Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Immortality in This and the Other Worlds. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 983–987. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67160
The author of the article focuses on the themes of life and death that have interested philosophers and psychologists throughout many centuries and are being interpreted in a new way nowadays. Followers of the quantum mind start to speak of immortality with confidence. They associate soul with information and compare the Universe to a computer. According to their concept, human is idenfified with his mental content which is literally absorbed by the Universe after the death of an individual. Our mind tries to defend itself and therefore eliminates the common idea of death. The other variant of immortality is determined by the mind of a cybernaut which is another form of life marking the end of the 'protein' chauvinism. In the course of his research Gurevich has used the ideas of classical philosophy on immortality. At the same time, he has also taken into account achievements of philosophical anthropology that pays much attention to the issues of death and immortality. For the first time in the Russian academic literature on philosophy and psychology Gurevich analyzes different interpretations of soul including modern concepts. He underlines that many authors that touch upon immortality in their researches lack profound philosophical grounds. However, the theme has been important and studied by philosophers throughout the history of philosophy. In his research Gurevich has also provided a critical analysis of the newest interpretations of immortality.
psychology, philosophy, death, immortality, psyche, mind, brain, soul, information, mentality, transhumanism
Societal passions
Borzykh S.V. (2015). Sources of Modern Greed. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 988–999. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67161
The subject of the present research is the human perception of the inequal distribution of incomes and assets in the modern world. The author of the article appeals to history in order to show that sources of experiencing today's injustice have roots in the past of humanity. Describing the origin of civilization which, according to the author, laid the foundation for the present posture of affairs, the author of the article demonstrates that creation and accumulation of health were a natural process and contracted neither to human nature nor to the logic of the system that we are witnessing today and could have witnessed in the past. The methods of the present research involve historical reenactment, comparative geographical analysis, comparison, general scientific methods of deduction, induction and synthesis. The main conclusions of the present research are the following. Firstly, inequal distribution of wealth is the norm but anomaly within the framework of the system that creates it. Secondly, it does not contracit to human nature but fully agrees thereto. Thirdly, creation of a civilization was an inavoidable process. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author offers a new approach to studying injustice. The new approach implies viewing injustice as a subjective phenomenon caused by values but not objective reality.
distribution, history, human, system, good, society, injustice, inequality, wealth, world view
Philosophy and psychology
Chizhkov S.L. (2015). Vladimir Solovyov's Concept of Personality and Dignity. On the Question about Ethical and Philosophical Grounds for Liberalism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1000–1009. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67162
Based on the analysis of Vladimir Solovyov's fundamental philosophical work 'The Justification of the Good', the author of the article studies the importance of Solovyov's ideas on freedom and human dignity for the key provisions of the liberal ethical and philosophical doctrine. Traditionally, Solovyov is believed to be the harbinger of social liberalism because he spoke of the right to have a decent human existence as the fundamental human right. This right is usually viewed in terms of redistribution of social wealth and social functions of the government. However, thorough reading of Solovyev's research shows that technically, he meant moral aspects of human existence but not pragmatic or legal aspects. These aspects refer to the fact that human has the right to be the source, purpose and meaning but not just a mean of social development. The analysis of the key provisions of 'The Justification of the Good' shows that the idea of human dignity is closely related to the idae of freedom. Decent existence and dignity itself are based on the human ability to choose the good freely and without any external influence or pressure while he always has an opportunity to commit the evil. In his article Chizhikov demonstrates the logical relationship between freedom, morals and human dignity. Solovyov provides true ethical and philosophical grounds for fundamental values of liberalism. For him freedom and human dignity are the basis and result of the universal process of the development of the good as a combination of both human and humanity moral development.
morality, personality, law, freedom, liberalism, Vladimir Solovyov, purpose, philosophy, Russia, society
Inner world
Murashchenkova N.V. (2015). Social Representations of Young People about Patriotism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1010–1020. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67163
The present article contains the results of the empirical social and psychological survey. The object of the research was the youth as actors of social knowledge. The research involved 314 young people living in the Smolensk Region (157 men and 157 women). The subject of the research is the social representations of youth about patriotism. The theoretical basis of the research included works of Russian and foreign psychologists who studied social and personal representations (Serge Moscovici, Ivana Markova, Jean-Claude Abric, Tatiana Emelianova, Ksenia Abulkhanova and others). The methodological basis of the research involved the interdisciplinary, system and activity approaches as they are described in the Russian academic literature on psychology. The research methods included: analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, descriptive statistics methods, content analysis and Fisher's angular transformation (φ* criteria). As a result of the research, the author has defined features of social representations about patriotism, patriotism manifestations and functions as demonstrated by young people living in the Smolensk Region. Very few respondents have demonstrated the xenophobic component of their representations about patriotism, however, very few respondents have associated manifestations and functions of patriotism with effective inter-ethic communication and tolerance. Consequently, the vector of representations about patriotism is rather indefinite for young people. The results of the research prove the importance of further social and psychological researches on the matter and can be used in the process of preparing programs and educational activities aimed at developing the feeling of patriotism of young people.
