Question at hand
Kulikov, L.V., Potapova, Y.V., Malenova A Yu, A.Y., Blekanov, I.S., Razumilov, E.S. (2022). The peculiarities of using emoji pictograms in online communities with different frequency of use of obscene lexicon. Psychologist, 1, 1–18.
The subject of this research is the use of pictograms for expressing emotions and feelings in network communication. The object is the comments in several communities in the popular among youth social network VKontakte. The goal of this article lies in the comparison of preferred emoji used by the users to express their emotions and feelings, who are part of the communities with different frequency of use of obscene lexicon. The hypothesis is advanced that the groups with different frequency of use of obscene lexicon differ in their emotional tonality and the emoji pictograms used for expressing emotions and feelings. The research is based on the method of survey in form of the questionnaire about the peculiarities of Internet preferences and most attractive communities in social network for the respondents; as well as the method of content analysis. The questionnaire survey involved 854 persons; the data on the frequency of use of emoji was collected on the example of 14 communities in VKontakte social network. It is determined that in communities with lesser use of obscene lexicon, the rating of emoji denoting positive (hedonic and affinity) emotions is higher. In communities with more obscene lexicon, the users equally use pictograms that express negative and positive emotion; most frequent negative emotions such denote anger and frustration, or melancholy, sadness. The acquired results can be applied in development of the methods for monitoring the moods of the users of network communication.
obscene vocabulary, pictograms, emoji functions, youth, network communication, mood, emotions, feelings, content analysis, expression
Question at hand
Kekteeva, Y.I., Gardanova, Z.R., Chistiakova, N.V. (2022). Individual psychological predictors of occupational stress of the surgeons on the example of orthopedic surgeons. Psychologist, 1, 19–28.
The practical activity of surgeons is an essential part of providing in-patient and out-patient medical aid in the Russian Federation. The orthopedic surgeons are at high risk of maladjustment due to the negative impact of job-related stress factors., and thus are more sensitive to psychoemotional strains in comparison with other professional groups. The effectiveness of the corrective effect of surgical treatment is closely associated with the risk of medical malpractice. Comprehensive assessment of psychoemotional state of the orthopedic surgeons reveals the subjective level of stress resistance as a health-saving factor in the context of rendering medical aid in the in-patient facilities. The goal of this research lies in determination of predictors of emotional exhaustion among the orthopedic surgeons due to their professional activity. The sampling involved 75 male staff members of the department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center. Assessment is conducted on the functional state, anxiety level, and peculiarities of coping behavior of the respondents, using a tested psychodiagnostic toolset and SPPS Statistics As a result, it is revealed that psychoemotional well-being of orthopedic surgeons affects their overall behavior and the effectiveness of professional activity. Description is given to predictors of the symptoms of personality neuroticism caused by emotional exhaustion related to neuropsychiatric loads and risk of development of the chronic fatigue syndrome. The author establishes a proclivity for asthenia, emotional distress, rigidity, low activity level, and impaired mood among the orthopedic surgeons working in the in-patient care facilities.
mental well-being, coping-behavior, anxiety, traumatologist-orthopedist, surgeon, stress-factors, stress, emotional state, activity, behavior strategy
Question at hand
Kapustina, T.V. (2022). Development and testing of screening method for diagnosing the propensity for extremism . Psychologist, 1, 29–52.
The subject of this research in the propensity for extremism in the context of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality, determined via a newly developed screening method. The empirical object of this research is the school students of Primorsky Krai (n=395) and students from other regions of the Russian Federation (n=629). The author examines the retest reliability, content and constructive validity of the method, including its theoretical substantiation. Description is given to the test norms for two versions of the method (form A-1 for schoolers and form A-2 for students). Special attention is turned to the construct of screening method – the proclivity for extremism, which is viewed through the lens of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality and may manifest in the instance of the following criteria: signs of depressiveness, loneliness, dehumanization of others, sense of superiority, motives of vengeance, positive attitude towards death. The scientific novelty lies in testing and adaptation of the two forms of screening method. The main conclusion lies in the validation of the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. It is worth noting that the individual with propensity for extremism not necessarily would commit extremist actions, however, falls into a risk group, since their behavior in maladaptive state can be unpredictable, inflicting conflict, suicide, deviant behavior. Screening method for diagnosing the propensity for extremism should be viewed as an instrument for preventing extremism in youth environment.
questioning, screening method, psychodiagnostics, express method, school shooting, socio-psychological maladjustment, extremist tendencies, personality diagnostics, propensity to extremism, extremism
Psychology of emergency
Belikova, E.V., Efremov, E.G., Efremova, N.A., Kubarev, V.S., Milcharek, N.A., Milcharek , T.P., Senkova, V.I., Frenkel, M.V., Tsvetkova, O.A. (2022). Manifestation of the traits of extremist personality among high school students . Psychologist, 1, 53–71.
