Philosophy and psychology
Spektor, D.M. (2019). On the Matter and Nature of Sensuality. The Problems of the Philosophy of Psychology. Psychologist, 4, 1–13.
The relationship between sensuality and consciousness is a traditional problem of philosophy. However, while classics view this issue from the point of view of human's status between a mortal creature and God, since the beginning of the last century opinions on the matter have been changing. The 'flesh' came to the fore while conciousness lost its previous position and autonomy and became part of life existence. On the other hand, this is what has brought the same issues that have been rising since Kant's critical works. As he wrote, 'in practice feelings create theory'. But these are the feelings that create a number of specific forms of sensuality (including derived emotions). Consequently, the human world confined in the sensual framework of time and space includes certain triggers of development of sensuality. At the same time, traditional view that feelings must be interpreted by the human mind (as a result of the concept that consciousness is the foundation of human existence) does not allow to view sensuality as having the main but not complementary role. Therefore, the author of the article sets a goalto define sensuality of human as a specific matter but not as part of consciousness anatomy or key to understanding the anatomy of sensuality. The author also raises a question about the need and contours of special ontology that is not applied to sensuality but rooted in sensuality and its genealogy.
ritual forms, social things, subject of perception, emotions, passion, transcendence, transcendental, consciousness, sensuality, conversion
Person and personality
Kapustina, V.A., Bykova, E. (2019). Typological Approach in the Analysis of the Structure of Personal Innovative Potential. Psychologist, 4, 14–26.
The aim of this research is to analyze the structure of personal innovative potential based on the theoretical analysis and empirical research. The object of the research is personal innovative potential. The subject of the research is the structure of personal innovative potential in terms of typological approach. The research is based on typological approach to studying personality based on the ideas of C. Jung, Meyers, and D. Keirsey. The authors give an insight into researches of personal innovative potential and describe this construct in relation to similar constructs such as 'innovative personality' and 'personal innovative potential'. The research methods include the following: 1. Theoretical analysis of sources. 2. Psychological testing with the use of such tests as KTS offered by Keirsey, Tolerance to Uncertainty offered by S. Badner, tests Evaluation of Personal Creativity and Evaluation of Divergent Thinking by F. Williams, Personal Innovative Potential Self-Evaluation Scales (N. Lebedeva and A. Tatarko), Problems of Real World Inventory of R. Sternberg. 3. Mathematical method, in particular, correlation analysis with the use of non-parametric Spearman's Rs-criterion. As a result of the research, the athors have defined personal innovative potential as an integrative characteristic that reflects the combinaton of interrelated individual psychological traits that contribute to the generation and realisation of new ideas, tolerance to uncertainty, craetivity, readiness for risk and active actions. These characteristics can be divided into four components: cognitive, motivational, behavioral and value-based. Motivational and cognitive elements are the most important in the structure of personal innovative potential. Noteworthy that the picture of 'innovativeness' is different for different temperaments. From the point of view of the structure of personal innovative potential, idealistic temperament (as defined by D. Keirsey) is the most innovative.
students, development of innovativeness, higher education, innovative traits, innovative personality, typological approach, temperament, innovativeness, personal innovative potential, psychology of innovation
The range of emotional experience
Beskova, T.V. (2019). The Influence of Religiosity on the Intensity of Envy. Psychologist, 4, 27–33.
The subject of the research is envy as a socio-psychological attitude of a person accompanied with a number of negative emotions, realisation that someone's position is worse than that of others, desire to directly or indirectly to level out that superiority which is realized in certain continuous social behavior. Negative consequences of envy show off at intra-individual, inter-personal, intergroup and intragroup levels. This actualizes the search for multilevel mechanisms of regulation of envy (social, socio-psychological and psychological). In her research Beskova focuses on the evaluation of spiritual mechanisms in the process of regulation of envy, in particular, the influence of different components of religiosity on the level and intensity of envy. The main research method is the method of psychological testing. The author has used a combination of tests, in particular, Personal Envy Inventory offered by T. V. Beskova, Envy and Self-Evaluation of Envy Questionnaire (T. V. Beskova), questions to assess religiosity (from the inventory 'Influence of Social Capital on Economic Consequences' (A. N. Tatarko, N. M. Lebedeva), and Personal Religiosity Scale (R. Yavorsky). The research involved 145 respondents who believed themselves to be Orthodox but demonstrated different level and valency of Orthodox religiosity. For the first time in the academic literature the author has carried out empirical research of the influence of different elements of religiosity on his or her feeling of envy. The results of the research demonstrate that religious valency has a significant influence on the level of envy (opposed to the level of religiosity declared by an individual) and so does a special element of personal religiosity called 'religious practices as behavioral component of religiosity. The influence of other parameters and elements of religiosity on envy is either insignificant or null.
components of religiosity, valency, level, religiosity, regulatory mechanisms, objects of envy, envy-despondency, envy-hostility, envy, influence
Psychology and pedagogics
Savinkov, S.N. (2019). The Phenomenon of Paternity and Importance of Paternity in the Process of Family Education. Psychologist, 4, 34–40.
