Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Consequences of the Sexual Revolution. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61721
Today many authors describe the phenomenon of so called sexual revolution. It appears that today we can
view the other side of this phenomenon. Yes people do not keep to the Victorian morals any more. Yes we have fewer
prejudices about the intimate sphere. We have understood that love is an archetypical feeling. However, culture undoubtedly
has a certain impact on eroticism, too. Prevailing standards define the form of popular feelings and emotions.
Asceticism replaces orgiastic passions and sexual obsession is often replaced with celibacy.
psychology, Eros, sexual revolution, sex, intimacy, sexuality, human, society, power, trans-sexuality.
To understand the human being
Benia, M. I. (2012). Rise of the Machines or Human and a Scoop. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 8–22. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61722
The article is devoted to the topical issues of Internet addiction. The author of the article describes the reasons
of such addiction and analyzes the list of diseases such Internet addiction results in. The article also contains
particular examples of how many people try to escape from their loneliness by discovering the cyber space but fall
into a trap of even worse loneliness instead. The author also touches upon the question of personal freedom and understanding
himself from the point of view of ‘possession and existence’.
psychology, Internet addiction, addiction, cyber space, civilization, emotional affection, loneliness, freedom, computer, depression.
Person and personality
Razin, A. A. (2012). EthnoCulture: Meaning and Role in Achievement of Personal Integrity (Part 1). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 23–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61723
The author of the article views the culture in a narrow meaning of the word – as a system spiritualizing human.
According to the author, there is no any abstract ‘world culture’ because it consists of a number of ethnocultures
forming a well organized system. Traditional (ethnical) culture needs preservation as a social technology enabling
achievement of personal integrity while globalization, being a typical feature of our modern civilization, gives birth
to eclectic spiritless mass cult.
psychology, human nature, ethnoculture, world culture, conservatism, social progress, social technology, personal development, national nihilism, spirituality.
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kokova, I. V. (2012). Model of Civil Patriotic Up-Bringing of Teenagers at a Metropolitan City. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 38–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61724
The article describes theoretical aspect, methodological approaches and experience of the Research Guidance
Center of Social and Educational Work in the sphere of civil-patriotic up-bringing and child-youth movement
as one of the following seven main directions of leisure and social-educational work with population at place of residence:
socio-cultural activity, development of creative-esthetic direction, spiritual and moral up-bringing, preservation
of family values, work with physically disabled people, sports and health activities, crime prevention, creation of
a unified information network, international and trans-regional cooperation.
pedagogy, civil up-bringing, patriotism, socio-cultural space, metropolitan city, child-youth movement, life quality family traditions, culture, stability.
Personal growth
Khudoyan, S. S. (2012). Restructuring of Personal Identity in Ontogenesis and Personality Crises. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 48–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61725
Age restructuring of personal identity are viewed from the point of view of development stages described by
the author who views each stage as the process of solving this or that goal of development. The first goal is to form the
species activity (by 7-8 years old), the second goal is to form the sexual activity (since 9, 10-18 until 22 years old) and
the third goal is to form the social activity (since 22-35 until 45 years old). The last goal is the self-depletion (since 45
until the end of life). At each stage self-identity is restructured and human beings to understand himself as the actor
of certain activity.
psychology, ontogenesis, development, problems, reconstruction, identity, personality, transitions, crises, psychopathology.
Limits of intellect
Van Shi Lu (2012). The Problem of Internet Addiction in China: Psychology, Culture and Politics. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 53–63. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61726
The article analyzes typical problems of Internet addiction in China. The author cites data about the popularity
of this phenomenon and describes the position of the Chinese government regarding this matter. The author
also shows the links between Internet addiction and the system of education, dominating tendency towards collectivism
and family relations typical for China. The author also describes the development of methods and criteria for defining
Internet addiction as well as therapy of Internet addiction. It is underlined that the Internet addiction is mostly
based on the conflict between Chinese tradition of collectivism and Western individualism. Conflict is viewed as a
part of the ongoing process of modernization that is characterized by fast changes in psyche and behavior of Chinese
people. In many ways close socio-cultural factors influence the formation of Internet addiction in South Korea and
Taiwan. Therefore, Internet issues are quite common for a number of East Asian countries.
psychology, Internet addiction, China, information technologies, Internet, modernization, therapy, family relations, collectivism, CIAS scale.
