Megalomania (Political psychology)
Konfisakhor, A.G., Alekseevskaya, V.V. (2018). Conflict Resolution Strategies and Types of Locus of Control as Determinants of Being Ready for Geo-Economic Changes. Psychologist, 2, 1–12.
The world is rapidly changing. Global factors start to play a very important role in economy and policy of individual states. The situation being what it is, Russia's economy start to adopt planned production, state corporations begin to define the national security strategy, and the government keeps the course for import substitution. The consequence of these changes will be changes in inter-state relations including interpersonal relations. This causes the rationale of the analysis of being psychologically ready for geo-economic changes. The subject of the research is the Locus of Control and conflict resolution strategies of an individual as an actor of activity. The purpose of the research is to deine preferred conflict resolution strategies and types of Locus of Control that determine being psychologically ready for geo-economic changes. Psychological readiness for geo-economic changes have been tested by the following testing methods: 1. Subjective Control Inventory offewred by E. Bazhin, E. Golynkina and L. Etkind; 2. K. Thomas' Conflict Behavior Inventory adapted by N. Grishina. Based on the hypothesis made in the course of the research, individuals with external Locus of Control who prefer cooperation or adaptation as conflict resolution strategies are most likely to be successfully adaptable to the government and economy decentralization. The results of the research also demonstrate that there were only 4 % of such people in the group of respondents. Consequently, the authors assume that the population is not quite ready for a successful life and work in new geo-economic conditions.
political psychology, psychological readiness, geo-economic changes, strategy of behavior, conflict, Locus of Control, globalization, economic psychology, geo-economics, geopolitics
Philosophy and psychology
Samokhina, N. (2018). The Concept of Psychic Energy in Agny Yoga Philosophical Psychology. Psychologist, 2, 13–29.
In her article Samokhina analyzes the main provisions of the teaching about psychic energy in Agny Yoga philosophical psychology, or Living Ethics, one of the least studied teachings of the modern age created by Helena Roerich. Samokhina analyzes the views of Agny Yoga founders on the ontological status of psychic energy and the main source of such energy (conscious soul) in human body. The main part of the article is devoted to the analysis of Agny Yoga teaching about the features of psychic energy and its influence on an individual's health. In her research Samokhina provides a brief comparative analysis of the views of the Russian philosopher and psychologist Nikolai Grot and founders of Agny Yoga on the nature and source of psychic energy as well as how it manifests itself in a human organism. In the course of her research Samokhina used the hermeneutic and analytical methods including comparative analysis. Agny Yoga founders' views on the interdependence between the ethic content of individual's mind and physical health are compared to the hypotheses of some psychologists about existence of a special psychosomatic connection between psychic experience and physical state of an individual. In conclusion, Samokhina analyzes the importance of the psychosomatic factors for contemporary medicine and psychology.
Living Ethics, content of consciousness, consciousness, health, psychosomatics, psychic energy, Agny Yoga, philosophical psychology, immunity, psychoneuroimmunology
Psychology of highest aspirations
Skleynis, V.A. (2018). Nonlinear Dynamics of Interpersonal Forms of Meanings. Psychologist, 2, 30–37.
The subject of the research is the models of interpersonal dynamics of meaning structures. The author of the article analyzes the concepts of nonlinear dynamics of meaning constructs in cognitively synergetic researches, psychology of meaning, psychology of subjective semantics and psychosemantics. Based on the activity theory, the author compares the models of the self-organization of the concept described in cognitive linguistics and cognitive linguo synergetics to the processes of mutual transfer of intrapersonal and interpersonal senses in the psychology of meaning as well as the procedural model of the world view image. The goal of the research is to conduct a comparative anlaysis of activity models of meaning dynamics used in the psychology of subjective semantics and cognitive linguistic models. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author combines cognitive linguistic models of the self-organization of the concept and activity models of the dynamics of meaning structures that are defined within the framework of the psychology of subjective semantics and psychology of meaning. The author of the article offers a scheme that views the formation of consciousness and discourse determined by external and internal factors as nonlinear dynamic processes of the world image functioning at the levels of internal and communication activity.
consciousness, cognitive linguistic synergy, cognitive linguistics, discourse, lifestyle, meaning, image of the world, psychology of meaning, psychology of subjective semantics, activity theory
Professional psychology
Korneeva, Y.A., Tyulyubaeva, T.O., Simonova, N.N. (2018). Regulatory Processes as a Personality Marker of Psychological Safety of Gas ad Oil Workers Under the Conditions of Shift Work in Arctic Regions. Psychologist, 2, 38–47.
