Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Boundaries of Psychological Space. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1211–1213. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67376
The expert journal 'Psychology and Psychotechnics' has been again approved as the journal recommended by the Highest Attestation Commission. In the first instance, it is a good proof of the editorial board's efficient acitivity. The editorial board of the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal includes such major scientists as members of the Russian Academy of Sciences Abdusalam Guseinov and Vladislav Lektorskiy, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoliy Zhuravlev, doctors of psychology Tatyana Berezina, Diana Boboyavlenskaya, Dmitriy Leontyev, Marina Rozenova, Andrey Rossokhin, Alexander Tkhostov and others. Psychologists living in various regions of the country publish their articles in the Journal. Manuscripts in editor's hand are constantly and promptly growing. However, it would be good to make the journal more academic and discussing hot issues. For this purpose, the editorial board introduces famous scientists who are capable of extending the boundaries of psychological space. Issues and topics that are at the intersection between psychology and philosophy, psychology and medicine, psychology and social sciences are growing especially important. The academic community tends to believe that over the past decades new knowledge has been accumulated mostly through researches in a particular sphere. Today the problem of uniting different spheres of differentiated sciences is growing especially important. Comprehensive researches are becoming more significant. This raises a question about psychology starting to explore and extend its own boundaries. The editorial board often receives letters from psychologists who study the problems arising at the intersection between philosophy and psychology. However, it does not mean at all that these two disciplines can't make a union. The editors of the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal believe that it is very important to research all the spheres that are close to psychology. The union between medicine and psychology is also important. There are the two forms of psychology, theoretical and practical. The latter often appeals to neurotic or psychopathic processes which creates an opportunity for researching mutual aspects of psychology and medicine as well as their interaction.
medicine, philosophy, social studies, science, healing, psychogenic diseases, personality, massive psychological processes, psychology, technologies
Societal passions
Napso M.D. (2015). Consumer Society and Theatricalization of Modern Life. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1214–1219. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67377
The object of the present research is the phenomenon of consumerism, while the subejct of the research is the 'facade' and the 'backstage' of the consumer society. In his research Napso examines a number of features of the post-Soviet world such as theatricality which suited ideological and worldview postulates of the excessive consumption 'culture'. The researcher analyzes peculiarities of the 'performance society', its 'facade' and 'backstage', simulacrums and the phenomenon of hyperreality as well as traces back the connection between consumption and commodification process. The author analyzes the ambivalent nature of values and preferences of post-modern society, the process of substituting the reality with illusions and symbols and the phenomenon of astroturfing. The methodological basis of the article includes ontological and gnoseological principles of dialects, which allows to view the issues under consideration from the point of view of their unity and interdependence. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the researcher offers a thesis about the 'theatrical' nature of the consumer society. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the theatricalization phenomenon typical for the post-industrial world needs to be studied further; 2) emphasis should be made on studying the influence of the commodification process on the individual and collective consciousness.
illusion, postmodernism, consumerism, performance society, theatricality, creativity, hyperreality, simulacrum, astroturfing, symbol
Philosophy and psychology
Sukiasyan S.G. (2015). The Strategy of Human Behavior: Animistic and Anthropomorphic Roots. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1220–1233. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67378
The subject of the present study is the category "strategy" as an aspect of understanding the nature and the human psyche in the context of their origins and development. The author of the analysis of the most famous, evolutionarily significant strategies of human behavior, in one way or another to explain human behaviour. The diversity of these strategies the author considers as a continuum, caused by the interaction and the interaction between biological and social nature of man. The author does not reduce social in person to its biology, but displays a social in man solely from his biology. For understanding the evolving concept of development of the psyche, the author appealed to the notion of "evolutionarily stable strategy, which developed psihobiologi. The diversity of forms of human behaviour is reduced to the following four types: agonistic, cooperative, altruistic and egoistic. An analysis of each of the forms of behavioral strategies. Work is theoretical and based on an analysis of categorical concepts and approaches in psychology and Psychiatry. The article presents the author's original approach to understanding the nature and the human psyche. If this comes from the fact that the essence of any human phenomenon is manifested in its extremes. In this case the psychosis.The author suggests that to understand human nature can be via understanding his social behavior, which he views from the perspective of group and social behaviour of animals, conducting similar in models of animal and human behavior. Disclosed to the evolutionary role of some psychological categories. The author develops the idea of animal and human animistic antropomorfic. The formation of the species Homo Sapiens is carried out through his instinctive nature, indirect social relations and interactions with external factors. The author assumes that at the present stage of its development, man lost several biological mechanisms for the management of population genetic structure, replacing them with social mechanisms: institutions that perform prohibitive, punitive function as moral norms, laws, Penal Code. In other words a hierarchically more old mechanism (or seam) gave way to more new mechanism, but at the same time, he remained in "inactive". Psychic manifestations, social and moral norms and principles, laws regulating social life in its deepest meaning are the dictates of biological and physical nature.