Developmental psychology
Chernov, D. N. (2012). Peculiarities of Child-and-Parent Relations When Educating Junior Preschoolers under
Emigration Conditions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 64–74. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61727
Child-and-parent relations in families of Kazakhstan Germans having emigrated to Germany is viewed
from the point of view of subjective activity approach taking into account socio-cultural situation of family life.
The study of 60 pairs ‘mother – junior preschooler’ showed that peculiarities of the child-and-parent relations
depend on the parent’s conception of the purpose and meaning of a child development in new socio-cultural conditions.
In families with bi-cultural up-brining motives the parent’s relations with a child is being formed in the sort
of the collective pre-subject in the atmosphere of high moral responsibility. Such a model of parenting relations
can create the basis for psychological and pedagogical family assistance for the purpose of developing bi-cultural
personality of a child.
psychology, child-and-parent relations, junior preschooler, collective subject, subject-activity approach, emigration situation, bio-cultural personality, socio-cultural situation of development, family, type of parenting relations.
Psychology and pedagogics
Gorlitsyna, O. A. (2012). Teaching Students at Teachers’ Training Universities to Visualize Knowledge. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 75–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61728
The author of the article analyzes a very topical issue of knowledge visualization in education. The author
talks about the need to teach students to present verbal information in graph form which makes the cogitation
process faster and forms skills to process huge volumes of teaching information as well as to structure and arrange
gained knowledge in order. The author summarizes practical experience of working in this sphere and makes certain
suggestions about teaching students and a brief description of the Knowledge Visualization course developed for
future teachers.
pedagogy, visualization, knowledge, compression, didactic means, didactic process, graphic competence, thinking activity, training and control, visual means.
Kuzovkin, V. V. (2012). Psychotechnical Approach: History of Formation, Development Trends and Critical Reevaluation
(on the 20th Anniversary of Vasiluk’s Article ‘From Psychological Experience to Psychotechnical
Theory’ Being Published). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 79–89. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61729
The article is meant to show the importance of psychotechnical approach for developing practical and consulting
psychologies as a scientific and research branch of psychology in country. The author provides an insight into
the history of formation of this approach, its development trends and critical re-evaluation in order to answer the
questions why this approach did not take a rightful place in psychological training and what is needed to be done
to change it. The author views the main ideas proposed by Munsterberg, Vygotsky, Vasiluk and Puzyr within the framework of this approach. Based on Karl Roger’s client-centered therapy, the author shows some opportunities of
applying this approach to understanding what is going on during a psychological session. Lev Vygotsky’s culturalhistorical
school is shown as psychotechnical originally but which provisions can be used for scientific explanation of
psychological influence. The author also views the relations between Russian scientific-psychological tradition and
drastically growing psychological practice.
psychology, psychotechnics, Nusterberg, Vygotsky, psychotechnical, Vasiluk, clien-centered, consulting, schisis, academization.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Diagnosis of Historical Cosmos. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 90–100. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61730
Are Karl Mannheim’s ideas too old today? Do his sociological principles remain valuable from the point of
heuristics? Does his conception reflect all the diversity of social changes and their dynamics? These are very topical
issues because sociology and social knowledge have been significantly enriched over the past ten years. Topics
covered by the German researcher, either sociology of knowledge or his theory of elites, have an absolutely different
meaning today. This is why, since we offer our readers a collection of Karl Mannheim’s works, we ask the question
about how the Western sociologist’s conceptions refer to our today’s reality? Karl Mannheim wrote about the epoch
of transformations in general and dynamic social reconstruction in particular.
psychology, philosophy, sociology, diagnosis, knowledge, history, collective action, society, planning, inflation, mass.