Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Freud’s Theory of Personalities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61515
Freud’s most anthropological achivement was his theory of personalities. Freud did not only show that a
person does not quite understand his internal drivers and uses rationalization to defend himself from realizing them.
Freud also explained that these unrealized drivers are integrated into an entire system called ‘character’. Freud’s
theory of personalities help to explain the System Theory which has been used in natural sciences since the beginning
of XX century (especially in biology and neurophysiology) as well as in some social sciences.
psychology, personality, behavior, libido, violence, control, Ego, instincts, age, anality.
Philosophy and psychology
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2012). Boris Chicherin’s Metaphysical Universalism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 8–15. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61516
A famous Russian jurist and political philosopher Borish Chicherin (1828 – 1904) introduced his own method
which could be named as ‘scientific metaphysics’. Chicherin had always tried to go beyound the borders of positivism
and empirism as well as the Russian religious-mystical tradition. Chicherin believed that any ideal beginnings could
and should be explained based on the experience and the philosophial ‘insight’ into the world realities. Special attention
was paid at logic and science. The author of the given article described the structure of Chicherin’s methodology
and figuratively characterised it as the ‘metaphysical universalism’.
psychology, philosophy, metaphysics, human, inner world, absolute, Kant, Hegel, consciousness, reality.
To understand the human being
Paramonova, A. A. (2012). Sigmund Freud’s Contribution to the Development of Child Psychoanalysis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 16–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61517
The article contains the analysis of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical ideas influencing the formation of
the last century experts’ interest towards children and development of child’s psyche which formed the basis for the
modern child psychoanalysis. The historical and psychological research is based on Sigmund Freud’s works in psychoanalysis.
psychology, history of psychology, Sigmund Freud, history of child psychoanalysis, child’s psyche structure, psychoanalysis of a child’s play, child defence mechanism, unconsciousness, child development, psychoanalysis of child’s creative works.
Inner world
Sukharev, V. A. (2012). Empirical Manifestations of Intra-Personal Coflicts of Middle Aged Women and their Dynamics
Towards Crisis States. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 27–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61518
The article is devoted to the study of human states in difficult life situations such as intra-personal conflicts
and personality crisis. The author of the article has developed and verified the scheme for grading the states of intrapersonal
conflicts in different groups of respondents. The author also offers a set of methods for the determination
of the balance and unbalance of indicators in gender intra-personal conflicts which show their dynamics towards
personality crises. The results of the study can be used for organization of a task-oriented counseling process taking
into account differentiated parameters of the respondents’ states.
psychology, crisis, conflict, personality, coping, locality, totality, tests, self-evaluation, gender.
Limits of intellect
Rozenova, M. I. (2012). Spatial-Subjectivity Interaction: Psychological Aspects. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 35–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61519
The article is devoted to the relevancy and sources of spatial-subjectivity interactions between people in
their social and physical environment. The author of the article makes an assumption about the role of space and
spatial interaction as a context, factor and a result of personality socialization. The author also offers unusual research
approaches to the problem, provides the primary research results amd shows the practical importance of the
aforesaid topic.
psychology, spatial, interaction, space, relations, orientation, social, physical, research, observation.
Mind games
Khotinskaya, A. I., Khotinskaya, G. A. (2012). Language Games from the Scientific Point of View. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 40–56. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61520
The article is devoted to the game models of multi-linguism as well as the role of games and play in pedagogy
and teaching foreign languages. The author of the article summarizes the experience of the great interpeters who spoke
two and more languages. The author also views the theory of cyrotope and chronochore and their meaning in reproduction
of game contents. The author also touches upon important issuse of linguistics, rhetorics, cultural research and
literary studies as well as a playing mechanism of a reader as well as important aspects of the world semiotics.
pedagogy, language, culture, bilinguality, evocation, multi-linguism, praxiology, interpretation, games.
Modeling the unconscious
Berezina, T. N. (2012). Speeding Up and Slowing Down of Internal Time During Altered Statesof Consciousness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 57–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61521
The author of the article studies the duration of internal time during altered states of consciousness. The
following temporary indicators were registered during the research: subjective duration of a time period, pulse and a
task time. The ayuthor studied such states of consciousness as the active waking, auto-training state and some states
of active imagination called by the author as the ‘cold image’, ‘hot image’, ‘quick image’ and ‘slow image’. It was shown
that in some states the task time was much shorter compared to auto-training and active wakening. The author also
described a few mechanisms of the described phenomenon such as speeding up of the internal time, occurrence of
additional time and transfer to the ‘out of time’ state of mind.
psychology, internal time, psychological time, biological time, cogitation, subjective time, imagination, active imagination, auto-training, altered state of consciousness.
