Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Jung’s Lesson Which Was Not Learned. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58626
Based on Jung’s work ‘Psychological Types’ the author of the article draws our attention at one of the main Jung’s
ideas that there are no ‘bad’ or ‘good’ psychological types at all. It is underlined that psychological researches often tend
to find out ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ types of personality.
psychology, philosophy, psychological type, extravert, introvert, Jung.
To understand the human being
Bueva, L. P. (2011). Identity in the System of Psychological Knowledge. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 6–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58627
The article views one of the most important defense mechanisms which regulate the mental life of a person. The
author demonstrates a great interest towards this phenomenon argues with a few Russian researchers and describes the
genesis of this concept. Special attention is paid at Erik Erikson’s works.
psychology, identity, identification, prototype, personality, conformation, human, inter-personal, identification, personification.
Modeling the unconscious
Nasio, J. D., Dolto, F. (2011). The Mirror’s Child: Dialogue Between Juan David Nasio and Francoise Dolto (translated
by B. O. Nikolaichev). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 15–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58628
The dialogue covers various problems arising when studying a child’s mind by psychoanalytical methods. In
particular, it analyzes the first impressions of a child when he sees his reflection in the mirror, potential dangers of meeting
with his own reflection in the mirror and the process of formation of the body image. Based on concrete examples the
authors of the dialogue demonstrate the depth and power of the first impressions (visual and acoustic) which are left in
a child’s mind for a long time or even for a lifetime. Special attention is paid at the ability of a psychoanalyst to listen to
his patient and to conduct an honest conversation with him.
psychology, psychoanalysis, child, childhood, mirror, body, substitution, phobia, castration.
Person and personality
Dubovik, J. B. (2011). Properties of temperament as preconditions of psychological well-being at people of elderly and
senile age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 25–32. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58629
article is devoted problems of psychology of aging. In article research of interrelation of structure of psychological
well-being and individually-typological features of people of late age is presented. Age changes in structure of psychological
well-being, properties of temperament and valuable sphere are described.
psychology, an old age, aging, well-being, temperament, development, values, the individual, interrelations, structure.
Clinical psychology
Buzina, T. S., Shatalov, P. N. (2011). Specificity of tsennostno-semantic sphere of the narcodependent. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 33–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58630
given article represents results of research of tsennostno-semantic sphere of consumers of psychoactive substances.
Comparison substantial and dynamic characteristics of motivational sphere of patients with dependence on
the psychoactive substances which are receiving and not receiving the psychotherapeutic help was an objective of this
research. Research has shown that patients with experience of psychotherapeutic intervention are more focused on productive
activity have more adaptive and socialized hierarchy that is possible, reflects positive influence of psychotherapy.
The conducted research also specifies in values which are necessary for developing in the course of medical-rehabilitation
actions with the patients dependent on psychoactive substances.
psychology, psychoactive substances, psychotherapy, dependence, a narcotism, alcoholism, motivation, valuable orientations, hierarchies of values, smyslo-vital orientations.
Developmental psychology
Mitina, L. M., Khaschenko, T. G. (2011). Psychotechnology of Preparation of a Person for Entrepreneurship Activity (the
Case of Agricultural Training). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 46–55. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58631
The article reveals conceptual grounds of preparation of a person for entrepreneurship activity based on understanding
of psychological ‘readiness’ as a system of personal formation integrating various personality structures (cognitive,
affective, motivation and behavioral ones). The authors of the article describe their method and prove its efficiency
in practice. They also describe the results of integration of the method into professional education based on the example
of an agricultural university).
psychology, entrepreneurship, personality, psychological readiness, professional development, psychotechnology, efficiency, criteria, experiment, dynamics.
Psychology and pedagogics
Cherkashin, E. O. (2011). The Problem of Self-Identification of Senior High School Students in the Sphere of Environmental
Science. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 56–69. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58632
Modern environmental conditions require that students hold the correct position and form the correct attitude
to problematic environmental situations. According to the author, students’ active contribution to the environment
is an effective tool for formation the correct attitude among senior high school students. By conducting different
activities in the sphere of environment (such as studies, games, researches, environment protection and etc.), senior
high school students get involved into situations of self-identification of their position and attitudes. It helps a student
in the process of self-identification to overcome the contradiction between his personal attitude and a social role
caused by his activity.
pedagogy (teaching), position, readiness, conflict, formation, senior high school student, self-identification, activity, sphere, environmental science.
