Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Greatness and Limitations of Political Strategies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59205
The article is devoted to one of the greatest manipulations of human mind — political strategies and formation
of attitudes and opinions. In his editor-in-chief’s column the editor wonders whether anti-social person is actually
anti-social or only disappointed towards reality.
psychology, social studies, politics, manipulation, anti-sociality, personality.
To understand the human being
Chernov, D. N. (2012). Peculiarities of Parent-and-Child Relationships in Families with Junior Preschoolers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 6–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59206
Parent-and-child relationships are studied for the point of view of the activity approach. The author of the
article suggests a certain set of methods allowing to study peculiarities of formation of the parent-and-child fellowship
based on the type of a collective subject. While studying 60 mother-and-junior scholar duads the author has found out
that a presubjective level of development of a collective parent-and-child subject combined with the tendency towards
reflexion of a parent over their relations. Based on the implemented activity approach the author suggests new guides
for psychological and pedagogical counseling of parents and children.
psychology, collective subject, parent-and-child relationship, junior preschooler, activity approach, family, socio-cultural situation of development, subject, parenting style, Mother-and-Child duad.
Person and personality
Razin, A. A. (2012). About Regular Patterns of Personality Formation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 15–33. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59207
The author of the article agrees with the established provision that one’s fate is formed by his parents’ genes
and socio-cultural environment. Moreover, based on the author, the main factors of personal formation include love
and creative activity. The article is generally devoted to the factors of hominization of a person. Much attention is
also paid at eastern teachings.
psychology, human nature, self-regulating personality, multiple birth of a person, biological energy, love, passion, self-fulfillment, the feeling of self dignity, social buffering capacity.
Personal growth
Tsvetkov, A. V., Mironov, D. I. (2012). About Approaches to Studying the Image of ‘Self’ n Russian and Foreign Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 34–42. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59208
The author of the article describes theoretical approaches to the problem of self-image in Russian and foreign
psychology since the end of the 19th century till the end of the 20th century. The author shows that the development
of Russian and foreign theories of Self happened at the same time and were characterized by the following elements:
1) attitudes and values oriented at one’s behavior and future life goals; 2) image of the social environment; 3) selfimage
of one’s behavior, body and emotional sphere. These components are described descending their importance
for personality.
psychology, self image, theory, analysis, researches, V. V. Stolin, Robert Burns, Charles Cooley, I. S. Kon, M. B. Bogatyrev.
Mind games
Berezina, T. N., Tereschenko, R. N. (2012). Personal Emotional Creativity: Definition and Structures. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 43–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59209
The author of the article gives a definition of emotional creativity as an ability to generate all kinds of new
emotions and feelings. Emotional creativity is viewed from the two points of view: in a broad sense s a divergent feeling
and part of emotional sphere, and in a narrow sense as one’s ability. It is noted that the structure of emotional creativity
in a wide sense reflects the structure of emotional sphere and connects with the divergent feeling, the latter being one
of the characteristics of emotions, feelings and personal emotional traits. In a narrow sense, emotional creativity is an
ability which is connected with activity and creates the basis for artistic talents. The structure of emotional creativity
as an ability includes: emotional productivity (fluency of emotions), flexibility, originality and clearness of emotions.
psychology, emotional creativity, creativity, emotions, feelings, divergent feelings, personality, abilities, artistic talents, emotionality.
Professional psychology
Rubtsova, N. E. (2012). Conception of Integration-Based Typological Approach to Psychological Classification of
Professional Activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 51–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59210
Modern Russian system of researches and relevant psychological classifications of professional activity is
not quite a system but a system complex which does not guarantee complete and noncontradictory performance of
all functions as well as achievement of relevant system tasks. The author gives a systematized conception of a new,
integration-based typological approach to psychological classification of professional activity. The author also analyzes
the structure and content of this approach. Integration-based typological approach to psychological classification
of professional activity includes a set of methodological, theoretical and practical provisions and means aimed
at construction, studying and practical usage of the summarized psychological classification of modern professional
activity. One of the most important patterns of this classification is that both traditional and new types of professional
activity have an adequate place and definition there.
psychology, professional activity, labor subject, psychological classification, conception, approach, integration, typology, system complex, psychological types.
