Clinical psychology
Ulianich, A.L., Agarkova, L.A., Leshchinskaya , S.B., Naku, E.A. (2019). Study of Characteristics of Internal Picture of Pregnancy among Women with Physical Complications as Factors Promoting and Preventing Preservation of Healthy Pregnancy . Psychologist, 1, 1–15.
The subject of the study is the characteristics of the internal picture of pregnancy among women with physical complications as factors promoting and preventing the preservation of healthy pregnancy. The study aims to analyze the characteristics of the internal picture of pregnancy among women of three nosological groups with a physically complicated pregnancy to determine in the following the factors promoting and preventing the preservation of healthy pregnancy. The aims of the study are the search and description of general and specific characteristics of the internal picture of pregnancy and identification of factors promoting and preventing the preservation of healthy pregnancy. Were used such methods as the Beck Depression Inventory, test for the self-assessment of the emotional state by H. Eysenck, the questionnaire of reproductive motives 'My pregnancy', semantic differential, and "SF-36 Health Status Survey". It is established that common characteristics to all groups of women are: on an emotional level - optimal-level of anxiety, on a conative level - the need to see in pregnancy and in the child a continuation of conjugal love, on a cognitive level - positive attitude to themselves, a high value of the pregnancy and the child, on a level of body experience - the feeling of limitations in the performance of the physical activity. Specific characteristics among women with in vitro fertilization - the presence of depressive moods associated with pregnancy, the motive of preserving pregnancy for the sake of social status, restrictions in physical activity; among women with human immunodeficiency virus - super-value of pregnancy and the child, the attitude to pregnancy as a new stage of life, allowing to get away from loneliness, to become better, on a level of body experience - the rise of vital energy, high activity in the performance of physical activity. The obtained results can be used in maternity clinics, Reproductive Technology centers, Centers for the Prevention and Control of AIDS.
factors of healthy pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus, in vitro fertilization, conditions of threatened miscarriage, differentiated medical psychological prevention, internal picture of pregnancy, physically complicated pregnancy, depression and anxiety, physical health, motherhood
To understand the human being
Komissarova, O.A. (2019). Interpersonal Relationships Diagnosis as a Method of Determining the 'I am' Image of Students-Managers. Psychologist, 1, 16–24.
The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of images 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' in the perception of students-managers based on the styles of interpersonal relationship chosen by them. The subject of the study is the styles of interpersonal relationships manifested among students-managers in the chosen by them images 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager'. The object of the study is students of management faculty. The study obtained significant differences in the styles of interpersonal response reflected in the 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' profiles in the group of first-year students-managers. In the study were used such methods as a psychodiagnostic method with the use of the methodology of interpersonal relationship determining by L.N. Sobchik; method of statistical analysis: non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test. The novelty of the conducted research is due to the analysis of 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' profiles obtained as a result of psychodiagnostics of first-year students-managers, and also due to identifying the significant differences in students' preferences of certain interpersonal relationships styles in the course of comparative analysis. It is concluded that interpersonal relationships styles based on a strong type of response are the most significant for students and most selected for the top positions. In students' profiles 'I am real' and 'I am perfect' the opposite tendencies in interpersonal response leading to internal tension and internal conflicts were determined.
internal conflicts, comparative analysis, responsibility, interpersonal relationships, the image of a successful Manager, I am perfect, I am real, perseverance, students-managers, psychodiagnostics
Professional psychology
Sysoev, V.V., Seleznev, V.N., Loginova, V.V. (2019). Individual Management Concept of a Manager as an Indicator of Psychological Preparation and Practical Readiness of an Individual for Management. Psychologist, 1, 25–31.
