Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). Existence of Play. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 905–908. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65499
Pavel Gurevich emphasizes the special role of play in the structure of the main sides of human existence
listed by Eugene Fink – labor, play, love and death. Indeed, each of these concepts reflects the basic aspect of human
existence. They can be also viewed as an independent phenomenon. However, Pavel Gurevich believes play to have a
singular feature. Play constitutes other sides of human existence. For example, it is impossible to imagine labor without
play activity. Play probably appeared earlier than labor in pre-human history. Play intertwines different sides of
social activity and turns people into executors of social roles. This refers to economic activity, too. Economic activity is
not built only upon the common sense and productivity. Economic activity always has the element of play. Politics is
a great sphere for play activity, too. In his research Pavel Gurevich used the method of philosophical anthropological
analysis. Phenomenology of play is related to human nature and typical human fervour and attitude to unexpected
fate. Pavel Gurevich also uses the methods of historical description of play activity. Special attention is paid to the
phenomenology of play as well as its universal role in human activity in general and in researches of the sides of human
existence in particular. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that even though many philosophers have
studied sides of human existence, a special role of play in human activity is studied for the first time. The author underlines
that play reveals the nature of other aspects of human activity. If we had eliminated the element of play from
labor, economic, political and sexual practices, it would have completely changed not only the entire style of life but
also the essence of human existence.
psychology, human existence, play, love, labor, economy, activity, death, creativity, meaning.
Societal passions
Muraschenkova, N. V. (2014). Patriotism as a Factor of Extremism Prevention Among Youth: the Social Psychological Approach. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 909–921. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65500
Extremism and patriotism are not traditional topics for psychology. Therefore, it is noted that social psychological
researches still lack the conceptual and notional framework for studying such phenomena as patriotism
or extremism, in particular, the psychological potential of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention
hasn’t been explored. There is a certain contradiction in science between the recognized importance of patriotism
in extremism prevention and the absence of social psychological researches that would reveal the potential of
patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention. This contradiction has made the author of the article to
focus on this theme and purpose of research. The subject under research is patriotism as the factor of preventing
extremism among youth. The purpose of the article is to reveal the potential of patriotism as the factor of youth
extremism prevention. Methodological grounds of research include principles of the complex, systems, subject-centered
activity and person-centered approaches as they are introduced in Russian psychology. Theoretical grounds
of research include scientific researches aimed at analyzing the phenomenon of extremist’s way of thinking, types
of extremism, reasons and determinants of extremism development as well as social psychological researches of
patriotism that study social, ethnic and psychological aspects of manifestation and development of patriotism in
a modern Russian society. In the course of research the author has also used such theoretical research methods as
analysis, synthesis, comparison and summary. The results of research prove the supposition that struggle against
youth extremism and teaching patriotism are the two inseparable problems. Noteworthy that one of the hindrances
in formation of patriotic attitudes is the ambivalent interpretation and evaluation of patriotism by young people.
The author emphasizes the need for solving the problem of multiple interpretations of the term ‘patriotism’ both
in the academic community and common sense. The author shows in order to raise the potential of patriotism as
the factor of youth extremism prevention, a traditional definition of patriotism should include the aspect reflecting
necessary peculiarities of inter-ethnic and cross-cultural relations, in particular: tolerance and respect towards
other nations and cultures, recognition of their right to exist and be different without confrontation. The main result
of the theoretical research is the revelation of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention from the
point of view of the social psychological approach and description of the main differences in extremist and patriotic attitudes at the personality level. The research also proves that being a basic spiritual and moral personal quality,
true patriotism is the factor of preventing extremist attitudes and extremist behavior.
social psychological approach, youth extremism, hostility, xenophobia, moral nihilism, patriotism, false patriotism, true patriotism, moral quality, inter-ethnic tolerance.
