Continent of the unconscious
Mordas, E.S., Ivanova, I.N. (2020). Mother-daughter relationship among women with psychogenic infertility: psychological-psychoanalytical perspective . Psychologist, 4, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the mother-daughter relationship and the image of a mother among women with psychogenic infertility. The object of this research is the child-parent relationship in women’s development. There is a small number of studies that indirectly confirm the correlation between distressed relationship of a woman with her mother in childhood and the genesis of psychogenic infertility. Women with psychogenic infertility usually had conflicting, ambivalent and unstable relationships with their mother in childhood, particularly in puberty period. Often, the image of the mother is subconsciously imprinted in woman’s psyche, affects her stance on motherhood, even if this image has nothing in common with the actual relationship in the dyad. This article describes the aspect of proneness to conflict and aggression in mother-daughter relationship among women with psychogenic infertility. The novelty of this research consists in formulation of a theoretical model of development (psychogenesis) of mother-daughter relationship among women with psychogenic infertility from psychoanalytical perspective. One of the elements of such model are the hostile and conflicting mother-daughter relationship among women with psychogenic infertility. The acquired results demonstrate that women with psychogenic infertility consider their mothers averse and less accepting than women without such disorder. They perceive their mother as showing enough emotions, care and love, or have memories of hostility and aggression towards them in childhood. Women with psychogenic infertility were impacted by lack of maternal attention than women without this disorder. Women with psychogenic infertility are characterized with avoidance and ambivalent type of affection for their mother and are more likely to view maternal deprivation as an unfair circumstance in life.
mother image, attachment to mother, aggression, care, rejection, conflict, child-parent relations, sterility, pregnancy, hostility
Person and personality
Borzova, T.V., Plotnikova, E.S. (2020). Manifestation of self-determination in personal, activity and social self-realization of students . Psychologist, 4, 12–21.
The subject of this research is the manifestation of self-determination in personal, activity and social self-realization of students. The goal consists in examination of correlation of the parameters of self-determination with personal, activity and social self-realization of students. The research methodology contains the concepts and theories of the following sholars: E. Deci and R. Ryan (people are able to become self-determined when their need for autonomy is fulfilled); D. A. Leontiev (self-determination as the superior form of self-regulation); S. L. Rubinstein (self-determination as an internal condition of activity for self-determination); A. Maslow and K. Rogers (self-realization as a process of personal growth); S. I. Kudinov (polysystemic model of self-realization). The empirical methods of research included: “Test for Self-Determination” of E. N. Osin – modification of the scale of self-determination of K. Sheldon; “Test for Life Meaningful Orientation” of D. A. Leontiev; “Ability to Self-governance” of N. M. Peysakhov; “Questionnaire on Self-Realization” of S. I. Kudinov; “Test for Self-Actualization” of L. Y. Gozman and M. V. Kroz. The result of the conducted research consists in determination of a positive correlation of the meaningfulness of life and self-expression with all types of self-realization. However, in consideration of the link between self-expression and personality, activity and social self-realization following pattern was established: self-expression on high and low levels has a tendency towards decline of the indicators of self-realization; while the average level of self-expression demonstrates higher indicators of personal and activity self-realization of the respondents.
autonomy, social self-realization, activity self-realization, personal self-realization, self-determination, types of self-realization, self-realization, self-expression, meaningfulness of life, ability to self-government
Professional psychology
Kozlova, N.D., Zhdanova, S.Y. (2020). Attitude towards aging among pedagogues due to socio-psychological characteristics of personality. Psychologist, 4, 22–30.
This article explores the phenomenon of successful aging and the substantiating factors, based on studying the attitude towards aging among pedagogues. The dichotomous attitude towards senescence is demonstrated in both, foreign and Russian literature. On the one hand, old age is considered the final stage in life of a person; while on the other hand, despite the increasing decline in physical strength, health and mental processes, it is also a sensitive time for the accumulation of knowledge, experience and intellect, which allows adapting to age peculiarities. Analysis was conducted on the attitude towards aging among pedagogues and the factors that determine it. The sample was comprised of the pedagogues from higher educational institutions, specialized secondary educational establishment, and general education institutions. The acquired results demonstrate that the pedagogues have a positive image of aging, which helps them to better adapt to the aging process.
adaptation, crisis, form, educators, elderly age, aging, old age, psychology, pedagogy, profession
Professional psychology
Borzova, T.V. (2020). Peculiarities of students’ work with methodological texts in the conditions of distance learning. Psychologist, 4, 31–44.
