Professional psychology
Yakimova, Z.V. (2023). Professional stress of police officers: an associative experiment. Psychologist, 4, 1–20.
The object of the study is professional stress in the activities of Russian police officers. The subject of the study is the clarification of the concept of "professional stress" in the minds of police officers through an associative experiment. The purpose of the study: a comparative analysis of the severity of the categories of analysis of the concept of "professional stress" of Russian police officers of different generations. Research methods and empirical sampling - an expert method; an associative experiment conducted on a sample of 140 Russian police officers (70 people are 3-4-year cadets and 5th-year students of an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and 70 people are active police officers with more than 5 years of experience in the internal affairs bodies). Main conclusions: As a result of a free associative experiment on the phrase-stimulus "Professional stress", 541 associations were obtained. As a result of the expert method (expert design), 7 categories of analysis were identified that form the structure of the semantic field of the concept under study. The students revealed the predominance of the cognitive aspect (identification of the causes and consequences of occupational stress), and the older police officers revealed a focus mainly on the psychophysiological aspect (states and experiences) of occupational stress. At the same time, the older generation, unlike the youth, has a wider range of ways to manage professional stress and shows the existential aspect of professional stress (loss of meaning, awareness of the impossibility of change and unrealization). In the semantic field of the concept of "professional stress", non-organizational aspects have been identified that are not directly related to work, but affect the increase in professional stress and reduce labor efficiency.
expert method, non-organizational aspect, the existential aspect, analysis category, generation, stress factor, policeman, associative experiment, law enforcement activities, professional stress
Psychology and pedagogics
Bragina, E.V. (2023). Overcoming barriers in teaching adult learners: prospects for using the theory of self-determination. Psychologist, 4, 21–37.
Adults are a fast—growing group of students in the Russian higher education system. Socio-demographic status, morphological and personal characteristics, as well as the specifics of adult education create significant obstacles for many of them to successfully study in higher education. In the short term, universities will have to rethink their educational programs, evaluate resources and reorganize the educational process so as to help adult students overcome these obstacles and meet their educational needs. The successful participation of adults in additional and continuing education, the elimination of barriers to learning are the key tasks of a modern university. This study was conducted using a critical analysis of the literature on adult learning to answer three questions: 1) what factors and barriers affecting adult learning are highlighted by modern authors? 2) what motives are inherent in adult students? 3) how to overcome obstacles in adult learning? Based on the results of the study, a classification of barriers in adult learning has been developed. The main motives for obtaining higher education by adult students are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the need for flexible curricula and auxiliary resources that students can adapt to the requirements of their work and life. Based on the theory of self-determination, recommendations have been developed to increase the involvement of adult students in the educational process.
empathy, self-determination theory, motivation, involvement, individual barriers, contextual barriers, social and economical barriers, factors, higher education, adult learners
Developmental psychology
Novikova, K.V., Veshchikova, K.O. (2023). The relationship of leadership abilities with the aggressiveness of adolescents. Psychologist, 4, 38–61.
The subject of this study was to identify the features of the relationship between leadership abilities and the aggressiveness of adolescents. The object of the study was the leadership abilities and aggressiveness of adolescents. The article presents the results of an empirical study to identify the relationship between leadership abilities and adolescent aggressiveness. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were: - views on aggressiveness as an innate instinctive tendency (Z. Freud, K. Lorenz); personality property (A. Levitov, E. Fromm, etc.). - theoretical provisions on the causes of aggression in adolescence (B.S. Bratus, A.Ya. Varga, V.I. Garbuzov, I.S. Kon, E.A. Lichko, A.A. Rean, K. Horney and etc.). – theoretical principles of studying the leadership qualities of adolescents (I.P. Volkov, E.A. Gantseva, I.S. Kon, B.D. Parygin, A.I. Prigozhy, A.V. Petrovsky, R. Krichevsky). The theoretical significance and novelty of the study lies in the systematization of theoretical ideas about the features of the relationship between leadership abilities and the aggressiveness of adolescents. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of using the results obtained in schools for educational psychologists, for counseling psychologists who work with adolescents. Empirically, the psychological features of the relationship between leadership abilities and the aggressiveness of adolescents were revealed. With high indicators of leadership abilities, adolescents are dominated by high rates of verbal, object aggression and self-aggression; with average indicators of leadership abilities, adolescents show high rates of verbal, emotional aggression and self-aggression; Low leadership abilities of adolescents correspond to indicators of low emotional aggression. The results of this study indicate a statistically significant relationship between leadership abilities and adolescent aggressiveness. The results obtained in the study can be used to develop psycho-prophylactic and psycho-corrective programs aimed at correcting aggressive behavior and developing leadership abilities in adolescents.
adolescent aggressiveness, aggressiveness, aggression, adolescence, teenagers, peculiarities, leadership skills, leadership, relationship, personality
To understand the human being
Livak, N.S., Portnyagina, A.M., Tkacheva, A.V., Popov, V.V., Vladykin, I.V. (2023). Formation of a responsible attitude of the children of primary school age to their health. Psychologist, 4, 62–84.
Today, children's health problems need new approaches. In this regard, the educational function of teachers and psychologists is important in order to form a child's idea of a healthy lifestyle, to form right attitudes to their's own health. This is of particular importance for young people, children, since they are the future generation that will continue our history, which has determined the relevance of this work related to the formation of a responsible attitude to a healthy lifestyle of children, which is the subject of this work. A psychological and pedagogical program for 4th grade students has been developed to form a responsible attitude to their health and healthy lifestyle. The implementation of the program includes three main levels: 1) Emotional involvement (emotional-value component of a responsible attitude); 2) semantic (cognitive component); activity (activity component). As a result of the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program, the level of responsible attitude of children to their health has significantly increased. Namely, the number of children with a conscious attitude to their health has increased (cognitive component), the level of mastery of cultural norms has increased (emotional and value component), the number of schoolchildren participating in health-preserving and promoting a healthy lifestyle has increased
upbringing, health-saving technologies, junior schoolchildren, health, values, activity, emotional attitude, responsible attitude, attitude, cognitive component
Personal growth
Bogdanova, V.O. (2023). Research of the problems of subjectivity development in the digital environment. Psychologist, 4, 85–104.
The article presents the results of a focused interview to identify problematic markers of the development of the structural components of subjectivity in the younger generation. The object of the study is the manifestation of the subjectivity of the younger generation in the Internet space. The subject of the study is the problematic markers of the development of youth subjectness in the digital environment. The theoretical significance and novelty of the study lies in the systematization of theoretical ideas about the influence of the digital environment on the development of subjectivity. The practical significance lies in identifying problematic markers for the development of subjectivity in the digital environment, knowledge of which can be used to create a person-centered educational environment. Empirically, the main problematic markers of the development of some structural components of subjectness were identified: individuality, reflection and empathy. The ratio of freedom and responsibility in the digital environment is determined from the point of view of representatives of the younger generation. The results of this study can be used to develop psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at developing the skills of reflection, self-determination, self-realization, emotional regulation, positive self-attitude and empathy.
self-realization, problematic markers, empathy, responsibility, freedom, reflection, individuality, subjectivity, self-development, digital environment