Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2015). Zigzags of understanding psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 7–10. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66077
The article analyzes the philosophical and psychological heritage of Eduard Spranger. Publication of his book
«Types of men: the psychology and ethics of personality» (the Russian translation by A.K. Sudakov) permits to significantly
deepen the history of psychology, to ensure a higher level of comprehension of the Russian psychological school. According
to Spranger, psychology is a descriptive and “understanding” but not a normative science. He consistently makes
a distinction between general and «physiological psychology». The strong side of his conception is its relation to the
philosophical tradition and metaphysical reflection. E. Spranger, basing upon works by W. Wundt and F. Nietzsche, turns
to analysis of the spiritual life of people. He analyzes forms of life relating them with value orientations of an individual.
The research methods are related to the sciences of the spirit that are opposed to the sciences of nature, in accordance
with their traditional distinction. The research is centred on historical experience, «being», or the «world of life». The
author is guided by hermeneutically oriented psychology and philosophy.
The novelty of the article is determined by an attempt to analyze E. Spranger’s heritage in the perspective of the current
state of psychology. For the first time in Russian literature, Spranger’s heritage receives critical interpretation. The article
shows the indisputable achievements of this prominent author. The creation of a structural or understanding psychology
is noted as fruitful, and its methodological foundations and perspectives are emphasized. On the other hand, the article
shows the inadequacy of Spranger’s typology of characters. Spranger does not always coherently employ the axiological
principle, and gives an incorrect characteristic of the social and political, power-interested characters.
descriptive psychology, understanding psychology, sciences of spirit, being, historical experience, spiritual life, character, typology of characters, personality, values.
Societal passions
Eltsova, K. K. (2015). Psychology of ‘Elitism’: Methods of Creation of Media Brands on the Runet. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 11–21. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66078
The article is devoted to the analysis of the discourse about elitism that is issued by a number of Russian Internet
projects as an instrument for developing a reputation of the mass media intended for more educated and qualified
groups of the modern Russian society. The author is referring to such projects as Afisha.ru, Bg.ru, Lookatme, Openspace
(2008-2012), Colta, Esquire and Snob that (re)produce one of the most significant elitist discourses in modern Russia. The
research is based on the articles published during the period since 2008 till 2013. By using the method of discourse analysis
as the main analytical instrument of research, Eltsova defines and systematizes particular strategies and mechanisms
for building up the reputation of these editions as media products identifying a high social status of the target audience.
The results of research, first of all, proves the initial statement that these media projects oppose themselves to what
they see as editions for mass audience, or ‘glamour’. Noteworthy that the basic feature of ‘non-glamourness’ or even
‘anti-glamourness’ of this or that edition on the list is a ‘long text’ implicitly represented as a ‘qualitative text’ based on
the logic of the analyzed discourse. At the same time, rhetoric of the ‘elitist’ status of this or that media projects being
studied is negated when the discussion drifts to the economic aspects of such projects. Finally, due to the influence of
financial and marketing rhetoric, the image of the target audience as the ‘educated minority’ (that had been defined at
the previous stages of research) is now completed with the image of the ‘average intelligent person’.
psychology, elitism, status-associated practices, elitist discourse, media representations, discourse-analysis, creating the brand reputation, audience creation, media-format.
Philosophy and psychology
Spektor, D. M. (2015). From Psychology of Sense to the Sense of Psychology. Existential Archetypes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 22–32. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66079
On the other side of naturalism there are no guarantees that frequently mentioned existentials are eternal, created
by the one consciousness, have the one meaning and belong to the unified cognition process. This statement can be
proved by the fact that language has a common nature, too. However, semantic structures are very complex especially in different forms of communication of ontologically different existentials and their productive relation. According to the author
of the article, the type of existential is constituted in the process of understanding and inevitably aimed at discovering
metaphysics (transcendence) of the subject. However, the motive and the aspect of what is being understood may differ in
terms of basal existentials. This schematic exposition already allows to raise a question about creating a classification of
existential senses and defining their ontological differences while taking into account their relation. Spektor provides the
following basal archetypes that are ‘repressed’ into unconsciousness not because they are alien to the mind but because of
their ontological disposition in the psychic structure and the role of ‘prisms’ and pre-conscious attitudes: the archetype of
Divinity, God, the Absolute, the One, and etc.; the archetype of Power; the archetype of Capital; and the archetype of Server.
psychology of sense, sense of psychology, archetypes, existential, existence, basal archetypes, Absolute and One, power, capital, Server.
Mind games
Pilyugina, M. A. (2015). Intersection Between Interpretation and Cognitive Abilities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 33–42. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66080
The article is devoted to the intersection and mutual influence of interpretation and cognitive abilities. The research
of cognitive issues involves studying the process of cognition and knowledge and information organization that ensure the
adequate and efficient orientation and activity of human. The latter is in many ways caused by caused by the knowledge possessed
by the person and opportunity to operate this knowledge, i.e. to understand it and act based on his experience. These
aspects are of key importance in the process of interpretation. The author of the present article discusses the role of interpretation
in the fulfillment of the basic cognitive abilities. Cognition is a complex research subject that has different aspects.
