Inner world
Rostovtseva, M.V., Gudovskii, I.V., Goncharova, T.M., Khokhrina, Z.V. (2017). Analysis of the Relationship Between Personal Value Systems Psychological Adaptation Mechanisms. Psychologist, 4, 1–9.
The subject of the research is the relationshp between value systems and psychological adaptation mechanisms of students. The research involved 5-year students of the Siberian Federal University. The researchers have discovered that the state of psychological disadaptation causes students lose their focus on life values and reduces prospects for personal development. Maladjusted respondents were focused on their health (vital needs) and excluded from the cultural life ignoring meta values (learning and creative self-realisation). There were no significant differences between values of students with low and high levels of adaptability. However, the greater part of adapated students tend to choose 'professional and personal growth' as an important life value. The main research methods were psychological tests such as Rokeach Value Survey, Mental State Self-Assessment (after Hans Eysenk), and Depression Scale (adapted by G. Balashova). The results of the research prove that there is a relationship between value system and psychological adaptation mechanisms. In general, both groups of respondents (adapated and disadapted students) choose similar terminal values (health), however, there are significant differences in their choice of instrumental values.
social adaptation, instrumental values, terminal values, student years, disadaptation, adaptability, life values, values, adaptation mechanisms, adaptation
Personal motivation and spirituality
Petrukhina, S.R. (2017). Peculiarities of Core Values of Students Majoring in Technology and Humanities in the Process of Their Professional Identity Formation. Psychologist, 4, 10–20.
The article is devoted to the problem of identifying differences in the hierarchical structure of core values of students majoring in technology and humanities. Core values of young people are viewed by the author through theoretical analysis of the concepts considering values as psychological formations that constitute a hierarchical system and exist in the personality structure only as its elements, and factors influencing the process of formation of core values of students. The author of the article considers different approaches to the definition of the types of value systems. For example, Milton Rokeach offers a classification of values that consists of two classes: goal values (terminal) and means values (instrumental), Georgy Leevik divides individual values into life goals and core values as means of achieving life goals. The research involved 118 freshmen students of different majors studying at Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola). The author has applied the method The Rokeach Value Survey and Leevik Personal Value Inventory. For the most complete consideration of core values, the author has conducted a direct ranking of the list of values in relation to the majors of respondents. The results of the research demonstrate that there are significant differences in goal values and mean values: the main feature of core values of students majoring in technology is that they put mean values, i.e. moral aspects, as a priority. The hierarchical structure of values of students studying humanities is headed by goal values related to communication. The obtained results can serve as the basis for the development of the content of complex psychological and pedagogical formative influences at the stage of professional self identity of University students.
terminal values, young age, identify, core values, major, goal values, personal orientation, mean values, instrumental values, professional orientation
Тело и телесность
Filippova, S.A., Shelispanskaya, E.V. (2017). The Phenomenon of Dissatisfaction with His or Her Body in One's Teens: Psychological Reasons and Opportunities of Modification Training. Psychologist, 4, 21–31.
The research is devoted to one's attitude to his or her physical 'self', students' body satisfaction and the role of physical 'self' in the overall picture of psychological wellbeing as well as psychological reasons of one's body dissatisfaction and modification training methods. Being the basis of sexual and partially gender identity, attitude to our physical 'self' is shown through all components of self-concept: cognition, emotional-value attitudes, and behavior, and interwine with all spheres of human existence, thus affecting the individual and social conscience. The research methodology is based on the biopsychosocial model of neurotic diseases and the idea of the mutual influence of objective and subjective realities in the process of developing one's 'self' as well as orientation at the leading role of personal activity in choosing a strategy of coping with psychological problems. The research methods include review and analysis of literature on the topic, diagnostic experiment, verbal methods of psychological diagnostics, mathematical methods of data processing and formative experiment. The results of the research prove that body dissatisfaction is typical for the major part of modern youth. The authors have discovered differences in body images and the impact of weight on body satisfaction demonstrated by students who have psychological problems and who do not have them. Body dissatisfaction shown by the students without psychological problems is usually a consequence of social factors. They perceive their bodies as a whole and their body satisfaction increases if their weight stays within the norm. Body dissatisfaction of students with psychological problems is caused by excessive fragmentation of body image and their weight does not have a significant effect on their body satisfaction. Individual sessions and group therapy prove to be efficient in overcoming psychological problems.