Crowd psychology
Burlakova, N. S., Oleshkevich, E. V. (2014). The Holocaust Traumatic Experience as Part of the Historical Memory and Identity of the Second Generation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 922–931. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65501
The current crisis of the transfer of historical experience conditions the importance of the subject under
research chosen by the author: analysis of historical memory, socio-cultural and psychological mechanisms of intergeneration
transfer of traumatic experience and their role in formation of the identity of the second generation of survivors
in Israel and Eastern Europe after the Holocaust. Special attention is paid to psychological defense mechanisms
aimed at restoring national identity that were activated in the process of transfer of traumatic experience at different
stages of the development of Israeli society’s attitudes towards the Holocaust, especially that of the Jewish people
in Eastern Europe. The authors also discuss stages of integration of traumatic experience into the national identity
structure. The research was carried out at the interface between different research methodologies and involved the
methods of comparative cultural historical analysis, clinical psychological reflection based on acute social phenomena
as well as phenomenological methods of studying evidence and life stories. Based on the results of the comparative
analysis, the authors show the complexity and sensitivity of the process of overcoming traumatic experience and describe
stages of integration of traumatic experience into the historical memory and peculiarities of formation of the
second generation identity. The research of social and psychological mechanisms of identity formation has allowed
to define both differences and similarities in how people deal with the memory of traumatic events in different social
cultural environments. The authors show that despite common attempts to institutionalize the Holocaust experience,
there had been a number of problems related its transfer and integration which was later accompanied with different
types of defense mechanisms in other succeeding generations. Individual inter-generation transfer of experience has
created a complex internal dialogue in the minds and national identities of the second generation. The authors conclude
that the phenomenon of national identity is included both in the historical memory (including different ideological
transformations) and socio-cultural situation of modern times which creates particular types of memories, their
understanding and ideological interpretations.
historical memory, identity, traumatic experience, intergeneration transfer, the Holocaust, the second generation, cultural historical analysis, Israel, Eastern Europe, clinical psychology.
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Nikandrov, A. V. (2014). Ethics of Men of Culture: Norberto Bobbio on Autonomy of Intellectuals. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 932–941. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65502
By the early 50th of the 20th century Western European intellectuals adopted a whole tradition that closely
related the role of political intellectuals to the cultural protection – a tradition that was very typical for the Russian
intelligentsia. One of such intellectuals that clearly expressed those cultural and political ideas and emphasized the
cultural protection to be the main political role of intellectuals was an Italian researcher in the spheres of philosophy
of politics and philosophy of law Norberto Bobbio. His ideas on the relation between culture and politics and the role
of ‘men of culture’ as he called intellectuals on politics were presented in his book ‘Politics and Culture’ published
in 1955. The present article is devoted to the concept of autonomy of intellectuals and their particular political role
developed and proved by Norberto Bobbio. Methodological basis of research includes the historical politological approach,
methods of textual research and historical analytical method allowing to view Norberto Bobbio’s concept in
terms of Western European political environment and scientific inquiries of the 20th century. Based on the concept
of intellectuals as ‘men of culture’, Norbert Bobbio expressed his opinion on culture as an intellectual focusing on the
principle of defending the autonomy of culture as the principle of political activity of intellectuals. To describe the role
of intellectuals, Norbert Bobbio offered a term ‘politics of culture’ (which Norbert Bobbio opposed to the term ‘cultural
policy’) when did not allow politics to interfere with culture. According to Norbet Bobbio, the main principles of
intellectuals’ activity in politics should include the principle of intellectual autonomy, the motto ‘independence but not
indifference’ and the dialogue principle.
party spirit, liberalism, socialism, communism, autonomy of culture, politics and culture, intellectual, Marxism, duty of intellectuals, political bias.
Philosophy and psychology
Barinov, D. N. (2014). Social Fear as the Phenomenon of Public Conscience. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 942–951. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65503
The article is devoted to social fear as the phenomenon of public conscience. The purpose of the research is to
define the place and role of social fear in the structure of public consciousness. The researcher reveals peculiarities of
social fear as a spiritual phenomenon and a social and psychological state that may create grounds for the development
of activity of a public conscience actor. The analysis performed by the researcher is based on a traditional theoretical
model of public conscience typical for Russian social studies. This model allows to define all levels and forms
as well as relations between social conscience and other phenomena of social life. The analysis is based on the social
philosophical concept of the spiritual sphere of society and social conscience which created the conceptual model of
studying social fears in the spiritual sphere of society. At the end of the article the author makes a conclusion that
social fears reflect regular patterns of the balance of emotional and rational, theoretical and common aspects in social
conscience as well as spiritual and other spheres of social life. Repertoire and hierarchy of social fears are defined by
the hierarchy of forms of social conscience during this or that period of social development.
social fear, social anxiety, public consciousness, social psychology, spiritual sphere of society, sociology of emotions, forms of public consciousness, existential dominants, emotional atmosphere of society, social well-being.
