Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Peculiarities of a Modern Hysterical Woman. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59375
To understand the human being
Polischuk, V. I. (2012). The Three Answers to the Question about Human. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 7–11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59376
The author of the article shares his own views on how the problem of human has been solved in history. This problem
is formed as a question about what makes us human. The author gives the following three answers to this question:
we become human when we rise over our earthly affections or try to get to know the world around or ourselves. Obviously,
modern (technological) civilization is an example of the second answer to the question about human. It is fatal both for
nature and human himself. Many philosophers pointed out that the third answer was actually efficient — the option when
the culture is saved.
psychology, human, culture, mind, formation, spirit, truth, transcendental, immanent, choice.
Inner world
Katunin, A. V. (2012). The Observable and Unobservable in the Human Inner World, Unobservability of Self. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 12–25. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59377
In this article the author considers the topic about the observable and unobservable in the human inner world.
It is well know that observation of our inner world is different from observation of material things, on-going events and
natural science targets. It is one thing to observe natural phenomenon and it is completely a different thing to observe consciousness,
psyche and our own Self. Due to the fact that there are many conceptions of our inner world, the author of the
article describes what is observable and what is not observable, what can be researched and what cannot. We should also
remember that observation and study of the surrounding world remain imperfect without observation and study of the human
inner world because our inner world is a reality, too. Our inner world contains all kinds of feelings, sensations, psychic
images which lead us through our life and influence the surrounding world. Important goals of this research include: first
of all, to study peculiarities of observation of the inner world and self-observation based on Immanuel Kant’s and Boris
Velichkovsky’s philosophies; secondly, to compare modern researches in the sphere of unconsciousness and cognitive science
including classical experiment with the participation of Wilhelm Wundt’s metronome; thirdly, the author analyzes the
topic of unobservability of Self based on classical philosophy and modern conceptions introduced by such philosophers as
Vladislav Lektorsky and Rom Harre.
psychology, non-observable, Self, human inner world, self-observation, consciousness, unconsciousness, cognitive sciences, epistemology, psyche, reality.
Spiritual reincarnation
Korneenkov, S. S. (2012). Theories of Consciousness in Different Types of Cognition: Relationship between Consciousness,
Psyche and Material. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 26–36. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59370
The problem of consciousness, psyche and material is one of the most difficult issues in scientific cognition of
human. This article is aimed at: 1) brief analysis of the basic hypotheses about the nature of consciousness in different
spheres of knowledge: science, philosophy, religion and yoga; 2) description of the modern approach to the relationship
between consciousness, psyche and material. When drawing out the main conclusions the author notes that consciousness
is a universal phenomenon existing in each atom of the material. The main characteristic of the consciousness is an
impulse to exist, a will to self-preservation and a desire to survive and live forever. Representatives of different spheres of
knowledge divide the universal (i.e. integral) consciousness into various levels. This is the reason why there are so many
theories of consciousness today. Modern experimental researches show that brains are not related to the production of
consciousness at all. Our brain catches and transmits information and energy which allows us to express all kinds of
potentials and capabilities. Our brain models the souring world by the means of neurons. Many neurons working together
make it possible to build a model of the world. Consciousness can exist both outside one’s body and one’s spirit
and consciousness is both material and ideal because it has a dual nature. There is no such a science which could fully
explain the phenomenon of consciousness. However, we have all grounds to believe that science, philosophy, religion and
Eastern teachings are gaining more common points about the nature of consciousness as the basis and prime cause of all
being including earthly lie, psyche and human consciousness.
psychology, theory of consciousness, universal consciousness, levels of consciousness, material, brain, psyche, soul, Eastern psychology, Christian anthropology.
Depression and the body
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). What did Your Body Die from?. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 37–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59373
The article contains a psychological interpretation of corporeity. Special attention is paid at the weakening of sensuality
in the process of child’s development. The author also describes certain factors which lead to so-called ‘death body’
psychology, sensuality, body, instinct, consciousness, mind, passion, myth, schizoid, reality.
Limits of intellect
Vozhatova, O. N. (2012). Dynamics of Demonstration of the Author’s Position of Teenagers as the Subjects of Communication
Under Conditions of Development Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 46–53. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59372
The author of the article describes dynamics of demonstration of the author’s position of teenagers in the process
of getting to know telecommunications. It allows to describe the trends of its development from lower to higher levels
at Yugra Studio of Journalism and a Journalists’ Club at College of Arts for Gifted Children in the North in Khanty-
Mansiysk. Dynamics of demonstration of the author’s position of teenagers are studied in the process of an educational
experiment which was planned taking into account the psychological environment allowing teenagers to understand
the meaning and values of telejournalism as well as the variety of its realization. The author describes the psychological
environment which helps a teenager to form his author’s position in the process of setting and reaching difficult goals in
the sphere of telejournalism.