This creates the need for applying the interdisciplinary approach and using sources on psychology, cognitive disciplines and
philosophy. Examining the basic cognitive abilities, the author demonstrates that explicitly or implicitly these abilities have the
element of interpretation that allows the information obtained to become part of the personal experience. This is performed
through applying and reconstructing data in the process of formation of images or the mental process of thought by the means
of language. The author concludes that interpretation and implementation of cognitive abilities are interdependent processes
and their successful fulfillment contributes to the formation of a stable and consistent personal picture of the world. Thus, the
research of cognitive abilities and their mechanisms reveal new aspects of the problem of interpretation and understanding.
understanding, interpretation, cognitive abilities, image, meaning, information, experience, context, representation, cognitive schemes.
To understand the human being
Glinchikova, E. V. (2015). Event: the Loss and Return. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 43–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66081
The research subject is the concept of event in post-modern philosophy and non-classical anthropology. The
research target is to study the meaning of an eventful action. In her research Glinchikova elaborates on various aspects
of the concept of event in the modern world and traditional society, discusses kenosis as a death of a subject (individual)
in the face of God or eventful Coram Deo, describes the features of eventful redundancy and eventful deficiency of the
modern world, examines the structural difference between a fact and event and describes the role of truth under the conditions
of facts dominating over events. The main research methods used by the researcher include structural analysis,
psychoanalysis and synthetic replenishment of the topic with the images and meanings of the desired subjectivity. The
novelty of research is caused by the facts that for the first time in the academic literature event is viewed from the point
of view of its relation to subjectivity but not a subject, that the researcher defines the two ‘faces’ of event – event as an
action and even as a Coram Deo, criticizes the concept of the eventful in radical theology and post-modern philosophy
and examines event from the point of view of anthropological kenosis.
event, fact, kenosis, non-classical anthropology, tradition, Coram Deo, earth, subjectivity, subject, impossibility.
Psychology of highest aspirations
Konson, G. R. (2015). Scientific and Critical Literature on the Psychology of Andrey Kovrin in Anton Chekhov’s Story ‘The Black Monk’. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 53–62. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66082
The article is devoted to interpretations of the image of Andrey Kovrin from Anton Chekhov’s story ‘The Black
Monk’ in scientific and critical literature. Researchers still haven’t arrived at a common view on the interpretation of this literary hero. According to Konson, during his meetings with the monk the main character learns new meanings and
therefore understands that he was wrong trying to find happiness not in himself but in excelling his surroundings. Based
on that, Andrey Kovrin experiences what is usually called the ‘symbolic transformation’ in psychology, or a ‘new connection
between ‘Self’ and the other world’ (definition offered by Pavel Gurevich). The research method used by the author
combines several types of analysis – ethical-philosophical, psychological, historical, literary and comparative analysis.
which, in general, allows to expand capacities of anthropological knowledge. The scientific novelty of the article is caused
by the fact that Konson offers his own interpretation of the images of the black monk and Andrey Kovrin. According to
Konson, the black monk is a mirage that appears in the exhausted de-personified mind of Andrey Kovrin and the monk’s
prophecy becomes the meaning of Kovrin’s existence. When Andrey creates his world perception at a new philosophical
level, he is finally settled in life.
Anton Chekhov’s story, Andrey Kovrin, black monk, scientist, de-personified consciousness, sanity and insanity, magnitude, genius, mental, psychiatry, twin, doppelganger.
Modeling the unconscious
Stoyukhina, N. Yu., Kostrigin, A. A. (2015). Russian Psychologists of the End of XIX – Beginning of XX Century About Sleep and Dreaming. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 63–69. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66083
The present research article is devoted to the theories of sleep and dreaming created by the Russian psychologists,
philosophers and theologians at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century. The authors of the article set a goal to analyze
how sleep psychology has been developing in Russian science and to explain why names of Russian scientists studying
sleep and dreaming have been forgotten. According to the authors, sleep psychology is quite controversial because
Russian psychology is quite ‘polyphonic’ in general. There have been the two approaches to studying sleep and dreaming,
empirical approach and religious- philosophical (theological) approach. In their research Stoyukhina and Kostrigin have
used the historical and psychological research methods including the categories/concepts analysis method and product
analysis method. The research methodology involves the principle of the determinism of the development of psychology
as a science and the principle of logical and historical unity (Koltsova, V. A., Oleynik, Yu. N.). The central issues studied
by the pre-revolutionary Russian scientists were the definitions of sleep and dreaming, their sources, factors and classifications.
One of the most controversial topics psychologists were concerned about at the turn of XIX – XX centuries
was whether prophetic dreams actually existed. The novelty of research is in the description of the researches on sleep
psychology at the turn of XIX – XX centuries which has been a missing element in the history of psychology till present.
