Person and personality
Korolev, A.A. (2021). Correlation between the victim personality type and specificity of the impact of bullying . Psychologist, 4, 1–10.
From the psychological-social perspective, the problem of bullying is relevant and significant. The article provides the opinions of different authors on the problem of bullying, its types, and peculiarities of manifestation. Special attention is given to the attitudes of the parties to bullying - aggressor and victim – viewed in their close interrelation . Special emphasis is placed on position of a victim. Based on victimological approach, a hypothesis is put forward on the significance of the victim personality in a situation of bullying, depending on personality type, susceptibility or resistance of an individual to the effects of bullying. The object of this research is the impact of bullying factors upon victim personality. The subject the correlation between victim personality type and specificity of the impact of bullying. The research employs MMPI typological survey, as well as based on the classification of the impact of bullying forms a questionnaire that includes most relevant for the respondents bullying factors. The use of correlation analysis allowed establishing both positive and negative correlations between the personality type and specificity of the impact of bullying (bullying factor). Such research indicate the specific susceptibility/resistance to certain manifestations of bullying, characteristic to a number of personality types (hysteroid, excitable, epileptoid, psychasthenic, schizoid). The acquired results contribute to the organization of targeted psychological that would help a person to overcome difficulties in a situation of bullying.
bullying factors, psychology of traits, adolescence, bullying and personality, personality typology, cyberbullying, mobbing, bullying, resistance to bullying, sensitivity to bullying
Person and personality
Lutsik, M.Y., Drongo, A.V. (2021). The Self-concept model as experience evaluation process. Psychologist, 4, 11–26.
This article substantiates the relevance of studying the Self-concept as a phenomenon aimed at achieving Self-actualization and structurization of behavior. The question is raised about the prerequisites that allow a person to differentiate experience, thereby underlining the need to study the ontogenesis of the Self-concept as the foundation for the evaluative process that integrates the three gradually forming layers. This serves as the basis for formulating the definition of the Self-concept, and describing each of its layers (organismic, social, and conceptual). Their role in the experience evaluation process, as well as applicable to behavior, is explored. The boundaries are established between the layers and the phenomena introduced by K. Rogers; thus, the social layer is naturally introjective and essential. The subject of this research is the determination of each layer of possible disorders within ontogenesis, and relative to this, the risk of transition of the Self-concept from the process to the newly formed structure. Description is given to possibilities of application of this model in psychological practice. Firstly, it allows understanding the incongruity of the customer, as well as self-image of the psychologist in their non-empathic, but congruent responses. Secondly, this model structures the interaction in psychotherapy, helping to establish the typology of psychological disorder, as well as choose appropriate interventions remaining within the framework of humanistic methodology, without eclectic selection of the techniques. In conclusion, the authors reveal the potential of scientific study of the Self-concept model, which consists in understanding the customer and their incongruity. This model contributes to most accurate choice of techniques and methods, as well as means of interaction with the customer, depending on the dysfunction of the layer.
conceptual layer, social layer, symbolization, self-actualization, organizational evaluation, humanistic psychology, Self-concept, congruence, experience, psychological counseling
Person and personality
Shabaeva, A.V., Mitina, G.V., Strel'nikova, A.A. (2021). The peculiarities of coping behavior of the women with different family status . Psychologist, 4, 27–44.
The goal of this research is to examine the peculiarities of psychological protection among women with different family status. The subject of this research is the mechanisms of psychological defense, coping strategies, marital coping, situational and personal anxiety, and satisfaction with marriage. The empirical object is the sampling of 73 women with different marital status aged from 18 to 40 years. Pearson correlation coefficient and Kruskal–Wallis H test were used for data processing. The provided materials and acquired conclusion augment the scientific knowledge on the peculiarities of psychological protection and coping behavior of women, and possibilities of rendering psychological aid for the development of adaptive behavior in stressful environment and constructive behavioral strategies. The following conclusions were made: 1) majority of young women regardless of their marital status, have a high level of constructive behavior; equally high rate of denial and compensation as the mechanisms of psychological protection; 2) there are differences in the scale of repression as psychological protection; his indicator prevails among unmarried women who have a permanent sexual partner, unlike the other three groups; 3) positive correlation is observed between personal anxiety and projection, indirect actions and compensation, cautious actions and intellectualization, aggressive actions and substitution. The author determines a strong positive correlation between the avoiding style and projection, selfish style and projection, conflicting style and aggressive actions. The average negative correlation is revealed between conflicting style and satisfaction with marriage.
