Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). The Sobriety of the Thought, or the Apology of War. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 7–11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63931
Over the last years there have been many literary researches about the war being the necessary evil for the humankind.
Telling us about the new methods of murdering people, some researchers even complain that the government
does not try to create new weapon. The governors tend to believe that the future war will use only traditional and wellknown
methods of destroying the enemy while the experts try to convince them that they are wrong and should master
the new weapon as soon as possible. However, there are no researchers who would say that the humankind should stop
having wars at all. They tend to believe that wars cannot be erased from the human history. We can’t do without wars
because it is in human nature to be evil and aggressive. The author of the present article questions whether this position
is the sober thought or just the wrong belief directly related to the apology of war.
The author of the article uses the historical and phenomenological approaches to the problem. Researchers’ views on
war are traced back historically from myths to modern science and philosophy.
The author also analyzes the concept of war and shows that the definition of war needs to be corrected. Nowadays
there are wars not only between governments but also between different classes. At the same time, social, confessional
and ethnic groups are recruited during the war. Serous contradictions also arise between developed countries
and other countries that are only trying to catch up. According to the author, the most important aspect of the definition
of war is the statement about socio-political, economic, religious, ideological and other contradictions between
states, nations, social, national, confessional and other groups being resolved (or not resolved) by the means of armed
In addition, the author tries to provide a special analysis of the phenomenology of war and prove that it is possible to
eliminate war as the way of conflict resolution.
philosophy, psychology, war, conflicts, humanity, traditions, values, civilization, armament preparation, catastrophe.
Philosophy and psychology
Boyko, D. V. (2014). Logic of the Absurd. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 12–21. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63932
The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of birth of the French writer and philosopher Albert Camus.
The main sources of feeling absurd includes the ideal picture of the world created by the human mind, existence of human
in the immanent and transcendental worlds, development of the consciousness of a new-born and creative and destructive
tendencies of human. Absurdity has a singular, contradictory, irrational and almost insane logic. The positive role of absurdity
is the possibility to think different when we face the absurd. The author of the article also shows the role of absurdity in
new paradoxical findings made by scientists. Even creativity is fed by absurdity and uses absurdity for its purposes.
By using the method of hermeneutic analysis, the author of the article studies the sources, forms of appearance and
different functions of absurdity. Along with the absurd, there is always a regular non-absurd existence. The absurd has
a relative meaning and always depends on a particular historical period. Today the absurd can be found in all spheres
of human existence from social politics to science, religion and culture. The absurd should be also opposed to the common
sense and civic courage in the socio-political sphere.
absurd, logic, death, transcendental, creativity, culture, religion, science, paradox, psychoanalysis.
Horizons of psychology
Spirova, E. M. (2014). ‘Homo Intelligens’. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 22–32. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63933
Modern philosophical anthropology tends to combine paleoanthropological and socio-biological data with
the latest information technology. The main purpose of the article is to analyze this tendency. Based on that, the author
of the article interprets the nature of human society as the form of global community of people living in the synergetic
society that exists for the purpose of mutual help without the need for the state government and armed forces.
Unlike the modern homo sapiens, the new human is called homo intelligens. Great achievements of the information society raise lots of questions for the humankind. Will the longing for knowledge remain the undeniable impulse for
creative activity? What will the survival instinct be like? To what degree will we be able to stay biological creatures?
The methods of the research include comparison of the classical model of homo sapiens with the homo intelligens.
The author also uses the hermeneutic approach in order to create a new appearance of philosophical anthropology.
The results of the research show that information processes of the global world cannot be studied without applying the integrated
theory of philosophical anthropology. When touching upon the ‘global human’ and the problem of self-identification
in the society of ‘real virtuality, we cannot follow the logic of computer technologies or impersonal information environment.
philosophical anthropology, human, society, information environment, self-identification, technology, hermeneutics, intellect, paleoanthropology, technology.
To understand the human being
Kiyaschenko, N. I. (2014). The Phenomenon of Non-Humanity in a Human Being. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 33–40. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63934
The subject of research is to analyze non-humanity in a human being. The aforesaid problem has many aspects.
Firstly, it is related to religious topics. Religious literature views human as a sinful creature falling into the first
sin. Secondly, the topic of ‘non-humanity’ is associated with morals and interpreted as the human susceptibility to evil.
