Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). The Variety of Human Reason (Reviews of the Books Published by the Kanon+ Publishing House). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 789–792. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65381
Being an undeniable achievement of the humanity, human mind is subject to severe phenomenological expertise
today. Many researchers continue to reflect upon an amazing ability of a human to grasp the essence of
phenomena, to catch the meaning and to create a rational picture of the world. So far mind has been viewed as the
achievement of human. However, in recent years researchers have been talking more and more often about the variety
of different forms of reasoning. In particular, when studying different epochs and cultures, historians came to the
conclusion about different mental skills peculiar for different national communities. However, no one has ever before
doubted the immutability and unity of human mind as a unique possession of people. But today researchers try to
prove that a European, for example, has serious difficulties understanding Japanese reasons. It is not only the other
mentality but even a different source of mental operations. Carl Jung once noted that aborigines thought Americas
wee stupid because their thoughts were born in their minds while aborigines believed that a thought should be born in
one’s heart. Back in those times it was just an ethnographic detail but nothing else. Maybe it is time today to study and
understand this problem. These are the issues the books published by the Kanon + Publishing House are devoted to.
philosophy, psychology, mind, activity, culture, knowledge, meaning, existential, anthropological crisis, trans-humanism.
Societal passions
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). Play as one of the Sides of Human Existence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 793–802. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65382
The author of the article tries to give a definition of the sides of human existence. He also distinguishes between
the aforesaid term and the term ‘existentials’. Pavel Gurevich analyzes concepts of Johan Huizinga and Eugene
Fink. According to the author, play is a true reflection of human nature due to its passion and fervour. This allows to
define the historical forms of play activity including agonality, collective participation in a life of an individual or a family,
demonstration of altruism and fancy forms of play activity in the Middle Ages (tournaments, fairs and carnivals).
It is underlined that play is older than culture and it is an important factor of culture genesis. Pavel Gurevich also
describes peculiarities of play as a specific sphere of human activity. In his research Pavel Gurevich applies methods
of philosophical anthropology analysis. Phenomenology of game is related to the human nature and typical human
fervour and attitude to unexpected fate. The author also uses methods of historical description of play activity. The
novelty of the game is in viewing play as one of the sides of human existence. The author also outlines the watershed
in understanding existentials and their closeness to the phenomena of human existence. Play activity is also analyzed
as a form of social utopism.
psychology, philosophical anthropology, sides of human existence, existential, game, play, culture genesis, human passions, fervour, spontaneity, sacrifice.
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Sedykh, N. S. (2014). Mediadiscourse about Terrorism: Social and Psycholinguistic Aspects. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 803–812. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65383
The author of the article describes the key features of terrorism that reveal this phenomenon in terms of
globalization of modern information security risks, threats and challenges. The author provides results of linguistic
researches and expertise of public and media discourse on terrorism and also analyzes practices using the words ‘terrorism’,
‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorize’ both in direct and figurative meanings. In this regard the author also analyzes the
issues of transformation of the commonsense under the influence of particular mediadiscursive practices. The author
also discusses some results and consequences of the ‘discursive pressure’ and ‘informational aggression’ and analyzes
social images of terrorism created by the commonsense. The author also shares the results of the empiric research
that was conducted by the author for the purpose of studying images of the terrorist actors (terror leaders, perpetrators,
male and female suiciders) presented by the university students of the southern Russian region. The author
summarizes and compares data and makes conclusions about psychological consequences of terrorist aggression as
well as their prolonged influence on the individual and public minds. In conclusion the author focuses on the need
to activate informational anti-terrorism and to develop social, psycholinguistic and public communications aimed at
counteracting the extremist ideology and establishing anti-terrorist values in the Russian society.
society, terrorism, information, public communications, social images, discourse, mediadiscourse, commonsense, influence, counteraction.
Philosophy and psychology
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2014). Claude Levi-Strauss’ Structural Anthropology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 813–820. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65384
A French philosopher Claude Levi-Strauss radically re-considered the ethnos issue by including it in a whole
range of questions traditionally related to philosophical anthropology. By studying the ethnographic data Claude
Levi-Strauss changed the approach to anthropological researches, too. In his works he noted that many ethnologists
including Marcel Mauss and Bronislaw Malinowski already acknowledged that a researcher should not analyze
separate social facts because the ethnic issue assumed that the research did not study the social facts as they were
but their interpretation by people. Without the human factor that assumes a subjective interpretation of this or that
phenomenon, it is impossible to understand the depths of the ethnological research. The author of the article used
method of historical research combined with the methodology of philosophical anthropology. The author also used the methods of structural anthropology that usually views the ethnocentrism as a prejudice excluding everything
‘abnormal’ from the culture. The novelty of the article is in the author’s attempt to define the place of Claude Levi-
Strauss’ structural anthropology in ethnic studies. For the first time in Russian and Western philosophy ethnicity is
viewed as an anthropological phenomenon. The author also defines the role of structural anthropology in the process
of ‘anthropologization’ of the ethnic research and describes general principles lying in the basis of studying the culture
of different epochs and ethnic groups.
human, human nature, myth, structural anthropology, ethnos, ethnicity, ethnology, incest, mental structures, rationality.