animalization human, external program, behavior strategy, agonistic behavior, cooperative behavior, altruistic behavior, selfish behavior, closed genetic program, open behavioral program, anthropomorphization of animals
Personal motivation and spirituality
Shcheglova I.G. (2015). Features of Valuable Orientations of Senior School Students Predisposed to Oniomania. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1234–1240. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67379
The author of the article identifies and describes some characteristics of value orientations of senior pupils-prone oniomania. The author argues that with age the value orientation are subjected to various metamorphoses. The peak of formation of valuable orientations takes place in the senior school age, when the main predictabi personality is their independence, autonomy, self-direction in achieving success. The author also establishes that this age is a dangerous time for the formation of different types of dependencies. The younger generation especially vital intermediate reacts to the circumstances of transition, as not having sufficient life experience, training, stable value orientations, is on the lower level of the economic and social pyramid. The relevance of the study confirmed the instability of value orientations, growth of predisposition to oniomania among adolescents and the need to provide them with timely assistance and prevention. From the point of view of the author there is a relationship between hierarchy of values and a predisposition to oniomania. When ranking the values of the constructed hierarchy of value orientations of adolescents prone oniomania and the interrelation between the hierarchy of values and a predisposition to oniomania.
older students, adolescents, teenagers, addiction, shopping addiction, value orientation, susceptibility to oniomania (compulsive buying dis, values, younger generation, hierarchy
Personal growth
Chizhkov S.L. (2015). Metaphysics of the Person in the System of Absolute Idealism of Boris Chicherin. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1241–1251. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67380
The subject of research is the metaphysical concept of identity of the outstanding Russian philosopher Boris Chicherin. This concept permeates the entire complex architecture of his teachings: Sociology, philosophy, politics, legal doctrine, the doctrine of economic, religious and ethical views. Evolution of the thinker towards absolute idealism, formed the metaphysical concept of the individual caught up in turn a decisive influence on the very system of absolute idealism, it is becoming more and more personalistic. The methodology of the research is based on the principle of immanent critique, which allows to reconstruct the relationship and interdependence of the key ideas of the thinker. The article shows the evolution of Chicherin’s views on the nature of person. If the earlier works of the thinker, which followed almost exclusively in line with the ideas of Hegel, the identity presented only a transitory moment of historical development, the later works was treated the person as an essence, not only realize the idea of the Absolute, but carrying it in ourselves. The concept of person has had a largely decisive influence on the formation of philosophical personalism in Russia.