social psychology, prevention of extremism, patriotism manifestations, content analysis, youth, patriotism, representations about patriotism, social representations, patriotism functions, patriotic education of youth
To understand the human being
Sukiasyan S.G. (2015). Psychopathology as a Model of Understanding Human Nature and Mind. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1021–1031. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67164
The subject of the present research is the category of psychopathology as an aspect of understanding human nature and mind from the point of view of their origin and development. The author of the article has analyzed the most famous models of human behavior. Variety of approaches is viewed as a continuum of scientific ideas consisting of biological and socio-cultural models. Most famous models of psyche and mind (biological, behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive, existential-humanistic, socio-cultural) are investigated. This is a theoretical research and it is based on the analysis of categorical concepts and approaches used in psychology and psychiatry. The author's original (psychopathological) approach to understanding human nature is presented. It is suggested that understanding of human nature is possible through analyzing his abnormal behavior (manifested psychopathology) based on a comprehensive consideration of biological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human nature. The author offers his own approach to the "disposition-stress" concept and views the predisposition as a manifestation (due to unexplained reasons) of archaic mental mechanisms attributable to the earlier stage of his development. Normal and abnormal human behavior in terms of the manifestations of certain psychopathological disorders (schizophrenia, autism, aggression, suicidality) is analyzed.
theory of mind, biological model, behavioral model, psychodynamic model, cognitive model, existential-humanistic model, psychopathology, socio-cultural model, predisposition - stress, mental health
Vertex states of the spirit
Karimov M.G., Epanchintseva G.A. (2015). The Phenomenon of Wisdom in the Historical-Philosophical and Psychological Discourses. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1032–1043. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67165
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of wisdom from the point of view of history and philosophy. The authors of the article attempt to trace back the features of the phenomenon in literary monuments of ancient times as well as to define the essence and role of wisdom in the life of people back in those times. For example, wisdom included rules of social life and practical recommendations, at the same time, it was closely related to these or those theological systems prevailing in the society. The authors point out that Plato and Aristotle were the first ones to try to split the term 'wisdom' and describe practical and theoretical aspects thereof. In the Middle Ages wisdom was thought to be a divine attribute that just couldn't be understood by man. At the ages of Renaissance and Enlightenment wisdom was again viewed as a human achievement due to the researches of P. Sharon, R. Descartes, I. Kant and others. A new round of studying wisdom was started with the appearance of psychological researches. The authors of the present article view several theoretical and methodological models of wisdom offered by P. Baltes, R. Ardelt, J. Webster, D. Krawczyk and etc. The authors study implicit theories of wisdom in order to clarify the content of these concepts in a particular language environment. According to the number of articles and researches, the most popular approach is the assessment of pragmatic displays of wisdom. Assessment of wisdom as a latent variable can be performed with the help of self-reports described in this article. According to the authors of the article, the most preferred paradigm for studying wisdom is the analysis of personal traits of wisdom nominees, i.e. people who are thought to be wise by others. The main research methods used by the authors include theoretical historical and philosophical analysis, theoretical comparative generalization and classification of associated concepts and categories. In their article the authors underline how important it is to take into account the historical and philosophical prospects in order to construct a valid theoretical and methodological model of the phenomenon of wisdom. The authors also show the dialectical continuity of the theories of wisdom throughout various historical periods. The authors emphasize that it is more beneficial to apply a less formal approach methods to studying personality of so called wisdom nominees.
wisdom of antiquity, wisdom, implicit theories, assessment of wisdom, wisdom nominees, retrospective analysis, practical wisdom, theoretical wisdom, Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, self-reported wisdom
The range of emotional experience
Rozenova M.I. (2015). Emotional Default: Problems of Dissatisfaction and Collapse of Significant Relationships. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1044–1053. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67166
The article investigates forms of interpersonal emotional interaction between people in the system of significant (family and close) relations. The subject under analysis is the features of systemic manipulation in the field of intimate relationships through the formation of emotional pain symptom complex. The author has examined the means of emotional pressure and blackmail and their substantive content; phenomenological aspects of different emotionally manipulated strategies with the description of key features of their implementation; targets of emotionally manipulative influence in terms of their comparison to the classification of manipulation strategies; psychological features of emotional aggressors and consequences of involvement of an individual into a vicious circle of manipulative relationships. The main research methods used by the author of the article include methods of scientific and reflective analysis of the academic literature and clinical experience followed by systematic generalization. The main original results of the research are the following: definition of the types, features and psychological mechanisms of emotional manipulation in relation to significant interpersonal relationships. The author has described significant features, means and conditions of the emotional pressure of partners on each other. The author have also defined criteria and typological features, dynamics and symptom complexes of emotional pressure and blackmail in human relations. The author has also discussed the consequences of the person giving up before the emotional pressure and described specific psychological features of emotional "blackmail". The author shows the dynamics and mechanisms of destruction of emotional ties and trust between close friends and defines the possibility of coping with the problems of this kind at the personal level.
