Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2010). Unusual States of Psychic. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 5–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57467
The term ‘changed forms of conscience’ was first introduced by an American psychologist William James over a hundred of years ago. Describing various forms of achieving changed states of mind (shamanism, acting, religious practices and so on), the author underlines that these forms of mind allow a man to go beyond his own identity. It is admitted that there are no grounds for considering such forms of mind to be pathological
psychology, philosophy, psyche, changed forms of conscience, mystery, catharsis, religion
Philosophy and psychology
Vaynshtein, A. (2010). ‘When the Point is at the Very Beginning’ (or Topical Thoughts on a Remote Topic). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 9–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57468
If our Creator seriously wished to remind of his existence, the best way to do it would be his allowance to ‘complete’ scientific picture of the world for not only advanced scientists, but also for all who need science in his life. Based on the author, signs of such ‘completion’ started to appear when the science began to study the nature and natural phenomena: human genome, total amount of substance in the world, borders, age and scenario of the Universe, and so on
psychology, philosophy, material, human genome, science, knowledge, engineering, God, meaning
Inner world
Katyukhina, T. V. (2010). Source of Silence in the Bosom of Mystery Cult. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 32–38. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57469
This article is devoted to the category ‘silence’ and analysis of this category from the point of view of philosophy and anthropology. The goal of this study is to define the origins of this term. As the result of the study of ‘pre-word’ human nature the author marks one of the basic capabilities of human, - his ability to image. Due to the latter, we can find the origins of silence in the bosom of mystery, cult and magic action
psychology, philosophy, mystery, cult, symbol, silence, conscious, imagination, human nature
To understand the human being
Spiridonova, Zh. V. (2010). Very Talented and Very Mean. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 39–44. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57470
The author of the article analyzes the main ideas of Karen Horney. The article considers such issues as the basic anxiety, self-analysis, neurotic needs and women psychology
psychology, anxiety, self-analysis, needs, healthy personality, moving toward people, moving against people, neurosis, Karen Horney, personal development, up-bringing
Personal growth
Paizer, B. (2010). When the Psychoanalyst is Sick: Aspects of Self-Revelation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 45–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57471
The article considers the issues connected with ‘inevitable’, ‘undeliberate’ and ‘deliberate’ personal revelation of a psychoanalyst. The author studies what makes the psychoanalyst to decide to reveal his personal information during a session as well as the inner feeling of responsibility and possible clinical consequences of it. Special attention is paid at the dynamics of transference and counter transference, goals of the therapy and denial of resistance. The author describes his own experience in clinical work when he was sick. He illustrates how self-revelation may be an authentic need as well as an important component of a psychoanalytical technique
psychology, philosophy, personal self-revelation, psychoanalyst, therapy, neurosis, clinical situation, interpretation, humanq
Continent of the unconscious
Mordas, E. S. (2010). Menstruation Complex in Psychoanalysis. Part 1. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 53–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57472
The article shows that being a sexual function and the main difference between sexes, menstruation is a biological form of periodicity regulating woman’s relations with her surroundings. In other words, female menstruation is the ‘physiological frames’ and symbolic rules established by social and cosmic rhythms
psychology, psychoanalysis, unconscious, female, menstruation, complex, taboo, puberty, libido, fear of castration
Modeling the unconscious
Nikitina, A. S. (2010). Esthetics of the Ugly. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 66–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62673
The author of the article tries to analyze how the unconscious have been viewed in the history of esthetics. The author shows the connection of this term with ‘the beautiful’ and other esthetical categories (such as the ugly and high-spirited). As illustration of her ideas, the author uses photographs bringing the additional meaning to understanding the category ‘ugliness’.
psychology, philosophy, esthetics, art, beautiful, ugly, creativity, pain suffering.
Developmental psychology
Idobaeva, O. A., Podolskaya, A. I. (2010). Ways to Raise Psychological and Emotional Well-Being of Modern Teenagers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 72–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57473
The article considers the problem of psychological and emotional well-being of modern teenagers. Anxiety and depression are in the center of the author’s attention because these are the diseases reflecting the main epidemiological tendencies of mental diseases nowadays. Besides, they are also the brightest indicators of psychological and emotional ill-being. The article describes the study of ways to raise psychological and emotional well-being of teenagers
psychology, anxiety, depression, psychological and emotional ill-being, social situation of development, self-regulation, moral competence
Psychology and pedagogics
Kaminskaya, M. V. (2010). The Study of Collaboration of a Teacher and a Student in the System of Evaluating Innovative Potentials of Modern Education: Opinion of a Teaching Psychologist. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 79–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57474
The article describes the results of the pilot study of developing education teachers’ views on the child-and-adult school collaboration. The author proved the hypothesis suggesting that a teacher has all potentials to successfully solve the tasks of the innovative education. The article also contains interpretation of 113 views of teachers teaching the innovative program by Elkonin-Davydov. It is concluded that the teachers’ views on the child-and-adult cooperation d not quite correspond to the goals of the innovative model of education. The author also suggested which questions were needed to be discussed in order to overcome those difficulties
educational model of cultural development, combined school activity, child-and-adult school cooperation, pilot study, problems of formation of a teacher’s attitude to the child-and-adult school cooperation
Zhirkova, Z. S. (2010). Model of Quality Management System of Education in Rural Education Institutions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 86–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=57475
The article considers the most topical questions of formation of a quality management system in rural schools and other education institutions. Based on the author, it would rise the learning activity of students as exemplified by the innovative Model
psychology, teaching, system, model, control, quality, formation, rural school, innovation, learning activity