The work aims to study the idea of individual management concept, to define it, determine its significance for the managers' professional activity. The object of the study of the article is the manager's activity. The subject of the study is the individual management concept and forms of its manifestations. The authors study in detail the forms and functions of manifestations of individual management concept, determining it as a system of ideas and concepts about a place and a role of a manager in the process of management, passed through the prism of personal experience of a particular person. The article proves that the individual management concept allows revealing the stages of psychological preparation and practical readiness of an individual for management, that is very important for the analysis of management potential of a manager and improving the efficiency of joint activities. Authors use a theoretical analysis with the application of classification, analysis, and synthesis, as well as idealization and modeling as principal methods of the study. The psychological activity theory was taken as a methodological basis. The study concludes that a psychological readiness for management and an operative image of management activity are similar in their content; the only difference is their orientation. Psychological readiness actualizes the entire psychology of a manager, aims it at the correct situational response. An operative image aims at information recognition about the peculiarities of the functioning of the management system in a certain situation, taking and implementing a certain decision. The novelty of the study is due to the refining the starting signals to the formation of operational and functional image in the individual management concept.
Psychological readiness, Management Psychology, Management tasks, Preparation for a management position, Management process, Manager, Individual management concept, Conceptual model of management, Forms of individual management concept, Psychology of management
Professional psychology
Komissarova, O.A. (2019). Formation of Psychological Portrait of Successful Manager Based on the Interpersonal Relationship Diagnosis. Psychologist, 1, 32–37.
A dynamic external environment, filled with a great number of variations and opportunities, makes specific demands of managerial and psychological nature to modern managers. Organizations come to appreciate the developments, innovation, and speed, not stability. Due to this fact, the question of consideration of the main psychological characteristics of successful middle-rank managers, and compiling a psychological portrait based on them becomes relevant. The subject of the study is peculiar features of interpersonal relationship chosen by groups of respondents while determining the characteristics of a successful manager. The object of the study is the managers. The method of psychodiagnostics was used: the method of interpersonal relationship determining by L.N. Sobchik. Statistical processing of the results was carried out by the Mann-Whitney method. The novelty of the study is due to the achievement of the results, which gave the opportunity to reveal both similarities and differences in the idea of middle-rank managers' success in groups of students studying in this field and professional managers. Conclusions:1. managers with seniority do not determine the success in their professional field through increasing a domineering style of behavior. In their diagnostic field, the personal qualities of a successful manager do not get to the level of despotism and emotional instability but have moderately high indicators. In turn, students of the faculty of management imagine success through the increase of indicators of the first octant; 2. in the psychological portrait were marked the characteristics, which help to build a flexible relationship with both internal and external environment of the organization: the desire for a strong partnership with the reference group, finding community with other people, susceptibility to the general mood of the group.
perseverance, delegation of authority, cooperation, responsibility, labor process, psychological portrait, interpersonal relationship, successful manager, high performance, mentor
Clinical psychology
Penyavskaya, A., Meshcheryakova, E.I., Larionova, A.V. (2019). Subjective Attitude to the Disease of Schizophrenic Patients on Compulsory Treatment. Psychologist, 1, 38–48.
The subject of the study is a subjective attitude to the disease of schizophrenic patients on compulsory treatment who committed a socially dangerous act. The attitude to the disease is examined through its components - emotional, motivational-behavioral, and cognitive ones. At the center of the study is the problem of effective rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients on compulsory treatment in a specialized psychiatric institution. The work aims to study the peculiarities of subjective attitude to the disease of schizophrenic patients under the conditions of compulsory treatment. Identification of the features of the attitude to the disease is carried out through the solution of research tasks on the analysis of cognitive, motivational, behavioral, emotional components of the attitude to the disease. The research methods are a hermeneutic method, including the study of medical histories of the subjects, a conversation with the use of a structured interview developed by the author according to the content of the structural components of the attitude to the disease. Data processing was performed using cluster analysis and association analysis by Pearson's chi-squared test criterion in the STATISTICA 12.0 program. As a result of the empirical study, the content of the components of the attitude to the disease of schizophrenic patients with a criminal history was revealed. The interrelations of structural components of the attitude to the disease, which allowed determining its typology, are revealed. There are two types: 'Denial of the disease' and 'Awareness of the disease'. It is concluded that it is necessary to take into account the data obtained in the process of development and verification of the effectiveness of psychological support for schizophrenic patients on compulsory treatment.
psychological support, psychocorrection, criticality, components of the relationship, attitude to the disease, compulsory treatment, schizophrenic patients, rehabilitation, socially dangerous act, criminal history