Continent of the unconscious
Chebakova, Yu. V. (2012). Female Identity Within the Framework of Homosexual Behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 71–77. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61522
Sexual orientation is an important elementof both male and female gender identity. Peculiarities of female
development related to the necessity to change the love object defines most of the conflicts on the way to a stable
choice of a sexual partner. Psychoanalytical thesis about a mother as a primary source of identification and love
creates certain homosexual components in female identity. If these elements are not easily integrated into a sexual
self-perception, a woman may have difficulties adapting in different social spheres. Contradictory social stereotypes
allow homosexual relations between women, on one hand, but on the other hand they lay convention on traditional
families with children and make it difficult for a woman to understand and to accept her homosexual part so a
woman often show her homosexual impoulses mostly in extreme life situations. The given article is devoted to some
psychoanalytical conceptions about female homosexual behavior and offers a classificaton of female homosexuality
from the point of view of different destruction factors and mechanisms during pre-oedipal and oedipal stages of
female psychosexual development, their role in homosexual relations and their connection with the level and specific
features of personal psychopathology.
psychology, development, gender, woman (female), identity, behavior, homosexuality, regardation, regress, distortion.
The range of emotional experience
Beskova, T. V. (2012). The Structure of the Envy Determinants. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 78–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61523
The purpose of the article is to study the structure of envy determinants. The research is b ased on the main provisions
of the system approach, in particular, the conception of the system determination of psychic phenomena. Component
structure of the envy determinants is composed out of determinants of different type. The main prerequisite for envy is the
subjective unequality of people. Universal factors which create the envious attitude are described as a person’s frustrated
needs, subjective ‘superiority’ of the Other and similar social status of the Other. Causes of envy are divided into internal
and external causes. External causes include macro-environment (cultural, economic, social and political circumstances)
as well as micro-environment (socialization in small groups). Internal causes include the level of ontological development
of a person, low level of a person’s subjectivity and certain values, beliefs and stereotypes of a person and peculiarities of
his perception, intlellect, emotions, motivations, level of reflexion and morals. Defined types of determinants are integrated
into a complex structure and have certain dynamical relations with one another.
psychology, envy, attitude, personality, determinant, prerequisites, conditions, factors, components, structure.
Person and personality
Razin, A. A. (2012). Personality Types According to their Level of Reflexion. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 88–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61524
The article is devoted to the types of personality based on their level of reflexion. Based on the author, only
people who are able to do philosophical reflexion can actually search for the truth and work on their self-improvement.
The author gives examples of historical personalities, literary characters and modern people who are deprived
of psychological, social and spiritual health.
psychology, open personality, self-improvement, feeling of self-dignity, inferiority complex, marginal, deformed personality, narcissism, tyranny.
Developmental psychology
Karpenko, A. L. (2012). Sex-Role Identification of a Modern Woman. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 97–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61525
When the author studied gender psychology, she was especially keen on sex-role identification of a modern
woman. What a woman strives for? What influences her sex-role identification? What have been the causes of
changes in her internal world and appearance during the last decades? In order to answer these questions, the author
arranged a survey on one of the most famous women’s forums. The results of the survey rerpresented the spirits of
the age. The article casts light on the main factors influencing the sex-role identification of a modern woman. These
factors include the society development, influence of social instituations forming workers’ teams, labor peculiarites
and family values learnt by a woman in her family and during her life. Therefore, sex-role identification of a modern
woman is a very topical issue because both our society and life conditions are drastically changing. By defining the
main factors forming the sex-role identification of a modern woman, the society can actually keep the family institution
and remain loyal towards morals and manners of changing women.
psychology, sex, identity, society, family, formation, influence, woman, culture, adaptation.
Psychology and pedagogics
Kuzovkin, V. V., Skorobogatova, N. A. (2012). Peculiarities of Improving the System of Practical Psychologists’
Training. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 104–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61526
The subject of the article is the authors’ views on peculiarities of improving the system of practical psychologists’
training. The purpose of the article is to share the authors’ concern about poor quality of psychologists’
training with the psychological community. This issue grows even more topical now since V. V. Putin talked about
modernization of higher education during his election campaign. Based on competent sources, the author analyzes
certain aspects of the high quality training of practical psychologists. The authors also share their experience and
results of their research in improving the quality of teaching and training psychology. The article can be of interest
for all those who work in the sphere of psychological education and training, who care for the system of education in
our country in general and teaching and training of practical psychologists in particular.
psychology, modernization, education, psychology, personality, identity, image, conceptual, goal-setting.
Psychopathology of authority
Eisold, K. (2012). Freud as a Leader: The Early Years of Viennese Society (Translated by Krotovskaya, N. G.). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 116–129. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61527
The study of Freud’s role as a leader of Vienesse Group has allowed to define constant tension between Freud
with his intention to use the group for the development of his ideas and the group members with their desire to realize
their professional ambitions and remain loyal to Feud at the same time. Freud and his followers undeliberately
came to an agreement that all innternal enemies must be eliminated, i.e. Freud’s followers who questioned his theory
of child sexuality and could support ‘external’ enemies of psychoanalysis. As a result, Vienesse Society continued to
play a dependent role and Freud had to undertake the role of a president of the Society in order to define the ‘internal’
enemies of psychoanalysis. It was a trap made by Vienesse Society for Freud. In return Freud received loyalty of all
members of the group. At the same time, the Society had to refuse from some really brilliant ideas trying to keep their
relationship with Freud and not to create a new enemy inside the society.
psychology, psychoanalysis, leader, group, basic allowances, struggle, dependence, validity, enemies, institutions.