforced negative features of the image of Enemy. Metaphors with less prominant borders between the subject and his social surroundings relate to ambivalent images of Enemy and Friend and attribution of both positive and negative features to Friend or Enemy. The results of the research support the hypothesis that people with different metaphors about the subject of personal life path have different metaphors of Enemy and Friend. The results of the pilot research can be applied to solving problems in psychology of conflicts, psychology of personal safety and psychology of antiterroristic activity.
life path, discrimination, metaphor, Friend, Enemy, subject, narrative
Limits of intellect
Yashin A.A. (2015). Cognitive Rigidity as the Factor of Poor Success . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1146–1157. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67213
In his article Yashin discusses the phenomenon of cognitive rigidity, particularly, biological, social and other causes of its origin and development. The researcher provides a reivew of available studies as well as performs the analysis of the concept of "cognitive rigidity" and associated terms. The author offers a hypothesis that this phenomenon is present in many mental illnesses and provides several facts proving disadaptive influence of the phenomenon on human behavior and his success in professional and any other sphere. The author has also emphasized the need for creating special intervention programs for teenagers, high school students and adults. Yashin has carried out the theoretical analysis of such phenomena as overall mental and cognitive rigidity. He also analyzes methodological literature and scientific researches of Russian and foreign authors and proposes that environmental factors may influence the development of cognitive ridigity which, at a later stage, complicates and reduces adaptation of human in a fast-paced world. The author suggests to develop the program of cognitive ridigity intervention for teenagers and high school students in order to boost their learning motivation and academic success.
neural plasticity, disadaptive behavior, adaptability, success, attitude, cognitive rigidity, mental rigidity, mental disease, activity, cogitation
To understand the human being
Krasnyanskaya T.M., Tylets V.G. (2015). Visualisation of the Practice of Self-Security in Signs and Customs of University Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1158–1166. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67214
The object of the present research is the security signs and customs practiced by university students. The authors of the article offer their own interpretation of security signs and customs. The research is based on discovering psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs, their types and functions. The hypothesis of the present research is that security signs are a necessary socio-cultural phenomenon of the student life and they allow to achieve a number of important tasks of life-sustaining activity. To achieve the research objective to define psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs used by students, the authors have applied the methods of observation, interview and survey. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer provide own interpretation of security signs and customs, describe their functions and offer their classification. Peculiarities of security signs and customs include their attribution to the socio-cultural experience of a subject, multifunctionality, subjective importance and loss of the connection with what caused them initially. All the security signs and customs have been divided into the following three groups: preventing, neutralizing and producing. Functions of security signs and customs include protection, adaptation adn therapy. The authors conclude that security signs and customs create an organic layer of life-sustaining activity performed by a modern young person in order to solve important tasks.
functions of signs, types of signs, rituals, traditions, customs, signs, self-security, security, experience, ability to live
Continent of the unconscious
Nilogov A.S. (2015). The Phenomenon of Telepathy from the Point of View of the Philosophy of Anti-Language. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1167–1178. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67215
The article is devoted to telepathy as the phenomenon of human psyche. Telepathy is understood as the mental communication between two communicators without using any mediating means of communication. The object of the research is the telepathic communication, the subject of the research is the anti-language aspect of such communication. Along with the materialistic interpretation of telepathy, the author has also applied the broadside (para)psychological and philosophical approaches, which complete the technoscientific approach. The author examines such aspects of the topic as kinds of telepathy, 'initial delay' principle, mind reading technology and nonfalse communication. In his research article Nilogov has used the following methods: anti-language, hermeneutical, deconstructivist, historical-philosophical, critical, linguistic (semiotic), psychology and heuristic methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that to study the phenomenon of telepathy the author has applied the new anti-language method which allows to problematize telepathic communication from the point of view of the 'initial delay' principle. Nilogov has also provided grounds for describing new classes of anti-words specifying semiotic materials of the kind of information that can be conveyed through telepathy.
Zolotov, philosophy of anti-language, Derrida, principle, mind reading, Anokhin, Saussure, telepathy, non-false communication, parapsychology
Person and personality
Posypanova O.S., Posypanova S.O. (2015). Teenage Virtual Friendship as Psychological Phenomenon. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1179–1187. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67216
In connection with the development of the Internet and ubiquitous gadgets it became popular to be friends in virtual reality. This phenomenon is poorly studied in science. Virtual friendship (online friendship, friendship in social networks) is defined in the article as a kind of interaction on the Internet, when people are on the list of friends, but do not perform selfless close personal relationships. In their study the authors used questionnaires, testing, observation; the experiment was also conducted, during which they registered a non-existent teenager with minimal data about his biography and social preferences, with different pictures in one of the social networks. It was diagnosed who and how people make friends with an unknown man. It was revealed that over a half of teenagers add a stranger to their friend lists, the authors have also described other oxymorons of online friendship. It is determined that internet friendship is closely connected with sympathy, but weakly associated with Internet communication. Virtual friendship should be classified more as acquaintance. Virtual friendship is a powerful tool of teenage socialization.
virtual friendship, online friendship, virtual communication, online communication, psychology of social networks, Internet addiction, communication psychology, psychology of friendship, adolescence, teenage years, teenager
Psychopathology of the mundane
Spektor D.M. (2015). Existence and Pathology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1188–1199. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67217
In his article Spektor builds the relationship between the terms "norm" and "pathology". According to the author of the article, if "normal" existence is disconnected by time (existential), which is symptompatically defined as the "ecstasy of the future", abnormal existence is, in fact, falling into the source, pathos of the past (atavism) and initial state of obsession (when obsession is the point at which the "norm" and "deviation" triggered by "creative intuition" cross; but through outlining the "horror" and life-towards-death, pathology of existential norm is revealed). It is shown either in the form of obsession (paranoia) reduction or in the form of initial (schizophrenic) disintegrations, pathology still should be viewed as the shear of the initial, its 'raw' nature, which is revealed not only as the loss of external (cultural) mechanisms but also destruction and reduction to non-established fragmentation (true out-of-structure Id). The method of research is based on the the analysis and historical reconstruction of the state of obsession as a primary historical 'norm' which eventually acquired the nature of "pathology". Scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves that psychiatric pathology reproduces the initial "transition" that was initially exposed to Id subjected to traumatic shock which, in its turn, caused frenzy and depersonalization, paranoid reactions and psychotic states serving as a frame of "obsession". Orientation at denying involuntary actions doesn't allow to reproduce traditional ways of socialization and therapy; at the same time, such symptoms of schizophrenia as regression and general degradation are, in fact, the reduction of psyche to Id as the initial self-denying complex but not the molecular essence of Id.
schizophrenia, paranoia, initiation, super Ego, Id, degradation, obsession, pathology, norm, symptom