Clinical psychology
Khoziev, V.B., Dolzhenko, A.N. (2021). “Rollback” in child development as an object of psychological study. Psychologist, 1, 1–22.
This article examines the phenomenon of “rollback” in child development from theoretical and applied perspectives. Special attention is given to a theoretical overview on the similar topic. Through the prism of cultural-historical psychology, “rollback” is alongside other phenomena that are cognate in nature in developmental psychology and clinical psychology (regression, destruction, crisis). The analysis of clinical cases (typical and atypical development) and consulting method allow tracing the general phenomenology of “rollback” in child development, determining the origin and triggers, as well as analyzing the methods and conditions for its overcoming. The scientific novelty consists in viewing “rollback” in the context of mediation of child development. “Rollback” is an organic moment in development when due to unevolved corresponding mechanism a child is incapable to navigate in the problematic situation. Overcoming “rollback” by a child is possible in the situation of specifically patterned circumstances of correctional and development psychological work. The main conclusion consists in the statement that such understanding of the types of “rollback” in child development in theoretical aspect allows having a comprehensive and systemic outlook upon determination of child development; while in practical aspect – deliberately and predictably handling consultative or correctional case.
decay, development, regression, abnormal development, consultative method, mediation, rollback, developmental psychology, cultural-historical psychology, normative development
Question at hand
Kaptsevich, O.A., Marin, E.B., Osmachko, N.V. (2021). Psychological aspects of political participation and protest readiness of the youth of Primorsky Krai . Psychologist, 1, 23–34.
Changes that take place in the Russian society generate conflicts that are often implemented in form of a protest. Youth is the peculiar actor of protest behavior. The subject of this research is the psychological, namely emotional aspect of the attitude towards politics and its engagement into political interest and political behavior (including protest behavior) of youth of the Far East. The research involved 254 students from several universities of Primorsky Krai. Questionnaire that included a number of blocks aimed at studying emotions, interest in politics, political participation, and protest behavior was used for collecting the information. Application of the categorical method of key components, the author determined the two forms of potential protest behavior: “radical” and “moderate”. “Radical protest” reveals correlation with an entire range of negative emotions, while “moderate protest” has relatively few emotional correlates and is more typical among female respondents. “Radical” protest indicates high political activity: its supporters actively participate in politics in one or another way; “moderate” protest does not indicate such correlates. Therefore, politically active youth is more likely to have radical protest moods. The analysis of emotional attitude towards government can be considered as a marker of protest potential and its vector towards “softer” or “aggressive” forms of protest. The acquired results are valuable for government authorities, political parties, and educational institutions.
Political psychology, forms political protest, Protest potential, Far East, youth political participation, youth, emotional relation politics, political protest investigation, protest behavior, interest in politics
Depression and the body
Novikova, K.V. (2021). Possibilities of using methods of art therapy in psychological correction of emotional state of young women during pregnancy . Psychologist, 1, 35–46.
The subject of this research is the correction of emotional state of pregnant women using the methods of art therapy. The goal is to determine the possibilities of using the methods of art therapy in psychological correction of the emotional state of pregnant young women. Methodological framework contains thee works the field of perinatal psychology of such contemporary researchers E. A. Klimova, I. V. Dobryakov, N. P. Kovalenko, as well as the concept of systemic clinical art therapy developed by A. I. Kopytin. The article provides the results of experimental research on the possibilities of psychological correction of the emotional state of pregnant young women via art therapy. The theoretical importance of this article consists in systematization of theoretical provisions on the topic and substantiation of possibilities of using the methods of art therapy in psychological correction of the emotional state of pregnant young women. The practical significance is define by the acquired results, which can be implemented by perinatal psychologists and educational psychologists dealing with pregnant women. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the possibilities of using art therapy in correction of the emotional state of young women during pregnancy. The presented materials may considerably expand the representations on the possibilities of practical work of perinatal psychologists, as well as on application of the methods of art therapy. It is noted that undergoing art therapy improves the emotional state of pregnant women: reduce anxiety and fear, rigidity and frustration, while elevate activity and mood, interest and self-confidence. The obtained results are confirmed by statistics (the article employed G-criterion).
psychological correction, art therapy technologies, art therapy methods, art therapy, perinatal psychology, emotional states, pregnant women, pregnancy, art therapy process, program of art therapy classes
To understand the human being
Iakimanskaia, I. (2021). Social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women. Psychologist, 1, 47–59.