human nature, freedom, philosophical anthropology, Hegel, Kant, Russian philosophy, metaphysics, personality, Boris Chicherin, the Moral Law
The range of emotional experience
Krotovskaya N.G. (2015). Akhtar S. Matters of Life and Death. London, 2011, P. 241. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1252–1261. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67381
Salman Akhtar is the American psychoanalyst, the winner of numerous scientific awards and the author of more than three hundred scientific publications. In his book "Matters of Life and Death", he, relaying on the teaching of Sigmund Freud about the two "basic instincts" and complementing later studies of other well-known psychoanalysts, considers human life as consisting of the two main components, life and death, from the point of view of their opposition and continuity. Viewing happiness as one of the basic life-related concepts, the author clarifies its meaning in the works of different authors. Combining the different scientific views on happiness, the author divides the latter into four categories: pleasure, joy, ecstasy and satisfaction by tracing their ontological roots, metapsychological correlates, as well as components associated with personal experience. In the present book the author offers a brief review of psychoanalytical researches on the problem of happiness. Starting from Freud's views, he proceeds to analyzing different psychoanalytical concepts of happiness and then offers his own view on the phenomena that relate to happiness. Based on the results of various researches and his own observations, the author defines the four types of happiness (pleasure, joy, ecstasy and satisfaction), describes their nature, specific features and in conclusion points out the spheres calling for further investigations.
euphory, pleasure, civilization, instincts, suffering, happiness, psychoanalysis, ecstasy, satisfaction, culture
Professional psychology
Paleev F.N. (2015). Medicine at the Approaches to Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1262–1269. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67382
The article is devoted to numerous connections between medicine and psychology. Medicine has long been considered to be the sphere in which psychology gained a very broad practical implementation. In his research Paleev describes the three factors that are important for studying diseases. Until recently genetic heredity seemed to play the prevailing role in the origin of diseases. The human genome mapping offer better opportunities for healing people and avoiding genetic predisposition to particular diseases. However, in his article Paleev demonstrates that we should not overemphasize the role of the genetic factor. Quite often diseases have the physiological basis. The role of the psychological factor is also enormous. So called psychogenic diseases are a proof of that. These diseases are mostly studied by psychiatry. In this regard, the researcher notes that analysis of anamnesis (disease history) involves consideration of psychologically important events that took place in a patient's life. Psychology helps an individual to structure his life experience and to explain it to the surrounding world. In his research Paleev focuses on the history of medical practice and employs materials of medical psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. He bases his research on the fundamental provisions of modern humanities. Appealing to various kinds of psychotherapy, the author of the article reasons about the social status of psychotherapy. He also draws a distinction between psychiatry and psychoanalysis and emphasizes the difference between the fates of these sciences in our country. Special attention is paid to peculiarities of psychosomatic diseases. Touching upon the unity between body and soul, the author of the article also stresses out the fact that body and soul are inseparable elements of human personality. In his article Paleev also raises the question about the emerging role of psychotherapy in medical practice.
psychotherapy, psychosomatic medicine, human genome, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, medical psychology, psychology, disease, body, mind
Psychology and pedagogics
Nartsissova S.Yu., Pok M.V. (2015). Arguments in Protection of Legal Guarantees of Parents on Education of Children within the Limits of Traditional Values. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1270–1277. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67383
In article authors consider arguments in protection of legal guarantees of parents on education of children within the limits of traditional values, namely: cultural urological aspects of education and music education. The music education and education system acts today as the dynamical factor of modern geopolitical processes. Mass media, the Internet, radio and TV allow social players to throw the information in social networks and to form public opinion in the interests under "roof" of popular musical melodies. The special attention in article is given relations of parents, children and the state in an education sphere. Object of the given research was specificity of the right of parents on a choice of a trajectory of formation for children in the light of own traditional family values. The methodological basis of research includes general scientific methods of research, and also private scientific methods: methods of the system analysis, concrete sociological researches, methods of historical and comparative jurisprudence. Special research of the problems, family values concerning protection and traditions of parents on their option of an education system for the child, is spent for the first time. Features of the international protection of traditional family values of parents and the rights of the child as by one of the basic international legal forms of protection of human rights in an education sphere are developed and proved, recommendations about expansion of researches in this area, on a music education example are proved.
