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Alperovich, V. (2018). The Metaphors of 'Friends' and 'Aliens' in the Perception of People with Different Ethnocultural Appearance as Representations of Various Ethnic 'World Views'. Psychologist, 3, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26751
This study is devoted to the problem of differences in metaphorical ideas about people with a different ethnocultural appearance as representations of various ethnic “world images”. The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance in persons with a similar ethnocultural appearance. The subject of the research was the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with a "Slavic", "Caucasian" and "Asian" appearance in persons with a "Slavic" appearance. The following methods were used: content analysis of metaphors, correlation analysis. The method developed by the author for the study of the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance is applied. It was first established that the metaphorical images of “alien” people and “enemies” with an “Asian” appearance are more positive than the metaphorical images of “alien” people and “enemies” with a “Caucasian” appearance. Respondents perceive “friendly” people with “Caucasian” appearance as having more similarity with them than “their” people with “Asian” appearance. It was concluded that the images of "friendly" people with different ethnocultural appearance in the subjective perception may have a similar structure, may be mediated by the same criteria for categorization of surrounding people in the "own" continuum - "alien", and the images of "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance can be structurally different. Stereotypical metaphors of communication partners with different appearance indicate the impact of ethnocultural codes on ideas about other people from different ethnocultural groups.The results of the research can be applied in applied social psychology of conflict and discrimination.
Caucasian external appearance, Slave external appearance, ethnolookism, external appearance, ethnocultural external appearance, aliens, friends, metaphors, Asian external appearance, ethnic image of the world
Mind games
Kuzina, N.V., Kuzina, L.B. (2018). On the Question about the Benefit and Harm of Cybersport: Dota 2 Players as Representatives of the Counterculture: Destinies and Personalities. Psychologist, 3, 19–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26529
Internet addiction of teenagers to computer network games and online communication has been a nettlesome issue of psychological research over 10 years by now. Game producers and sellers are interested in involving more and more gamers as consumers of their products. Young people are turn out of the process of adequate socialization, they become disabled or inclined to social phobia and, quite often, derealization including suicidal tendencies, lose their chance to make a career or academic success. Using the method of participant observation, the authors performed a longitude (over 6 year long) research of Dota 2 players, their active participation in the game and development of life strategies (including their success in the real life). The authors used the questionnaire survey and observation, analyzed positive and negative effects of being involved in the game as a user and a psychologist, classified gamers depending on their age, socialization ability, territorial location and and traced back the destinities of gamers as well as assessed their capability of independent overcoming of addiction.
deprivation, sociological research, cybersport, gambling, asociality, longitude, computer network game, addictions, virtual reality, socialization
Limits of intellect
Shutenko, E.N. (2018). Psychological Health of Young People under the Conditions of Social Transformations in a Modern Society. Psychologist, 3, 32–40. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.27044
The article is devoted to the problem of strengthening the psychological health of young people in a crisis-transformational situation of the development of society. The purpose of the study was to identify particularly serious sociocultural deformations that negatively affect the psychological status of modern Russian youth. The subject of the research is the psychological health as a phenomenon of the institutional and mental integrity of society. With regard to the development of youth, this phenomenon was considered as an effect and result of its productive socialization, the formation of an adequate picture of the world, positive self-awareness and constructive patterns of life activity. The scientific reflection of the problem is made on the basis of the methodology of sociocultural determination of the psychological development of a person and social groups. The analysis of research and approaches in the field of health psychology is presented. The leading tendencies of deformation of the pisosphere and youth consciousness are shown. The basic levels of identification of sociocultural challenges to the health of the young generation are described: geo-cultural, historical-formational, sociopolitical, political-economic, sociological, psychological. The novelty of the work is caused by the author's conceptual transition from the egocentric paradigm of understanding psychological well-being and health to a culture-centric paradigm based on the life-activity plan of the individual as a full-fledged subject. The obtained results can serve as an important theoretical tool for the analysis of cultural-genetic factors of the psychological health of young people and the development of comprehensive measures to strengthen and maintain it under modern conditions.
information addiction, consumer society, full-fledged subject, self-realization, deformation of the psychosphere, egocentric dominant, youth, psychological health, devaluation of values, socio-cultural challenges
To understand the human being
Sennitskaya, E.V. (2018). What is Attention?. Psychologist, 3, 41–53. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.23373
The subject of the study is attention, the main task is to explain the fact established as a result of observations of the course of school and university teachers, as well as as a result of a natural experiment conducted by the author. The article discusses the reasons why is the maximum attention with minimal willed effort achieved in case when each object that needs to be opened is explained with the help of 3-5 objects known to the reader or listener which are on the same level in the hierarchical system of the information presented. In other words, in this paper we propose an explanation of why 3-5 interrelated objects, facts or examples, illustrating a certain concept or rule, reliably attract the attention of the reader or listener, while a smaller or larger number is perceived as insufficient or excessive, respectively. This paper is a theoretical study based on the methodological principle of the unity of consciousness and activity. It analyzes the existing definitions of attention and compares them with the above results, obtained experimentally. The novelty of the study is to develop the definition of attention as a concept related to the quantity and hierarchical structure of perceived information. A hypothesis was also put forward that the connection of the object with 3-5 others is perceived as important, attracting attention, because attention sets are conditioned by the structure of the human body and its activity in the process of filo- and ontogenesis.
