Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Fancies of Passion. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61665
Eros is a t ypical feature of human nature but in each destiny and culture it is reflected in its own way.
Some people stay abstinent all their life and transform their sexual energy into romantic feelings. Others abandon
themselves to passion. Even innocent ones know what the passion is. Those who enjoy their desires still dream
about romantic adoration. We can devote ourselves to God but still experience earthly obsession. Devilish infusions
make us tremble but we find ourselves in true love. We know about fancies of passion but figure out that passion
has no limits.
psychology, passion, Eros, sensuality, demonism, culture, feeling, obsession, de Sade, Lacan.
Inner world
Babochkin, P. I. (2012). Personality as the Maker of His Being and Life Path. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 7–11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61666
The article is devoted to the personal development of a young man as a social subject of cogitation and activity.
The author of the article reveals views of philosophers and modern scientists on social activity of personality and
formation of a personal life path. Meaning of life is viewed as the highest integrative purpose of human and axiological
grounds for the level of development of personal vitality.
psychology, society, human, object, subject, value, activity, meaning, culture.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Spirova, E. M. (2012). Overgrowth of Transcendental Path. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 12–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61667
The article is devoted to a special phenomenon associated with modern culture — loss of transcendental
experience. The author believes that axiological vacuum and absence of spirituality is the result of destruction of
transcendental world or, as Heidegger says, ‘overgrowth of transcendental path’. The author also traces back the history
of this process that is related to the unspelled world, expansion of the scientism consciousness, life pragmatism
and secularization of religious experience.
psychology, philosophy, transcendental, spirituality, loss of the meaning of life, existential vacuum, values, scientism, religious faith, numen.
Continent of the unconscious
Chebakova, Yu. V. (2012). The Structure of Female Sexuality in Personality Disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 21–28. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61668
Achievement of mature female sexuality, unlike male sexuality, assumes successful completion of the two
contradictory tasks –separation from mother and final identification with her as the image of fertility. Different
variants of female development within the conditional norms show what difficulties a girl has to deal with in order to
achieve the aforesaid integration. In personal pathology that is related to the phenomenon of infantile sexuality such
ontological purpose becomes literally impossible without psychoanalytical assistance. Difficulties and peculiarities
of the process of achieving femininity as well as future perspectives depend on parameters of the mother’s behavior.
On one hand, pathological patterns of the mother-and-daughter relationship cause various personality disorders and
on the other hand they also define the specific structure of female sexuality. The author of the present article views
stages of female sexuality from the point of view of development of the erotic desire and the mother’s contribution to
formation of the structure. When a woman uses her mature and capable of reproduction body, she may also realize
her infantile needs under the guise of pseudo adult sexual behavior. The author of the article describes the two pathological
phenomena of female sexuality — promiscuity and anorgasmia — and their relation to narcissistic, hysterical
and masochism personality disorders as a part of distorted love relations.
psychology, sexuality, femininity, relations, erotic desire, promiscuity, anorgasmia, narcissism, hysteria, masochism.
Modeling the unconscious
Gabbard, Glen O. (2012). A Reconsideration of Objectivity in the Analyst: Critical Analysis of Post-Modernistic
Point of View. Translated by Sultanova, M. A. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 29–40. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61669
Today, when such terms as social constructivism, perspectivism and intersubjectivity are becoming popular
in psychoanalysis, the concept of objectivity loses its importance. Nevertheless, the author of the given article
believes that the concept of objectivity has a rather important meaning or psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis can
and must survive the opposition between modernistic and post-modernistic points of view. Very often researchers
underestimate the relation between the term ‘objectivity’ and the term ‘object’. Position of an analysist as an object
exterior to consciousness or patient’s subjectivity is a very comfortable position. Patient’s unconscious motivations
are usually more accessible when an analyst studies the patient’s reaction towards the ‘object’. And even though an
analyst cannot go beyond the borders of intersubjectivity, part of such intersubjectivity creates a perspective outside
the patient’s intersubjectivity.
psychology, p sychoanalysis, o bjectivity, i ntersubjectivity, m entalization, r eflexive p roperty, t ransference, countertransference, perspectives, object relations.