Thirdly, the concept of non-humanity in human is the result of gradual disappointment in human as a god’s creature
as it was depicted in the medieval literature. This has led to another phenomenon which Nikolay Berdyaev called ‘the
impairment of human’. Psychoanalysis started a new stage in the development of this concept. Psychoanalysts introduced
the phenomenology of the unconsciousness and the nature of the instincts leading to aggression and destruction.
Fromm wrote a special book called ‘The anatomy of human destructiveness’. Finally, non-humanity becomes the
subject of modern trans-humanistic philosophy. Researchers started to question whether it was possible to embed
something into human which would allow to change the human nature and create a new human.
The author bases his research on such significant methods as the hermeneutic and psychoanalytical analysis of texts
allowing to reveal different aspects of non-humanity.
The novelty of research is the introduction of the topic which has never been viewed as the subject of independent
analysis in Russian sources. The author of the article makes an attempt to trace back the development of the historical
and philosophical tradition with reference to this problem. Even though there have been some discussions about
Adam’s descendants and some features they may have different from Adam’s nature. However, this topic has never
been discussed from the point of history and philosophy. The author of the article describes how this problem has been
developing from ancient days till today. The author underlines that without being opposed to non-humanity, humanity
can’t fully reveal itself.
human, non-human, evil, destructiveness, human existence, soullessness, cruelty, biophilia, necrophilia, violence.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Starovoytov, V. V. (2014). Karen Horney as a ‘Tender’ Rebel in Psychoanalysis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 41–56. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63935
The present article is devoted to studying life and creative work of the German-American psychologist, reformer
of psychoanalysis and one of the leaders of Neo-Freudianism Karen Horney. The author of the article traces
back the atmosphere in Karen Korney’s family that defined her personality as well as her further development as the
doctor of medicine, psychoanalyst of Freudian school and the founder of her own concept of neurotic personality
development. The author also describes Karen Horney’s views on woman’s psychology, marital problems and nonprofessional
The author studies Karen Horney’s critical review of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory. As a result of her critics,
Karen Horney refused from Freud’s genetic approach in favor of the current relations of a patient and his future life
experience as the reason of neurosis.
The main method used by the author of the article is the thorough study of the main terms and concepts in the five
books published by Karen Horney as well as the detailed analysis of her life and activities based on English sources.
By analyzing Karen Horney’s main ideas introduced in the five books that were written and published in the USA and
made her famous all over the world as well as ostracism by a number of her colleagues for her withdrawing from classical
psychoanalysis, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that if the first book by Karen Horney discussed neurosis as a result of disturbed interpersonal relations, then the concept of the idealized Self opened the gates to the
intrapsychic life. The author of the article shows that Karen Horney created the theory that built some kind of a bridge
between the psychobiological concept of human created by Sigmund Freud and socio-cultural personality concepts
developed in the second half of the XX century.
Neo-Freudianism, psychoanalysis, female psychology, neurosis, marital problems, non-professional analysis, neurotic development of personality, character neurosis, anxiety, idealized image of Self.
The conscious and the unconscious
Berezina, T. N. (2014). Independent Sound of Dream Images. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 57–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63936
The author of the article views dream images as a particular case of mental models. She establishes that the
patterns and rules defined for dream images will apply to all mental models. It is assumed that the word plays a dual
role for the psyche. On one hand, it is the element of the second signaling system. In this regard the word is viewed as
the component of consciousness, a sign or a meaning. On the other hand, the word is the element of the first signaling
system, i.e. the sound. It is assumed that the images of the highest order have the acoustic component that can be presented
as the combination of incoherent sounds, generalized parts of words as well as words mechanically recorded
by the memory with reference to the images of these phenomena. This is the element of the first signallig system. It
is unconscious and does not relate to the meaning of words. The author analyzes over a hundred of lucid dreams described
by the participants of the web community called ‘The Road of the Dream’. A lucid dream means a dream when
we realize that we are asleep and therefore we can control some part of our dreams. The results of research show
that the acoustic component can be present in the dream images both in active and passive forms. The active sound
is associated with the dream images of the highest order (people, rarely animals and space-like formations). Passive
vocalization is possible when a dreamer addresses a question to his dream image. Passive vocalization is possible for
all kinds of images including images of inanimate objects. The author also studies the phenomenon of recollection
of an image based on a word pronounced by the dreamer. Noteworthy that the recalled image can sound similar but
have a completely different meaning than the word.
psychology, images, dreams, lucid dreams, mental models, images of the highest order, signaling system, consciousness, words, meaning.