anxiety disorder, emotional wellbeing, psychological threatment, psychological wellbeing, social factors, body therapy, body dissatisfaction, youth, students, body
Professional psychology
Yusupov, P.R., Mardasova, T.A. (2017). Psychological Characteristics of Psychology Students' Professional Identity. Psychologist, 4, 32–44.
The article presents the results of the study of the professional identity of graduate students in psychology. Using the method of expert assessments and subsequent application of mathematical and statistical procedures, 'real self' and 'ideal self' images of professional identity of psychology students are revealed. Significant characteristics of the image of a professional psychologist are determined, which is correlated with the expectations and representations of students. The process of self-identification of students with the image of a psychologist (consultant and educational psychologist) as well as the specifics of the formation of the 'Self-concept' of a young specialist is considered. The purpose of the research is to identify the psychological characteristics of the professional identity of young psychologists who receive higher education. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of psychological characteristics of professional identity (based on the example of psychology students). The research methodology includes the concept of personal identity (by E. Erickson and J. Marcia); interpersonal concept of socialization (by T. Leary, J. Mead and G. Sullivan); theory of semantic differential (by C. Osgood); systems approach to the study of the professional 'self-concept' (by S. D. Janerian). The methods of research involved methods for collecting diagnostic information such as the method of interpersonal diagnostics developed by T. Leary, G. Leforge, R. Sazek, the method of the semantic differential by C. Osgood, and the method of expert assessments. Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis of the data included the method of expert assessments, Student's test, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and SPSS 22.0 software. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author choose methods for constructing the professional identity of psychology students, compare the image of an educaitonal psychologist with the expectations and representations of students, and use methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The main conclusions of the study are the types of perception by students of the images of professional psychologists in the field of teaching and counseling. The image of the 'ideal counselor psychologist' combines the 'client-oriented' and 'problem-oriented' type of professional qualities of the psychologist, and the image of the 'ideal educational psychologist' as a collective image of the teacher's types, such as 'master' and 'graduate student'. In relation to the image of students 'perception of themselves, 'I am a counselor psychologist' image includes 'empathic' and 'congruent' types, and in relation to the image of students' perception of themselves, 'I am an educational psychologist' are 'rational' and 'emotional' types.
identification process, counselor, educational psychologist, professional development, semantic differential, self-relationship, professional activity, self-concept, self-awareness, professional identity
Clinical psychology
Yusupov, P.R., Mardasova, T.A. (2017). Penitentiary Stress Experienced by Individuals with a Different Number of Convictions Held in a Temporary Detention Center. Psychologist, 4, 45–53.
The article presents the results of a study of penitentiary personality stress. Penitentiary stress is characterized by negative changes in the emotional state, self-perception, growth of depressive reactions and decrease in adaptive capacity. The relationship between prison isolation and the loss of the ability to meet the actual needs of the individual is examined. The detention and stay in places of detention is a serious stress for the individual, associated with various kinds of deprivations, especially social deprivation. Staying in penitentiary institutions can have a pronounced negative psychophysical impact on the individual, which may be related to the monotony of a prisoner's life, with violation of space-time standards of existence, imbalance of sleep-wake rhythms, and limited access to information. Penitentiary isolation provokes a lot of negative changes in the life of the person: they experience anxiety, fear, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and constant tension. The purpose of the study is to identify peculiarities of penitentiary stress: significant differences in the emotional state and self-perception of persons with different numbers of convictions held in a temporary detention facility. The subject of the study is the differences in the emotional state and self-perception of persons with different numbers of convictions held in a temporary detention facility. The research methodology includes emotional motivation concept (by V. Viliunas), cognitive theory of psychological stress (by R. Lazarus) and concepts of penitentiary stress (by Ermasov, Chirkov, Debolsky, etc.). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers an integral concept of penitentiary stress and choose techniques that allow to reveal the main indicators of psychological stress in isolation as well as combination of mathematical and statistical research criteria. The main findings of the study are the following. The author has revealed significant differences in the emotional state, self-perception of persons with different number of convictions held in a temporary detention center. The persons who first got into the temporary detention center are marked by "oppressed state of health", reduced "activity", mainly "negative mood", experience of helplessness and a high level of depression.
