Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Psychological comprehension
of the hero. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56651
Abstract: the author is viewing one of Young’s archetypes hiding in our unconscious, the Hero overcoming difficulties and achieving goals.
philosophy, psychology, social hero, Young, archetype, mythology
Philosophy and psychology
Beskova, I. A. (2009). Physical space: human within the world or world within the human. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56652
Abstract: the article is devoted to the deep relationship between the human and the world. The author suggests that the human influences the world in more ways than we usually admit and his influence is not passive at all. In the author’s opinion, actual life situations evolve as response to the human unconscious beliefs and views. In this article the author is investigating this relationship in respect to the space of the human physicality.
psychology, consciousness, physicality, border, structure, information, space, human, world, reality
Inner world
Schelokova, Y. V. (2009). Specifically human. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56653
Abstract: Erich Fromm’s legacy contains many original ideas which had a certain impact on the minds of the 20th century. These are the ideas of the human being nearly the most eccentric creature of the Universe, of the human passions and worries being conditioned by the historical development, of the social character as the reflection of both biological and cultural factors, and so on. The author of the article uncovered the main aspects of Fromm’s philosophical
psychology, philosophy, human nature, personality, existentialism, humanism, destructiveness, human, social character, individual
To understand the human being
Berezina, T. N. (2009). Reserve potentials of the human. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56654
Abstract: the article is devoted to the place of extrasensory
faculties in human evolution. The author is analyzing works about parapsychological phenomena which has been published over the past two centuries. It is shown that there has been no dynamics in those publications, their authors mostly carry out similar experiments and suggest similar hypotheses. The author of the article has marked the paradoxical nature of parapsychological phenomena, - nobody can prove they do exist but nobody can prove that they don’t, either. The article contains examples of similar phenomena encountered by the other species such as the primary organisms, worms, Cephalopods,
birds and monkeys. The author suggests that any new formation or phenomenon occurs twice during evolution: first time as an instable “accident” and only then, in following species, as a stable faculty. It is quite possible that extrasensory faculties are nothing else but aromorphosis of the species coming up to take the place of the modern humankind.
psychology, potentials, extrasensorics, evolution, parapsychology, future, aromorphoses, animal psychology, psy-phenomena
Personal growth
Buyeva, L. P. (2009). Personality as retaining of unity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56655
Abstract: personality is the main problem of existential philosophy. I say “self” before I even realize myself as a person. “Self” always comes first and it is undifferential.
“Self” is something I already have at the very beginning and “personality” is what I have to achieve. I have to realize myself as a person and such realization
is nothing else but a constant struggle. Personal realization and personal consciousness are quite painful
processes. Personality often brings pain and many people agree to lose their personality in order to avoid the pain.
psychology, personality, emotion, wholeness, value, Self, passion, archetypes, spirit, soul, body
Continent of the unconscious
Grossman, E. A. (2009). Production of fashionable whims. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56656
Abstract: Advertising has its own genres and forms of rendering information. Growing demand for goods is conditioned
by the rapid development of technology on one hand, and influences technology, on the other hand. It results not only in fast change of trademarks and goods but also in shortened life span of products. The goods which used to have a 25-year old life span are good for no more than 5 years now. Pharmaceutics and electronics have shortened this period to even 6 months. Fashionable “innovations” are showering the high tech society.
psychology, philosophy, advertising, human, kinetic image, clip-culture, society, information, image, mobility
Modeling the unconscious
Lippman, Walter (2009). Stereotypes and ideals (continuation) (translated by E. M. Spirova). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56657
Abstract: translated chapter of “Public Opinion” by Walter Lippman in which an American sociologist and journalist explicitly described his theory of stereotypes, their formation and influence on social and individual minds.
philosophy, psychology, stereotype, public opinion
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Baksansky, O. E., Kucher, E. N. (2009). Neuro-linguistic programming
as the social practice of the cognitive synergetic
approach. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56658
Abstract: the authors viewed the neuro-linguistic programming
(NLP) as an important practical sphere of cognitive sciences. According to the authors, NLP is the system of cognitive social practices sharing the same basic ideas and principles. The authors are analyzing the main ideas and laws of NLP.
psychology, philosophy, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive, communication, analysis, science, law, level, social mind
Professional psychology
Polyakova, O. B. (2009). Empathy as the factor preventing depersonalization
of psychologists and teachers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56659
Abstract: the author of the article has extended the definition of «empathy» as a personal quality and ability
to understand, sympathize and share other people’s feelings; to understand their emotions and share their psychological state by deliberately identifying ourselves with the others for some time; to penetrate and to feel what they feel and to reflect at the rational, emotional and intuition levels. The author has described the empathy as a preventive measure or, on the contrary, favorable ground for the emotional exhaustion, depersonalization
and reduction of personal achievements leading to professional deformations. The article describes the “normal” level of empathy in respect to future and working psychologists and teachers. The author points out how necessary it is to work towards the “normal” level of empathy.
psychology, altruism, empathy, depersonalization, identification, imitation, sympathy, self-consciousness, involvement
Psychological studies
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Farewell to Marianna…. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56660
Abstract: the author described the main psychological mechanisms of our anthropological need in “illusions”, or “show”.
human, show, projection, personification