Professional psychology
Byundyugova, T. (2020). Use of visualization in mitigating professional stresses of middle-ranking managers . Psychologist, 6, 1–9.
The problem of mitigating stress in the companies gains more relevance, since the amount of complex, problematic situations, changes in external environment significantly increases and impacts performance of the employees and competitiveness of the company. Middle-ranking managers experience severe stress. The complexity of mitigating stress is substantiated by the need for individual approach, which is would change the overall attitude towards a stressful situation. It is also a resource-consuming process from the perspective of time and finances. The optimal method in this regards is the visualization technique, which allows each participant to work through “their personal stress” even in a group format. Examination of visualization as a form of working with the cognitive construct “stress” has proven its effectiveness: the respondents began experiencing less stress, and thus les frustration, anxiety, aggressiveness, and more mental activation, interest, and comfort. The overall attitude towards stress has also changed: it ceased to cause fear, anxiety and negative emotions. It has also become easier for the respondents to handle stress that cannot be omitted. Visualization of the cognitive construct “stress” allowed inscribing in into the internal worldview as a safer one. All of the above resulted in improvement of the work performance, optimization of relations between management and employees. The novelty consists in proving the efficiency of visualization technique for working through negative cognitive constructs in the context of personnel training.
visualization, cognitive construct, behavior in a stressful situation, causes of stress, signs of stress, professional stress, stress, psychodiagnostics features of stress, training, active learning
Novikova, K.V. (2020). Art therapy techniques in psychological correction of child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities . Psychologist, 6, 10–23.
The subject of this research is the child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities. The goal is to determine the areas of possible application of art therapy techniques in psychological correction of child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities. The theoretical-methodological framework contains subject-activity and systemic approaches, as well as provisions on the structure and functions of child-parent relations, views on child-parent relations of N. Y. Sinyagina; the concept of systemic art therapy by A. I. Kopytin. In the course of this study, the author applies the methods of testing, interview, psychological experiment, and observation. The theoretical importance of this work consists in systematization of theoretical provisions on the problem and substantiation of possibilities of application of art therapy techniques in psychological correction of child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities. The acquired results obtained can be valuable for psychologists dealing with foster families that raise children with disabilities, which defines the practical significance of this research. The scientific novelty lies in development of the program of art therapy classes for correction of child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities. The research results may significantly contribute to the extension of representations on capabilities of psychological correction of child-parent relations in substitute families raising children with disabilities via implementation of art therapy techniques. The author indicates the improvement in child-parent relations: alleviation of child’s the sense of deprivation; better emotional contact between parent and child; emotional closeness; increase of the authoritative strategy of family upbringing; higher level of parents’ acceptance; optimization of parenting
child-parent group, children with disabilities, psychological correction, art therapy technologies, art therapy techniques, foster families, art therapy, child-parent relationship, art therapy process, program of art therapy classes
Psychology and pedagogics
Gilemkhanova, E.N. (2020). Contextual model for assessing socio-psychological security of educational environment of the school . Psychologist, 6, 24–37.
This article examines development stages of the model for assessing sociocultural risks of educational environment and proving its predictive validity. The research idea implies that the proper assessment of risk potential of educational space requires correlating the two levels of educational environment of a public school – individual and contextual. Contextual level includes consideration of the following sociocultural factors of educational environment: psychological-pedagogical, socioeconomic, and geographical. The study was conducted out over the period 2017 to 2020. The two stages of research involved 7,331 adolescents from nine municipal and urban districts with different sociocultural parameters. The scientific novelty is substantiation by elaboration of the model for assessing sociocultural risks of educational environment based on the analysis of a set of sociocultural factors of educational environment: psychological-pedagogical, socioeconomic, and geographical. For empirical validation of the model, the author developed the program for assessment of sociocultural risks of educational environment of a public school, which allowed comparing theoretical and experimental data. The research is based on systemic approach and mining of heterogeneous data. The acquired results in allow objectivizing the impact of various contextual factors of educational environment upon timely adoption of preventive psychological, pedagogical, and administrative measures aimed at ensuring psychological security of the school.
educational rating, teenager, educational environment, psychological safety, model, sociocultural risk, upbringing rating, the psychologist, city, village
Psychology and pedagogics
Chizhkova, M.B. (2020). Correlation between the health of first-year students and adaptation to educational environment of a medical university. Psychologist, 6, 38–55.
The article presents the results of research on the place and role of health in the process of adaptation of future physicians to educational environment of a medical university. The subject of this article is the dependence of physical and psychological health of first-year students on the of adaptation and anxiety indicators in the university. The research methodology is based on the representation of health as the fundamental determinant responsible for the dynamic balance between students and the new conditions of professional becoming. Methodological toolset contains the following psychological techniques: questionnaires “Adaptation of Students in the University” (T. D. Dubovitskaya, A. V. Krylova), “Anxiety of the Students” (modification of the questionnaire J. Taylor), MOS SF-36 questionnaire (J. E. Ware, adapted by E. I. Shubochkina and co-authors.). The research was conducted during one academic year and consisted of two stages: October 2018 and in April 2019; reference set involved 120 first-year students (63 and 57 people respectively). Implementation φ-Fisher multifunctional, parametric Student’s t-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, interpretation and summary of statistical data analysis allowed making conclusions that comply with the set goal advanced hypotheses: the dynamics of subjective assessment by first-year students of their physical and psychological health is characterized with the extended physical and social functioning, endurance, life activity in the context of lower level of role functioning substantiated by the emotional distress; dependence of health on adaptation and anxiety indicators is most evident during the fall semester and least evident in the spring semester; shift of this vector from academic to social adaptation, as well as substantial reduction in the number of intercorrelations, mainstream the problem of the dynamics of determinant impact of health upon the success of initial educational period. The acquired data can find practical implementation in development of theoretical-methodological framework for coordinating the adaptation process of first-year students to the educational environment of a medical university.
dynamics of adaptation, the general adaptation indicator, social adaptation, academic adaptation, dynamics of health, psychological health, physical health, the first-year student, anxiety at university, intercorrelation of health
Psychology and pedagogics
Manina, V.A. (2020). Analysis of the capacity for overcoming within the Russian psychological science. Psychologist, 6, 56–64.
The object of this article is the concept of the “capacity for overcoming” in research of the national psychological science. Quite a large number of research of the Russian psychologists and physiologist, such as I. P. Pavlov, I. M. Sechenov, S. N. Chkhartishvili, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, etc., known as the founders of this psychological construct, are dedicated to studying the phenomenon of “overcoming”. The concept of “overcoming” is viewed in the context of willful behavior, reasonableness of actions, motivation for actions, self-regulation of behavior and activity. The author notes that the process of overcoming obstacles is different in humans and animals, as for humans the willful component is pivotal. The actions of a person when facing an obstacle – objective or subjective, is determined not by the primary motive, but rather by nature of the obstacle; the behavior strategy is formed depending on the characteristics of the emerged obstacle. A number of psychological research demonstrate that the concept of “overcoming” is examined not only in the context of will, but also as a complex process that involves temperament, separate qualities of the nervous system, personality traits, decision-making, motives, self-regulation skills, and other psychological constructs. The conclusion is made that the concept of “overcoming” is interdisciplinary, and requires further research, as well as analysis of formation of the capacity for overcoming in a human. The concept of “overcoming” was studied in a number of Russian psychological concepts, usually in the context of various psychological phenomena.
motivation, native approaches, will behaviour, will, psychological barriers, overcoming ability, overcoming, goal, purposeful behavior, behavior motivation