Novikova, K.V., Zhevtun, I.F. (2022). The program of art therapy classes for the correction of child-parent relations. Psychologist, 3, 1–29.
The presented article is devoted to the consideration of the possibilities of using art therapy methods in psychological work with families to correct child-parent relations. The object of the study is the child-parent relationship. The subject of the study is to identify the effects of the use of art therapy in the correction of child-parent relations. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the possibilities of correction of child-parent relations through the use of art-therapeutic techniques. The article contains a description of the program of art therapy classes, which was tested in working with a parent-child group. The description of the main art-therapeutic techniques when working with families, including the author's, is presented. The research methods were testing, questioning, psychological experiment, observation. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the systematization of theoretical provisions on the problem of research and substantiation of the possibilities of using art-therapeutic techniques in the psychological correction of child-parent relations. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used by psychologists in working with families.The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of a program of art therapy classes for the correction of child-parent relations. The results obtained in the study can have a significant impact on the expansion of ideas about the possibilities of psychological correction of child-parent relations through the use of art-therapeutic techniques. According to the results obtained, after the implementation of the set of measures, there is an improvement in child-parent relations: a decrease in the degree of rejection of the child; an improvement in emotional contact of the parent/child, a decrease in emotional distance; an increase in the authoritative strategy of family education; an increase in the indicators of parental attitude (acceptance), the degree of rejection of the child in the family has decreased; the manifestation of types of improper upbringing has decreased; there has been an optimization of parental installations.
the program of art therapy classes, art therapy process, parent-child group, children, art therapy techniques, art therapy technologies, psychological correction, art therapy, family, child-parent relations
Psychology and pedagogics
Karaseva, S.N. (2022). Psychological and pedagogical support of the organization of professional tests in career guidance work. Psychologist, 3, 30–46.
The updated standard of the federal educational standard of basic general education and the work program of education of an educational institution emphasize the relevance of the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for the organization of career guidance work. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of using such an innovative form of practice-oriented activity as professional tests. The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical support of the organization of professional tests in career guidance work. The author examines in detail the scientific sources of domestic and foreign specialists, analyzes the technologies of modeling the future profession, formulating a generalized concept of the phenomenon of "professional test" and filling it with components. It is important to determine the main directions of the organization of career guidance work. For this purpose, a questionnaire on the specifics of choosing a profession by schoolchildren was developed and tested, based on the results of which three groups of schoolchildren were identified and characterized. The results obtained made it possible to note the existence of a direct connection between the choice of a future profession and the understanding of the functional characteristics of a specialist, the condition of his work, the students' understanding of the functionality of a particular profession and knowledge of his working conditions. The desire to participate in professional tests of schoolchildren correlates with the choice of a future profession, an understanding of the job responsibilities of a particular specialty and working conditions, the ability to highlight the personal qualities of a particular specialist. The results obtained made it possible to identify the relevance of psychological and pedagogical support for the organization of professional tests in career guidance work. This activity is aimed at creating a system of socio-psychological measures that contribute to successful professional self-determination. It should include education, diagnostics, a series of professional tests and professional counseling. Each of the component areas has specific goals, objectives and technologies. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the developed program for the introduction of professional samples in career guidance work for students of grades 9.
profession modeling technologies, business game, FGOS, professional consulting, professional diagnostics, professional education, educational work, psychological and pedagogical support, professional test, career guidance work
Inner world
Rostovtseva, M.V., Artyukhova, T.Y., Suvorova, N.V., Avdeeva, T.G., Fedorova, E.P. (2022). The study of the relationship between personal attitudes, the level of self-actualization and satisfaction with marriage in married couples. Psychologist, 3, 47–59.