Unlike the phenomenon of maternity, paternity still remains an understudied phenomenon in Russian psychological science. In his research Savinkov analyzes scientific approaches to analyzing the phenomenon of paternity as a topical issue of modern psychology. He analyzes paternity as a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly developing as a result of requirements the modern soceity faces. The researcher carries out comparative analysis of maternity and paternity. He unravels the phenomenon of paternity from the point of view of psychological science as well as describes the role of a father in the process of character education. Savinkov analyzes paternity as a socio-cultural phenomenon fixed in culture. Paternity is the least studied aspect of parenthood and thus is the most important issue for psychological and pedagogical science. As a result of his analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the matter, Savinkov concludes that the role of a father is as important in the process of child's education as that of a mother, however, paternity has a number of specific features which performance is laid upon a man. Today's fathers are able to provide good care of a child as well as to satisfy all the needs of a child. This, of course, has a good impact on the development of family relations and the feeling of paternity. This article will be of interest for researchers who deal with such issues as family education, child-and-parent relationships and practical psychologists who work in the sphere of family counselling.
research, attitude, family, modern society, family education, psychology, motherhood, paternity, phenomenon, child
Psychology and pedagogics
Letyagina, S.K. (2019). The impact of life-meaningful and career orientations of parents upon formation of enviousness in young people. Psychologist, 4, 41–48.
The subject of this research is the connection between formation of enviousness in young people and life-meaningful and career orientations of their parents. The object of this research is envy understood as the socio-psychological state of a person, which includes a set of negative emotions, realization of personal lower status, desire of direct or indirect leveling of sensed supremacy in the consistent social behavior. The question of contribution of parenting to the formation of personal enviousness in children of both genders remains insufficiently studied within the Russian and foreign literature. The empirical research surveyed 109 nuclear families, 59 of which had a daughter child and 50 have a son. Both, parents and their children of student age became the respondents. Diagnostic tools are comprised of the following questionnaires: “Methodology of studying personal enviousness” of T. V. Beskova, methodology “Career anchor” of E. Schein in adaptation of V. A. Chiker and V. E. Vinokurov, and the test “Life-meaningful orientation” of D. A. Leontiev. The conducted empirical research proves that the life-meaningful orientations of mothers do not affect the formation of enviousness in sons and daughters. Enviousness – disaffection among children of both genders is related to life perception of their fathers. In most cases, the enviousness of sons depends on the career orientations of fathers. Enviousness would be minimal, if their fathers are highly professional and successful.
personality, gender, meaning-life orientations, the meaning of life, career orientations, career orientation, personal envy, envy, gender stereotype, envy is discouragement
Developmental psychology
Usynina, T.P. (2019). Study of fears at primary school age. Psychologist, 4, 49–54.
The subject of this research is the correction of fears in the students of primary school by means of art therapy. The object of this research is the fears in children of primary school age. The author examines the manifestation of fears in primary school students. Special attention is given to delivering program for correction of fears in the children of primary school age using art therapeutic approach. The article demonstrates the differences between the conceptual categories of fear of the primary school students prior to and after carrying out the program of correction using the Fisher Criterion. The technique “Fears in the House” developed by A. I. Zakharova and M. A. Panfilova, which allows getting an idea on the manifestation of fears in primary school students prior to and after delivering a program of correction, is applied in the research. The author’s special contribution consist in the results of principal and repeated diagnosis confirming the expedience of implementation of the program of correction of fears in the primary school students by means of art therapy. The novelty of this research is defined by positive dynamics in development of emotional sphere, which is reflected in decreasing of anxiety and aggressiveness, development of creative potential and confidence in the children of primary school age.
confidence, anxiety, art therapy conversation, correctional program, emotional sphere, primary school age, fears, social fears, aggressiveness, family
Developmental psychology
Shabaeva, A.V., Mitina, G.V., Khasanova, M.I. (2019). Interconnection of parental attitudes with self-concept of teenagers. Psychologist, 4, 55–68.
The goal of this research consists in studying the interconnection of parental attitudes and drivers with self-concept of teenagers. The subject of this research is the parental attitudes, drivers and self-concept of teenagers. The empirical object became the sampling of 50 teenagers (26 girls and 24 boys) aged between 13 and 15, as well as 60 parents (30 mothers and 30 fathers). The results of empirical research led to acquisition of scientific on the nature of interconnection of parental attitudes and drivers with self-concept of teenagers. For data processing was used the correlation analysis of C. Spearman and non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test. The presented materials and conclusions enrich the scientific arsenal of the knowledge on teenagers and possibilities of rendering them psychological counseling in the aspect of personal development. The following conclusions were made: 1) partnership relations between fathers and children positively affect the formation of adequate self-concept in teenagers; 2) for teenage boys more significant are the attitudes of both parents, while for teenage girls are more important the attitudes of mothers; 3) internal instability of teenage girls, as well as manifestation of self-reflection and self-reproach are interrelated with the parental attitudes of demand; 4) the component of “reflected self-concept” of teenage boys mostly depends on the parenting of a mother, rather than a father; 5) excessive strictness of a father is positively associated with “self-acceptance:, while excessive strictness of a mother relates to “reflected self-concept”.
self-incrimination, self-acceptance, self esteem, drivers, irrational attitudes, parent settings, teenager, self-relation, self-value, confidence