Professional psychology
Makhareva, T. V. (2011). Formation of Research Skills of Senior High School Students by Means of Information Technologies
as a Condition for Choosing the Profession of a Logistics Specialist. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 70–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58633
Modern school creates necessary conditions for dealing with life important challenges students are faced with
after graduation. One of such challenges is a professional identification. We can say that identification is a research
aimed at a student himself. Any profession may create situations when a specialist has to get involved in a research
activity. Some professions require it quite often. One of the means of forming research skills of students who want to
specialists in logics is information technologies which are widely used in professional activities of a specialist in logistics.
Using information technologies in the process of school training enable to involve high school students into salvation of
problems, the latter being an important part of professional activity in logistics. In its turn, it helps students to make a
conscious choice of their future profession.
teaching, education, skill, research, logistics, profession, senior high school student, technology, choice, information.
Crowd psychology
Karpov, A. O. (2011). ‘Italian Disease’ of a Totalitarian Discourse. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 79–110. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58634
The article is devoted to the problem of interaction between the discourse and power institutions with reference
to totalitarianism. The author describes the origins of ‘homo erotic’ nature of such interaction which go back to Minoan
culture, then — Antique culture, Christianity and the modern culture. The author describes the psychological discourse
strategies connected with the function of the power and discusses unconscious contents which form and ‘read’ them.
The article also describes genesis of these contents in culture and history and their manifestations in psycho cultural phenomena at different times. The main goal of the study is to define conditions for modern interpretation and cultural
transmission of totalitarian practices which are common not only for totalitarian regimes.
psychology, discourse, power, cultural genesis, homo erotic, totalitarianism, unconsciousness, myth, psychotechnics, society.
Psychopathology of authority
Langer, W. (2011). Hitler: Psychological Analysis and Reconstruction (translated by E. G. Rudneva). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 111–129. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58635
This is one of the first psychological portraits of Hitler written by an American psychoanalyst Walter Langer
(1899-1981) who described Hitler’s life and personality based on a thorough analysis of written sources and information
from persons who had contacts with Hitler.
psychology, psychoanalysis, personality, reconstruction, character, conflict, fear, unconsciousness, symbol.
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Manoylo, A. V. (2011). Political Modernization of the System of International Relations and the Russian Model of Information
and Psychological Management of Conflict. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 130–137. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58636
The article describes the cultural and civilization approach to modern models, ways and technologies of psychological
management of international and domestic conflicts. Nowadays there is a great variety of different methods,
ways and technologies of psychological influence on conflicts, however, all of them have concrete cultural and civilization
differences and can be conventionally unified as the four basic approaches to perception of the world: Anglo-Saxon, East
Asian, Middle East (Islamic) and West European (Romano-German). The article also proposes and justifies the basic
requirements for the Russian national model of psychological management of conflict.
psychology, psychotechnics, psychological technologies, international relations, management of conflict, psychology of conflict, psychological safety, psychological surgeries, information policy, political modernization.
Clinical case
Adashinskaya, G. A., Zhuravleva, A. Yu. (2011). Assessment of Efficiency of Art-Therapy During Pain Management of
Patients with Headaches Caused by Osteochondrosis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 7, 138–146. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58637
The authors of the article conducts a comparative research of efficiency of art-therapy and drug therapy when
curing headacemenhes caused by osteochondrosis. It is shown that after art-therapy (and drug therapy) both males
and females demonstrated positive dynamics in management of headaches, moreover, males showed even better results
compared to females. It is proved that art-therapy as a part of integrated treatment raises efficiency of pain management
compared to only drug therapy.
psychology, art-therapy, pain, headache, pain syndrome, pain test, color, emotional attitude, anxiety, sex, gender, adaptiveness.