The subject of the study of this article are the factors affecting marital satisfaction of married couples. In particular, the relationship between satisfaction with marriage and personal attitudes and the level of self-actualization of spouses was investigated. The following methods were used in the study: "marriage satisfaction test questionnaire" (OUB). Authors: V.V. Stolina, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko; test "Measuring attitudes in a married couple". Authors: Alyoshina Yu.E., Gozman L.Ya., Dubovskaya E.M.; self-actualization test (SAT), measuring self-actualization on two basic and a number of additional scales (author: Alyoshina Yu.E, etc.). The study involved 20 married couples with a marriage experience of 7-10 years. The conducted research has shown that the degree of satisfaction with marriage depends on personal attitudes and the level of self-actualization of the individual. Men are more satisfied with marriage than women, they make fewer claims to their spouse, they are more satisfied with family life. There is also a relationship between husband and wife satisfaction with marriage: the more satisfied one is, the more satisfied the other is with marriage. The diagnostic data of the subjects' self-actualization showed that there is a relationship between the degree of satisfaction with marriage and the scales: competence in time, self-reliance, value orientations, flexibility of behavior, self-esteem, self-acceptance. Statistical analysis has shown that there is a relationship between satisfaction with marriage and the desire to divorce, the attitude to romantic love and the significance in sexual relations.
psychological intimacy, support, value orientations, marriage, family values, self-actualization, personal attitudes, couple, family, satisfaction with marriage
Personal growth
Pachkolina, A.V. (2022). The problem of the role-based intrapersonal conflict of a working woman. Psychologist, 3, 60–67.
The subject of this study is the role conflict of a working woman in modern Russian society. The objective of the study is to assess the severity of the role conflict and its dependence on the locus of the role conflict, as well as the relationship in the distribution of internal family roles in the group of working women mothers. The author considers the role conflict of a working woman as a historically changeable problem caused by both external and internal processes occurring with a woman's personality. The main conditions contributing to the emergence of role conflict that take place in the lives of women who combine both professional and family responsibilities are highlighted. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to comprehend the role conflict of a working woman in modern Russian society. Attention is focused on the problem of a woman combining many contradictory personal qualities that lead to the emergence and/or strengthening of role conflict. In the course of the study, statistically significant data were obtained indicating that the locus of role conflict used to resolve conflict situations affects the degree of involvement of the spouse in family roles, which is a factor in reducing role conflict in women. The analysis of the results showed that the structure of the role conflict of a working woman-mother has a complex nature and contains many components, the problem needs further, more detailed study.
marital relations, husband's support, the role of women, locus of role conflict, family responsibilities, maternal responsibilities, interpersonal conflict, working woman, role, role conflict
Professional psychology
Rostovtseva, M.V., Novopashina, L.A., Nakonechnaya, E.V., Arysheva, A.P., Varfolomeeva, Y.S. (2022). Influence of characterological features of personality on the effectiveness of professional activity of teachers of correctional schools. Psychologist, 3, 68–82.
The article shows that among the factors of the effectiveness of pedagogical work, the personal characteristics of the teacher are important. This is due to the fact that personal qualities, such as sociability, organization, emotionality, perseverance, discipline and others, encourage the teacher to work on himself, to self-improvement. In addition, the effectiveness of the educational process depends on personal characteristics, whether the teacher will be able to find an approach to students, build trusting relationships, motivate them to acquire knowledge, create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom. A study was conducted to study the influence of characterological features on the effectiveness of the professional activity of teachers of correctional schools. In the course of diagnostics of personal qualities of teachers and comparison with the level of efficiency of professional activity, the presence of the character traits declared by us, such as organization, emotional stability, attachment and extroversion in teachers with medium and high levels of efficiency and the absence or weak expression of these character traits of teachers with a low level of efficiency of activity, was revealed. A complete analysis of the previously identified groups of effectiveness of professional activity of teachers shows that the declared qualities of character are particularly pronounced in representatives with a high level of efficiency of professional activity in 100%, and are also traced in more than half of the teachers from the group with an average level of efficiency of professional activity of 85%. In connection with the data obtained, we can talk about the influence of such character traits as: extroversion (sociability), organization, attachment, emotional stability on the effectiveness of professional activity.
self-control, correctional measures, professional activity, emotional stability, organization, teacher, extraversion, personal characteristics, operational efficiency, personality