Developmental psychology
Lavrishcheva, A.V. (2021). The role of normative crises in the dynamics of the value-semantic sphere at midlife stage. Psychologist, 5, 1–17.
The subject of this research is the correlation between the positive experience of going through the midlife normative crisis and the mechanisms of development of the value-semantic sphere. The goal of this article lies in description of the results of empirical study dedicated to tracing the dependence of positive experience of going through midlife normative crisis on such mechanisms of the development of value-semantic sphere as self-cognition, self-fulfillment, self-determination, and self-transcendence. The article employs the method of comparison that allows concluding on the peculiarities of value-semantic sphere in the groups of respondents with or without experience of going through midlife crisis; method of measurement for determining the numerical values of the measured quantity – the level of manifestation of certain values, mechanisms, parameters, etc; cross-sectional method is used for obtaining empirical data. The validity of the acquired results is ensured by the standardized psychological tools for collecting information, as well as by reference to the methods of mathematical statistics. The conclusion is drawn that positive experience of going through the normative midlife crisis is associated with the higher level of manifestation of such mechanisms of the development of value-semantic sphere as self-cognition, self-fulfillment, self-determination, and self-transcendence. It is established that value-semantic benchmarks in the groups of respondents with positive experience of going through the age crisis depends on the spiritual satisfaction and achievements; while negative experience is rather associated with self-centered values. The novelty of this research lies in establishing correlation between the positive experience of going through the normative midlife crisis and the mechanisms of the development of value-semantic sphere. The obtained results can be used by practicing psychologists and acmeologists dealing with the professional growth and personal becoming, family crises, and developmental crises.
self-realization, personal maturity, generativity, acme achievement, normative crisis, mid-adulthood, developmental psychology, value-meaning sphere, self-development, mechanisms of development
Question at hand
Gorchakova, O.Y., Larionova, A.V., Obukhovskaya, V.B., Kozlova, N.V. (2021). Study of the economic behavior of an individual: correlation between psychological characteristics and monetary attitudes . Psychologist, 5, 18–35.
The subject of this research is the monetary attitudes (financial prudence, money worship, money as socioeconomic status, money anxiety) and monetary relations (attitude to money, representations of monetary behavior). The goal of this article is to examine the specificity of monetary attitudes of an individual, and trace their correlation with psychological characteristics of an individual (risk tolerance and resilience). The research involves 371 respondents, median age of 34.5 years. Research methodology is based on the following instruments: “Scale of Monetary Attitudes” adapted by D. A. Bayazitova and T. A. Lapshova; “Reselience Test adapted by E. N. Osin and E. I. Rasskazova; “Diagnostics of the Level of Individual Readiness for Risk” adapted by E. P. Ilyin; Zuckerman Sensation-Seeking Scale; essay “My Monetary Behavior”. As a result of the conducted research, description is given to the concept of “monetary behavior”, characteristics of value-semantic attitude towards money of the respondents, and the level of risk behavior in monetary terms. It is established that risky consumer behavior of a person implies the tendency to making “uncontrolled” purchases in the context of systematic money scarcity and pattern of debt (credit) behavior. The author determines that high value of monetary resource is negatively interrelated with the resilience indicators. It is demonstrated that such monetary attitudes as “excessive prudence”, “money worship”, “money anxiety”, “strive for higher socioeconomic status " are accompanied by self-doubt and disbelief in oneself in the situations of risk and uncertainty.
hardiness, subjective economic well-being, money disorders, idea of money, attitude to money, monetary attitudes, monetary behavior, economic behavior, risky behavior, dysfunctional attitudes
Personal motivation and spirituality
Melnik, V.P. (2021). Autobiographical and biopsychological indicators of life satisfaction of the persons of pre-retirement age. Psychologist, 5, 36–50.
