Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Wells against Kant. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 5–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58078
The article describes how psychology has become
a science instead of Kant’s opinion that ‘psychology
shall never become a science and even if it does, it
will be a completely boring one’. The author also quotes
the English writer Herbert Wells words that ‘psychology
is going to become an important science in the coming
philosophy, psychology, philosophical anthropology, human, science, feelings, inner world
To understand the human being
Adler, A. (2011). Knowledge of People. Chapter 5 (translated
by E. G. Balagushkina). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 8–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58079
This is the continuation of translation of Alfred
Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks
about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of
people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social
peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex,
the latter being the natural result of human socialization,
as Adler sees it.
psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex.
Inner world
Boronenkova, Ya. S. (2011). ‘Candle in the Wind’: Case of
Marilyn M. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 19–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58080
This article is an attempt to explain Marilyn
Monroe’s psychological problems and her relationships
with a psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson as well as possible
positive and negative consequences of recessions
from the psychotherapy canons. The article is factually
based on Patrick Jeady’s movie ‘Marilyn, dernières séances’
(2008), the book ‘Marilyn: The Last Sessions’ by
Michel Schneider, documentaries, audio recordings of the
actress’ self-analysis as well as facts from the actress’
diary fi rst published in Russia in 2011 (Marilyn Monroe;
Life Told by Herself).
psychology, Marilyn Monroe, Ralph Greenson, barbiturate, ‘talk’ therapy, bibliotherapy, periostracum, defense mechanisms, separation.
The unpredictable
Taldykina, A. N. (2011). Humor as a Psychological
Instrument. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 25–34. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58081
The author of the article describes the functions
of humor and laughter and the role of humor in a human
life. Special attention is paid at the social meaning of
humor and usage of humor in psychotherapy.
psychology, humor, joke, function, role, confl ict, sublimation, mockery, endorphins, wit
Modeling the unconscious
Elise, D. (2011). Primary Femininity, Bisexual ity
and the Female Ego Ideal: a Re-Examination
of Female Development Theory (translated by
N.G. Krotovskaya). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 35–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58082
The article contains a review of various psychoanalytical
theories on female development and reveals
the author’s point of view on this topic.
psychology, development, femininity, primary, psychoanalysis, ego-ideal, bisexuality, sex, gender, self-identifi cation
Andreev, I. L. (2011). Secret Ritual Societies of Africa:
Essays on Philosophy and Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 48–66. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58083
Secret ritual societies of Tropical Africa are a
relict of history and at the same time, an alternative to a
modern state institution. The psychological mechanism
of regulation of traditional relations can be autonomous
and rather tolerant towards the central state institution
and municipal authorities, at the best case, but it can also
appear to be a mystifi ed foundation for the opposition,
separatism and crime. The study of these societies allows
us to specify and enrich a wide range of terms and concepts
in social anthropology and philosophy of history.
psychology, power, Africa, secret ritual societies, age brotherhoods, male and female unions, gerontocracy, totem, traditions
The range of emotional experience
Berezina, T. N. (2011). Altruistic Behavior and Life
Success. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 67–76. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58084
The article studies the connection between altruistic\
egoistic models of behavior and personal starvation
for life success. As factors defi ning the mentioned above
relation the author views time-management ability, intelligence
in general, social intelligence and emotional intelligence.
It is shown that the connection of intellect with
altruistic behavior can be different for the groups with
different intellectual and educational levels. The group
of people with high education, for instance, showed an
evident correlation between the intellect and altruistic behavior.
In that group starvation for success (represented
as the time-management ability) positively correlates both
with the intellect and altruistic behavior. In the group
of less educated people, intellect did not correlate with
altruistic behavior and some time-management abilities
negatively correlated with altruism.
psychology, altruism, egoism, prisoner’s dilemma, life lesson, time-management, intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, cooperation
Scenario for your success
Makhovskaya, O. I. (2011). Psychological Content of the
Term ‘Scenario’. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 77–86. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58085
The term ‘scenario’ is analyzed by various theories
in psychology as well as humanitarian approaches.
The author of the article suggests to view ‘scenario’ as
a many-component image of a communicative event.
Psychological content of ‘scenario’ is defi ned by the
person’s identifi cation in a concrete interaction confi ned
by the positive personal identifi cation.
psychology, scenario, personality, situation, archetype, transaction, role, identity, identification, image.
Professional psychology
Ignatova, E. S. (2011). The Concept of Psychological Service
in Modern Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 87–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58086
The concept of psychological service in modern formation is presented in the article. The given concept is
caused by social tendencies, as well as actual problems
of pedagogical interoperability in educational process.
It can be realized in the form of teacher-psychologist’s
activity system in the higher school which, in turn, can
raise quality of formation.
psychology, service, concept, interaction, lecturer, student, confl ict, education, process, university
Psychology and pedagogics
Naumenko. A. V. (2011). Peculiarities of Cross-Cultural
Competence of Teachers (Pre-School Educational
Institution as a Structural Component of a Professional
Consciousness). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 97–104. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58087
The article presents an analysis of theoretical
approaches to the problem of cross-cultural competence
of teachers. Based on this analysis, we identifi ed the
category of research cross-cultural competence: the
productive / unproductive ways of responding to situations
of intercultural interaction, cross-cultural literacy,
types of ethnic identity.
teaching, activity, competence, cross-culture, component, school, consciousness, structure, reaction, interaction
Marchenko F. O. (2011). Changed Concepts of Television
Audience in Social and Psychological Researches. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 105–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58088
The article is devoted to the new tendencies in
studying the TV audience in Russia and abroad. The author
of the article suggests a classifi cation of the theories
of TV behavior and describes the implicit models of the
audience behavior. It is also noted that now massovization
is gradually transferring to individualization of TV
psychology, TV behavior, TV watching, audience, individualization, massovization, infl uence, subject, theories, experiments