Personal motivation and spirituality
Rostovtseva, M.V., Goncharevich, N.A., Shaidurova, O.V., Kovalevich, I.A. (2020). Research on the level of motivation of the students of vocational school towards learning. Psychologist, 5, 1–11.
The subject of this research is educational motivation of the first-year and second-year students of vocational school. The author puts forward an assumption that the second-year students have higher motivation towards learning than the first-year students. This related to the completion of adaptation period and maturing of students, as well as with formation of the responsible professional stance on their future. The conducted research confirmed the advanced hypothesis. The motives for learning highlighted by the second-year students are associated mostly with the current issues of educational activity. The author also underlines the greater importance of motives pertinent to professional competences and professional activity among the second-year students. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that motives for learning indicated by the first-year students are characterized by expectancy, temporary farness of the result, and are merely associated with the current problems. These results reveal the considerable importance of the remote and abstract learning goals for the first-year students. The author detects a trend that acquisition of knowledge is more significant that professional skills in the learning process. Moreover, in course of time, the motive for acquiring knowledge acquires more currency among the students of vocational school.
motivation for approval, motive, need to achieve, training, learning activities, student, activity, motivation, professionalization, fear of failure
Personal motivation and spirituality
Svilina, O.A., Elshin, L.A. (2020). Dynamic-procedural approach towards studying the athlete’s psychology of motivation . Psychologist, 5, 12–20.
Motivation is the crucial factor of athlete’s success at any stage of their career. However, it is not a static quality. Motivation is a dynamic substance that is adjusted under the influence of multiple factors. Therefore, an extremely important scientific and methodological task consists in identification of these factors for the purpose of alignment and adaptation of athlete’s motivation to the relevant conditions of external and internal environment. Along with the traditional components, such as focus on the problem-solving, ego, etc., the paramount component of athlete’s motivation is commercial, which is especially relevant in the modern consumer society and affects virtually all segments of social life. The examination of this component, its comparison with other factors of athlete’s motivation is a critical theoretical and practical problem. This article is dedicates to solution of the aforementioned questions. Through the prism of theory of goal achievement, as well as leaning on the dynamic-procedural approach, the author suggests the adjusted to current realias view upon the study of athlete’s motivation, its management in the course of his career, transition from one phase of professional growth to another. The suggested model is based on the approach that identifies the system of athlete’s n accordance with the ratio of the three indicated components (motivation in the sphere of ego, problem-solving and psychological proclivity towards receiving material incentives from sports (career), improvement of social status). Each of them defines the level of motivation, and their combination is the integral level of athlete’s motivation.
psychological impact, work efficiency, Sports psychology, athlete, psychological training, performance, consumer society, achievement of goals, motivation, The theory of goal achievement
Professional psychology
Zaitsev, D.V., Selivanova, Y.V. (2020). Interrelation between personal traits and coping strategies of the young Internet workers . Psychologist, 5, 21–32.
This article proves the results of the original research of psychological aspects of Internet employment of the youth. The subject of this study is interrelation between personal traits and coping strategies of the young Internet workers. Research methodology is based on perception of Internet work as a virtual remote labor activity, in the context of the Internet space, via its resources, and directly affecting the psycho-emotional and psychophysiological state of the employees. Methodological framework contains Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, Failure Avoidance Motivation by T. Ehlers, Method of Diagnostics of Personal Creativity by E. Tunik, and EPQ methodology by G. Eysenck. The research involved 104 respondents. The novelty of the conducted psychological research consists in acquisition of the fundamentally new empirical results on specificity of personal traits of the young Internet employees that are important for the Russian and foreign science. The main conclusion lies in establishment of correlations between the scales: “Positive Revaluation” and “Extraversion”, “Confrontational Coping” and “Complexity” (of the activity. It is empirically proven that majority of young Internet employees are extraverts, with relative mental stability, of choleric and sanguine temperament, average motivation towards avoiding failures, and low proneness to conflict. Practical implementation of the obtained results increases the effectiveness of screening procedures and psychological support in the area of Internet employment.
young worker, freelance, telecommuting, coping strategy, personality traits, virtual work, internet employment, internet work, digital activity, correlation
Psychology and pedagogics
Sholokhova, E.N., Kazakova, E.V., Sokolova, L.V. (2020). Psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders in the conditions of modern educational establishments of various types . Psychologist, 5, 33–44.
The subject of this research is the psychological component of school adaptation among first-graders of public and sanatorium-based boarding schools. The author describes and compares the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation. The goal consists in determination of peculiarities of the psychological component of school adaptation of elementary school students in the modern educational establishments of various types. The research involved 110 first-graders 7-8 years old (56 girls and 54 boys). The sampling is aligned by gender, age, and school. Research methodology contains the following projective techniques: ”Little Houses” by A. O. Orekhova; “Faces” by N. V. Lukyanchenko and T. L. Yadryshnikov; “House-Tree-Person” by J. Buck, with symptom complexes formulated by Bieliauskaitė. The method of descriptive statistics revealed that the majority of first-graders of sanatorium-based boarding school demonstrate negative emotions, insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence in themselves, inferiority feeling and depressiveness; while the majority of children of public schools experience emotional maladaptation, emotional tension towards mastering school subjects. Using Mann–Whitney U test, the author determines that the students o sanatorium-based boarding school much rarely demonstrate emotional towards school activity; emotional maladaptation is more characteristic to the students of public schools. The research materials are applied in educational process by the pedagogues, psychologists, and school administrations for determining the individual and differentiated approach towards students; as well as in a cycle of scientific and practical seminars for school pedagogues and parents of the students.
emotional tension, emotional background, sanatorium school, educational organization, first graders, psychological component, school adaptation, emotional maladaptation, boarding school, anxiety
Clinical psychology
Kadyrov, R.V., Kapustina, T.V., Elzesser, A.S. (2020). Methodological grounds for the development of systematic approach in applied psychological diagnostics of patients with socially significant diseases . Psychologist, 5, 45–73.
The theoretical subject of this research is personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. The goal consists in determination of methodological grounds for selecting a universal set of psychodiagnostic methods for the patients with socially significant diseases. Theoretical analysis is conducted on the results relevant Russian and foreign psychological empirical research that allow describing personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. The author systematizes the data based on biopsychosocionoetic model proposed by G. V. Zalevsky, which reveals the elements of psychological diagnostics and psychological work in accordance with the components of functionality of the psyche: physical Self, social Self, actual Self, and spiritual Self. It is established that modern research usually reveals 1-2 components of the structural Self of the psyche. The article offers a combination of methods that can lay the foundation for systematic psychodiagnostic study of personality of a patient with socially significant diseases. For determining the actual Self, actual Self, social Self, and maladaptive traits, the author suggest to use the following:1) for studying the aspects of actual Self: Individual-typological questionnaire By L. N. Sobchik;: Strategies of Coping Behavior, Life Cycle Index, Integrative Anxiety Test; Beck Depression Inventory;2) for studying social Self: the Scale for Measuring Subjective Feeling of Loneliness in adaptation of N. E. Vodopyanova, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support3) for studying spiritual Self: Reconceptualized test of life-meaning orientations by D. A. Leontiev's4) for physical Self: Giessen Subjective Complaints ListThe indicated methodologies allow implementing the systemic-structural principle, achieving a holistic picture of functionality of the psyche in diagnostics of a patient.
body me, actual me, psychological support, psychological correction, value-semantic sphere, social impairment, emotional impairment, cognitive impairment, socially significant diseases, spiritual me