Spiridonova K. V. (2008). Psychoanalysis through the Alembic of Self-Analysis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the article discusses psychoanalysis. The author compares Froid and Horney and concludes that “pure” psychoanalysis is not so effective. She also shows that the analysis usually goes better when a patient is ready to cooperate.
Psychology and pedagogics
Rozenova, M. I. (2008). Teaching the Value of Love. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
having been studying the problem of love for the past few years, the author has eventually come to the thought that it is necessary to view this topic from the point of view of education and “upbringing” in the broader sense of the word. Love appears to be one of the most important issues when it comes to a productive life support and good reproduction of any society.
Societal passions
Mahovskaya, O. I. (2008). Problem of the “Generation Gap” Based on the Tradition of Russian Humanities: Hamlets and Don Quixotes of the 19th-21st Centuries. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
The article discusses the generation gap. The author discusses the historical background and brings out the problem of the generation gap in Western rational and Russian irrational arts. She also covers the “fatal” generation gap” discussed by the modern Russian sociologists and talks about the psychological version of the dramatic relationship between “Hamlets” and “Don Quixotes”.
Limits of intellect
Efimova, I. Y. (2008). Unorthodox Approach to the Problem of Consciousness and its Potentials. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
Methods based on using “reserved capacities” of a human are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Those include blind seeing, synesthesia (seeing by skin), dream interpretation and so on. The consciousness’ potentials are endless. In author’s opinion, a common human consciousness is just a tiny fragment of a boundless and continuous spectrum.
To understand the human being
Oleynik, Y. N (2008). Personality and Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the author uncovers the phenomena of individuality in the history of education and philosophy. The article also analysis psychological components of personality and proves the idea of integrity of personality. The author suggests that personality is a constant process of inner development.
Inner world
Katyuhina, T. V. (2008). Human as the First Silent Creature in the World. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the phenomena of silence is one of the most interesting and mysterious topics in philosophy. On one hand, there is always something “unspeakable” and on the other hand, we can’t speak of silence if we don’t understand the nature of the language. There are many theories of the language origin but they do not reveal the phenomena of “Homo silent”. Silence is a sacred side of our Self, a unique world of imagination which distinguishes us from all the other creatures. Silence is the tool of building another reality where a person forgets his biological and social attributes and discovers his own “self”.
Modeling the unconscious
Beltyukov, A. A. (2008). Addictability as the Subject of the Psychoanalytical Research. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the article about addictability is based on the attempt to understand what “promiscuity” actually is and what gap in his psychic reality a person tries to cover by entering more and more sexual relations. As the result, quite unexpectedly for the author himself he has created this article, some kind of a “universal theory of additions” where promiscuous behavior is viewed as one of the evolutionary grades of the overall “addictive development”.
In other words, this article is one more attempt to describe the mechanism of generation and evolution of “binding ties” and “freeing relations”.
The unpredictable
Spirova, E. M. (2008). Symbols of the Subconsciousness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the article reveals the role of the unconscious in advertising. The latter is viewed as one of the human “sense experiences”. The author describes the work of a tachistoscope, highlights the importance of stereotypes as a tool for manipulation of the sub consciousness and speaks of the advertising as a “vicious tempter”.
Psychological studies
Gurevich, P. S. (2008). ALMOST A MANIAC (Human is Nearly the Only Creature Destroying His Like). I AM A ZOMBIE (Walking Corpse’s Adventures). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
the essays unfolds the problems of sadism and psychic syndromes through a deliberately established method of introspection. The author deliberately presents himself as a maniac and zombie. As it is assumed, such a technique allows a better understanding of these or those mental states.
Professional psychology
Slanov, O. T. (2008). Law Psychology. Part 1. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
in order to understand the processes influencing our “legal conscience” we first need to analyze mechanisms and causes of its modification. Modern society presents quite a number of traditions and customs which the humanity follows in their so far successful development. However, these subjects of research are no more than conventions acquired through human existence and environmental impact.
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2008). Person as a Human . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
The concepts of Person and Human are quite close, the latter being very important for better understanding of the former. Human is the only biological species combining biological and social natures, features both of an animal and a higher spiritual creature… Is He actually the Lord of Creation and an example of biological perfection?
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Kantor, A. M. (2008). Power and Affect: in the Shadow of Russia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
The most important today’s imperative is to fully understand the Russian society which we try to reform. This, in turn, requires us to reflect on the past and current states of the Russian culture. Otherwise we risk to look like the order of intellectual hermits from Hermann Hesse’s novel The Glass Bead Game. In the book the hermits tried to escape from a dirty and noisy real world by playing Chinese music and guessing riddles solely for themselves.
Private talk (Confession)
(2008). Cardiogram of Fear. Diary of Y. Part 2.
. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3.
It is the continuation of the diary of Y. This time she shares her earliest childhood memories as well as her life story and analyses her inner conflict between “the heart” and “the head”, emotions and the mind.