Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). From Sigmund Freud to Melanie Klein. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 111–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62390
Melanie Klein (1882-1960) is a British psychoanalyst. After Freud has formed his theory of classical
psychoanalysis, the theory developed in different directions. One of such directions was Neo-Freudianism
represented by Gordon Allport, Erich Fromm and Karen Horney). Followers of this school blamed Freud for
paying too little attention at social aspects of the theory. This article presents an attempt to reconstruct
the child behavior based on Melanie Klein’s researches.
psychology, human, Neo-Freudianism, classical psychoanalysis, culture, cogitation, psyche, ego-psychology, unconsciousness, cultural anthropology.
Inner world
Rudnev, V. P. (2013). Concerning Some Peculiarities of Psychotic Thinking (From the Outside and Inside). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 115–123. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62391
The article describes a new approach to describing psychotic thinking. In particular, the corner
stone of psychotic thinking is shown as the problem of the relation between the inside and outside. Previous
researchers viewed psychosis as the presentation of the inside as if it were the outside (projection and hallucinations)
but the author of this article views psychosis as a complicated dialectics of the outside world
and the inside experience.
psychiatry, psychology, schizophrenia, hysteria, obsession, reality, Freud, Bion, hallucinations, delusion.
To understand the human being
Sukiasyan, S. G., Shakhnazaryan, A. S. (2013). Aggression and Personality: Social and Psychological Correlations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 124–141. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62392
The article describes modern views on the nature of the aggression phenomenon as well as original
data obtained in the process of researching students of teachers’ training universities and criminals
isolated from the society. The research covered groups of respondents with similar parameters. The research
shows the role of both personal and social factors in manifestation of this or that form of aggressive
psychology, aggression, personality, external factors, internal factors, criminality, moral values, mass media, biology and aggression, society and aggression.
Continent of the unconscious
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Anal Character. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 142–153. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62393
The article is devoted to the analysis of anal character in Reichian theory of characters. The author
of the article underlines the role of fixation in formation of anal behavior. The topic is illustrated by Balzac’s
novel ‘Eugénie Grandet’. Being published in 1883, this novel tells us about the fate of a young woman who
lives in a society where everything is under the power of money. The author of the article provides a brief
description of the niggard Grandet, the father of Eugenie. The author also touches upon Pushkin’s tragedy
‘The Covetous Knight.
psychology, anal character, richness, niggard, anal features, fixation, anal erotic, punctuality, money grubbing, order.
Modeling the unconscious
Mordas, E. S. (2013). Development of Reproductive Function and Woman’s Emotional Experience During
Pregnancy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 154–161. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62394
The article describes the ideas of a famous psychoanalyst H. Deutsch about reproductive development
of a woman and reveals woman’s emotional experience in the process of pregnancy based on D.
Kestenberg, T. Benedek and M. Bonaparte and other authors. Pregnancy can be shown as a particular stage in female development accompanied with regressive and progressive tendencies and achievement
of a certain social status, new objective relations and another level of gender identity. Pregnancy can
be also viewed s the proof of femininity and her body’s functioning. Woman’s experience of pregnancy
can provide new opportunities for studying feminine identity and a new access to unconscious conflicts,
desires and fantasies.
psychology, pregnancy, femininity, conflict, libido, narcissism, identification, labor, regress, desires.
Societal passions
Nadykto, E. I. (2013). Understanding as a Psychological Aspect of Successive Relations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 162–171. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62395
The article describes the contents of the understanding phenomenon and its relations with the
process of values succession. Analysis of scientific literature on psychology, teaching and philosophy focuses
on cultural peculiarities of the West and East (the author studies both verbal and writing sources of
knowledge and values). Hermeneutics, gnoseology, language studies, logic and social psychology are viewed
as methodological grounds for researching different functions of the understanding process. The author
defines peculiarities of the learning and understanding processes as well as factors of narrowing borders
of the understanding process as the mechanism of adopting values. The author pays special attention at
the analysis of consequences of a growing number of commentaries and interpretations of values and distortion
of social rules, principles and standards at intrapersonal, interstate and cultural levels. The author
proves that it is possible to regulate the mechanism of succession through the understanding process
(socio-cultural level) and self-understanding (personal level).
psychology, society, personality, succession, values, understanding, interpretation, knowledge, self-understanding, stereotype.
Scenario for your success
Benia, M. I. (2013). Joy of Creating Something New or a Trick of Creative Breakthrough. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 172–185. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62396
The article describes peculiarities of creative thinking, main theories of thinking and specifics
of the achievement motivation. The author reveals how the achievement motivation influences personal
creative activity and compares creativity and critical thinking and how critical thinking influences the
creativity process. It is concluded that in order to achieve success, one needs not only potentials and also
desire, commitment and persistence.
psychology, creativity, creation, cogitation, abilities, motivation, achieving success, potential, commitment, persistence, critics, self-regulation.
Psychology and pedagogics
Andreev, I. L., Shurupova, R. V., Nazarova, L. N. (2013). Philosophical and Psychological Aspects of Training
a Medicine Teacher. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 186–195. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62397
The subject of research includes methodological aspects of modern post-graduate teacher’s training
of graduates from medical universities. High social significance of a medicine teacher, on one hand, and
the absence of a scientifically proved interpretation of his social role at all stages of professional development,
on the other hand, create theoretical and practical needs in studying this key figure as part of the
system of medical education from the point of view of psychology and implementation of social methods.
psychology, teaching innovations, philosophy, medicine, post-graduate education, medicine teacher, sociological survey, university teacher, noosphere, time-zone disease.
Professional psychology
Bogachev, O. Yu. (2013). Empirical Study of Influence of Empathy on Doctor’s Activities (Based on the
Example of Therapists and Surgeons). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 196–202. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62398
The article is based on the results of the empirical study of influence of empathy on doctor’s
activities. Empathy is beneficial both for a patient and a doctor in the healing process. For doctors, empathy
releases stress, exhaustion and makes a doctor feel better. For patients empathy based relations
encourage them to follow the therapeutic regimen and feel satisfied with the doctor, improve the life quality and understand and accept medical information better. Medical treatment has certain specifics
such as a wide differentiation of professional knowledge and skills and diversity of professionally
important qualities necessary for performing this kind of activity. Modern health service is traditionally
divided into the two kinds of medical assistance: therapeutic (conservative) and surgical (operative).
Surgeon’s and therapist’s job analysis presents different requirements for professionally important
qualities of these specialists. For instance, a surgeon must have such qualities as attention, good thinking
abilities and will power. Therapist must have compassion, diligence, accuracy, communicative abilities
and etc. The research shows the connection between the structure of empathy and efficient performance
of therapists and surgeons and proves that empathy is an important quality for a therapist. Based on the
results of the research, the author describes the structure of empathy of surgeons and therapists and the
leading channels of their empathy structures. The author also shows the different influence of empathy
on doctors majoring in different fields.
psychology, professionally important qualities, doctor’s activities, doctor’s job requirements, doctor’s empathy, structure of therapist’s and surgeon’s empathy, leading channels of doctor’s empathy, polycommunicative empathy, empathy abilities, empathy.