Inner world
Korneenkov, S. S. (2014). Retrospection: Peculiar Emotional Experience of an Individual in the Perinatal Period of Development (Experimental
Research in the Altered State of Consciousness). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 952–967. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65504
The article is devoted to the issues of perinatal psychology. Theoretical and experimental research carried out by
the author of the article is based on the hypothesis that human a) is a self-developing creature whose consciousness stores
all the emotions experienced by him during his fetal period of development; b) being in the altered state of consciousness,
he can recall the mental states experienced by him during the perinatal period of fetal development. The purpose of the
research is: 1) to study scientific and yoga literature on the problem of the unity of consciousness, spirit and material in the
perinatal period of an individual’s life; 2) to carry out an experimental research of emotions, perception and cogitation of
an individual at different periods of perinatal development. The object of research is the altered state of consciousness. The
subject of research is the peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions of an individual’s consciousness a) before the
moment of meeting with a fertilized ovum, b) at the moment and after the moment of zygote formation c) in the first days
of a child’s life. The author uses the integrated technology of learning and self-knowledge (ITLSK) in the awake and altered
states of consciousness (ASC). The ASC was achieved in several steps according to a special procedure using the following
self-knowledge methods: setting, concentration, music, meditation, suggestion, self-suggestion, prayer, mantra and cosetting.
This is the first research in Russian science to receive data about peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions
in the perinatal period of fetal development through achieving the altered state of consciousness. Meditation allows
to consciously perceive ‘the other’ reality and accept one’s inner world and surrounding reality as the single entity. Deep
focus on oneself allows to achieve the state of calmness, harmony, knowledge and purity and fills one’s consciousness with
strength and energy. One’s internal world is the reality for our mind just as the external world is. Meditation can be used for
self-investigation and self-learning according to set goals as well as to study theory and practical application of psychology
and pedagogy, anatomy and physiology and other disciplines at a University.
perinatal psychology, individual consciousness, meditation, universal consciousness, perinatal experience, altered state of consciousness, conception (beginning of pregnancy), embryo, spirit, setting.
To understand the human being
Datchenko, S. A. (2014). The Place of the Theory of Functional Systems in Solution of Psychological Tasks. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 968–974. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65505
The article is devoted to the application of the theory of functional systems to solving psychological tasks.
The author of the article summarizes and describes the framework of notions and concepts used in the theory of functional system, concepts on neuronal activity and operational architectonics. Psychologists rarely use the theory of
functional systems. Firstly, TFS was created only in 1935 and has been changed a lot over the past years. It still continues
to develop today. Therefore, it is difficult to trace back changes and additions even to the classical TFS. Secondly,
the conceptual framework developed by TFS is absolutely different from the conceptual framework used by different
branches of psychology. Thirdly, the emergence of mental processes does not allow to directly compare them to physiological
processes. As a result, a considerable number of psychologists have a prejudice against all that may concern
physiology while TFS is directly connected to physiology. Methodological and theoretical grounds of research include
the systems approach (offered by I. Sechenov, I. Pavlov, L. Vygotsky, A. Ukhtomsky, A. Luria, P. Anokhin, V. Shvyrkov,
K. Sudakov and A. Bernstein), the activity principle (offered by B. Ananiev, V. Petrovsky and others), systems psychophysiology
including the theory of functional systems (P. Anokhin) and systems evolutionary approach (V. Shvyrkov)
and others. Initially, particular advantages application of TFS may seem to be acceptable from the point of view of the
systems approach to solving some psychological tasks. Nevertheless, the analyzed researches are usually based on
the limited Einstein’s scientific paradigm that sees only the anatomic physiological structure of human. Therefore, TFS
cannot be fully used to solve psychological tasks. According to the author of the article, only the integrated approach
can actually solve modern methodological issues.
integrated approach, systems approach, system psychophysiology, theory of functional systems (TFS), systems evolutionary theory, functional system, psychophysiology, operational architectonics, psychology.