This article is dedicated to the relevant problem – extremism in youth environment. The author summarizes new material on the topic, as well as introduces into the scientific discourse the description of the types of extremist personality among male high school students. The goal is to reveal the traits of extremist personality in high school students, and typologize these manifestations based on the empirical data. The scientific novelty lies in studying the characteristics of extremist personality among male high school students. The two types of personality are determined. It is established that extremist patterns in personality manifest through the following parameters: duty to endure pain and acceptance of the duty to die; propensity to manipulate; tendency to submerge into transcendental and transpersonal; level of satisfaction of basic social needs; degree of psychological stability; level of anxiety; level of identity manifestation, level of tolerance to negative mental states, level of social and communicative tolerance. The author reveals the pronounced psychological characteristics of the two key types of extremist personality among high school students. The first type can be characterized as infantile, immature personality with a severe need for love, acceptance, protection, support, prone to dogmatism and power thinking. The second type has evident autistic features: lack of nee for social relations, fear of the surrounding world, any deviations from the usual, familiar surroundings, and course of life.
deviant behavior, destructive self-realization, frustration of basic needs, value orientations, extremist personality orientation, extremism, terrorism, personality traumatization, socialization, identity
Philosophy and psychology
Kabanova, K.V. (2022). Traditions and their role in the development of family and society . Psychologist, 1, 72–80.
The subject of this research is the traditions and their role in the development of family and society. The article raises the problem of loss of cultural-historical and family values, conservation and passing on goal leis in following the process of transmission of cultural, historical and socio-psychological experience from generation to generation through traditions. The article provides the theoretical analysis of modern research in the field of traditions; examines the concept and structure of the phenomenon of "tradition" and its formation. Special attention is given to family traditions as one of the factors of socio-psychological security of a family. The novelty consists in summarizing the material on the topic, introducing the authorial version of the definition of tradition, and resuming the development of family traditions as a factor of stability and psychological security of a family. In addition to temporal component (succession in generations), the acquired results allow outlining the value component of the tradition. The conclusion is made that traditions are an achievement and value of any community, any civilization and culture; while family traditions, playing the role of sociocultural practice of security, pass on family experience to succeeding generations, stabilize and structure life, form positive family identity, are essential for social adaptation, and affect confidence in life of an individual.
social psychology, hospitality, celebration of holidays, intergenerational interaction, family traditions, family values, cultural and historical values, traditions, psychological security, family and society
Philosophy and psychology
Kryuchkov, K.S. (2022). Redefinition of ethics: on the internal ethics and ethical behavior. Psychologist, 1, 81–89.
This theoretical article is aimed at concretization and analysis of ethics, including psychological ethics as a concept of personal and psychological concept. The author subdivides ethics into internal and external. The latter, in the author’s opinion, is the “external” norms and rules in relation to the actor (an individual), which are usually reflected in such external sources as laws, codes, codes of conduct. Internal ethics consists of the ethical attitude and ethical behavior. At the same time, ethics manifests to the “outer world” through the act. Ethical behavior is a manifestation of suprasituative activity (according to V. A. Petrovsky), since it puts a person in a subjective position, i.e "the cause of the own actions", neither fits into the framework of “here-and-now” goal setting nor satisfaction of the motive, goes beyond the boundaries of the basic "criteria of the situation". The experience is viewed as a mediating link between the attitude and the frame of mind, since it connects the knowledge of ethical rules, person’s representation of ethical rules (external ethics), and ethical "attitudes" as a component of internal ethics, the “attitude to oneself and the world" – the ethical behavior. As a vector for further research, the author suggests theoretical and empirical development of the concepts of internal ethics and ethical behavior (including their connection with other ethical and intrapersonal constructs – morality, motivation, etc.), as well as the concept of experience as a mediation of the inner into the outer.
attitudes toward the World, non-adaptive activity, experiencing, oversituational activity, ethical deed, internal ethics, psychological ethics, ethics, attitude toward oneself, ethical attitude