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Sidorova, T.N. (2019). Psychological peculiarities of ethno-confessional identity of the Sakha – Yakuts. Psychologist, 6, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.31672
This article discusses the peculiarities of ethnic and religious identity of the Orthodox Sakha – Yakuts, as well as self-categorization within the system “familiar – alien”. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of self-categorization of the Orthodox Sakha – Yakuts. Leaning on theoretical analysis of the previous works, an assumption is made that as a criterial attribute at the core of self-categorization of the Orthodox Yakuts the ethnic identity would supersede the religious. The author examines the self-categorization processes among minorities, represented by the Orthodox Sakha – Yakuts , since they hold such position in their ethnic and confessional group. The article used the methodology of E. Bogardus in modification of L. G. Pochebut; peculiarities of social identity of the Orthodox Sakha – Yakuts were assessed using the test of Manfred Kuhn and Thomas McPartland “Who Am I?” Determination within the social representations of the Orthodox Yakuts of the system of objective differentiation criteria of “familiar – alien” was conducted on the basis of modified version of semantic differential and method of arbitrary associations. For determination of citerial structure of self-categorization was used factor analysis through extraction of key components. The main conclusion consists in the high index of ethnic tolerance among the Orthodox Sakha-Yakuts with regards to representatives of other ethnoses, their acceptance as the colleagues, and desire to establish business relationship. The respondents have augmented understanding of the concept “us”, demonstrating clear religious and ethnic identity. The author describes the categorial structure of self-categorization of the Orthodox Sakha – Yakuts comprised of the three factors: “quality of relationship with others”, “live activeness”, and “self-confidence”.
self-awareness, criteria structure, identity, ethnic identity, self categorization, religious identity, social identity, own, alien, Orthodox
To understand the human being
Savinkov, S.N. (2019). Study of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” in psychology. Psychologist, 6, 11–16. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.29697
This article examines the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” as the relevant problems of modern psychology that are an inseparable part of the process of studying the subjective self-esteem of a person. The data presented in the works of leading foreign and national psychologists covering this topic is provided. The study demonstrates the results of survey conducted among teenagers and reflecting the level of hope/hopelessness in this age period. An ambivalent nature of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” alongside their correlation with emotional states and mental processes is underlined. The author carried out a theoretical analysis of psychological-philosophical literature on the problem of hope and hopelessness of a person. Understanding of essence of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” presented in the concepts and views of various scholars allow speaking of the methods and tools for regulating emotional, emotional-value, and activity spheres of personality. Both, hope and hopelessness carry not only social, but also individually-inciting character, since they directly relate to self-esteem of e person, emotional regulation of its activity, as well as motivation and needs.
phenomenon, philosophy, psychology, personality, researches, hope, hopelessness, being, man, activity
Person and personality
Evdokimova, A.S. (2019). Value orientations of student youth as a factor of economic socialization. Psychologist, 6, 17–26. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.31384
The object of this research is the student youth. The subject is the value orientations of student youth as a factor of economic socialization of a person. The goal consists in examination of value orientations of student youth as a factor affecting economic socialization. The current state of socioeconomic development of Russia opens multiple prospects for young people, but at the same time, poses complicated challenges in the aspect of economic socialization. The youth actively adjusts to economic realities, as well as develops a system of life values that allows achieving top results in the economic sphere. The research methodology includes the analysis of scientific literature, empirical study (associative experiment, diagnostics of the structure of life values according to Shalom Schwartz’s method), and mathematical-statistical analysis. It is established that in modern society, materialistic values and qualities contributing to business success are promulgated among the youth using diverse agents of socialization. In the course of interiorization of social norms, rules and regulations, the student form professional, financial and family values. The process of economic socialization of students contributes to independently earn money, plan expanses and contemplate the ways of saving. The young generation show readiness to living in the conditions of market economy; their values manifest as a strong foundation for the future development of market economy.
agents of economic socialization, enterprise, own, values, students, economic socialization, business success, independence, costs, hedonism
Professional psychology
Sennitskaya, E.V. (2019). Suicide or staged incident? Methodology of studying Internet activity of a potential suicide victim. Psychologist, 6, 27–51. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.29445
The subject of this research is the Internet activity of a potential suicide victim: his search requests and following the links. The goal consists in creation of methodology that would allow differentiating the Internet activity of an actual suicide victim from actions of a person who bethought a demonstrative suicide, simulation of an illness or staging of an attack. The task consisted in examining the content of requests and links, time of committing online actions, as well as intervals between them to estimate the emotional state of a user at different points in time. The article applies praximetric method (analysis of the products of activity) and its variations: content analysis and timeline. Biographical method was partially used with regards to the subject of activity. Geographical modeling of changing the speed of search requests or following the links, as well as correlation of these changes with the content of materials read by a user, was used for studying his emotional stat at different points of activity. The scientific novelty consists in the development of method for analyzing time intervals between the user’s action for examining his emotional state. The suggested method may be used as one of the means of determining differences between the real and demonstrative suicide or other staged incidents. It may be also applied for assessing whether the increased pace of requests made by a user corresponds with anxiety common to the character of such requests, or the requests were made formally, which gives grounds to surmise the requests of a potential suicide victim were falsified by another person.
evasion of military service, actions on the internet, click-through, self-harm, internet searches history, demonstrative suicide, staging an attack, suicide staging, suicide or staging, murder or staging
Psychology and pedagogics
Alperovich, V. (2019). Metaphorical representations of difficult life situations and coping strategies of pregnant women. Psychologist, 6, 52–63. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.31560
The presented research is based on the Russian concept of coping behavior. It is dedicated to the problem of pregnancy as a predictor of the dynamics of coping strategies of adult women. The goal consists in conducting a comparative analysis of coping strategies and metaphorical representations on the difficult life situations among pregnant and non-pregnant women. The subject of study became the coping strategies and metaphors of difficult life situations among pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. Content analysis of the metaphors, testing, and methods of mathematical statistics (H-criterion of Êruskal-Wallis, and regression analysis) are applied. The scientific novelty consists in determination of differences in the coping strategies of pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. A comparative analysis is conducted on their metaphorical representations of difficult life situations. The author establishes the impact of these representations upon the women’s choice of rational and adaptive coping strategies.
rationality, representations, coping, pregnant woman, difficult life situations, coping strategies, coping behavior, metaphors, pregnancy, adaptability
Developmental psychology
Shmoilova, N.A. (2019). Correlation between personal development and value attitude to health among lyceum students. Psychologist, 6, 64–76. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.31685
This article examines the peculiarities of personal development among young people during studying at lyceum; special aspects of value attitude to health from the perspective of representation of the value of health in person’s mentality on the level of objective importance, subjective meanings and emotional fabric; as well as correlation between personal development and value attitude to health in young age. The subject of this research is the value attitude to health in mentality of a person striving for personal growth. The study uses the personal values diagnostic technique KVS-3 (D. V. Kashirsky), psychological wellness (C. Ryff). Self-actualization test (L. Y. Gozman), and original methodology aimed at studying value attitude to health (N. A. Shamoylova). It is establishes that full self-realization and self-growth is in the top three fundamental values among 64.5% of respondents. It is demonstrated that for a person with high and medium level of value attitude to health, the value of health in students’ mentality manifests harmoniously, without prevalence of one or another value aspect (importance, meaning, emotional fabrics). The author underlines correlation between the value attitude to health and strive for personal growth in young age.
self-actualization of personality, self-development of personality, psychological structure of consciousness, value attitude, cultural-historical theory, psychological well-being, youth, meaning, personal meaning, sensual fabric