To understand the human being
Popova, O. V. (2014). The Phenomenon of ‘Bare Life’ in Terms of Constructing Human Death. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 821–829. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65385
The author of the article draws the parallel between essential features of the forced labor camp and the intensive
care unit of a modern hospital. The camp is viewed as a biopolitical matrix of a modern world and a structure
that creates the phenomenon of living without the political will and the right of vote (‘bare life’ in Giorgio Agamben’s
terminology). The author studies how the strategy of the ‘bare life’ formation defines the ethic-gnoseological format
of relations with a patient who has been diagnosed with ‘brain death’. The process of constructing one’s attitude to
death is associated with the deontological ethics of dying relevant to the paradigm of death shared by the community.
In a technologically developed world it turns out to be connected with the law of reproduction of human resources
and exchange of social benefits (donorship). In her research the author uses the interdisciplinary research methodology:
analysis of the problems of modern medicine (in particular, the donorship and brain death issues) is conducted
by applying philosophical framework of categories and concepts. For the first time in Russian philosophy the author
of the present article demonstrates the influence of the ‘bare life’ concepts on the formation of the field of discourse
and thesaurus of the modern philosophy of mind. The author also shows that a cautious attitude to donorship and
pronouncement of brain death is caused by the influence of different cultural phenomena including creative writing,
cinematograph, fine arts and etc. These address to the general reader (audience) and create the public opinion on life
and death and therefore must be studied to provide adequate solutions of the issues the collective consciousness is
concerned about.
psychology of dying, bioethics, human as an artifact, death, dying, construction of human, bare living, construction of death, brain death, donorship.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Reznik, Yu. M. (2014). Self and the Other in Terms of Trans-Regional Interaction. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 830–837. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65386
The subject under research of the present article is the regional communications between Self and the Other.
‘Self’ and ‘the Other’ (or ‘existence with the other’) is viewed by the author as the core of the personal reality or personal
expression of the cultural interaction. A region means a limited territory of the personal reality of one or several individuals
sharing the same spirits, mutual respect or outward resemblance of cultural styles and standards of life. The author
shows that Self and the Other create a difficult combination of different regions: external and internal, remote and near
ones. He also describes the images of Others that interact with an individual’s Self (Us, Them, Fiend, Foe) and modify the
Self. The distance between Self and the Other depends on the level of involvement or non-involvement into each other’s
life. Otherness represents a human ability to be different and to remain himself at the same time. The author bases his
research on phenomenological methodology aimed at revealing the meanings of human existence and its main methods
such as reduction, construction and deconstruction. By using the aforesaid methods, the author step by step creates the
inside picture of the trans-regional interaction between Self and the Other. The novelty of the research is in describing
the regions of co-existence of Self and the Other from the point of view of their differences and similarities. The author’s
approach to describing the main regions of human co-existence is absolutely new. This is also the first research in Russian
scientific literature to describe the two forms/models of otherness that particularly describe the details of Self-and-the
Other existence: existence with the Other subject self and existence with the Other object self.
phenomenology, phenomenological method, reduction, construction, deconstruction, human, co-existence, region, Myself, the Other.
Continent of the unconscious
Chugunova, O. I. (2014). Values of Our Century From the Point of View of Max Scheler’s Philosophical Anthropology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 838–845. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65387
The subject under research of the present article is the axiological issues of human and society. The author of
the article touches upon the critical aspects of modern (post-modernistic) axiological ethos and interprets value-based
‘syndromes’ that are related to the hyper-consumption economy, global informatization of the society and establishment
of a rigidly competitive environment. The author raises a question about distinguishing between goods values
and pseudo values. She also analyzes the issue of substitution of true values with their imitations and describes and
interprets associated phenomena. The emphasis is made on the acute problem of depersonalization and evisceration
of spirituality. The author also views the relation between axiological problems of the epoch and axiological problems
of an individual. The research is carried out based on the philosophical anthropology and the main provisions of Max
Scheler’s theory as one of the founders of philosophical anthropology. It is for the first time in Russian scientific literature
that a researcher tries to use potentials of philosophical anthropology in analyzing axiological phenomena.
Based on Scheler’s concept of human nature, the author analyzes a whole range of axiological issues of human and
society and makes a conclusion about risks created by human nature itself and the importance of spiritual efforts and
the need to act against these risks.
axiology, philosophical anthropology, values, human nature, axiological ethos, goods, values, pseudo values, agathology, modern society, Post-Modernism.