level of psychic tension, negative emotions, anxiety-depressive emotions, adaptive abilities, depression level, self-awareness, emotional state, prison isolation, deprivation, penitentiary stress
Developmental psychology
Serafimovich, I.V. (2017). The Role of Metacognition Characteristics of Professional Non-Contextual Thinking of Teachers in their Social and Psychological Health Promotion. Psychologist, 4, 54–64.
The author examines the approach to forming non-contextual thinking (its metacognitive characteristics), making it possible to influence the change in the level of social and psychological health of teachers. The subject of this research is metacognition characteristics of non-contextual professional thinking. The target group consisted of school staff and pre-school institutions staff involved in the project promoting social and psychological health of teachers (Yaroslavl). Testing the course (aiming at formation of components of non-contextual thinking in the field of social-psychological health) lasted for five years and took place in more than 20 different educational institutions of Yaroslavl. More than 1,500 teachers took part in the training. Research involved two stages: first came empirical study of metacognition characteristics of non-contextual thinking and the study of the level of social-psychological health of teachers. Next, the formative pedagogical experiment was done. The results were processed (math-and-stats). The author concluded that, the self realization of non-contextual thinking is characterized by the commitment to social and psychological health promotion. The author also founded that the formative psychological and pedagogical experiment could actually influence the development of metacognitive components of non-contextual thinking (in particular, such components as active involvement, reformative position in the process of problem solving, and search for constructive solution).
problematic communicative situations, professional thinking, metacognition, forcasting, training, social and psychological health, non-contextual thinking, contextual thinking, professional development, socionomy type jobs
Psychopathology of the mundane
Dzhaneryan, S.T., Gvozdeva, D.I., Panina, E.A. (2017). Attitudes to Bribery Demonstrated by School and College Students. Psychologist, 4, 65–81.
The article presents the results of the research devoted to attitudes to bribery (or bribe) demonstrated by school and college students. One's attitude to bribery (bribe) is defined by the authors as a sustainable purpose-means psychological attitude of an individual who perceives a bribe as a means (or purpose) of achieving his or her needs and values. The authors offer their classification of attitudes to bribery depending on the definition of bribery: illegal activity, commercial deal, or unmoral behavior. The authors analyze contents of each attitude component of school and college students and offer such empiric criteria as the level of awareness, structuredness and maturity of one's attitude to bribery. The authors demonstrate that each attitude to bribery of college students is more structured and mature compared to school students. Taking into account the level of awareness and structurednes of established attitudes, the authors show their differentiation depending on their maturity in groups of school and college students. The research methods include survey (questionnaire offered by the authors), content analysis of answers to free-answer questions in the questionnaire, tests, and statistical data processing methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyse and define different attitudes to bribery demonstrated by school and college students and view the maturity of attitude to bribery demonstrated by school and college students based on the attitude concept offered by V. Myasischev. The authors also offer empirical criteria to analyze the maturity of one's attitude. The results of the research can be used in practical anticorruption prevention and moral education of pre-University students.
cognitive attitude component, conative attitude component, emotional-value attitude component, maturity of one's attitude, school students, college students, attitude components, attitudes, attitude to bribery, bribery