impact, pain, mental, blackmail, manipulation, emotional, relationship, peace, inner, feeling
Psychology of religious experience
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. (2015). Religious Aspect of Fredriech Nietzsche's Philosophy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1054–1063. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67167
The author disputes the common belief that Friedrich Nietzsche was an atheist, and follows how his religious motives come from the main ideas of his philosophy, and the idea of the Will to Power is the most important of them. Special attention is paid to Nietzsche's attitude to a philosopher as the one who can see the world without falsification and simplification and enjoy a god-creating instinct. Nietzsche was fiercelly critical of all religions and considered them as the manifestation of decadence. However the religious motives accompanied all his creative work. The research is mainly based on the analysis of “Beyond Good and Evil” as well as other works of the philosopher. The author holds the opinion that Nietzsche denied the content of the main religions but didn't deny the possibility of religion itself. Nietzche viewed the Dionysus symbolics as the core of a new religion. These symbolics put a human being with his passions and instincts in the center, eliminate transcendence and confirms the idea of Super Man as the possibility of a human being to create his own God inside.
Nietzsche, religion, Dionysus, atheism, will to power, Lebensphilosophie, morality, instinct, human nature, God
Keys to creativity
Mart'yanova G.Yu. (2015). Regulatory Features of the Subjective Image of Mental State Experienced in Difficult Situations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1064–1071. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67168
The article reveals the specifics of the regulatory activity of an actor in difficult situations depending on the intensity of the features of mental state images. The objective of the empirical study was to analyze the formal parameters of mental state image and its relation to the overall regulatory activity. The author of the article has carried out the comparison of the power, structure and intensity of images appearing under various conditions. The author has also studied the differentiated role of the image parameters in an actual situation when reproducing positive experience of problem solution as well as conditions when difficulties are not overcome. The study is based on the provisions of the general methodological concept of conscious self-regulation of voluntary activity as described by V. Morosanova. The author describes the dynamics of subjective features when the level of adaptation to a difficult situation is low as well as the influence of changes in the state image on the overall level of self-regulation. The author proves that the state image has a differentiated influence on regulatory activity. The intensity of the state image determines the processes of situation management as well as the actor's activity in such a situation. These empirical data raises an urgent question regarding the possibility and the need for technical assistance to provide assistance to an individual experiencing a difficult life situation taking into account mechanisms of influence on power, intensity and structure of the image of mental state.
coping, adaptation, actor in a situation, difficult life situations, image of mental state, self-conscious regulation, voluntary activity, power, structured, intensity
Psychopathology of the mundane
Chugunova I.O. (2015). Hateful Human: Psychoanalytical Deconstruction of the Phenomenon of Hatred. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1072–1087. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67169
External phenomenology of hatred, especially the most obvious displays such as aggression, social conflicts and violence, says very little about the essence of the phenomenon. The nature of this phenomenon is difficult to be understood by the means of conscious reflection and logic. Appealing to the teachings about unconsciousness opens the way to understanding mysteries and paradoxes of hatred as a specific human phenomenon and uncovers the fact that hatred is intimately connected with other feelings and passions, first of all, it is dialectically connected with love. Reviewing psychoanalytical theories of hatred, the author develops the concept of hatred as a complex anthropological phenomenon with biological, social and existential roots. In her research Chugunova combines the two research methodologies, the first one is based on the paradigm of theoretical psychoanalysis and the second one is based on the tradition of philosophical anthropological analysis. Hatred is viewed as a natural element of human psyche. It performs a defensive and initiating function at early stages of the development of human psyche and protective function at the stage of maturity. However, social and cultural effects of the society expand hatred and make it destructive, thus distorting human nature and catalyzing social disasters. On the one hand, the image of 'hateful human' is viewed as an inseparable yet ancillary feature of personality, on the other hand, it is a special anthropological phenomenon creating the basis for hatred.
unconsciousness, psychoanalysis, mortido, libido, love, animosity, passion, hatred, destructiveness, freedom