satisfaction with marriage, personal anxiety, situational anxiety, stress coping behavior, spousal coping, coping strategies, coping behavior, psychological protection, marital status, maladaptive behaviors
Clinical psychology
Kadyrov, R.V., Venger, V.V. (2021). Complex post-traumatic stress disorder: modern approaches towards definition of the concept, etiology, diagnostics, and psychotherapy . Psychologist, 4, 45–60.
The goal of this article is to summarize and systematize the works of foreign researchers dedicated to psychotherapy of the complex post-traumatic stress disorder. For achieving the set goal, the author carries out a theoretical review of foreign literature on the topic, as well as the analysis of recent foreign research and their summary. Modern living conditions led to increase in the number of people with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, which actualized the problem of seeking effective psychological aid and psychotherapy for this category of people. The author reveals several scientifically proven effective methods of non-pharmaceutical treatment of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, including cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, as well as body-oriented therapy and art therapy, which are equally as effective. It is determined that currently that the number one treatment for complex post-traumatic stress disorder is the phase trauma-oriented approach that includes creation of safe environment, stabilization, and mitigation of symptoms; confrontation, analysis and integration of traumatic memories; integration of mental trauma experience, and rehabilitation of the consequences of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. The combination of individual and group work that produces most effective results in therapy is relevant in dealing with complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
mental trauma, foreign studies, methods of psychotherapy for CPTSD, CPTSD research, psychotherapy, complex post-traumatic disorder, cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR, body-oriented therapy, art therapy
Developmental psychology
Praizendorf, E.S. (2021). The transformation of emotional component of gender identity of adolescent girls . Psychologist, 4, 61–77.
The subject of this research is the emotional component of gender identity of adolescent girls. The goal is to determine the specificity of transformation of the emotional component of gender identity of adolescent girls. The author meticulously analyzes the transformation of emotional component of gender identity of adolescent girls. Gender identity implies the internal dynamic structure that integrates separate aspects of personality, associated with perception of oneself as a representative of particular gender and self-regulation of the gender-role behavior. Research methodology is based on the cultural-historical theory of mental development of a person developed by L. S. Vygotsky, age periodization developed by D. B. Elkonin, conceptual positions in the context of studying gender problematic developed by E. P. Ilyin, V. E. Kagan, I. S. Kletsina, N. Y. Flotskaya, and other works.. The empirical basis includes 30 adolescent girls from the nuclear families. The age of respondents from the first to the fourth year of research was 12-13, 14, 15, and 16-17 y.o. respectively. This article is first to theoretically substantiate and provide empirical evidence of the existence of transformation of emotional component of gender identity of girls during their puberty period. The author determines the qualitative characteristics of emotional component of gender identity of girls at early, middle, and later stages of adolescence. The conclusion is made that the emotional component of gender identity of adolescent girls transforms throughout the earlier adolescence to later adolescence. Therefore, at the age of 12-13, teenage girls perceive their mother as exigent, while seeing the father as rather positive. At the age of 14, girls perceive the father as emotionally detached, indifferent, while the attitude towards the mother is unstable and changeable. At the age of 15, the father is perceived as antagonistic and emotionally detached, while the mother is also perceived as antagonistic and indifferent. By the age of 16-17, girls form attitudes towards themselves through the current and future social roles – daughter, sister, mother, wife.
Self-awareness, Sexual role, Emotional component, Gender, Teens, Gender identity, Sexual socialization, Parents ' attitude, Forming, Development