Societal passions
Shalimov, A. B. (2013). Dialectic of the Social and Individual in Social Networks. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1030–1036.
The author of the article views social networks such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Twitter as a
social institution where dialectic of the individual and social is expressed in interiorization (subjectivization) of social
experience and exteriorization (objectivization) of individual experience. In social networks users interiorize their values
of free communication, antagonism against prohibitions, particular social roles and attitude to other social institutions.
The author of the article pays special attention to such phenomena as the friends list and re-posts on the Internet.
Social networks make us think of friendship as something discrete, situational and practical. Re-posts are viewed as
the part of degradation of communication in social networks because they cause literal interpretation of any personal
content in communication processes and loss of identity. In social networks particular practices are rather exceptional
and usually appear in the process of exteriorization of the most successful and popular forms and contents that are
created in the course of information exchange and continuous communication. In social networks exteriorization is
closely connected with creativity and generation of new forms and contents in the information Internet matrix. The
author of the article concludes that in the dialectic process of interiorization of social experience being replaced by
exteriorization of individual experience in social networks, our free will allows us to choose between a creative act of
personality socialization/initiation and the loss of human identity through on-line communication.
social networks, exteriorization of the individual, interiorization of the social, communication, social institution, social media, social relations, society, re-post, creative work.
Crowd psychology
Korniliev, V. V. (2013). Negative Consequences of Development of Crowd Psychology As Part of Social Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1037–1054.
The phenomenon of crowd defined an intensive development of crowd psychology as an independent branch
of psychology. Starting from Gabriel Tarde and Herbert Spencer history has been conceived from the point of view of
philosophy, social studies and psychology. However, most of the researches conducted by social psychologists have been
inefficient. Michele-Louis Rouquette, Serge Moscovici and Elias Canetti offered numerous classifications and defined a
great number of local mechanisms, however, their researches lacked integration with branches of global psychology.
Current branches of psychology and crowd psychology develop independently. However, crowd psychology is particularly
viewed in classical psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, transpersonal psychology and so on. Close interaction between
the aforesaid branches of psychology and social psychology solves a number of problems and questions raised by social
psychology. Lack of integration between branches and disciplines causes even more problems with conceptualization
and terminology. A significant breakthrough appears when analytical psychology is matched to modern achievements
in social researches of crowd.
psychology of mass, crowd psychology, social psychology, analytical psychology, crowd, social studies, psychoanalysis, individual, collective, unconsciousness, collective soul, archetype.
Philosophy and psychology
Gerasimova, I. A. (2013). Decision Making Process: Logic and Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1055–1065.
The author of the article carries out a comparative analysis of motives and mechanisms of choice in the
decision making process. Based on the interdisciplinary analysis of evolutionary, cognitive and historical-philosophical
aspects, the author concludes that preconscious and conscious factors influencing our choice are complementary. The
author of the article also discusses the problem of the philosophical underpinning of logic and the role of logical means
in the decision making process as a part of topical issues of intercultural communication and philosophy of creative
process. The author describes evolutionary factors contributing to the certainty and responsibility of choice. Moral
and religious ideas in zoroastrianism, art of polemics in ancient studies, activities of sophists, Plato’s and Aristotle’s
conceptions and the stoic teaching about sensual objectivity and meaning of logic influenced the process of formation of analytical thinking. The author also discusses whether it is possible to use the object-image and conception thinking
in the decision making process. In the decision making process the role of the principle of contradiction is represented
in a form of clear distinction of true and false which has a particularly pragmatic value in real-life situations of making
a choice. The principles of classical logic have been formed in the course of cognitive evolution.
psychology, logic, everyday life, decision making, motives, choice, unconsciousness, consciousness, evolution, laws of logic.
Inner world
Sineokaya, Yu. V. (2013). Truth as the Opposite Side of Deceit. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1066–1073.