This article examines the peculiarities of work with methodological texts in the conditions of distance learning among university students. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that work with methodological texts give students certain vectors for personal development, contributes to the formation of methodological culture of future specialist within the boundaries of a particular scientific discipline. The goal is to demonstrate the results of experimental research of the process of teaching the conceptual understanding of information contained in methodological texts to university students. The object of this work is understanding as the process and the result of students' activity. The subject is the peculiarities of students' work with methodological texts. The main conclusions lie in the fact that 65% of students faced various types of difficulties in working with methodological texts out of the total sample of 260 respondents. The conducted special training revealed positive changes: the number of students who did not experience difficulties in understanding of text, based on the ability to apply techniques of working with texts, has increased. The dynamics in indicators (derivation of keywords or indicators of the criteria of methodological text; formulation of the basic question of methodological text, etc.) allows considering the developed by authors methods of working with methodological texts effective.
difficulties of the understanding, ways of working, higher education, methodological culture, methodological texts, teaching of the students, understanding, distance learning, application of the knowledge, worldview
Developmental psychology
Shilova, N.P., Brudanov, P.P. (2020). Change of perceptions of the image of the future among youth. Psychologist, 4, 45–59.
This article describes the results of research carried out among youth for determining the perceptions of the image of the future. The image of the future is a dynamic psychological state that sets a vector of life and self-organization of individuals, and serves as the basis for projecting the development of personality and resources, essential for realization of its life path. Leaning on the analysis of existing perceptions of the image of the future suitable for youth, it was established that it relates to the perception of life as a dependent on the subject of activity, which correlates with independence, self-control, acceptance of social roles and emotional self-esteem. The author assumes that there are three key strategies in description of the image of the future for young men and women: planning, description of emotional relationships, and self-determination. The research involved total of 1,538 respondents (610 male and 928 female, aged 14-28. The classical methodology developed by I. S. Kon “Me in 5 Years” served as the main method for this study. Images of the future for young men and women contain both, different and similar strategies. Young women receiving vocational education see their future through planning, and the ones studying in high school and universities – through self-determination. Young men who study in high school and universities see their future through emotional relationships, and students of vocational education – through self-determination. This implies that namely the level of educational institution (school, university, vocational education) allows forming certain gender differences in the image of the future.
gender, level of education, boys and girls, future, youth, growing, image of the future, youthful age, independence, age development
Developmental psychology
Shabaeva, A.V., Mitina, G.V., Davletshina, R.M. (2020). Peculiarities of the mechanisms of psychological defense and coping strategies among teenagers with different types of parenting. Psychologist, 4, 60–73.
The goal of this article is to examine the psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies of teenagers with different types of parenting. The subject of this research is the mechanisms of psychological defense and coping strategies of teenagers with different types of ubpringing. The empirical object of the research became the sample of 72 teenagers (36 girls and 28 boys), aged 14 to 15, as well as 72 parents (mothers). Based on the results of empirical research, the author acquired scientific facts on specificity of using psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies by teenagers with different types of parenting. The research program contains diagnostic techniques of parenting strategies, family relationship, mechanism of psychological defense of personality, and coping strategies. The statistical analysis was carried out using the parametric student's T-test. The scientific facts obtained in the course of study broaden the perspective on teenagers and possibilities of rendering them psychological assistance within the framework of non-constructive forms of coping strategies and coping behavior. The following conclusions were made: 1) teenagers raised by authoritarian parents try to avoid contact with reality and solution of the arising problems, they usually use the psychological defense mechanism “compensation”; 2) teenagers from the families with democratic parenting often use the psychological defense mechanism “intellectualization” and coping the strategy for solving problems; 3) the peculiarity of hyperprotective parenting forms the psychological defense mechanism “substitution” and coping strategy of avoiding problems; 4) pandering type of parenting results in manifestation of the desire to avoid contact with surrounding reality and solution of the problems, the most widespread strategy of coping behavior among such teenagers is “avoidance”.
deliberate action strategies, coping behavior, psychological defense mechanisms, defensive behavior, stress, a family, teenager, family parenting style, family parenting strategies, pathological parenting strategies
Monograph peer reviews
Ostapenko, A.A. (2020). Psychological-pedagogical analysis of the problems caused by pandemic: Ukraine’s perspective. Psychologist, 4, 74–81.
This article is a peer review on two editions (in Ukrainian and Russian languages) of the online educational material “Psychology and Pedagogy in Countering the COVID-19 pandemic” and “COVID-19 in the context of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy", published upon the initiative of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. The developed by Ukrainian pedagogues, psychologists, physicians and social workers recommendations, aimed at maintenance of social stability in the conditions of global destabilization of socioeconomic reality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic ,can be valuable for foreign specialists. Part of the materials were prepared by the participants of all-Ukrainian Psycho-Pedagogical online campaign "ANTI-COVID-19 Assistance". Relevance of the presented materials is evident, since new challenges for practical psychology and social pedagogy were set by the pandemic, including psychological prevention and health hygiene in everyday life, rational humanization of society, and further democratization of separate individual and civilization as a whole. These and other issues are discussed in the educational material under consideration. Even though both versions were rushed at the height of the pandemic, they do not appear to be mal-prepared. This review is a small contribution to restoration of the scientific ties between Russian and Ukrainian scholars.
stability of society, health hygiene, psychological prevention, textbook, pandemic, social assistance, psychological help, self-preservation of the individual, viability, digital learning