To understand the human being
Tikhonova, E.A. (2021). Approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research . Psychologist, 6, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research. The object of this research is the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior. The goal lies in the attempt to systematize the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research. Methodology is based on the scientific-analytical review on the topic of coping behavior in the works of Russian and foreign researchers. The novelty lies in detailed examination such aspect as the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in scientific research. It is underlined that the problem of coping behavior has been studied in foreign psychology since the 1960s; however, in Russian literature it is a fairly new direction. The theoretical framework for foreign research is comprised of the existing representations on the nature of psychological defense mechanisms, cognitive strategies, and stresses. Special attention is given to explanation why some individuals a resilient to stress, while others face difficulties to overcome stressful states. The author’s contribution lies in consideration of foreign experience and representations on the nature of psychological defense mechanisms, cognitive strategies, and stresses. The article analyzes coping behavior using the concepts of psychological defense, personal determinants, problem event, style of coping, pathological processes, and stress factor. The main conclusion is as follows: initially, an individual identifies a problem event as dangerous and unstable; and then, for choosing the way of coping, assesses the impact and characteristics of stress factor, and personal traits.
problem event, personality determinants, coping behavior, stressful influences, psychological defense, oping behavior, psychological resources, coping style, pathological processes, stress factor
Professional psychology
Yakimova, Z.V. (2021). Aggressive symptom complex (aggression, aggressiveness, and aggressive behavior) in professional activity of the police officers. Psychologist, 6, 12–27.
The subject of this research is the aggressive symptom complex of police officers, which implies a totality of indicators that characterize psycho-emotional state of a person (state of aggression), key characterological traits of personality (aggressiveness as an integral quality of personality), and behavioral patterns (a habit to use elements of aggressive behavior in a particular situation). The object of this research is the level of legitimate use of aggression in professional activities of the police officers. The goal lies in determination of factors that contribute to facilitation and inhibition of the legitimate level of aggression in professional activities of the police officers. Special attention is given to interpretation of aggression as an individual basis, aggressiveness as a personal basis, and aggressive behavior as a subject-activity basis within the structure of human psyche. The individual manifestations of aggressive symptom complex is viewed on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral levels. The empirical part of the article analyzes the interrelation between the behavioral strategy chosen in a conflict situation, level of communicative aggression, and level of communicative tolerance of the police officers, taking into account gender and age factors. It is established that 85% of the police employees (regardless of gender and age) consciously choose peaceful and nonaggressive strategies to settle the conflict situation, and only 15% prefer aggressive strategy of rivalry. However, the attempt to “restrain oneself” leads to accumulation of psychoemotional tension, which provokes the experience of pleasure from bursts of spontaneous and reflected aggression, and subsequently sense of guilt and a proclivity for auto-aggression. The likelihood of manifestation or non-manifestation of the aggressive symptom complex is substantiated by facilitators / inhibitors of aggression. It was also determined the propensity to establish oneself as a reference model and the rejection of the individuality of another party is first and foremost associated with the specificity of communication cohort of the police officers, and can be considered as an option of psychological defense against premature psychoemotional burnout.
professional activity of police officers, aggression inhibitors, aggression facilitators, aggressive behavior, aggressiveness, aggression, aggressive symptom-complex, psycho-emotional tension, communicative aggression, communicative tolerance
Person and personality
Kim, A.E. (2021). Interrelation between the types of self-attitude and self-regulation of laziness in young individuals with different degree of self-regulation of behavior . Psychologist, 6, 28–39.
The subject of this research is self-attitude and self-regulation of laziness in young individuals, who combine work and study. The article provides a brief theoretical overview of the research that prove interrelation between self-attitude and self-regulation of behavior and laziness. Using the quartilization procedure of the values of individual indicators, the author determined the groups with different degree of self-regulation of behavior; established the leading types of self-attitude of young individuals with different level of self-regulation of behavior. The presence and specificity of true links between the types of self-attitude with external and internal evaluative grounds and the severity of self-regulation of laziness in different contexts that provoke manifestations of laziness in young people with different level of self-regulation of behavior. Young individuals with high self-regulation of behavior demonstrate interconnectedness between self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude with internal evaluative grounds in execution of learning task, with external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of work task. The author underlines the importance of positive self-attitude for maintaining self-regulation of laziness. Interrelation between the types of self-attitude with both, external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of learning or work tasks are detected among the respondents with pronounced self-regulation above and below the average. Among young people with low self-regulation of behavior, the types of self-attitude with external evaluative grounds in conducting learning activity, the types of self-attitude with external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of work task, are interconnected with self-regulation of laziness. The reveled peculiarities should be taken into account in planning the educational and work process.
self-regulation of laziness, laziness, fits of laziness, self-regulation, types of self- attribution, self- attribution, personality, educational activities, work activities, young people
To understand the human being
Osin, R.V., Baranov, A.A. (2021). Specificity of the virtual and real image of communication partner . Psychologist, 6, 40–51.
This article examines the peculiarities of social perception of a person in the Internet discourse. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the rapid development of the Internet and cyberspace, which leads to the trend that the new information space of virtual reality is considered the new reality. Various types of social communication, including empathy, compassion, manifestation and perception of emotions are shifting to the online sphere. The authors assume that the respondents have clearer perception of socio-psychological peculiarities of personality of the partner in direct communication, rather than in the context of Internet discourse. For proving this hypothesis, the survey was conducted among 80 young people aged 18 to 27, using the following methods:: the value questionnaire of S. Schwartz; orientation of the personality by Bass, Smekal, and Kuchera; Gaol-Means-Result questionnaire by A. A. Karmanov; and Rotter's Locus of Control Scale. A decision was made to balance the attraction factor, i.e. communication was carried out in the messengers Telegram and WhatsApp. The acquired data indicate that the participants of the group of direct communication are characterized with the primary values of power, and satisfaction with personal career success; they try to avoid in-depth emotions. The results quantitative analysis of Internet discourse group indicate that the respondents are characterizes with the primary values of power. It is established that the representatives of the group of direct communication have better perception of the socio-psychological peculiarities of personality of the partner than the respondents of the Internet discourse group; the ability to perceive the motives and values of the communication partner is statistically important.
real life, the Internet, communication partner, image on the internet, direct communication, internet communication, communication, internet discourse, social perception, virtual life
Developmental psychology
Gelman, V. (2021). The specificity of cerebral lateralization in perception of emotional intonation of speech among children with special abilities. Psychologist, 6, 52–60.
Much attention has been recently given to examination of developmental peculiarities of cognitive processes of children and adolescents with special abilities. The goal lies in comparative study of the ontogenetic peculiarities of cerebral mechanisms underlying the processing of emotional information in children who are engaged in extracurricular musical and mathematical activities. The sampling included the children engaged in additional activities and the control group, and consisted of the three age groups: 7-10 year, 10-13 years, and 14-17 years. In the conducted experimental studies, the respondents had to identify the emotional intonation of speech in the given phrase. The study revealed the significant ontogenetic differences in perception of emotional prosody of speech between the control group and the children engaged in additional activities. In the group of children of 7-13 years, who are engaged in additional classes, the predominant activity of left hemisphere testifies to the specificity of inter-hemispheric connections in the perception of emotional information. The dependence of the effects of cerebral lateralization on age was analogous in the groups of children engaged in mathematical and musical activities; and differed from the results of the control group, which allows claiming that the interinfluence of mathematical and musical skills is to a certain extent explained by the peculiarities of developmental age of cerebral lateralization in childhood and adolescence.
additional education, children, perception, emotional intonation, cerebral lateralization, development, cognitive processes, music lessons, mathematics, age-related changes