The article is devoted to analyzing the phenomenon of lying. Even though it may seem like a paradox, one of
the most efficient and therefore most common methods of up-bringing of the younger generation (including detection
of child’s fraud) is the parent’s lie. Negative consequences of the parent’s lie are quite obvious and include fear, anxiety,
feeling lonely and abandoned that are growing inside a child under the influence of his parent’s threats and child’s
imagination. The author shares her opinion on whether the parent’s lie actually makes a child obedient and how it
forms the understanding of ethics of truth. The author also discusses the long-term effects of the parent’s deceit on
a child’s perception of himself and his parents and answers the question whether the parent’s lie can be excused and
what other methods except for lying can be used by parents in up-bringing. It is quite obvious that lies do not help to
establish moral principles and ethics. The author speaks out against a common social stereotype according to which
lying cannot be used as a tool of up-bringing and a mean of socialization.
anthropology, ethics, existence, child’s deceit, parent’s lie, social stereotype, socialization of child, creative intellect, cognitive skills, pedagogy, teaching.
To understand the human being
Koren, R. V. (2013). Mind Control and Socio-Scientific Passions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1074–1089.
The article is devoted to the three sources of mind control: Antonio Gramsci’s teaching about cultural
hegemony, psychological doctrine and cultural socio-dynamics and the three basic channels of mind control: mass
media, mass (popular) culture and science. The author provides their brief description and underlines the important
role of psychoanalysis in the process of mind control and manipulation. The author also focuses on science as a tool
of mind control. The author shows that sociology and social philosophy that teach sociocentrism but haven’t clarified
the field of social research turn to falsification and mind control. Sociology have become the slave of the ideologized
System, developed particular research methods that easily yield to falsification and replaced the problem of human
survival with the question about the human survival in the System. Therefore it is quite right to raise a question about
social responsibility of a philosopher. The author views social ideology, the relation between social ideology and social
issues as well as ethnic delusions in sociology and social philosophy. The author conducts the system analysis of the list
of scientific specialties “22.00.00 — Social Sciences”. The list very well shows that social studies are closely associated
with mind control which creates the problems and social tension and disturbs natural development of the society. The
author shows the need in cultural improvement of social studies and describes a principled approach to this process.
Based on that the author makes suggestions on what amendments should be made to the list of specialties “22.00.00 —
Ethno-Social Studies’ which would contain 8 new disciplines. The author also provides conceptual grounds for these
mind control, psychological doctrine, psychoanalysis, cultural socio-dynamics, sociology, social philosophy, authority matter, social structure, list of specialties, channels of mind control.
Modeling the unconscious
Michael Billing (2013). Lacan and the Theory of “Mirror Stage” (Lacan’s Mistakes: Examples and Evidence)
(Translated by Konyaev, S. N. and Sultanova, M. A.). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1090–1111.
In his article Michael Billing shows that Lacan made the distinction between “mirror stage” facts and his own
theoretical interpretation of those obvious facts. Billing focuses on facts. According to the author, when facts generate
doubts, theoretical interpretation of these facts becomes weak, too. This is quite a typical approach in psychology.
Psychological ideas must be based on observations of human actions and should not be based on pure theory. However,
Lacan was rather critical about that approach. He started his theory about the splitting of the ego feeling quite confident
that was what a child actually did in front of the mirror. In other words, Lacan’s theory about the “ideal reflection” is based on Lacan’t confidence that his interpretation of observed actions were absolutely correct. At the same time, Lacan
did not provide any evidence of the mirror reflection giving to a child his idea image. Lacan’s beliefs are not convincing
and neither is his statement about what is actually going on in a child’s mind when he sees his reflection in the mirror.
Michael Billing establishes that today many cultural theorists use Lacan’s conception so that their reasoning, at its best,
becomes purely metaphorical or, at its worst, has no evident retain to actual human behavior.
Michael Billing proves that Lacan’s concept of the relation between language and unconsciousness had an overly general
nature and therefore does not help us to understand what people say and what they do when they say it.
