Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Psychology of Goods. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59552
The column is devoted to the psychology of goods. According to the author, every piece of goods has a few functions,
from consumer’s function when it is to satisfy someone’s particular need, to social function when it brings some esthetical
meaning and etc.
psychology, philosophy, culture, goods, functions, consumer, social, human.
To understand the human being
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2012). Ethnicity as a Part of Human Nature. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 7–15. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59553
The problem of ethnicity and ethno-cultural identity has been attracting attention of researchers in all kinds
of social sciences. The phenomenon of national identity is usually studied from the point of view of cultural studies.
Researchers have described various kinds of ethnos and distinguished features of each culture. From the very beginning
cultural anthropology has been created to study differences between these cultures. The author of the article describes a
completely different approach to studying ethnicity as a part of human nature.
psychology, philosophy, culture, ethnos, ethnicity, cultural studies, tradition, order, race, de-culturization.
Inner world
Korneenkov, S. S. (2012). Determination, Indetermination and Self-Determination in Human Evolution. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 16–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59554
The article is devoted to the drivers of human evolution. There are a few approaches to this matter in science. The
goals of this particular article are: 1) to study the theory of determination and indetermination in human evolution; 2)
prove the provision that human being is a self-determining creature. All the assumptions are based on the provision that the
phenomenon of human is made up out of the unity of body, nature, social, psyche, cosmic and spirit. Nature, Universe and
Human exist in absolute unity. Human structures live and develop according to their own laws that are closely wreathen
and interrelated. Freedom and determinism are the two sides of the one phenomenon. Our mind is part of this process.
Determination and time exist only in our mind but not in nature. Universe and human development are totally governed
by the universal law of self-determination.
psychology, determination, indetermination, self-determination, human evolution, paradigm, Universe, Higher Self, Absolute, spirit.
Vertex states of the spirit
Frankl, V. (2012). Recollections: Autobiography. Part 2. Continuation (translation by Zelinskaya, A. N.). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 25–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59555
This is an abstract from Viktor Frankl’s work ‘Recollections’ published in 2000. The original version of this work
was named ‘What is not said in my book’ and published in Germany.
psychology, philosophy, human, meaning, biography.
Mind games
Spirova, E. M. (2012). Anthropological Aspect of Thinking. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 38–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59556
How does a human think? Is it possible to teach human think better, more efficiently or more exact? The problems
of thinking are gaining more and more importance and interest not only for philosophers but also for psychologists.
Philosophical anthropology shows special interest in this topic, too. What does it have to do with? The author of the article
tries to answer these questions and reveal the anthropological aspect of thinking.
psychology, philosophy, thinking, anthropological aspect, subject, meaning, nonsense, abstractness, neurosis, need.
Developmental psychology
Rozenova, M. I., Brantova, F. S. (2012). Psychosemantic Research of Youth and Adult Views on Personal Maturity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 50–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59557
The article analyzes the phenomenon of psychological maturity as an integrated formation reflecting achievements
in personal development at different levels. The author of the article describes the most significant criteria of the concept and reveals the results of researches of perception and interpretation of this concept by youth and adults. The author also
describes prototypes and models of a mature personality as it is seen from the point of view of everyday life.
psychology, psychological, personal, maturity, consciousness, everyday, up-bringing, scientific, views, levels.
Psychology and pedagogics
Lubenets, M. Yu. (2012). Formation of Conventional Relations between Students (the Problems of Social and Teaching
Technologies). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 60–64. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59558
The article reveals the content of social and teaching technologies in the process of formation of conventional
relations. Social and teaching technology is viewed as a complex of interrelated blocks. The author describes the curriculum
within which this technology has been realized and offers methods of calculation of the initial and control levels of formed
conventional knowledge and skills.
teaching, technology, social and teaching technology, conventional relations, social and cultural environment, activity, development of relations, conventional knowledge, conventional skills, calculation methods.
Scenario for your success
Vezirov, T. G., Gamidov, L. Sh. (2012). On the Question about Training of Future Teachers of Computer Sciences under
Conditions of Information Environment (Review). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 65–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59559
The article describes the main approaches and conceptions of training of future teachers under conditions of
information environment of the institution. The author also gives the definition of the ‘common information space’ and
lists the advantages and disadvantages of the modern system of training of computer science teachers. The modern stage
of modernization of the system of education shows a growing interest of the main actors of educational process in such
training and methods.
teaching, teacher, computer sciences, environment, institution, technologies, methods, education, process, participants.
Clinical psychology
Mordas, E. S., Klodt, L. P. (2012). Image of the Child and Aggression of Women Who Suffer from a Threatened Miscarriage. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 72–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59560
The article provides the research of the image of the child and aggression of women ñ óãðîçîé âûêèäûøà and
emotional characteristics of the image of the child. The goal of the research is to analyze the relation between the image
of the child and aggression of women who suffer from problems during their pregnancy (óãðîçà âûêèäûøà). The article
summarizes the ideas of the Russian school (G. G. Philippova) and psychoanalytical conception of pregnancy offered
by Dinora Pines. In Russian psychology the image of the child is viewed as the part of the system of needs and motives
that includes a woman’s ideas and attitude to her future child based on social, cultural and biological prerequisites and
relationship between the woman and her own mother.
psychology, image of the child, pregnancy, aggression, abortion, miscarriage, , child-and-parent relations, reproduction function, ambivalency, identification.
Lipov, A. N. (2012). ‘Holophonic Sound’. Concerning Binaural Technologies of the Sound Perception. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 83–97. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59561
The article is devoted to a new technology in the sphere of psychoacoustics — recording, playing and perception of
holophonic sound. Original effects of holophonic technology allows not only to expand the theory and technology of audio
recording, sound playing and perception, but also offers theoretical and practical applications in many spheres of social
life from changes in interpretation of the psychophysiology of hearing to possible discoveries in the sphere of psychiatry,
psychology and psychotherapy, mass media, art and etc.
psychology, holophonic sound, holography and holographic recognition of images, musical acoustics, psychoacoustics, binaural effect.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Phenomenon of Artistic Identity (Topic Review). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 98–106. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59562
This is the review of a few major works in literature, cinematography, theatre and art devoted to identification as
the main source of the cultural development and revival.
psychology, philosophy, culture, identification, conflict, human, society.