Inner world
Lyukshina, D.S., Kapustina, T.V., Sadon, E.V., Kadyrov, R.V. (2023). Personal, social and behavioral components of emotional burnout among physicians (based on the example of a study of physicians in the Primorsky Territory). Psychologist, 6, 1–15.
The subject of the study is the personal, social and behavioral components of emotional burnout among medical specialists. The empirical object of the study was 340 physicians of different specialties, ages and work experience. Based on theoretical analysis, the authors of the study identify the main internal components of emotional burnout among medical specialists: the personal component (a range of certain personal characteristics and states), the social component (relationships with other people, including colleagues and patients), and the behavioral component (professional and motivational orientation of the individual and stress resistance). The methodological basis of the study is the component model of internal manifestations of emotional burnout, which consists of three components. The study used the testing method and the projective method. It was found that emotional burnout is typical (from moderate to extremely high levels) for 309 people (90.9%). The scientific novelty of the study should be considered the use of a three-component model of emotional burnout internal factors. The study determined that overall work experience has no correlation with the manifestations of emotional burnout, but young and mature age contribute to it. Target points were identified for the prevention and psychological correction of emotional burnout among medical specialists of various specialties. Programs can be drawn up based on the manifestations of each component in doctors with a high level of emotional burnout.
personal component, components of emotional burnout, medical specialists, physicians, mental burnout, burnout among, professional burnout, emotional burnout, social component, behavioral component
Personal growth
Plotnikova, E.S., Borzova, T.V. (2023). Students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university. Psychologist, 6, 16–33.
The article presents a study of the possibilities of developing students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university. The object of the study was the phenomenon of self-determination. The subject of the study is the development of students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university. Using a theoretical analysis of approaches to the study of students’ self-determination in the learning process, the following components were identified: autonomy, self-expression, ability to self-government, meaningfulness of life, which formed the basis for the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program as its components. The goal of the psychological and pedagogical program was to develop the components of self-determination as a psychological and pedagogical resource for the self-realization of students’ personality. The program was implemented with small groups of students of 15 people at meetings of the psychological club. The following methods were used as diagnostic research methods: “Self-determination test” by E.N. Aspen, modification of K. Sheldon’s self-determination scale; “Test of meaning in life orientations” D.A. Leontyev; test “Ability to self-government” N.M. Peysakhova. The calculation of Student's T-test for connected and disconnected samples was also applied. As a result of testing the program for the development of self-determination on the basis of the Center for Social Adaptation and Support of Psychological Health at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Amur State University named after Sholom Aleichem", statistically significant indicators of its effectiveness were identified, consisting in an increase in indicators of autonomy, self-expression, ability to self-government and meaningfulness of life in students participating in its implementation.
university studies, Professional Development, adolescence, meaningfulness of life., ability to self-government, self-expression, autonomy, self-realization, self-determination, psychological and pedagogical program
Person and personality
Kim, A.E. (2023). Ideas of working young people about laziness in connection with their self-attitude and self-regulation. Psychologist, 6, 34–53.
The subject of the study is the ideas of laziness, self-attitude and self-regulation of working young people. The aim of the study is to establish relationships between ideas about the content, conditions of occurrence, self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude, styles of self-regulation of working young people with varying degrees of self-esteem of laziness. The empirical object of the study - 110 young people. Laziness is considered as a condition that arises in a situation of experiencing inconsistency between external requirements and internal willingness to invest available resources to fulfill them, lack of internal readiness to act in order to save resources. Laziness is interpreted as a personality trait manifested in a person's tendency to frequent and intense experiences of a state of laziness at a low threshold of its occurrence in a wide range of situations. The following methods were used: the questionnaire "Style of self-regulation of behavior" (Morosanova V.I.), a multidimensional questionnaire for self-attitude research (Pantileev S.R.), the method of self-assessment of laziness (Bogdanova D.A., Posokhova S.T.); self-assessment of the level of laziness. A content analysis of the self-description of ideas about laziness is carried out. The methods of mathematical statistics are applied. The concepts of laziness are defined in the form of interpretations of the content of laziness as an action, as an emotional and ethical assessment, as a motivational and characterological trait; interpretations of the circumstances of laziness associated with the conditions of past, current or upcoming activities, motivational formations, the state of the subject; broadcast options for regulating laziness as a transition to activity, elements of internal dialogue, self-motivation, mental operations and reflections, acceptance and passivity in experiencing laziness. Groups with varying degrees of self-assessment of laziness have been identified. The types of self-attitude and styles of self-regulation of young people with varying degrees of self-esteem of laziness are ranked. It has been established that the leading type of self-attitude among the low-lazy and lazy below average is the type of self-attitude with an external evaluative basis, while the lazy above average and the highly lazy have a high degree of types of self-attitude with both external and internal evaluative grounds. The interrelationships between ideas about the content, conditions of occurrence, self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude, self-regulation of working young people with different degrees of self-esteem of laziness (low, below average, above average and high) have been established, the specifics of these relationships have been established.