Moreover, the author provides proof that Lacan’s reputation does not allow to develop the critics of his theory even
despite the fact that Lacan’s theory has more unclear provisions than clear ones.
psychology, Lacan, unconsciousness, mirror stage, language, reflection, Ego, Self, estrangement, child.
Psychology and pedagogics
Tkachenko, O. V. (2013). Psychological Preparation of a Child to a Kindergarten Through Alternate Forms of Preschool
Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1112–1119.
The author of the article analyzes activity and psychological assistance provided at Centers of Child Play
Development (CCPD) as structural subdivisions of state kindergartens. The author describes particular features of
activities performed at CCPD. Performance of such centers is based on the principles of the theory of leading activity
(this is the play activity at childhood) and the principles of cultural-historical psychology (in particular, the principle
of the zone of proximal development). These principles were used during preparation for group lessons when a
mother and a child were introduced to different forms of play activity (drawing and plasticine modeling) and physical
activity (games and exercises). Special attention is paid at developing cognitive skills, curiosity, social skills, activity
and encouragement of general creativity of a child. The author of the article uses practical methods for evaluation
efficiency of such lessons, emotions and feelings of a child during a lessons and influence of these factors on adaption
to a kindergarten in the future. The article proves CCPD to be quite efficient. Practically all children who attended
such lessons at CCPD successfully adjust to their kindergartens and show a rather high level of cognitive development
compared to children who never attended such centers.
preschool psychology, play activity, structural subdivisions, alternate forms, socialization, adaptation, initiativity, emotional responsiveness, competent assistance, child adaptation.
The culture of Eastern psychology
Rubets, M. V. (2013). Cognitive Peculiarities of Chinese Culture and Language. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1120–1133.
The author of the article discusses the origin of atomistic concepts from the point of view of intercultural
studies. The article is devoted to researching the phenomena of Chinese culture, in particular, the Chinese verbal and
written languages. The analysis is based on the cognitive approach described in I. Merkulov’s researches. Based on the
examples from the Chinese verbal and written languages, the author of the article shows that Chinese people have a
singular type of cogitation — mostly spatial-image (‘dextrocerebral’) thinking which is related to archaic cogitation.
The author describes structures and types of hieroglyphs and demonstrates the examples of influence of hieroglyph
“images’ on cultural occurrences in architecture, education, Internet communication and etc. The author also analyzes
typical examples depicting the dependence of use of the words from the nature of percept images denoted by these
words. The author also compares these features with the languages of modern primitive populations. Based on the
examples from the Chinese language and culture the author makes a conclusion that Chinese people in general have a
holistic and concrete world outlook and it is not typical for them to divide something whole into parts. This conclusion
correlates with A. I. Kobzeva’s assumption that the idea of atomism was alien to Chinese people who represented the
“dextrocerebral” psychological type.
atomism, the Chinese language, the Chinese culture, spatial-image thinking, analytical thinking, hieroglyph, phonetics, written language, percept-image, thinking, cogitation.
Smirnova, V. E. (2013). Shortcomings of Professional Segregation: Gender Peculiarities of Choosing the Major in Obstetrics
and Gynaecology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1134–1141.
The author of the article describes factors influencing the formation of professional identity. These factors
include individual psychological features, inner socially important motives, succession of professions within a family, high payment rate and prestige of a profession. The author of the article establishes a hypothesis that there are certain
motivates of males and females choosing to be obstetrician-gynaecologist and urologist respectively. The author also
lists different conceptions of professional development and defines physiological features of male or female as a factor of
formation of diametric gender interests, orientations and preferences. It is concluded no matter what profession a male
has, it does not influence his sex behavior. The author analyzes the theory of psychosexual development of personality
and elements of the ethological paradigm. The author of the article also describes the role of the collective unconscious
and overall male polygamy as factors allowing young male doctors to choose “female” profession. At the end of the article
the author provides a full list of circumstances influencing the formation of professional identity of medical students.
hereditary instincts, choice of profession, career guidance, psychophysiology of development, professional preferences, polygamy, reflex, behavior, role.