oscillation of the set, involuntary attention, voluntary attention, attention and emotions, attention and abstracting, formula of attention, attention and activity, definition of attention, attention, category of non-randomness
Personal motivation and spirituality
Barykina, A.I., Telnykh, A.A., Markelova, T.V., Lobanov, S.N. (2018). V. Leontiev's Psychographic Test: Automation of the Processing of the Motivation Study. Psychologist, 3, 54–64. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26543
In their article the authors present an original PsyGraph software for automation of V. Leontiev's psychographic test that was designed to study motivation. The authors describe the main opportunities provided by the software PsyGraph (calculate psychographic indicators of motivation based on V. Leontiev's psychographic test, carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of motivation indicators, save test results and create the database of previous researches, apply filters to respondents depending on varios criteria, speed up the processing of test results), operation algorithm and interface of the software. The operation algorithm of PsyGraph is the following. The program determines the picture frame, recognize the pattern and defines the areas of interests (motivation vectors), discover the dot of motivation, initial and final dots of the motivation vector, create the coordinate system, calculate psychographic indicators, perform the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results, interpret test results for each respondent and a group of respondents in general, reduce the time for processing test results by 4 - 7 times, and store information.
automation of the calculation, psychographic indicators, motivation, software, projective technique, automation of the processing of the study, “PsyGraph” software, quantitative analysis of motivation, V.G. Leontiev’s Psychographic Test, PGT
Psychology and pedagogics
Karaseva, S.N. (2018). On the Necessary Conditions of the Development of the Strong Will of Teenagers Through Teaching Activities. Psychologist, 3, 65–75. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26733
From the ancient Greeks to the present day the psychological phenomenon of the will has been repeatedly subjected to philosophical reflection and research. As a rule, psychology views the term 'will' in terms of the activity environment, being defined as a regulator of the processes of activity. Having chosen the object of study volitional development of adolescents in educational activities, the author focused on the spiritual and moral conditions of such development. Special attention is also paid to the study of the structure and content, psychological mechanisms and external conditions of the volitional development of a teenager. The following methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation (diary), conversation, content analysis, analysis of the products of activities; Diagnostic methods “What is good, what is bad”, “How to act” (G. M. Freeman), questionnaire of value orientations (E. B. Fontalova), test questionnaire of developmental levels of personal will (I. I. Kuptsov, Yu. A. Eryomkin), expert assessment, self-assessment, psychological experiment on the volitional development of adolescents designed by the author; To analyze the data, mathematical-statistical methods were used (G-sign test and Fisher's angular transform method). A special contribution to the study of the problem posed by the author is that theoretically studied and concretized the meaning of the terms “volitional development”, “spiritual and moral conditions of volitional development”, “psychological and pedagogical conditions of volitional development”, and also developed the author’s methodology of volitional development in educational activities for teenagers and successfully tested.
reflection, identification, adolescent development, spiritual and moral conditions, spiritual and moral values, strong-willed development of personality, interiorization, self-management skills, volition, educational activity
Kapustina, T.V. (2018). Psychodiagnostic Express Methosd in Psychological Counseling. Psychologist, 3, 76–85. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26905
The object of the study are psychodiagnostic express methods. The subject of the study is the classification of express methods used in psychological counseling. The author examines the express methods that are proposed by the creators as methods for starting express diagnostics. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of its use in psychological counseling in solving various practical problems, since it allows one to determine the personality traits or manifestations of the psyche necessary for the psychologist with minimal time expenditure. Special attention is paid to methods that are based on a typological approach to the assessment of personality, since they simplify the work to a greater extent due to the correlation of the client with a certain type of personality. To solve the problems posed in the article, theoretical methods are used such as analysis, systematization and classification of psychodiagnostic express methods. The main conclusions of the theoretical study is the conclusion that it is the projective express methods based on the typological approach that will be most effective in the practical work of the consulting psychologist, since they are the most “safe” and interesting for the client, since he or she mostly works with a weakly structured stimulus material when being diagnosed. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers her own classification of psychodiagnostic rapid methods. Also, the main contribution of the author to the development of the theme is the presentation of the author's projective methodology 12 Archetypes Plus Personality Inventory, as one of the express methods applicable in psychological counseling.
mini-questionnaire, projective technique, psychological counseling, express techniques, express methods, initial diagnostic, express psychodiagnostic, psychodiagnostic, typological approach, abbreviated versions of the methods