young people, self-regulation of laziness, type of self-relationship, self-regulation style, Self-description, ideas about laziness, self-relation, laziness, self-regulation, fits of laziness
Inner world
Bashkin, E.B., Shlyakhta, D.A., Yan', Y. (2023). Activity as a predictor of the subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents. Psychologist, 6, 54–65.
From the mid-1990s, there has been a certain scale of discussion in Chinese academic circles around the concept of mental health. In these conditions, the study of the subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents has gained great importance, which has overall determined the relevance of the research topic. The article is dedicated to the issue of subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents and contains the following research objective - to identify the internal factors of subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents in their relationship with other elements of personality structure. Special attention is paid to studying the influence of activity on the subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents. The diagnostic methods used in the study were: the "Psychological Well-being Scale" by C. Riff, the Proactive Attitudes Scale, and the General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire by R. Schwarzer. The obtained data were analyzed using mathematical-statistical methods (calculation of mean values, standard deviation, Shapiro-Wilk criterion, non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis dispersion analysis, regression and cluster analysis). As a result of the empirical research, it was found that more than half of all surveyed Chinese adolescents have high proactivity, characterized by traits such as initiative, decisiveness, self-confidence, the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the environment, plan, and actively build their future. Thus, adolescents with a proactive behavior model evaluate their subjective well-being higher than adolescents with low activity. The study concludes on the high role of proactivity in shaping the subjective well-being of Chinese adolescents, which can be considered in the development of measures to improve the psychological well-being of Chinese adolescents. The results of the study are consistent with other contemporary research data on mental well-being, the high level of which is ensured by voluntary regulation and proactive activities in educational activities.
Chinese adolescents, self-efficacy, positive mental health, psychological well-being, subjective well-being, predictor, proactive behavior, activity, adolescence, China
Inner world
Tulitbaeva, G.F., Khaidarshina, R.N. (2023). Study of the Relationship Between Loneliness and Suicidal Risks among the Adolescents and the Elderly. Psychologist, 6, 66–79.
The article presents the results of the study which identifies the concatenation between loneliness and the degree of suicidal risk among teenagers and the elderly. Subject being examined: loneliness and suicidal risk from the point of view of their concatenation among teenagers and the elderly. The methods which were used are the Differential Questionnaire showing the Experience of Loneliness (E. N. Osin, D. A. Leontiev), the method of diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness (D. Russell, M. Ferguson), the method «Map of the risk of suicides» (modified by L. B. Schneider), the SAD PERSONS Scale (Patterson et al.), Hopelessness Inventory (A. Beck), mathematical and statistical analysis. The study is novel in that it is for the first time when the system of concatenation between the experience of loneliness and suicidal tendencies among teenagers and the elderly was developed. As part of the study, there was established the concatenation between the experience of loneliness and the level of suicidal risk in both groups among those being examined. The research shows that the subjective understanding of the level of one's real loneliness as high, the negative attitude towards one's loneliness and the dependence on communication are associated with a high level of suicidal risk, while the positive attitude towards loneliness and a low degree of experiencing real loneliness are associated with a low level of suicidal risk. The results obtained prove that there is a way to overcome the negative aspects of loneliness and reduce the number of suicides, which is connected with a change of one's attitude towards loneliness, the ability to self-control, the ability to find and use the internal and external resources of the individual. The conclusions reached will be useful for both psychologists and professionals working with teenagers and elderly citizens.
feeling lonely, adolescence, a lonely man, suicide risk, murder, suicide, elderly, teenager, loneliness, feeling of loneliness