sustainable development, social psychology, human rights, legal psychology, forming, development to personalities, traditional family values, worldoutlook, music formation, parents
Keys to creativity
Mal'tseva T.E. (2015). Developing Assertiveness of Would-Be Professionals with Socio-Functional Differences. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1278–1285. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67384
The object of the present research is the would-be professionals with socio-functional differences (the term offered Maltseva), while the subject of the research is the development of the integral basic assertiveness qualities in the process of formation of their socio-professional subjectivity (another term offered by the researcher). In her research Maltseva specifies and systematizes features attributable to assertiveness. Describing procedural and conceptual features and peculiarities of different approaches to the concept of assertiveness as a process, the author focuses on particular psychotechnics and psychotechnologies that are applied in the sphere of subjective development (the author's term) and help would-be professionals with socio-functional differences to change from viewing themselves as an object, i.e. victim of circumstances, to being a subject of their professional activity capable of controlling their life and constantly developing. In her research Maltseva describes the newest psychological technics, their purpose, essence and proposed result. The researcher also defines the basic features of assertiveness typical for would-be professionals with socio-functional differences as well as the structure and the signs of assertiveness being developed as a quality. Emphasizing the complexity of formation of the socio-professional subjectivity in the field of subjective development of would-be professionals with socio-functional differences, the author of the article reveals the purpose and meaning of each method or psychotherapeutic technic and stresses out that their implementation requires an individual approach which would take into account particular qualities of every group of clients.
field of subjective development, self-realization, self-actualization, assertiveness, social and functional differences, socio-professional subjectivity, psycho-technology, congruence, ecology, self-activity
Developmental psychology
Korneeva Ya.A., Simonova N.N., Skripchenko N.Yu., Arefina M.S. (2015). Accounting Representations on the Causes of Juvenile Committed Crimes in the Course of Pre-Trial Support. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1286–1297. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67385
The subject of the study is the factors that determine the commission of a crime, minors held in pre-trial support. The object of study is pre accompany minors in conflict with the law in the Arkhangelsk region. The article discusses in detail the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the factors that define the crimes. The study was carried out from October 2014 on the April 2015 Experimental sample totaled 60 minors who have committed an offense for which pre-trial procedure is implemented social support. Methods: theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on this problem; content analysis of information on pre-trial diaries accompany minors in conflict with the law; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, X2 test, analysis of contingency tables). Statistical analysis was performed using the software package «SPSS Statistica 20". The main conclusions of the study are the representations of teenagers are characterized by distortions, incompleteness, lack of awareness of the existence of a negative attitude towards the offense, as well as the manifestation of initiative and independence in the organization and in the commission of an unlawful act. The novelty of the study is to determine the differences in the representation of teenagers who committed the offense for the first time and those who are characterized by a return to crime, as well as representations in determining the relationship of the crime committed by minors and resocialization measures that apply to these teens. The study was funded by RHF and the Government of the Arkhangelsk region, "Russian North: Past, Present and Prospects" in the framework of the research project number 15 - 13 - 29001 "Pre-trial support for minors in conflict with the law: the generalization of experience and development prospects in the Arkhangelsk region."
resocialization, behavioral component, idea of the crime, pre-trial support, minors, the crime, factors of committing a crime, cognitive component, emotional component, recidivism
The unpredictable
Boyko D.V. (2015). Phenomenology of Fear. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1298–1307. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67386
In his article Boiko analyzes the phenomenon of fear from the point of view of its complex displays. The subject of the research is the feeling of fear which is being viewed as the existential or deep emotional experience of human. The object of the research is such displays of fear as the existential anxiety, awe, enchancement by fear as well as horror of existence. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the genesis of fear and the role of awe and paradoxically inviting fear in human's life. Special attention is paid to the idea that fear can be seen not only as a disastrous and repelling feeling but also as a purifying existential experience. The reserach methodology used by the author includes the hermeneutical analysis of different texts on existential, religious and social philosophy as well as literary works. The main conclusions of the research are the following: being an existential experience, fear can be displayed in many forms. Analysis of the phenomenon of fear allows to get a better understanding of human nature. The author's special contribution to the topic is the analysis of fear as a divine awe as well as the paradoxical desire of fear. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author tries to show that even though fear is an unpleasant feeling, it is also an inescapable feeilng which attracts an individual and helps him to understand the transcendental beginning of the world.
transcendence, fear, existential anxiety, awe, horror, divine, enchanted by fear, human nature, creativity, existence and nonexistence