Psychology and pedagogics
Pozdnyakova, U. S. (2014). Developing a Standard Model of Entertaining Activity Arrangement in Sports and Health Centers for Children as
Part of Measures Aimed at Prevention of Deviant and Delinquent Behavior of Children and Relevant Solution Approaches
(the Case Study of the Krasnodar Krai). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 975–983. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65506
The present article is aimed at developing a standard model of entertaining activity arrangement in sports
and health centers for children as part of measures aimed at prevention of deviant and delinquent behavior of children
and associated solution approaches (based on the case study of the Krasnodar Krai). The author of the article analyzes
solutions of modern issues arising when developing the aforesaid standard model. The author also makes proposals
and elaborates recommendations as well as describes stages of developing a standard model of entertaining activity
arrangement in sports and health centers for children as part of measures aimed at prevention of deviant and delinquent
behavior of children and relevant solution approaches (based on the case study of the Krasnodar Krai). The
author of the article uses several research methods, in particular, Aristotelian, historical and comparative approaches
and methods of systematization, analysis, synthesis and statistical method. The author analyzes possible solutions of
solving modern issues that may arise when we develop the aforesaid standard model. The author also makes proposals
and elaborates recommendations as well as describes stages of developing a standard model of entertaining
activity arrangement in sports and health centers for children as part of measures aimed at prevention of deviant and
delinquent behavior of children and relevant solution approaches (based on the case study of the Krasnodar Krai).
deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, standard model, behavior of children, arrangement, development, scope of preventive measures, entertaining activity, Krasnodar Krai, sports and health.
Developmental psychology
Chernov, D. N. (2014). Peculiarities of Child And Parent Relationships in Families With Senior Preschoolers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 984–995. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65507
The subject under research is the structure of child-and-parent relations in families raising senior preschoolers.
Relations inside the child-and-parent unity are viewed from the point of view of the concept of ‘collective subject’
that has been intensely developing by Russian psychologists. The research of the structural dynamic components of
the child-and-parent relations in terms of the concept of collective subject has allowed to create a subject-oriented
model of relations in the ‘parent-and-senior preschooler’ diad and the comparison of the present results with the
earlier results of studying families that raise junior preschoolers has allowed to define the ontological aspect of this
model’s dynamics. The research methodology included the subject-centered activity approach. The experiment studied
106 ‘mother-senior preschooler’ diads using a set of methods allowing to reveal the structure and contents of
child-and-parent relations from the point of view of the degree of maturity of a collective subject. It has been found out that the typical features of the child-and-parent unity are the mutual relation / mutual dependence between a
parent and a child, desire to extend spheres of their activities together and reflective attitude towards their individual
and collective lives combined with the ‘indulgent hyper-protection’ parenting style. In such case a child has a positive
attitude to his family situation and he has adequate relations with others, he is curious and sociable. The researcher
also discusses how these results can be used for the theory and practice of studying the role of child-and-parent relations
in a child’s personality formation.
child and parent relationship, ‘mother-and-child’ diad, collective subject, senior preschooler, subject-centered and activity approach, child-and-parent unity, ontogenesis, personality, parenting style, subject.
Khusianov, T. M., Kostrigin, A. A. (2014). Methodology and Theory of Online Counseling. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 996–1002. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65508
The article is devoted to online counseling as a psychological and social practice. The subject under review is
the methodological and theoretical grounds of online counseling as a practical activity of psychologists, social workers
and other helpers. Despite a growing number of offers on the Internet, theoretical and philosophical-methodological
grounds of online counseling are still understudied. The authors of the article discuss the grounds that define peculiarities
of this approach to counseling and create special features of the counseling process. The main research
methods include the theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature as well as the comparative analysis
of basic aspects of the theory and methodology of online counseling. The authors describe the main methodological
and theoretical grounds of Internet counseling which has been done only scarcely by modern researchers. It has been
established that the rapidly developing online counseling is based on the concepts of the Internet, virtual reality and
modern post-industrial lifestyle that are related to particular procedures and parameters of online counseling such as
computer discourse, virtual psychotherapeutic relations and eclectic and polymodality of psychology.
online counseling, methodology, theory, theoretical approaches, Internet, virtual world, computer discourse, counseling, e-therapy, virtual psychotherapeutic relations.