psychology, telecommunications, position, teenagers, journalism, criteria, experiment, tendencies, level, formation.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Chernobrovkina, N. Yu. (2012). The Structure of Motivation Sphere of Byelorussian and Russian Youth. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 54–57. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59371
The article is devoted to the motivation sphere as a many-level, many-component hierarchic formation. The author
of the article carries out a theoretical analysis of the basic components comprising a personal motivation sphere. Based on
her study, the author also analyzes the structure of motivation sphere of modern Russian and Byelorussian youth. It is well
shown that the motivation sphere of Byelorussian young men and women have a supporting nature with the domination of
motives for social status and prestige, comfort and support of life-sustaining activity. Motivation of young Russian people is
quite impulsive, versatile and contradictory.
psychology, motivation, need, sphere, Russia, Byelorussia, youth, domination, character, contradictory.
Psychology of highest aspirations
Zolotareva, A. A. (2012). Perfectionism in the structure of self-identity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 58–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59369
The article reflects methodological, methodical and empirical issues of the psychology of perfectionism as
well as allows to look at the phenomenon of perfectionism from the point of view of self-regulation psychology. The
study allows to describe specific and non-specific determinants of perfectionism an shows the role of perfectionism in
the structure of personal psychological resources. The author also discusses psychological indicators of normal and
pathological types of perfectionism determining basic characteristics of these phenomena in the structure of personal
self-regulation. Normal perfectionism is shown as a psychological resource which reflects a positive starvation towards
perfection and combines a constant personal growth and ability to control resources. Pathological perfectionism
is a disturbance of self-regulation which is caused by negative starvation towards perfection and shows itself as a
failure to control personal resources.
psychology, personality, perfectionism, normal, pathological self-regulation, personal psychological resources, vitality, disadaptation.
Societal passions
Andreev, I. L. (2012). Natural and Psychic Prerequisites of Relations between Property and Power. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 69–80. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59390
The article describes the author’s hypothesis about a fundamental role of evolution of time and space concepts
in the process of anthropogenesis as natural biological prerequisites for formation of social institutions of property
and power.
psychology, philosophy, anthropogenesis, mind, psyche, consciousness, space, time, property, power.
Professional psychology
Polyakov, A. S. (2012). Factors of Success of a Teacher When Working with Senior High School Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 81–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59391
Success is one of the most important criteria of performance appraisal in a modern society. The author of the
article describes criteria o success of a teacher as well as peculiarities of teaching teenagers. Base on the described criteria
and peculiarities, the author formulates the factors which have the most influence on achievement of success in a teacher’s
activity at senior classes.
psychology, success, teacher, school, teenager, activity, communication, senior, career guidance.
Developmental psychology
Kuschenko, D. L. (2012). Formation of Legal Consciousness in Teenager’s and Youth Ages. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 86–92. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59392
The article is devoted to the formation of legal consciousness of teenagers and young people. The author of the
article gives criteria of formed consciousness of under-ages, describes parameters and features of moral development and
touches upon the question about formation of a psychologically mature person. The problem of formation of legal consciousness
in teenager’s and youth ages is topical and makes an essential condition for personal psychological maturity.
psychology, development, legal consciousness, morals, personality, norms, teenager, youth, age.
Keys to creativity
Vafin, A. M. (2012). Identity and the Enterprise Body: Interactionist Approach to Occupational Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 93–98. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59393
The article consists of the two parts. The first part has a historical and philosophical nature. This part is devoted
to the study of a metaphor explaining the relationship between an individual and society. The second part is psychological.
This part is devote to interpretation of the metaphor through an interactionist scheme ‘culture — identity — image’.
psychology, individual, group, society, culture, identity, image, symbolic interactionism, body, occupational psychology.
Psychology and pedagogics
Fefelov, O. A. (2012). The Problem of Implementation of a Competency Building Approach to Teaching Mathematics at
Preparatory Courses. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 99–102. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59394
The article is devoted to didactic grounds or the process of teaching mathematics to future specialists at preparatory
courses. As a factor of an efficient determination of the contents of preparatory courses, the author describes a scientific didactic
principle, algorithmization of the process of teaching and a differentiated approach to selection of a group of students
and a pace of teaching.
teaching, pedagogy, mathematics, courses, formation, competence, specialists, discipline, cycle, process.
Melnikova, O.A. (2012). Overcoming underdevelopment in common speech in preschool children on the basis of memory
formation mediated taking into account individual and differentiated approach. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 103–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59395
The paper presents the development of technology-mediated formation of memory on the basis of information
computer technology for children preschool age with speech pathology. Revealed the fundamental principles of operation of
the program, describes the specific features and structure of specialized computer technology.
psychology, hypoplasia, speech, preschooler, memory, differentiation, approach, principles, the specifics of the technology.