The subject of this research is the correlation between the indicator of life satisfaction as a cognitive-affective construct of human psyche, certain scales that reflect the respondents’ perception of a temporal project of life (such parameters as orientation towards the future, fatalistic present, hedonistic present), which reflect the cognitive component of life assessment and various parameters of the life path of a person, such as self-esteem of activity throughout life, career success, material well-being, indicators of overall activity, optimism, parental status and/or presence of dependents, presence of intellectual or sport hobbies, strategies of cooperation/individualism, determined in the course of the game “Dilemma of the Prisoner”, scales of depressive symptoms and severity of chronic fatigue syndrome, and ratio of the biological age index to appropriate biological age as an indicator of the difference between normal and individual level of aging in the age group, and indicator of psychological age and personal maturity that reflect the assessment of self-realization and the adequacy of mental state to physical state respectively. The author’s special contribution to this research consists in the establishment of correlation between the indicators of life satisfaction and cognitive assessment of the parameters of life path, such as overall activity throughout life, optimism, strategies of cooperation and partnership with the surrounding people, orientation towards the future relative to time-related project of life, and establishment of inverse connection with orientation towards the present regardless of the emotional coloring of such perception. The biological parameters of individual aging among persons of pre-retirement age play lesser role than the assessment of the reflected on current life situation. However, the author determines significant negative associations between the manifestation of depressive symptoms and the severity of chronic fatigue syndrome and life satisfaction.
time perspective, subjective happines, cognitive construct, pre-retirement age, biopsychological age, life satisfaction, acmeology, aging, Life path, Health
Inner world
Kireeva, O.V. (2021). On the question of lending to individuals with different level of self-actualization . Psychologist, 5, 51–69.
The subject of this research is the indicators of attitude on the lending to individuals with different level of self-actualization. This article examines the differences in attitudes to lending among individuals with different levels of self-actualization. The hypothesis was tested that the higher is the level of self-actualization, the more is the likelihood of referring to constructive ways of coping with the loan debt. For verification of the hypothesis, the article employs the questionnaire “Attitude to Loans” (A. N. Demin, O. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Pedanova), Self-actualization test (SAT) by E. Shostrom (adapted by Y. E. Aleshin, L. Y. Gozman, M. V. Zagika and M. V. Kroz). The link is established between certain indicators of self-actualization, awareness and motiv for lending. It is determined that self-actualizing individuals are willing to render financial assistance in form of loans to others; while individuals with low level of self-actualization are not willing to take on a loan for others. The conclusion is made that the borrowers with low indicators of self-actualization are characterized with low level of self-acceptance, spontaneity and resistance to aggression; they are aware of the experience of relatives and friends in receiving loans; the believe that loan would help them to accomplish their dream in the nearest future and not willing to take on loan to solve other people's problems. In the subgroup of the borrowers with high level of self-actualization correlation is established between the indicators of self-actualization that characterize the peculiarities of worldview and creativity of self-actualizing personality, awareness and motives for lending. The representatives of the subgroup “pseudo-self-actualization” are characterized with low level of creativity and fear to take on loans. The acquired results can be implemented within the framework of correctional and developmental work with the borrowers and debtors.
borrower, crediting situation, person, personal default, ways to overcome the situation, attitudes towards loans, self-actualization, coping behavior, coping with over-indebtedness, economic psychology
Continent of the unconscious
Mordas, E.S., Rudakova, A.G. (2021). Parent-child relationship in psychogenesis of female psychogenic infertility (psychoanalytic perspective). Psychologist, 5, 70–104.
Horney, D. Pines, T. Benedek, M. Bydlowski, F. Tyson and R. Tyson, K. Brisch. The object of this research is the phenomenon of psychogenic infertility in female development. The subject is the parent-child relationship in the context of women with psychogenic infertility. The article reveals the unspecified features of development of women with infertility: personality traits, leading mental conflicts, fixations, defense mechanisms, type of attachment, experience of object relationship. The article traces the dependence of woman’s reproductive function in symptom cluster of infertility on her psyche, as well as influence of object relationship and attachment pattern on the occurrence of mental conflicts that lead to infertility. The following possible factors of psychogenic infertility are determined: 1. Pathological fixation in the early infantile period. Inability to separate from the mother, 2. Inability to identify with the mother. 3. Infertility as defense against regression, i.e. fear to encounter internal conflicts. 4. Hatred and ambivalent attitude towards the mother. Unwillingness to pass on the “mandate of life”. 5. Confusion of identity, improper gender-role identification with the mother due to improper distribution of roles in family, disturbance of personal boundaries, and pathological symbiosis. The article reveals similar prerequisites for the formation of psychogenic infertility: type of attachment, disturbance of early object relationship, leading mental conflict, basic defense, and the impact of transgenerational experience. Defensive strategies that are intended for coping with intense inner anxiety create an unconscious compromise between mental state and body, which leads to psychogenic infertility.
attachment, affect, conflict, symbiosis, child-parent relationship, psychogenic infertility, defense mechanisms, fixation, motherhood, femininity