Question at hand
Plavinskaya, J.B. (2020). The forgotten names in legal psychology: Erich Wulffen (1862-1936). Psychologist, 1, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the life path and scientific legacy of Erich Wulffen (1862-1936) – a prominent representative of the German legal psychology of the late XIX – early XX century. Unfortunately, his works are insufficiently studied in Russia. Therefore, the goal of this study consists in filling the information gaps on the evolution of legal psychology in Germany; analysis of the history of this field of scientific knowledge through the prism of personal biography and scientific contribution of the outstanding German scholar, whose works had a significant impact upon the development of Western European legal psychology. The following methods were applied: historical-functional, comparative-historical, systematization of psychological ideas of E. Wulffen, retrospective reconstruction of the evolution of his scientific ideas, and biographical that allowed determining his contribution to the formation of legal psychology as science. The author comprehensively examines the scientific legacy of Erich Wulffen – a scholar who made a significant contribution to the establishment and development of legal psychology in Germany. The new data is introduced into the scientific discourse allowing to analyze the logics and dynamics of evolution of psychological views, as well as determine the most important ideas of E. Wulffen that retain their relevance at present.
identity of the criminal, criminal behavior, crime, criminal psychology, applied psychology, history of legal psychology, legal psychology, history of psychology, psychology, criminological pedagogy
Nazmetdinova, D.G., Obukhovskaya, V.B. (2020). The peculiarities of cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of the patients with post-stroke neurological dysfunctions. Psychologist, 1, 9–15.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of cognitive (memory, attention) and emotional-volitional (manifestations of anxiety and depression, motivation towards recovery) spheres of the patients with severe dysfunctions of cerebral circulation of ischemic type in the early and late rehabilitation period. The relevance of this topic is defined by commonness of the ischemic stroke, growing number of incapacitating consequences, and mortality rate in Russia. Ischemic stroke leads to the change of physical, social and psychological status of a patient, worsening of quality of life, and unfavorable prognosis for recovery. The scientific novelty consists in assessment of the dynamics of indicators in cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of the post-stroke patients at various states of rehabilitation treatment. It is determined that the highest positive dynamics in cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres is observed at the early stage of rehabilitation. The resource and deficiency characteristics, which are most important for selecting the target of psychological interventions, are determined for each group of patients. In the cognitive sphere are noted veracious differences in the capacity of auditory-verbal short-term and long-term memory, memory for images, allocation and shifting of attention. In the emotional-volitional sphere – the indicators of depression and anxiety, motivation towards recovery. The presented data underlines the need for simultaneous provision of psychological rehabilitation and medication interventions for fullest readaptation of a patient to life at all stages of rehabilitation.
recovery motivation, depression, anxiety, late recovery period, early recovery period, rehabilitation, Ischemic stroke, acute cerebrovascular accident, cognitive impairment, psychological intervention
Inner world
Kalita, V.V., Burik, V.N., Ropalo, V.A. (2020). Semantic closeness of the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk according to the characteristics of socio-psychological attractiveness. Psychologist, 1, 16–33.
The goal of this research consists in determination of structural-substantive characteristics of socio-psychological attractiveness of the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. The authors examine the relevant problem of attractiveness of image of the city and its values defined by a set of characteristics: material and non-material wealth, uniqueness, adaptivity of urban environment, etc. The subject of this study is image of the city among the students of professional direction “Human – Human” (discipline “Psychology”, 25 persons) and “Human – Artistic Image” (discipline “Graphic Design, 25 persons). The goal is set to reveal distinctive characteristics of socio-psychological attractiveness of the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk in perception of students of two specialties. Experimental psychosemantics became a methodical framework for comprehensive study of structural-substantive characteristics and attractiveness of the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. The research applies the method of group associative experiment that allowed reconstructing and describing the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk by calculating the semantic closeness. The authors reveal and delineate the peculiarities of structural-substantive characteristics of socio-psychological attractiveness of the image of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. It is established that some of such characteristics reflect the key assessment criteria of the environment: economic, climatic, ecological, architectural, cultural, political, evaluative and other, which presence within structure of the image is confirmed by both, theoretical and empirical data. The authors determine that students of the disciplines “Graphic Design” and “Psychology” have similar structural-substantive characteristics that allow not only reconstructing the image, but also outlining the attributes of socio-psychological attractiveness of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. This is the first study of representations on urbanized environment and its psychological attractiveness in the Russian Far East.
associative experiment, associations, experimental psychosemantics, social and psychological appeal, urban environment, Image of the city, semantic similarity, reconstruction of an image, image, similarity
Personal growth
Martyanova, G.Y. (2020). The study of correlation between time perspective and self-regulation in a difficult life situation. Psychologist, 1, 34–43.
This article presents the research results of correlation time orientation and parameters of conscious self-regulation among the subject of difficult life situation. The author analyzes the degree of determination of human regulatory activity by orientations towards the present, future, and past. The results of correlation and regression analyses, the differentiated role of time perspective in the processes of planning, modeling, programming, and evaluating the results of arbitrary activity in a difficult life situation is proven. The work focuses on the time perspective as a resource for coping with life difficulties. Analysis of the concept of time perspective is carried out in accordance with the doctrine of F. Zimbardo on time orientation. The main conclusion consists in the statement that focus on the past carries most significance in determining activity of the subjects. Orientation towards the future defines the conditions for regulatory activity, but does not substantiate the dynamics of goals. Focus on the present has most controversial influence upon regulatory activity in a difficult situation.
focus on the present, regulatory activity, resource, self-regulation, time perspective, difficult life situation, focus on the past, focus on the future, goal setting, coping
Personal growth
Podoinitsina, M.A., Bogomaz, S.A., Smetanova, Y.V., Zaleshin, M.S., Gribennikov, S.S. (2020). Peculiarities of manifestation of innovation potential among young people of Russia and Kazakhstan. Psychologist, 1, 44–54.
The subject of this research is the innovation potential and psychological resistance of young people with various degree of involvement in entrepreneurial activity. The authors provide the results of study focused on determination intergroup discrepancies of indicated phenomenon in different sampling frame (from Russia and Kazakhstan). The article also presents the results of worth with high school students, who make first tryouts in entrepreneurship and view this activity as their future profession. Special attention is paid to the form in which the work was conducted: a business game on the basis of Business Forum for youth. The following methods were applied in the course of research: G. Hofstede’s value assessment technique; R. Inglehart’s modified value survey; E. Y. Mandrikova’s self-organization of activity questionnaire; D. A. Leontiev’s “Differential Test of Reflection”; E. Diener’s satisfaction with life scale; S. Maddy’s viability test; D. McLain’s Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance (MSTAT-I); K. M. Sheldon’s/J. C. Hilpert’s BMPN (balanced measure of psychological needs) method; D. Jackson’s PDF (personality research form) method; R. McCrae’s/P.Costa’s “Openness” scale B5; N. M. Lebedeva’s/A. N. Tatarko’s Scale of self-esteem of innovation personality traits. The conclusion is made that the participants from Karaganda (Kazakhstan) have higher innovation potential and level of psychological resistance that the high school students from Tomsk Region of Russia. The young people from Kazakhstan are more motivated towards development and have conscious perception of the choice of their professional activity. The participants from Russia also show preparedness for development, but certain deficits that may serve as a barrier were determined: reduced interest to own activity, low level of orientation towards environment.
education, self-determination, development program, business game, high school students, psychological stability, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurship, innovative potential, personality