The range of emotional experience
Moskalenko, M. S. (2012). Overcoming Child-and-Parent Conflicts as a Factor of Positive Development of Emotional-
Volitional Sphere of a Teenager. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 61–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59211
The article describes the overcome of child-and-parent conflicts as a factor of positive development of emotional-
volitional sphere of a teenager, tasks and goals of a relevant program developed by the author of the article.
pedagogy, conflicts, emotional-volitional sphere, coping, children, teenagers, parents, development, program, influence of conflicts.
Developmental psychology
Nizamova, E. S. (2012). Genetic and Environmental Dependence of Mental Development of Twins. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 66–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59212
The study is devoted to the genetic and environmental dependence of mental development of twins in terms
of formation of their ‘Big Five’ basic personal traits (neurotism, extraversion, openness to experience, friendliness and
consciousness). The purpose of the study is to define and compare environmental and genetic models which are most
typical for each trait. The empiric part of the study covers 319 one-egg and two-egg twins living in Bushevsk, Izhevsk
and Tver. A classical twin method was used in the study. Apart of one or two-egg nature, the study also recorded sex,
age, nationality and a number of other demographic and anammestic parameters of twins and their parents. Using the
method of structural modeling for each of personal trait, for the first time in Russian researches of twins the author
of the study described a proper environmental and genetic model assessing contribution of genes and environment
into phenotype differences. Received results show the differential nature of genetic-environmental determination of
the Big Five charts. The Neorotism, Friendliness and Consciousness Charts are most typically described by the means
of models which include additive genetic factors and individual environment. In addition to that, contribution of genetic
factors are somewhere between 50 and 59 percent. Extraversion and Openness to Experience charts deal with
the environmental model where general and individual environment share equal influence. Using the method of intra
pair correlation the author defines non-linear dependences between genotypes, genders and ages. The author also
specifies and clarifies peculiarities of demonstration of the Big Five personal traits in groups of one-egg and two-egg
twins differing in gender and age.
psychology, psychogenetics, twin method, personality, development, Big Five, heritage, environment, structural modeling, inter pair correlation.
Limits of intellect
Dolgova, N. Yu. (2012). Research of Team Work By the Means of Modern Computer Technologies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 72–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59213
The article is devoted to various approaches to studying team work. The author establishes and tries the
Trajectory Method — kind of F. Gorbov’s Homeostat type — by the means of a special ‘tool for teamwork assessment’
which allows to expand capabilities of teamwork researches and generate criteria of efficiency evaluation. The author studies the connection between success of teamwork and regulatory experience. It is proved that successful performance
of teamwork at school, in many cases, is defined by the experience of usual activation of decision subjects.
Operational component of regulatory experience uniting concrete tools of reformation of situation and participants
of teamwork is gaining more importance. In the process of teamwork certain peculiarities of self-regulation system
are completed with cooperation experience which makes an impact on the nature of relations between participants
and chosen strategy of interaction.
psychology, team work, self-regulation, personal regulatory experience, cooperation, activity, personality, regulation, interaction, cooperation.
Psychology and pedagogics
Neudakin, V. A. (2012). Review of the Problem of Educational Process Purposes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 82–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59214
The article provides a review of existing points of view on the problem of educational process purposes.
Based on a detailed analysis the author makes an attempt to give a generalized, complete picture of the problem.
The author describes the circle of matters which are to be solved in order to efficiently use the education process
teaching, psychology, education, up-bringing, relations, purposes, succession, values, results, efficiency.
Oleshkevich, V. I. (2012). Methodological Analysis of Psychological Rehabilitation Processes and Possibilities of
Psychotechnical Projection of the Most Successful Rehabilitation Programs. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 94–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59215
The article studies the problem of psychological rehabilitation as a cultural and historical problem covering
wide aspects of a modern human. In this connection, the author studies the definition of psychological rehabilitation
and organization of psychological rehabilitation in a modern medicine, in particular, in addictology. The author
studies various approaches to organization of rehabilitation and analyzes their psychotechnics. The article studies
possible levels of organization of rehabilitation process in addictology, their methods and rehabilitation potentials,
and proves a special role of existential level of organization of psychological rehabilitation. It is concluded that it
would be possible to use such a methodology in preparation of rehabilitation programs as well as in other spheres of
medicine and social work.
psychology, psychotechnics, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, addictology, self-consciousness, reinforcement, rehabilitation potential, reorganization, frustration.