The research has been supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation given to young Russian scientists and PhDs. The aim of the article is to analyze regulatory processes as a personality marker of psychological safety of gas and oil workers under the conditions of shift work in Arctic Regions. The authors state that analysis of personality markers of psychological safety of gas and oil workers under the conditions of shift work in Arctic Regions will allow to create efficient recommendations for psychological support of professionals. The theoretical model of psychological security developed by the authors includes five basic components: functional states at the psychophysiological and psychological levels; the image of the object, the image of the subejct, the image of the subject-subject and subject-object relations viewed from the point of view of the psychic structure of regulation. The research involved 70 specialists of gas and oil companies who go on shift work in Arctic Regions. The research methods used by the authors include analysis of documentation, observation over working process, questionnaire survey, psychophysiological and psychological tests, statistic methods of data analysis. To diagnose regulatory processes, the authors have used The Behavior Regulation Style Inventory offered by V. Morosanova. The results of the research demonstrate that in order to ensure psychological safety, gas and oil workers should have a moderately high level of planning and modelling skills and reduced level of independency as regulatory processes. The development of these regulatory processes will increase psychological safety of gas and oil workers under the conditions of shift work in Arctic Regions.
independence, modeling, planning, regulatory processes, self-regulation, oil and gas production, shift work, psychological safety, extreme conditions, functional states
Professional psychology
Kuznietsova, T. (2018). Motivation of Women Entrepreneurs in Russia. Psychologist, 2, 48–54.
In her research Kuznetsova discusses the development of female business in Russia. In particular, she discovers that the index of motivation for starting a business is significantly different for women than for men. Moreover, the main problems preventing women from developing their own business include gender stereotypes, fierce competition with men, fight against stereotypes in the society, high credit interest rate, and absence of business education, knowledge, skills and competences. To write this article, Kuznetsova has reviewed public speeches made by the representatives of international organisations, findings and discoveries of Russian researchers, and her own experience of working with women who conduct small and middle business. There is a support and promotion of women entrepreneurs in Russia. Women become more active and committed to achieving their financial goals. They learn lessons from their mistakes and seek for additional training necessary to run one's own business. In response to the arising need in business education, there are short-term programs that teach business and affordable by female owners of small and medium business.
assertive activity, competition, gender stereotyping, motivation, business, women entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurship, social projects, WBI, EBRD
Developmental psychology
Ksenda, O.G., Tatarko, K.I. (2018). Aging Through the Prism of Social, Psychological and Biological Changes. Psychologist, 2, 55–65.
This article is devoted to the problem of operationalization of aging. In connection with the improvement of the conditions of life of an individual, respectively, with increasing life expectancy, it is necessary to reconsider the understanding of the process of human aging. The necessity of formulating a new and precise definition, appropriate to modern realities. Existing definitions on this phenomenon emphasize certain of its aspects (biological, social and psychological) or consider it as a sum of three components. The article presents the main characteristics of each component. Despite the fact that the biological signs of aging begin to appear in the period of middle adulthood, they become most pronounced in late adulthood. Therefore, social and psychological aging mainly associated with this period. The methodological basis was the theory of E. H. Erikson: personality in its development goes through certain stages in connection with the influence of the tasks set before her by society. We support the idea that the operationalization of aging of the individual is necessary to consider three elements (biological, social and psychological). However, we have come to the conclusion that society plays a decisive and crucial in the biological component of aging and patterns of human behavior to changes occurring in its body, and in the social sphere.
attitude towards elderly, social aging, late adulthood, longevity, signs of biological aging, biological aging, human aging, psychological aging, adaptation to aging, the problem of understanding aging