Person and personality
Schebetenko, S. A., Vaynshtein, S. V. (2014). The Big Five of Personality Features: Explicit-Implicit Approach. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 69–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63937
The authors of the article present a correlation research of personality features in accordance with the two
levels of processing of social information by an individual: explicit (central) and implicit (associative) levels. 152 University
students participated in the research. The researchers studied the Big Five of personality features from the
point of view of the paradigm of multivariate analysis. Explicit features were measured based on the Big Five Inventory
questionnaire and the implicit features were measured by the means of the Implicit Association Test. Implicit
feature tests had a greater intra-method correlation than the explicit features. Moreover, the inter-scale and intermethod
correlation of personality features was significantly low compared to the intra-method correlation factor but
only in case of implicit features. The 1–fator model of the implicit features proved to be practically applicable which
allowed to support the hypothesis about the general personality factor at the implicit level. The 1–factor model of explicit
features proved to be not applicable. The level of extraversion had a better coherence of the explicit and implicit
levels. It has been stated that at the first stage of testing the implicit features, individuals had a good control of their
emotions which was expressed in better and more socially desired reactions.
personality features, implicit social cognition, Big Five, multivariate analysis, openness to experience, Implicit Association Test, extraversion, friendliness, fidelity, neuroticism.
Professional psychology
Bzezyan, A. A. (2014). The influence of gender of the ethnocultural appearance on the degree of positive evaluation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 83–90. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63938
The article is aimed at studying the influence of gender identity of the ethnocultural appearance on the degree of positive attitude and evaluation. The author of the article makes an assumption that the degree of positive
evaluation based on one’s appearance may be conditioned by the ethnocultural and gender identity. The author of
the article provides the results of the comparative analysis of positive/negative esthetic evaluations, attractiveness for
the opposite sex and the degree of correspondence of the appearance of different ethnocultural groups to the male or
female gender. The author of the article used a modified variant of ‘the estimation and interpretation of the appearance
and its correspondence to the gender and age constructs’ (published by v. A. Labunskaya in 2009). This method
evaluated the following types of appearance: slavic appearance, caucasian appearance and asian appearance as well
as their gender identity. The author shows that there is a statistically significant difference in the degree of positive
evaluations of different appearances depending on the ethnocultural type. The gender identity of the person being
evaluated also has an influence on the degree of positive evaluations of particular types of appearance.
gender, ethno-cultural appearance, Slavic appearance, Caucasian appearance, Asian appearance, degree of positive assessment, discrimination, ethnocultural group, integral assessment.
Psychology and pedagogics
Nagoeva, R. A. (2014). Substitute Family: Possibilities and Problems of Social, Psychological and Pedagogical Preparation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 91–97. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63939
The author of the article proves the need for and possibilities of social and psychological preparation and
psychological and pedagogical accompanying of the institution of substitute family. This social trend is gaining importance
in modern Russia. The main authorities dealing with the problems of substitute families are child protective
services. The author of the article states that it is not enough for an efficient functioning of the institution of substitute
family in the modern world. The author analyzes the current experience in preparation of both biological and substitute
parents in Russia. Preparation of biological parents is usually local and depends on a situation. The author states
that according to the new legal requirements, preparation of substitute parents is a mandatory and system measure.
The author defines and describes the main problems in organization and functioning of the centers of preparation of
substitute families and substitute parents.
substitute, family, social, psychological, parenthood, preparation, experience, competence, center, efficiency.
Borzova, T. V. (2014). The New Variant of G. Keseling’s Method ‘Overcoming Difficulties in Writing’. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 98–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63940
The author of the article presents a new modified version of G. Keseling’s method ‘Overcoming difficulties in
writing’ and analyzes peculiarities of the original method, its limits and opportunities and therefore makes the first
step towards adjusting this method to the CIS environment. Modification of the method was conditioned by the need
for introducing changes into the structure of interpretation (key) for processing of results in accordance with the specifics
and socio-cultural environment of the Russian education. The method viewed in the article is quite a new one in
psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. It has much potential for researchers and proves to be very useful because
it allows to define not only difficulties in writing but also offers good strategies to overcome these difficulties. Particular
recommendations and special exercises allow to minimize the obstacles to writing experienced by school students.
new version of a method, difficulties in writing, processing of results, higher education, obstacles to writing, wrong addressee, writing production, false start, the problem of generalization, contradictory concepts in writing.