The goal of this research is to examine the specificity of social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women. The hypothesis was advanced that married and unmarried men and women differ in their perception of infidelity. The differences depend on the gender and marital status, and pertain to definition of this concept and the underlying causes. The article employs the methods of questionnaire, content analysis, and the developed by the authors projective technique “draw infidelity”. It was established that the respondents view infidelity from two perspectives: those who commit adultery (more typical to men), and those against whom adultery was committed (more typical to women). Married individuals more often describe their own infidelity, while unmarried persons describe the infidelity of another partner. The main cause infidelity for men are new sensations (new sexual experience, etc.), while women it is love for another person (strong emotional experiences). Married respondents describe infidelity as a rare, tough, and long-term phenomenon. Unmarried respondents consider infidelity a rather frequent phenomenon that gives new experience in relationships. Women view infidelity as an emotional, passionate, and unique phenomenon. Men tend to assess infidelity as an indifferent, typical, and rational event. The acquired data can be used in family counseling on the problems of infidelity, as well as in psychological counseling overall. The results can also be used in psychoprophylactic work with youth on the question of family and marriage.
content analysis, projective methods, content of infidelity, reasons for infidelity, marriage, infidelity, word associations, women, men, social representations
Psychology and pedagogics
Dmitrieva, E., Gelman, V. (2021). The dependence of academic performance on emotional perception among children receiving additional music education. Psychologist, 1, 60–72.
The subject of this research is the examination of age-specific changes with regards to correlations between academic performance and perception of emotional tone of speech among schoolchildren who receive or do not receive additional music education. The research involved 94 public school students in St. Petersburg aged 7-17 years, divided into three groups: 7-10, 11-13, and 14-17 years old. The hypothesis was advanced on the more pronounced correlation between the characteristics of emotional tone of speech and academic performance among children who receive additional music education; the degree of such correlation depends on the age of children. It is underlined that music lessons have significant impact upon emotional perception and successful learning and it is age-specific. The correlation analysis indicated that the greater ability to perceive emotional component of speech among children receiving additional music education corresponds with better learning outcomes compared to the reference group. It was determined that in the course of age development changes (decreases) the superiority of correlation between academic performance indicators and emotional perception among schoolchildren receiving additional music education relative to such correlation among schoolchildren who do receive additional music education: it is most evident in the age group 7-10 years and lesser evident in the age group 11-13 years. By the age of 14-17 years, the impact of emotional perception upon academic performance decreases.
correlation analysis, interconnection, emotional intelligence, age features, perception of emotions, speech, emotional intonation, musical education, extracurricular music lessons, school progress
Developmental psychology
Kuzmina, A.S., Praizendorf, E.S. (2021). Intra-pair interaction and peculiarities of self-identity of twins in preschool age . Psychologist, 1, 73–87.
The subject of this research is the self-identity of twins in preschool age. The goal is to determine correlations between the behavioral indicators of intra-pair interaction and the parameters of functionality of self-identity of twins of preschool age. Detailed analysis is conducted on the role of twin situation and intra-pair interaction of twins in the development of self-identity in preschool age. The twin situation is interpreted as a special social situation of development that defines the formation of personality of twins; it is associated with the occurrence of specific intra-pair interactions that determine the development of self-identity of a preschooler. The research methodology is based on the cultural-historical approach that reveals the role of social situation in child’s development (L. S. Vygotsky), concept of self-identity (S. L. Rubinstein, L. I. Bozhovich), studies on twins (T. B. Morozov, M. T. Miliora). The empirical base is represented by 100 twins of preschool age. This article is first to give theoretical substantiation and empirical proof to the existence of correlation between the behavioral indicators of intra-pair interaction of twins and characteristics of self-identity of dizygotic and monozygotic twins in preschool age. The following conclusions were made: dizygotic and monozygotic twins may have a different nature of intra-pair interaction, which relates to the peculiarities of self-identity preschoolers; dizygotic twins have high possibility of rivalry with their twin; monozygotic twins are rather oriented towards cooperation. The proclivity for cooperation in the process of joint activity creates the foundation for positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, and assessment of own performance. The proclivity for rivalry allows the twins to be more independent, take responsibility for the results of their work, creates foundation for the development of self-identity, self-cognition, and self-understanding.
Cooperation, Social development situation, Twin developmental situation, Zygosity, Twins, Preschoolers, Self-awareness, Rivalry, Activities, Development