The results of research will allow to better understand the development trends of Russian psychology.
sleep psychology, history of psychology, empiric psychology, religious and philosophical psychology, classification of dreams, sources of sleep, sleep theories, objectives of sleep psychology, pre-revolutionary psychology, social history of science.
Person and personality
Schebetenko, S. A. (2015). Reflected Attitudes to Personality Features as a Predictor of Students’ Academic Success. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 70–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66084
In this article Schebetenko offers a definition of the ‘reflected attitude to personality feature’ as an individual
opinion on what his significant others view as a positive or negative personality feature. In terms of the five-factor model
of personality (McCrae & Costa, 1996, 2013) this construct is viewed as a particular case of typical metacognitive adaptations.
The latter represent the ‘thoughts about features’, i.e. the element of personality structure being monitored by
an individual. 1030 university students participated in the research of how a reflected attitude to a personality feature
may predict the academic success taking into account the statistical control of a particular personality feature and other
metacognitive adaptations. This is a correlational research. The researcher has studied the Big Five of personality traits
and metacognitive adaptations including dispositional efficiency, attitude to a feature, reflected feature and reflected attitude
to a feature. The following indicators of academic success have been studied: results of the Russian language and
mathematics USE and quarterly academic records. The main hypotheses have been proved by the means of correlation
and hierarchic multiple regression analysis. Schebetenko has discovered that reflected attitudes to friendliness, diligence
and neuroticism can make additional contribution to academic success, even after the statistical control of a personality
feature and other metacognitive adaptations associated with it. The researcher proves that the particular influence of a
reflected attitude to personality traits can make an individual to positively react to these features among other people, for example, students or lecturers. Generally speaking, this can lead to the formation of a certain environment around an
individual which, in particular, can stimulate his academic activity.
personality features, social attitudes, intersubjectivity, five-factor model, academic success, USE (Unified State Exam), friendliness, diligence, neuroticism, metacognition.
Developmental psychology
Chumicheva, I. V. (2015). Basic Areas of Modern Researches of Teenage Socialization and Identity (Analysis of Psychological Thesis Researches
Written Since 1999 Till 2013). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 83–91. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66085
The purpose of the present article is to analyze thesis researches on psychology defended in the Russian Federation
and touching upon the problems of teenage identity formation and socialization processes. The article contains
the results of the analysis of thesis researches of students seeking for Doctor’s and PhD degrees in all psychological
majors during 1999 – 2013 that are presented in the e-catalog of thesis researches at Russian State Library. Thesis researches
have been selected based on their titles, subjects and objects of researches. The framework of thesis analysis
involves quantitative analysis of thesis researches that are aimed at studying identity and socialization, then selection of
thesis studying the aforesaid phenomena and summarizing the number of researches performed on groups of teenagers.
Qualitative analysis discovered the basic majors most of the theses had been defended in and provided a brief description
of these researches. The analysis of thesis researches have allowed to define the basic areas and trends in psychological
practice related to studying the relationship between identity and socialization of teenagers in Russian psychology over
the past 15 years. The results of research present the basic theoretical approaches and practical methods of experimental
and empiric researches of the relationship between teenage identity and socialization process.
psychology, identity, socialization, teenagers, interaction, thesis research, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, research, majors.
Spiritual reincarnation
Nilogov, A. S. (2015). Anti-Language As a Clairvoyance in John Godolphin Bennett’s Nonverbal Communication. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 92–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66086
In his article Nilogov examines the concept of ‘wordless communication’ that first appeared in the book
‘Transformation’ written by an English mathematician, engineer and psychologist John Bennett (1897 – 1974). As a synonym
for ‘wordless communication, ’ Bennett used the term ‘anti-language’ that, in the conceptual meaning, was close
to the philosophy of anti-language the philosophical discipline developed by the author of the article. The author offers
his definition of anti-language as a combination of classes of anti-words that represent associated regions of partly or
fully unenumerated existence. Analyzing Bennett’s definition of anti-language that was very close to the definition of
telepathy, nonverbal communication and clairvoyance, Nilogov demonstrates similarities and differences between his
own interpretation and Bennett’s concept and provides particular examples of classes of anti-words as an illustration.
In his research Nilogov has used the methods of analysis, synthesis, hermeneutical methods, association method and
interdisciplinary links between linguistics, psychology and philosophy. According to the author, Bennett’s concept of ‘nonverbal
communication’ reveals only one aspect of anti-language philosophy and therefore cannot be identified as antilanguage.
Thus, Nilogov offers new approaches to studying the inner world of human revealed through the phenomena
of telepathy, nonverbal communication and anti-language.
Bennett, nonverbal communication, anti-language, philosophy of anti-language, wordless communication, telepathy, clairvoyance, Gurdjieff, anti-word, unconscious.