Societal passions
Bueva, L. P. (2012). Identification Mechanism in Culture. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 41–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61670
One of the deepest human needs described by Fromm is his aspiration to be like the object of admiration.
When an individual happens to be in the world of mysterious things and phenomena, he is simply unable to understand
the purpose and meaning of his being. This is why he needs the orientation system which would allow him to
identify himself in comparison with a well-known ideal.
psychology, defense mechanism, phenomenon, identification, human, stage, crisis, manipulation, life cycle, socialization.
Psychology of emergency
Paleeva, N. N. (2012). Values and Risk Situations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 50–57. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61671
Psychologists have paid attention at adventurous and spontaneous nature of human behavior. Risk is a
constant companion of history. As the Chairman in Pushkin’s the City of the Plague says, ‘there is ravishment in a
fight, abyss and enraged ocean’. This human ability to go towards danger and death and look for special energy and
adrenaline may seem unnatural. But in the long run, it is not only extreme sports or extreme situations or catastrophes
which are accompanied with risk. Risk penetrates all spheres of human life, their consciousness and behavior.
psychology, risk, extreme situations, society, consciousness, stereotype, value, behavior, human, motivation.
Developmental psychology
Paramonova, A. A. (2012). Psychoanalytical Discourse about a Child in Russia During 1920-1930th. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 58–74. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61672
The article is devoted to the discussion of peculiarities of historical development of Russian child psychoanalysis
in 1920- 1930th. Studying the historical archives, the author analyzes the process of formation of psychoanalytical
knowledge about a child in Russian psychology at the beginning of XX century. The results of the study cover
a great number of issues topical for modern psychologists and psychoanalysts working with children as well as fill in
gaps in Russian child psychoanalysis.
psychology, history of psychology, child psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical development, Institute of Child, International Solidarity Orphanage, I. D. Ermakov, S. N. Spielrein, V. F. Schmidt, M. V. Woolf.
Psychology and pedagogics
Rozhkova, E. A. (2012). Assessment of Teaching Junior Schoolchildren as a Pedagogical Problem. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 75–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61673
Even though there are many forms of teaching as well as many universities and institutes in modern Russia,
teaching and up-bringing children and control over these processes still remain the main tasks. The given article
describes the main tendencies and views on the problem of assessment of junior schoolchildren’s educational activity,
provides definition of pedagogical assessment and specifies conditions for formation of a motivational and operational
components of pedagogical assessment as well as lists the main principles of such assessment.
pedagogy, teaching, activity, junior schoolchildren, skills, component, assessment, principles, problem.
Korneenkov, S. S. (2012). Psychodiagnostics, Psychocorreciton and Psychotherapy of Subjective Experience of
Fear in Altered States of Consciousness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 83–92. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61674
The author of the article views the psychological and spiritual reasons of fear and phobias. The author
describes the method of achieving the altered state of consciousness during which one can carry out psychodiagnostics,
psychocorrection and psychotherapy of negative emotions on his own. The main characteristics of the altered
state of consciousness include: the depth of the state, energy consumption and carrying capacity that is the quantity
of energy an individual can accept and give away. The author believes that when reaching the altered state of consciousness,
the individual also achieves a new level of consciousness that stimulates self-knowledge, psychological
correction and psychotherapy. In such a state a person can receive information about his physiological and psychic
processes from himself. The purposes of the given study include: a) describe the process of perception and experience
of fear during the altered state of consciousness; b) study possibilities of such states for psychological diagnostics,
psychocorrection and psychotherapy of personal fears. The tasks include: a) study the variety of combined methods
of setting, concentration, suggestion, autosuggestion and hypothesis for the purpose of achieving the altered state
of consciousness; b) learn to control negative emotions in the altered states of consciousness and apply this experience
to real life. The topic of the research is the emotion states, in particular, fear and its datives. The author also
develops an integrative method of teaching and self-knowledge. Conclusions: the given method allows to study our
psychic processes, states and dynamics of our personal qualities on our own. Such a method has a therapeutic effect
and harmonizes one’s psychosomatic state, develops and fixes a whole range of positive personal qualities: patience,
calm and responsibility for one’s words and actions.
psychology, psyche, altered state of consciousness, self-consciousness, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, phobias, personality, fear.