Psychology and pedagogics
Yakovleva, E. L. (2014). Baba Yaga as an Archetype of a Russian Woman. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 855–862. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65388
The subject under research is the image of Baba Yaga associated with a particular type of a Russian woman.
Yaga represents emotions, actions and behavior that demonstrate contradictory and unpredictable female nature
and reflect different stereotypes of woman’s personality (a loving mother, a devilish woman and a heroic woman).
Being related to the Great Mother, Baba Yaga is a remainder of matriarchal, patriarchal, shamanistic, animistic and
totemic representations of the ancient picture of the world. This creates the complexity of the archetypical image but
at the same time makes the archetypical image rather obscure due to the fact that Baba Yaga is usually shown as an
old woman in those fairy tales that have survived. The main research methods used by the author of the article are
the dialectic, historical, comparative and descriptive methods. Despite being just a lesser character in fairy tale plots,
Baba Yaga plays a very important role in the main characters’ good fortune and help the main characters to undergo
the initiation ceremony. This fairy tale character is enigmatic and powerful and represents the complexity, diversity
and unpredictability of a fate of a Russian woman.
archetype, Baba Yaga, female image, Centauricity, initiation, intuition, life path, forest, hut, broom, mortar.
Keys to creativity
Noss, I. N. (2014). Personal Professional Identification: Definition and Functioning. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 863–879. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65389
The article focuses on the problems of personal professional identification. The author of the article offers
a general definition of ‘personal professional identification’ as an optimal structure (list) of personal professional
qualities that allow an individual to be efficient in his work, i.e. to answer the main functional requirements of his
profession. The author also analyzes closely associated terms such as ‘personal reliability’, ‘professional reliability’,
‘professional aptitude of an individual’ and ‘personal professional peculiarities’. The author also provides empiric data
of personal professional identification in civil service. Theoretical concepts have been proved by the empiric data obtained
though comparative analysis of personal professional qualities of workers of different majors. The analysis also
involved statistical procedures of correlation analysis and methods of statistical inference. Psychological indicators
were obtained by the means of objective, subjective and projective test methods. ‘Personal professional identification’
is a new term introduced into the sphere of psychological research as a structure of signs of a professional psychological
phenomenon allowing to distinguish different types of personality versus professions. The concept of personal
professional identification also involves the creation of professional psychological models within the framework of
practical assessment of human resources for the purpose of career guidance, recruitment and support of workers in
the process of their career and personal professional development.
personal professional identification, personal reliability, professional reliability, professional aptitude, personal professional peculiarities, structure of professionally important qualities, dynamics of personal professional identification, model of a worker, professional psychological model, regression of personal qualities.
The stream of books
Khaschenko, T. G. (2014). Psychological Assistance of Economic Identity Formation in the Process of Professional Development at a Discipline-
Specific University. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 880–889. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65390
There is a growing need in psychological assistance of economic identity formation in the process of professional
development due to the increasing complexity and dynamism of the economic environment of human life and
activities in a modern world. The relation between one’s professional choice and one’s search for an optimal position
and form of existence in the system of economic relations as well as the connection between professional functioning
and economic identity, economic status and economic well-being require a detailed study of professional and
economic identity formation as the two elements of one process. The subject under review is the peculiarities of
psychological assistance of the economic identity formation of students in the process of their professional development
at discipline-specific universities. Methodological basis of the theoretical research is the systems approach and
subject-activity approach. Conclusions made by the researcher are based on the summarization of a great number of
theoretical insights and practical researches in the sphere of professional and economic identity formation as well as
on the analysis of the theory and practice of psychological assistance at modern universities. The summary of scientific
data allows to make a conclusion that despite their close relation and general ‘basic’ personality determinants (such
as one’s attitude to the world, to himself, to human community, one’s life goals, values, ambitions and so on), the
processes of professional and economic identity formation are not identical by their content. This must be taken into
account when developing the methods and practice of psychological assistance at a discipline-specific university and
making relevant psychotechnological solutions. However, there are certain difficulties caused by the multiple interpretations
of the relation between the terms ‘professional identity formation’ and ‘economic identity formation’ (due to
the fact that for a long time those phenomena were either studied independently from one another or their relation
was analyzed fragmentarily. On the other hand, researches and guidelines in the sphere of psychological assistance
of students mostly focus on their professional or personality identity but not economic identity. The novelty of the author’s
approach to the problem is in viewing economic personality as the main determinant of economic identity formation
and substantiation of psychological conditions for the development of economic identity of students in terms
of psychological assistance of their professional development at a discipline-specific university.
psychological assistance, economic identity formation, economic personality, professional development, professional identity, development of an economic personality, psychological conditions, psychological guarantees, psychotechnologies, diagnostics.