Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Adam Smith about Advertising. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61274
What makes the cultural ideals and people behavior change from time to time? Why fashion is
conquering so many aspects of human life? How is the style being created inside fashion? All these questions
are touched upon in the editor-in-chief ’s column. The author talks about an English economist Adam Smith
who tried to analyze advertising as a social and anthropological phenomenon. Adam Smith also associated
fashion with technological progress.
psychology, cultural processes, fashion, custom, society, elite, beauty, clothes, imagination, art.
To understand the human being
Sukiasyan, S. G. (2012). About Relationship between Psyche and Soma: Material or Ideal? (Attempt of Psychopathological
Analysis). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 7–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61275
This article is an attempt to analyze a famous materialistic definition of the material, find out contradictions
in well-known concepts and describe the author’s view of the relationship between the material
and ideal. The author of the article tries to abstract away from well-known doctrines, concepts and definitions
and look at the general philosophical issue through the method which is based primarily on psychopathological
concepts. The author also describes what is different and what is common for soul and body.
psychiatry psychic, material, somatic, ideal, definition of psyche, psyho-somatic relationship, definition of the material, illness and health, description of the psychic and somatic.
Inner world
Jackson, M. (2012). Existential Anthropology (translated by M. A. Sultanova). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 19–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61276
When working on his version of existential anthropology, Australian anthropologist Michael Jackson
tries to combine anthropological research methods with the existentialism theory. He believes such an
approach will allow to better understand human. Besides theoretical concepts, he also describes many examples
from life of aborigines in Africa and Australia such as war, poverty, homelessness, unemployment,
and etc. He analyzes their emotions and feelings about it from the point of view of anthropology. At the
same time, Jackson looks at it from the humanistic point of view and with great compassion he describes
their difficult life which makes those people see their recovery in occultism and sometimes even turn them
into suicide bombers.
psychology, existentialism, existence, natality, ‘second nature’, culture, situation, desperation, suicide bombers, occultism.
Modeling the unconscious
Mordas, E. S. (2012). Object Relations and Choice of Homosexual Object by Females. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 30–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61277
Female homosexuality usually presents itself during the period of sexual maturity and caused by
the Oedipus complex and difficulties during infanthood. The author of the article defines the two main factors
causing female homosexuality: denial of heterosexual relationships due to the castration complex and
attraction to a mother due to early fixations. Woman’s denial from heterosexual relations is the regression
which actualizes the experience of early relations with a mother. Female homosexuality is archaic, ambivalent
and intense. It actualizes specific behavioral patterns, fears and conflicts of early period of child’s
psychology, homosexuality, libido, regress, fixation, disappointment, frustration, hostility, perversions, object relations.
The range of emotional experience
Berezina, T. N. (2012). Joy and Pleasure as Basic Emotions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 40–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61278
The author of the article views joy and pleasure as the two different basic emotions. The author
describes modern concepts of basic emotions. It is underlined that the majority of authors outlines one basic
positive emotion, however, some authors call it pleasure and others call it joy. The author provides the
results of empiric study of subjective emotions. It is shown that the majority of people (up to 70 % of cases)
consider joy and pleasure to be different emotions. Pleasure is usually associated with bodily sensations
(food and sex) while joy is associated with the feelings of truth, beauty and etc. It is proved that as two different
emotions, joy and pleasure have most of the features of basic criteria as described by K Izard.
psychology, emotions, positive emotions, basic emotions, joy, pleasure, feelings, emotional experience, everyday concepts, pleasure centers.
Developmental psychology
Nikolskaya, A. V. (2012). Social and Psychological Aspects of Cross-Species Interaction. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 48–54. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61279
The author describes how human attitude to animals change throughout history. It is shown that
in many ways perception of animals is a social construct formed by cultural and historical epoch. Scientific
concepts typical for this or that epoch have a great impact on formation of this construct. It is shown that
interaction between animals and human can be viewed from the point of view of the main theoretical and
methodological principles of social and psychological analysis.
psychology, theory of social reality construction, social constructionism, dramatic interactionism, structural approach, social construct, cross-species interaction, human and animal, social and psychological analysis, interaction with animals.
Psychology and pedagogics
Potashova, I. I. (2012). Professional Training of Specialists for Work with Families Raising a Child with
Limited Health Capacities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 55–61. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61280
The article is devoted to the problems of training specialists for work with families raising a child
with limited health capacities in the framework of professional training at a university. The author of the
article makes an attempt to describe the contents of the discipline ‘Psychological and pedagogical work with
families raising a child with limited health capacities’ and pays special attention at the problem of counseling
assistance of such families.
teaching, competence, approach, teaching, profession, consultation, help, family, up-bringing, child.
Transpersonal psychology
Korneenkov, S. S. (2012). Peculiarities of Negative Transformation of Personality in the Structure of Altered
State of Consciousness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 62–72. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61281
Altered state of consciousness is caused by the brain function of adjustment to the environment.
The purpose of this particular article is to view psychological peculiarities of personality negative transformation
within the structure of altered states of consciousness. The article topicality is related to the fact
that wrong interpretation of such states can be mistakenly regarded as personal or spiritual growth. Life
conditions, psychotechnics, spiritual practices and yoga, trans methods and etc. can have both positive and
negative impact on personality. External (social) personality is developed in the field of numerous dual
forces which can destroy the inner harmony. Internal personality (essence, soul) is the whole and absolutely
independent creature and it is always harmonious. Integral influence of social forces, nature and cosmos on
human cannot be diagnosed so easily. Research of altered states expands our knowledge about the unity of
individual and human consciousness.
psychology, external personality, internal personality, altered state of consciousness, negative transformation, individual ego, personality reduction, personality expansion, possession, prettiness.
Oleshkevich, V. I. (2012). Psychotechnical Analysis and Psychotechnical Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 73–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61282
The article describes psychotechnical approach to psychology. The author shows possibility of psychotechnical
researches of psychologies, psychological practices, psychological theories, psychotechnics and
psychotechnical reality in cultures. The author describes main concepts of psychotechnical analysis, definition
of psychotechnical culture and formation of new psychotechnical cultures that are being developed
as counter cultures and unfolded in communicative space in forms of variants of internal dialogues. The
author also proves the possibility of creating psychotechnical psychology.
psychology, psychotechnics, analysis, culture, counter culture, practice, theory, psyche, methodology, history.
Clinical case
Pavlova, O. N. (2012). Solution of Problems of Male Sexual Identity (Psychoanalytical Work with Night
Dreams). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 80–89. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61283
The article is devoted to a very topical issue – psychoanalytical process aimed at formation of mature
heterosexual male identity. Analysis of the problem of deformed male sexuality based on this particular
clinical case raises a question about theoretical interpretation of the role of female identification in biosexual
field of male identity. The main stress is made in the sphere of maternity representations as the basic
predisposition for formation of intra-psychic female objects necessary for external interactions and building
a relationship with a woman. The other aspect typical for unstable male sexuality is a specific complex of
fears that changes in the process of psychotherapy. Important role in male sexuality is taken by the issue
of homosexuality which central role is to defend from formation of Oedipus sexuality. Main instrument of
psychotherapeutic process and the basis for theoretical conclusions is the interpretation of night dreams.
psychology, psychoanalysis, identity, sexuality, homosexuality, night reams, interpretation, male, female, maternity.